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     Idaho Statutes

Idaho Statutes are updated to the website July 1 following the legislative session.


40-718.  GARVEE funds established — Capital project fund — Debt service fund. (1) There is established in the state treasury a fund known as the "GARVEE Capital Project Fund" which shall include:
(a)  Any draw by the board of proceeds from the transportation bonds or notes issued by the Idaho housing and finance association in accordance with chapter 62, title 67, Idaho Code.
(b)  Interest earned on the investment of idle moneys in the GARVEE capital project fund shall be paid to the GARVEE capital project fund.
Disbursements from this fund shall be made for projects in accordance with chapter 3, title 40, Idaho Code. All moneys in the fund are hereby continuously appropriated to the department.
(2)  There is established in the state treasury a fund known as the "GARVEE Debt Service Fund" for the purpose of paying the principal, interest and other amounts required for transportation bonds or notes of the Idaho housing and finance association in accordance with chapter 62, title 67, Idaho Code. The fund shall include:
(a)  Amounts transferred from the state highway account upon certification by the Idaho housing and finance association to the state controller, state treasurer and the board as necessary for payment of principal, interest and other amounts required for transportation bonds or notes.
(b)  Amounts distributed pursuant to section 63-2520(b)(4), Idaho Code. Provided that such moneys distributed to the GARVEE debt service fund pursuant to this paragraph shall be used in combination with the amounts provided for in paragraph (a) of this subsection and shall be used for payment of principal, interest and other amounts required for transportation bonds or notes.
(c)  Interest earned on the investment of idle moneys in the GARVEE debt service fund shall be paid to the GARVEE debt service fund.
From moneys within this fund, there are hereby continuously appropriated such amounts as, from time to time, shall be certified by the Idaho housing and finance association to the state controller, state treasurer and the board as necessary for payment of principal, interest and other amounts required for transportation bonds or notes of the Idaho housing and finance association in accordance with chapter 62, title 67, Idaho Code, which amounts shall be paid over as directed by the association.

[40-718, added 2005, ch. 378, sec. 6, p. 1221; am. 2014, ch. 115, sec. 1, p. 328; am. 2024, ch. 237, sec. 35, p. 847.]

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