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     Idaho Statutes

Idaho Statutes are updated to the website July 1 following the legislative session.


54-2112.  Expiration of license or certification — Notice — Renewal — Inactive status. (1) All licenses and certifications shall expire biennially on the birthday of the licensee unless renewed in a timely manner by submission of the renewal form prescribed by the board, by proof of completion of the appropriate hours of continuing education, by paying the renewal fee, and by meeting other requirements as defined in the rules of the board.
(2)  An expired license or certification may be reinstated by paying the established late fee and renewal fee and by fulfilling the other requirements of this section.
(3)  An expired license or certification not reinstated prior to thirty (30) days after it has expired will lapse. Individuals whose licenses or certifications have lapsed must submit an application to the board as if for a new license or certification.
(4)  Once a license or certification has expired or lapsed, the person or agency may not practice veterinary medicine or veterinary technology or function as a certified euthanasia technician or agency until the license or certification has been reinstated or until the person or agency has applied for and received a new license or certification.
(5)  Any veterinarian licensed in Idaho or veterinary technician certified in Idaho who advises the board, in writing, that the veterinarian or veterinary technician wishes to remain licensed or certified in this state but does not intend to actively practice veterinary medicine or veterinary technology in the state of Idaho and therefore does not intend to meet the licensing or certification requirements for an active license or certification shall be transferred from active to inactive status and shall be required to pay inactive status fees as prescribed in the rules of the board. Any person may transfer from inactive to active status by making written application for reinstatement to active status, providing adequate proof of continued competence if requested by the board, by paying all required fees, and by meeting other requirements for reinstatement as defined in the rules of the board.

[54-2112, added 1971, ch. 173, sec. 11, p. 812; am. 1974, ch. 13, sec. 154, p. 138; am. 1983, ch. 139, sec. 12, p. 343; 1990, am. and redesig. ch. 111, sec. 11, p. 231; am. 1993, ch. 72, sec. 6, p. 193; am. 1995, ch. 62, sec. 7, p. 153; am. 2000, ch. 122, sec. 7, p. 284; am. 2001, ch. 149, sec. 7, p. 540; am. 2007, ch. 54, sec. 3, p. 135; am. 2015, ch. 100, sec. 1, p. 241; am. 2021, ch. 40, sec. 11, p. 106; am. 2024, ch. 86, sec. 18, p. 403.]

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