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2003 Legislation

Mini-Data Current Status

House Bills

Senate Bills

( ) indicates previous days action
(+) indicates ADOPTED or LAW



H0001 Idaho Millennium Fund, distribution ......................... LAW+ H0002 Approp, energy issues study ............................ H Approp H0003a Violent sexual predatr/info publish ......................... LAW+ H0004 Fish/hunt license revoked, vendors .......................... LAW+ H0005 F&G license/lifetime/transfer/when .................... S Res/Env H0006 Fish, live, transportation permits .......................... LAW+ H0007 Athlete agents, licensure ........................... S Com/HuRes H0008 Landscape architects, license reqmt ....................... H Bus H0009a Funeral director/mortician, license ......................... LAW+ H0010 Counselor/therapist, license, exmpt ................ H Health/Wel H0011 Crematoriums, law repealed .................................. LAW+ H0012 Medicine Bd, license, criminal hist ......................... LAW+ H0013a Surplus personal property, disposal ......................... LAW+ H0014 Acupuncture, license/certificate ................... H Health/Wel H0015 Residentl care fclty admin, license ......................... LAW+ H0016 Counselr/therapist, continuing educ ................ H Health Wel H0017a Chiropractor license, renewal fees .......................... LAW+ H0018 Optometry, license fees ............................ H Health/Wel H0019 Psychologists, licensure/fees ............................... LAW+ H0020 Barber/hairdresser establishmt/H&W .......................... LAW+ H0021 Podiatry license, exam fee .................................. LAW+ H0022 Barbers, schools, bond ...................................... LAW+ H0023 Cosmeticians, exemptions .................................... LAW+ H0024 Counselor/therapist bd, discipline .......................... LAW+ H0025 Nursing Home Admin/license endorsmt ......................... LAW+ H0026 Blind, definitions .......................................... LAW+ H0027 Unpaid wages, claims, no retaliatn .................. H Com/HuRes H0028 Resident Mortgage Practices/license ......................... LAW+ H0029 Federal Consumer Credit Protectn ............................ LAW+ H0030 Insurnce Dept/examinr/nonclassified ......................... LAW+ H0031 Accountant, license, qualifications ......................... LAW+ H0032 Archtecture examiners, license/educ ......................... LAW+ H0033 Licenses, professional, renewal ............................. LAW+ H0034 Shorthand reporters, renewal fees ......................... H Jud H0035 Forest Products Comm, assessments ........................... LAW+ H0036 Outfitters/guides, license/fees ............................. LAW+ H0037 Outfitters/Guides Bd, subpoenas ....................... H Res/Con H0038 Outfitters/guides, licenses, time ........................... LAW+ H0039 Outfitter/Guide Bd, civil enforcmnt ................... H Res/Con H0040 Outfitter/guide, application, reply ......................... LAW+ H0041 Bingo supplies, confiscation ........................... H St Aff H0042 Bingo acct, funds withdrawal ........................... H St Aff H0043 Forest land owner/certain/assessmt .......................... LAW+ H0044 State lands, commercial leases .............................. LAW+ H0045 Land, Cascade Reservoir area, lease .................... H St Aff H0046 Forest land owner/certain/assessmnt ......................... LAW+ H0047 Video voyeurism, unlawful ................................. H Jud H0048 Burglary conviction, DNA/thumbprint ....................... H Jud H0049 Restaurant redefined, alcohol cntrl .................... H St Aff H0050 Probation/parole, transfer fee .............................. LAW+ H0051 Juvenile, committed, term/condition ....................... H Jud H0052 Adult, vulnerable, abused, reports ........................ S Jud H0053 Engineer/land surveyor, exam reqmnt ......................... LAW+ H0054 Codifier corrections ........................................ LAW+ H0055 State Controller, duties .................................... LAW+ H0056 Water Resource Bd, loan repymt, use ......................... LAW+ H0057 Water Resources Dept, hearings ........................ H Res/Con H0058 Government agencies/info sharing ............................ LAW+ H0059a Insurers, investments ....................................... LAW+ H0060 Insurer, new, investigation ................................. LAW+ H0061a Insurance code/rule, violatn, pnlty ....................... H Bus H0062a Bail agents, licensure ...................................... LAW+ H0063 All-terrain vehicle, redefined ......................... H Transp H0064a Snowmobile, identification number ........................... LAW+ H0065a State parks/trails,list updated ............................. LAW+ H0066a Park/Rec Dept, enforcemnt authority ......................... LAW+ H0067 Plant management, F&G Dept .................................. LAW+ H0068 College savings prog, family member ......................... LAW+ H0069 College savings prog, withdrawals ........................... LAW+ H0070 Unemployment insurnc tax/calculatn .......................... LAW+ H0071a Probation/parole, supervision, fees ......................... LAW+ H0072 Small Lawsuit Resolution, misc amen ......................... LAW+ H0073 Cigarette/tobacco tax, increase/use ................... H Rev/Tax H0074 Sales tax, liability ........................................ LAW+ H0075 Property tax, new construction roll ......................... LAW+ H0076 Tax, unpaid/writ of possession .............................. LAW+ H0077 Sales tax, seller's permit .................................. LAW+ H0078 Fireworks, sale prohibit, under 16 ..................... H FAILED H0079 Income tax, misc. amens ..................................... LAW+ H0080 Unclaimed property, claim extension ......................... LAW+ H0081 Income tax credit/certain/transfer .................... H Rev/Tax H0082 Income tax credits, land management ................... H Rev/Tax H0083 Endowmnt land/certn/long-term lease ......................... LAW+ H0084 Military veterans, discharge papers ......................... LAW+ H0085 Forest, protection cost, prosecutn .......................... LAW+ H0086 Rules, temporary, Legislative Serv .......................... LAW+ H0087 Arts Comm, Governor's Office ................................ LAW+ H0088 Sales tax, credits/refunds, claims .................... S Loc Gov H0089a State Controller's Office duties ............................ LAW+ H0090 Approp, Lands Dept, add'l ................................... LAW+ H0091 Approp, vocational rehab, add'l ............................. LAW+ H0092 Torts, certain, several liability ........................... LAW+ H0093 Legislative/county office, vacancy ..................... H St Aff H0094 School dist elections, dates ........................... H St Aff H0095 School dist elections, trustee zone .................... H St Aff H0096 Sales tax distribtn/revenue sharing ................... H Rev/Tax H0097 MV, original odometer, kilometers ...................... H Transp H0098 Highway comm, election, subdistrict .................... H Transp H0099 School support, timber lands .......................... H Rev/Tax H0100 Bldg/gov't/windows replcd/bldg code ....................... H Bus H0101 Property tax relief, claimant ......................... H Rev/Tax H0102 Commodity Indemnity Fund, pymt/time ......................... LAW+ H0103 Driving after dark, under 16, when .......................... LAW+ H0104 Multistate Hwy Tranportatn agreemnt .................... S Transp H0105 State Seed Advisory Bd, members ............................. LAW+ H0106 Exotic animals/deleterious/possess .......................... LAW+ H0107 Livestock/diversion prohibited/when .................... H Ag Aff H0108 Animals, brucellosis, payments .............................. LAW+ H0109 Soil Conservation Comm, misc amens .......................... LAW+ H0110a Pend Oreille/Priest Lakes, Comm ............................. LAW+ H0111a Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement ......................... LAW+ H0112 Mosquito abatement district ............................ H St Aff H0113a Search/rescue operation, sheriff ............................ LAW+ H0114 Hwy, speed limits, local authority ..................... H Transp H0115 Sexual contact w/prisoner, definitn ......................... LAW+ H0116 Search/rescue costs, liability .............................. LAW+ H0117 Public mtg law, 4-H clubs included ..................... H St Aff H0118 State purchase, recycled motor oil ..................... H FAILED H0119 F&G, youth licenses, deleted .............................. H W/M H0120 Cities/counties, travel pay/allownc ................... H Loc Gov H0121 Public School/Highr Educ/facilities ................... H Rev/Tax H0122 Death penalty commission .................................. H Jud H0123 Incest, maximum prison term ................................. LAW+ H0124 Irrigation dist funds, investment ........................... LAW+ H0125a