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     Idaho Statutes

Idaho Statutes are updated to the website July 1 following the legislative session.


67-3502.  Format and preparation of annual budget requests. (1)  In the preparation of a state budget, the administrator of the division of financial management shall, not later than the fifteenth day of July, have available for all departments, offices and institutions of the state government forms necessary to prepare budget requests. Such forms, whether in electronic or written format, shall be developed by the administrator of the division and the legislative services office to provide the following information:
(a)  For the preceding fiscal year, each of the entities listed in this section shall report all moneys available to them regardless of source, including legislative appropriations, and their expenditures by fund and account category of all sums received from all sources, segregated as provided for on the forms;
(b)  For the current fiscal year, each of the entities listed in this section shall report their estimates of all moneys available to them regardless of source, including legislative appropriations, and their estimated expenditures by fund and account category of all sums received from all sources, segregated as provided for on the forms, including a statement of the purposes for which anticipated moneys are expected to be expended;
(c)  An estimate of appropriations needed for the succeeding fiscal year, showing each primary program or major objective as a separate item of the request and itemized by account category;
(d)  A report concerning the condition and management of programs, program performance, and progress toward accomplishing program objectives; and
(e)  A report that discloses any known future reductions or eliminations of federal moneys reported to the division of financial management under section 67-1910, Idaho Code, and the agency’s plan for operating if there is a reduction of ten percent (10%) or more in the federal moneys that the state agency receives.
(2)  The completed forms shall, not later than the first day of September, except with special permission and agreement of the administrator of the division of financial management and the director of the legislative services office, be filed in the office of the administrator of the division of financial management and the legislative services office. The department of administration’s division of public works shall, as early as practicable and in any event no later than the fifteenth day of November, prepare and file in the office of the governor and the legislative services office upon the forms described in this section a report of all of the information required in this section. The judicial department shall include in its filing the budget request of the judicial council as submitted by the judicial council.

[67-3502, added 1995, ch. 153, sec. 2, p. 621; am. 1999, ch. 37, sec. 2, p. 74; am. 2011, ch. 13, sec. 2, p. 41; am. 2015, ch. 307, sec. 3, p. 1210; am. 2020, ch. 61, sec. 1, p. 144; am. 2021, ch. 160, sec. 2, p. 443; am. 2024, ch. 132, sec. 1, p. 530.]

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