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     Idaho Statutes

Idaho Statutes are updated to the website July 1 following the legislative session.


67-5292.   PERIODIC REVIEW of administrative rules. (1) Each rule chapter that is in effect on July 1, 2026, shall be reviewed by the legislature on a staggered, periodic schedule between July 1, 2026, and June 30, 2034, and on a similar schedule each eight (8) years thereafter. The review schedule shall be established by the office of the administrative rules coordinator, and the schedule shall be posted on its website no later than January 1, 2026.
(2)  Prior to the review date for each rule chapter, as established in the review schedule pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, the promulgating agency shall prepare a report for the legislature that states whether the substantive content in the rule chapter is still necessary, and if it is determined to be necessary, the rationale for such determination. In addition, the agency shall report whether the necessary substantive content would be more appropriately integrated into Idaho Code as opposed to remaining as a separate administrative rule. In consideration of such report, the promulgating agency shall consider:
(a)  The benefit of having all related requirements in a single location in Idaho Code;
(b)  The frequency with which the substantive content of the administrative rule has been updated in the prior five (5) years and the anticipated frequency of updates in the near future; and
(c)  The cost of publishing and maintaining the administrative rule in the Idaho administrative code and bulletin.

[(67-5292) 67-5219, added 1990, ch. 22, sec. 2, p. 34; am. and redesig. 1992, ch. 263, sec. 54, p. 815; am. 1996, ch. 161, sec. 13, p. 539; am. 2014, ch. 191, sec. 4, p. 517; am. 2023, ch. 314, sec. 8, p. 963; am. 2024, ch. 220, sec. 3, p. 776.]

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