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     Idaho Statutes

Idaho Statutes are updated to the website July 1 following the legislative session.


33-1619.  virtual education programs. School districts may offer instruction via the internet in a distributed environment. For programs meeting such definition, the school district may count and report the average daily attendance of the program’s students in the manner prescribed in section 33-5207, Idaho Code. School districts may also offer instruction that is a blend of virtual and traditional instruction. For such blended programs, the school district may count and report the average daily attendance of the program’s students in the manner prescribed in section 33-5207, Idaho Code. Alternatively, the school district may count and report the average daily attendance of the blended program’s students in the same manner as provided for traditional programs of instruction, for the days or portions of days in which such students attend a physical public school. For the balance of days or portions of days, average daily attendance may be counted in the manner prescribed in section 33-5207, Idaho Code.

[33-1619, added 2009, ch. 340, sec. 2, p. 984; am. 2012, ch. 188, sec. 10, p. 508; am. 2013, ch. 342, sec. 4, p. 906; am. 2024, ch. 9, sec. 44, p. 88.]

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