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View Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact STATE AFFAIRS SCHOOL DISTRICTS - BUILDING MAINTENANCE - Adds to existing law to require a school district deferred maintenance fund; to specify the purposes of the fund; to require deposit of moneys; to require reports; to provide a school building maintenance equalization allocation from state moneys; and to phase in the level of support. 03/25 Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing 03/26 Rpt prt - to Educ
|||| LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO |||| Fifty-seventh Legislature First Regular Session - 2003IN THE SENATE SENATE BILL NO. 1173 BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO SCHOOL BUILDING MAINTENANCE; AMENDING CHAPTER 10, TITLE 33, IDAHO 3 CODE, BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION 33-1018, IDAHO CODE, TO REQUIRE A 4 SCHOOL DISTRICT DEFERRED MAINTENANCE FUND, TO SPECIFY THE PURPOSES, TO 5 REQUIRE DEPOSIT OF MONEYS AND TO REQUIRE REPORTS; AMENDING CHAPTER 10, 6 TITLE 33, IDAHO CODE, BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION 33-1019, IDAHO 7 CODE, TO PROVIDE A SCHOOL BUILDING MAINTENANCE EQUALIZATION ALLOCATION 8 FROM STATE MONEYS AND TO PHASE IN THE LEVEL OF SUPPORT; AND PROVIDING AN 9 EFFECTIVE DATE. 10 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 11 SECTION 1. That Chapter 10, Title 33, Idaho Code, be, and the same is 12 hereby amended by the addition thereto of a NEW SECTION, to be known and des- 13 ignated as Section 33-1018, Idaho Code, and to read as follows: 14 33-1018. DISTRICT ALLOCATION FOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE REQUIRED. School 15 districts shall annually deposit funds from any source available to the dis- 16 trict equal to at least one and one-half percent (1.5%) of the replacement 17 value of district owned school buildings to the school district deferred main- 18 tenance fund, which fund is hereby created. The district allocation of one and 19 one-half percent (1.5%) shall be reduced by the amount of the state allocation 20 provided in section 33-1019, Idaho Code. For the purposes of this section, the 21 term "school buildings" does not include buildings used exclusively for admin- 22 istrative staff, shops, garages, stadiums or similar nonteaching functions. 23 Moneys in the school district's deferred maintenance fund shall be used for 24 the maintenance and repair of the district owned school buildings, the expen- 25 ditures of which are categorized as maintenance of buildings and equipment on 26 forms prescribed by the state department of education, or may be applied to 27 capital improvements. Moneys may also be applied by the school district to 28 debt service on outstanding debt when the balance in the building maintenance 29 fund is in excess of one and one-half percent (1.5%) of the replacement value 30 of district owned school buildings. 31 No deposits are required by the district beyond those necessary to bring 32 the balance in the deferred maintenance fund to an amount representing five 33 percent (5%) of the replacement value of all district owned school buildings. 34 Unexpended moneys in the school district's deferred maintenance fund shall be 35 carried over from year to year. The replacement value of all district owned 36 school buildings shall be determined by multiplying the number of square feet 37 of building floor space in all district owned buildings by seventy-four dol- 38 lars ($74.00). Annually, the state department of education shall review the 39 dollar value figure for replacement and the superintendent of public instruc- 40 tion shall report an updated figure to the joint finance-appropriations com- 41 mittee prior to the twentieth legislative day. 42 School districts shall annually submit the following to the state depart- 43 ment of education: 2 1 (1) An update of the number of square feet of building floor space in 2 district owned school buildings; 3 (2) A report showing the funds and fund sources deposited into the 4 district's deferred maintenance fund in each fiscal year, the fund balance 5 carried forward from the prior fiscal years, and the amount and categories of 6 expenditures from the fund. 7 SECTION 2. That Chapter 10, Title 33, Idaho Code, be, and the same is 8 hereby amended by the addition thereto of a NEW SECTION, to be known and des- 9 ignated as Section 33-1019, Idaho Code, and to read as follows: 10 33-1019. SCHOOL BUILDING MAINTENANCE EQUALIZATION SUPPORT. In furtherance 11 of the duty of the state to support the schools of the state of Idaho, the 12 legislature hereby establishes the school building maintenance equalization 13 support program. The annual appropriation shall be determined by multiplying 14 the total number of square feet of building floor space in district owned 15 school buildings times the replacement value as established in section 16 33-1018, Idaho Code, and subsequently revised by the joint finance- 17 appropriations committee. The result shall be multiplied by one-half of one 18 percent (.50%) to determine the equalization support target amount to be fully 19 funded in the tenth program year. In the first year, ten percent (10%) of the 20 target amount shall be funded and each year thereafter, an additional ten per- 21 cent (10%) of the target shall be funded to reach one hundred percent (100%) 22 in the tenth year. The allocation shall then be made on an equalized basis, 23 using the equalized value determined by the department of education. The 24 moneys from the school building maintenance equalization support appropriation 25 shall be deposited by the district in the district's school building deferred 26 maintenance fund and used exclusively by the district for the purposes of the 27 fund. 28 SECTION 3. This act shall be in full force and effect on and after July 29 1, 2004.
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE RS 13223 This legislation requires that each school district shall have a maintenance fund each year that is equal to the number of square feet of buildings used for teaching multiplied by "$74" by 1 1/2%. This legislation also requires that the state will participate in this fund by contributing 1/3 of the cost, which will be phased in over 10 years. FISCAL IMPACT None in FY04, in FY05 $1,000,000, in FY06 $2,000,000, and increasing $1,000,000 each year to the 10th year when the fiscal impact will be approximately $10,000,000. Contact Name: Darrel Deide Phone: 334-2100 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE Bill No. S 1173 REVISED REVISED REVISED REVISED REVISE