Ditches/canals, recreational use ....................... S FAILED H0126 Schools, support, sales tax moneys .................... H Rev/Tax H0127 Big game animals, private feeding ........................... LAW+ H0128 Fur-bearing animals, farming .............................. H W/M H0129 Potatoes, plant health certificate .......................... LAW+ H0130 Income tax/electronic filing/credit ......................... LAW+ H0131 Counties, recording fees, increased ................... H Rev/Tax H0132 Petroleum clean wtr trust fnd, mngr ......................... LAW+ H0133 Residentl constructn/defect/actions ......................... LAW+ H0134 Payment card transactn/receipt/info ......................... LAW+ H0135 Cigarette sales, tax, when collectd .................... H FAILED H0136a Property tax, rural home site dvlp ................... S 14th Ord H0137 MV, terminal rental adjustmt clause .................... H Transp H0138 Farm vehicle, size/speed limits ............................. LAW+ H0139 Library dist, consolidated, reqmts .................... H Rev/Tax H0140 Library dist, consolidate, budget ........................... LAW+ H0141 Library dist, territory annxd, city ................... H Rev/Tax H0142 Property appraisal/tax purpose/time ......................... LAW+ H0143 Electrical apprntce, training cont .......................... LAW+ H0144a Custodianship, minors under 25 ......................... S FAILED H0145 Sheriff's fees, setting, procedure .......................... LAW+ H0146 Sheriff revolving expense fund, use ......................... LAW+ H0147 Utility co, intervenor costs, when .......................... LAW+ H0148 Property tax assessments, appeals ..................... H Rev/Tax H0149 Basin Environmental Improvemnt Proj ......................... LAW+ H0150a DEQ, rules, supporting studies .............................. LAW+ H0151 Planning/zoning comm, terms ................................. LAW+ H0152 Rights-of-way, federally granted ....................... H Transp H0153 Students, military deployment .......................... H Transp H0154 Commodity dealer, bond requirements ................. H Agric Aff H0155 Seed buyers, bond requirements ...................... H Agric Aff H0156 Bonded warehouse, bonds, requiremnt ................. H Agric Aff H0157 Agricultural labor act, repealed ............................ LAW+ H0158 Domestic cervidae, raisng, criteria ................. H Agric Aff H0159 Idaho Agricultural products, mktg ................... H Agric Aff H0160a Parental rights, terminated, when ........................... LAW+ H0161 Medicine Bd, vacancy, nominations .................. H Health/Wel H0162 Help America Vote Act, implementatn ......................... LAW+ H0163 Central comm mtg/politicl prty rule .................... H St Aff H0164 Magistrate/retentn electn/file/time ......................... LAW+ H0165 Code comm, compensation, not salary ......................... LAW+ H0166 Districts, recall elections/petitns ......................... LAW+ H0167a Child protectn, parents w/disbilty .......................... LAW+ H0168 Professional employer/benefit plans ....................... H Bus H0169a Rape, definition ............................................ LAW+ H0170 Forfeitures, proceeds, use ................................ H Jud H0171 Death pnlty/mentally retrded person ......................... LAW+ H0172 Property tax/homeownr exmptn/adjust ................... H Rev/Tax H0173 Outfitters/guides, former licensee .................... H Res/Con H0174a Vessels, operation .......................................... LAW+ H0175 Life insurance benef/pymt/interest .......................... LAW+ H0176 Life ins annuities/nonforfeitr/int .......................... LAW+ H0177a Mobile/manuf home parks, subdivisn ..................... S FAILED H0178 Wine dist relatnshp canceled/reqmts ....................... H Bus H0179 Collection agency, license, exmptn .......................... LAW+ H0180 Uninsured motorist claims, atty fee ................. S Com/HuRes H0181 Veterans cemetary, interment, fees .......................... LAW+ H0182 Veterans remains, disposition ............................... LAW+ H0183 Telephonic Reading Act ................................. H St Aff H0184 School transp serv, contracts .......................... H FAILED H0185 School dist employee, evaluations ........................ S Educ H0186 Public school stabilization fund ......................... S Educ H0187 School, early retirement incentives .................... H FAILED H0188 Bond levy/equalizatn levy, particip .................... H FAILED H0189 School dist, value index calculatn ....................... H Educ H0190 Teachers, student loan repymt, when ...................... H Educ H0191 Sales tax exmptn, Indian reservatns ................... H Rev/Tax H0192 Sales tax, resort county .............................. H Rev/Tax H0193 Ambulance dist/budget incease/when .................... H Rev/Tax H0194a Internal Revenue Code, ref updated .................... H Rev/Tax H0195a Fire Protection Dist, compensation .......................... LAW+ H0196 Public money, support candidate ........................... H W/M H0197 Beverage Container Act ................................ H Env Aff H0198a Waste tire disposal ......................................... LAW+ H0199a Athletic trainers, licensure ................................ LAW+ H0200 Infant death, unexplained, autopsy ................. H Health/Wel H0201 Child hlth ins prog, pregnant women ................ H Health/Wel H0202a Medicaid coverage, preborn children .................... H FAILED H0203 Nurses, license req'd, clarificatn .......................... LAW+ H0204 All-terrain vehicle/motorbike/defnd ......................... LAW+ H0205 Wreckers/tow trucks, list, ISP ......................... H Transp H0206a Payday loan service, licensure .............................. LAW+ H0207 Property tax, homeowner exmptn/addl ................... H Rev/Tax H0208a Ground water dist bd, powers/duties ......................... LAW+ H0209a Big game depredation funds, claims .................... S Res/Env H0210 Waterways Improvement Fund, use ....................... H Res/Con H0211a Water Resources Dept, hearings .............................. LAW+ H0212 Idaho Invasive Species Act ............................ H Res/Con H0213 Sterilizatn, legal procdrs/consent .......................... LAW+ H0214 Property, separate/community ................................ LAW+ H0215 Nurse, substance abuse disclosure ......................... H Jud H0216 Certified shorthand rptr, fees .............................. LAW+ H0217 Nuisance, not public/private, when ........................ H Jud H0218a Death sentence/warrant, visitation .......................... LAW+ H0219 Juvenile probation serv, criteria ........................... LAW+ H0220 Indictment set aside, when .................................. LAW+ H0221 Internet, child enticement, penalty ....................... H Jud H0222 Mosquito abatement dist, elections .................... S Loc Gov H0223 Mineral right/severed from property ......................... LAW+ H0224 Pari-mutuel wagers/advance deposit ..................... H St Aff H0225 Income tax credit/certain/transfer .......................... LAW+ H0226 Smoke, field burning, not trespass .................. H Agric Aff H0227 Field burning, not cause of action .................. H Agric Aff H0228 Crop residue burning, DEQ rules ............................. LAW+ H0229 Public school/permit application ............................ LAW+ H0230 MV, gravel or rock load, covered ....................... H FAILED H0231 MV, studded tires, dates/requiremnt ......................... LAW+ H0232a Business improvement dist, assessmt ......................... LAW+ H0233 Fire protection dist, election .............................. LAW+ H0234 City/county elections, poll watcher .................... H St Aff H0235 Right to breastfeed ................................ H Health/Wel H0236 Nurses, foreign educated, licensure ................ H Health/Wel H0237 Controlled substances, GHB .................................. LAW+ H0238a Dentistry, unlawful practice ................................ LAW+ H0239 Natural Health Care Act ............................ H Health/Wel H0240 Child protection, parental rights .................. H Health/Wel H0241 Medicaid patients, drug coverage ................... H Health/Wel H0242 Nonprofit corp, impose fines/penlty ....................... H Bus H0243 Teachers, retiremnt benefts/reports ....................... H Bus H0244 National Guard, job protection ......................... H St Aff H0245 Campaign finance rpt/person defined .................... H St Aff H0246 Wine, table/dessert, licenses ............................... LAW+ H0247 Amber Alert participatn, immunity ........................... LAW+ H0248 Resident mortgage/real estate agent ......................... LAW+ H0249 Proprty tax/homeownr exmptn/residnt ................... H Rev/Tax H0250 Estate/transfer tax repealed .......................... H Rev/Tax H0251 Judicial Independence Act ................................. H Jud H0252a F&G Comm, land acquisition ............................. H FAILED H0253 Parks&Rec, laws/rules, violation ............................ LAW+ H0254 Central comm mtg/politicl prty rule .................... H St Aff H0255a Property, charter school, tax exmpt ......................... LAW+ H0256a Regulatory takings .......................................... LAW+ H0257 Regulatory taking analysis, when ............................ LAW+ H0258 Emergency communication fee/use ........................ H St Aff H0259 Childrens Day, April 30 ..................................... LAW+ H0260 Theater/alcohol/under 21 may attend ......................... LAW+ H0261 Teacher certificate, fee revised ............................ LAW+ H0262 Teachers, attend teacher assn mtg ........................ S Educ H0263 Professionl standard comm/school bd ......................... LAW+ H0264a Tax, cigarette, increased ................................... LAW+ H0265 Heat produce matter/sales tax exmpt ................... H Rev/Tax H0266 Internet, child enticement, penalty ......................... LAW+ H0267 Bond bank authority/notes/municip ........................... LAW+ H0268 Political party conventn, held/when ......................... LAW+ H0269a School violence threats, reports ............................ LAW+ H0270 School bd, bids required, when .............................. LAW+ H0271 Charter schools, law clarified ........................... S Educ H0272 Student directory info/release/when .................... H FAILED H0273 Recreational trespass, liability ............................ LAW+ H0274 Cities, annexation procedures ......................... H Loc Gov H0275 Rights-of-way, federally granted ....................... H Transp H0276 Urban renewal, area of operation ............................ LAW+ H0277 F&G laws, state police enforce ........................ H Res/Con H0278 Moose, taking of, penalty ............................. H Res/Con H0279 Income tax withholding/employr/amt .......................... LAW+ H0280 Tax/expenditure limitation ............................ H Rev/Tax H0281 Primary & preventive care grant prg ....................... S Fin H0282 Trucks/permit in lieu of registratn .................... S Transp H0283a CAFO siting, county comm .................................... LAW+ H0284 Water rights, applications .................................. LAW+ H0285 School dists, county superintendent ...................... H Educ H0286 School dist, consolidated, when .......................... H Educ H0287a School dist admin staff allowance ........................ S Educ H0288 Schools, certain materials excluded ...................... H Educ H0289 Pharmaceutical marketer, disclosure ....................... H Bus H0290 Rules, pending, effective, when ........................... H Jud H0291 Initiative measure/review procedure ......................... LAW+ H0292 Public place/bldg, no smoking .......................... H St Aff H0293 Approp, various agencies, reduced ...................... S FAILED H0294 Wolves, state management .................................... LAW+ H0295 Outfitters/Guides, injunctve relief ......................... LAW+ H0296 State Lottery/comply purchasing law .................... H St Aff H0297 Cigarette sales, age verification ...................... H St Aff H0298 Agricultural products, promotion ............................ LAW+ H0299 Emergency communication fee/use ........................ H St Aff H0300 School/teacher hired/other district ...................... H Educ H0301a Rural physician incentive program ........................... LAW+ H0302 Property tax appeal/burden of proof ......................... LAW+ H0303 MV, safety restraints req'd ................................. LAW+ H0304 School support prog, divisors ............................ H Educ H0305 Land sale/land bank fund/5 years ............................ LAW+ H0306 Health insurance provider/reporting ......................... LAW+ H0307 Commodity dealer, bond requirements ......................... LAW+ H0308 Bonded warehouse, bonds, requiremnt ......................... LAW+ H0309 Seed buyers, bond requirements .............................. LAW+ H0310 School buses, purchase ................................... H Educ H0311 School dist, value index calculatn ....................... H Educ H0312 Financing statements, filing ................................ LAW+ H0313 Assumed business names, filing .............................. LAW+ H0314 Corporate annual rpt/electrnc filng ......................... LAW+ H0315 Public funds, expended, campaign ....................... H St Aff H0316 Voluntary Contributions Act ......................... H Com/HuRes H0317a Income tax credit, capital investmt ......... Filed w/Chief Clerk H0318 Teachers/early retirement phase-out .................... H FAILED H0319 School bond levy equaliztn/payments ......................... LAW+ H0320a Teacher, early retiremnt, exlusions ...................... S Educ H0321 Development rights, transferrable ........................... LAW+ H0322 Public school perm endowmnt fund ............................ LAW+ H0323 Campaign contributn/employer info ...................... H FAILED H0324 Franchise agreements, right to sue ........................ H Bus H0325 School board trustees, negotiation ....................... H Educ H0326 Schools, unsafe, expenditure ................................ LAW+ H0327 Mutual insurance holding companies .......................... LAW+ H0328 Approp, Public Employee Retirement .......................... LAW+ H0329 Voluntary Contributions Act ................................. LAW+ H0330 Approp, Human Resouces Division ............................. LAW+ H0331 Landscape architects, license reqmt ......................... LAW+ H0332 Approp, Blind/Visual Impaired Comm ....................... VETOED H0333 Liquor/beer, serve, city set hours .......................... LAW+ H0334 Insurer, government-owned .............................. H FAILED H0335a Substance abuse evaluation waived ........................... LAW+ H0336a DUI/alcohol abuse evaluatn/waived ........................... LAW+ H0337 Court debt, credit card/debit card .......................... LAW+ H0338 Courts, debts owed, tax refund used ......................... LAW+ H0339 Water/sewer dist, snow removal .............................. LAW+ H0340 Approp, Liquor Dispensary ................................... LAW+ H0341 Approp, Women's Comm ........................................ LAW+ H0342 Approp, Idaho State Lottery ................................. LAW+ H0343 Approp, Species Conservation Office ......................... LAW+ H0344 Approp, Vocational Rehabilitation ........................ VETOED H0345 Approp, Public Utilities Comm ............................... LAW+ H0346 Charter school/chartering authority ...................... S Educ H0347 Approp, Human Rights Comm ................................... LAW+ H0348 Approp, Industrial Comm ..................................... LAW+ H0349 Approp, Labor Dept .......................................... LAW+ H0350 Approp, Athletic Comm, add'l ................................ LAW+ H0351 Approp, State Treasurer ..................................... LAW+ H0352 Approp, State Controller .................................... LAW+ H0353 Approp, Education Bd ........................................ LAW+ H0354 Approp, Lands Dept .......................................... LAW+ H0355 Approp, Public Health Dist .................................. LAW+ H0356 Bldgs, publicly-owned, no smoking ...................... H St Aff H0357 Cigarettes, delivery sales, rqmnts .......................... LAW+ H0358 Master Settlemnt Agreement, escrow .......................... LAW+ H0359 Teachers, compensation, calculation ...................... H Educ H0360 Approp, Governor's Office ................................... LAW+ H0361 Approp, Department of Commerce .............................. LAW+ H0362 Cigarette tax/used suicide preventn ................... H Rev/Tax H0363 Emergency communication fee/use ............................. LAW+ H0364 Smoke mngmt/crop residue disposal ................... H Agric Aff H0365 Insurance/previous coverage statemt ......................... LAW+ H0366 Public school transp support ............................. S Educ H0367 Student informatn management system ......................... LAW+ H0368 Immunizatn/vaccine recipient/notice ................ H Health/Wel H0369 Liquor dispensary, surcharge, use ........................... LAW+ H0370 Approp, Education Dept ...................................... LAW+ H0371 Approp, Tax Appeals Bd ...................................... LAW+ H0372 Approp, Tax Commission ................................. S FAILED H0373 Naturopathic physicians, licensure ................. H Health/Wel H0374a Horse racing/advance depst wagerng .......................... LAW+ H0375 Federally-granted rights-of-way ........................ H Transp H0376 Health insurance access card ................................ LAW+ H0377 Approp, Idaho State Police .................................. LAW+ H0378 Cigarette tax, increased .............................. H Rev/Tax H0379 Sales tax, increase ................................... H Rev/Tax H0380 Property insurance, rates ................................. H Bus H0381a Wildlife depredation control .......................... S Res/Env H0382 Candidate, independent, declaration ......................... LAW+ H0383a Franchise agreement, lawsuits ............................... LAW+ H0384 Approp, Juvenile Corrections, add'l ......................... LAW+ H0385 Sterilizatn/judicial proceeding/rpt ......................... LAW+ H0386a Bingo/raffles, license req'd ................................ LAW+ H0387 Bingo acct, fund withdrawal ................................. LAW+ H0388 State lottery/procurement contracts .................... S St Aff H0389 Safe school facility levy ............................. H Rev/Tax H0390 Internal Revenue Code, ref updated .......................... LAW+ H0391 Smoke management/crop residue burn .......................... LAW+ H0392 Bingo games, paper requirements ............................. LAW+ H0393 Schools, instructional hours ............................. H Educ H0394 Environmnt compliance agreement ............................. LAW+ H0395 Vehicle, up to 129,000 lbs, permits ......................... LAW+ H0396 Community college dist/bldg project ......................... LAW+ H0397 Bonded indebtedness, state, limit ........................ VETOED H0398 Highway dist, authority ................................ H Transp H0399 Income tax, quarterly payments ......................... H FAILED H0400a Tax, sales, increased ....................................... LAW+ H0401 Port dist, land-based ................................. H Rev/Tax H0402 Beer/wine, tax increase ............................... H Rev/Tax H0403a Schools, educational necessity levy ......................... LAW+ H0404 Cigarette tax increase/use ............................ H Gen Ord H0405 Tax, soft drinks ...................................... H Rev/Tax H0406a Sales tax, county local option ........................ H Rev/Tax H0407 Hospital dist, dissolution ............................ H Rev/Tax H0408 Income tax credit, no field burning ................... H Rev/Tax H0409 Approp, Self-Governing Agencies ........................ S FAILED H0410 Approp, Vocational Rehabilitation ........................... LAW+ H0411 Approp, Blind/Visual Impaired Comm .......................... LAW+ H0412 Approp, Juvenile Corrections Dept ........................... LAW+ H0413 Approp, Supreme Court ....................................... LAW+ H0414 Approp, add'l, Idaho State Police ........................... LAW+ H0415a Idaho silver medallion ..................................... LAW+ H0416 Medicine Bd, legal assistance ............................. H W/M H0417 Paternity, disestablishment ............................... H W/M H0418 Approp, Educ Bd, Hlth Ed Prog ............................... LAW+ H0419 Approp, Educ Bd, Special Prog ............................... LAW+ H0420 Approp, Agriculture Dept ............................... H Approp H0421 Cigarette use tax, no stamp affixed ................... H Gen Ord H0422 Approp, Public Broadcasting ................................. LAW+ H0423 Liquor, sales tax, general acct ....................... H Rev/Tax H0424 General Fund, transfers to, FY 2003 .................... H Approp H0425 Approp, various agencies, reduced ...................... H Approp H0426 Approp, employee benefits .............................. H Approp H0427 Approp, Treasurer, silver medallion .................... H Approp H0428 Sales tax, county local option .............................. LAW+ H0429 Approp, add'l, various agencies ........................ H Approp H0430 Approp, Agricultural Research .......................... H Approp H0431 Approp, Community Colleges ............................. H Approp H0432 Approp, Colleges/Universities .......................... H Approp H0433 General Fund, transfers to, FY2004 ..................... H Approp H0434 Approp, Public School/Administratrs .................... H Approp H0435 Approp, Public Schools/Teacher Div ..................... H Approp H0436 Approp, Public Schools/Operations ...................... H Approp H0437 Approp/Public School/Childrens Prog .................... H Approp H0438 Approp, public schools, facilities ..................... H Approp H0439 Approp, bldg safety, add'l ............................. H Approp H0440 Approp, Agriculture Dept ............................... H Approp H0441 Approp, Professionl-Technicl School .................... H Approp H0442 Approp, Appellate Public Defender ...................... H Approp H0443 Approp, Correction Dept ................................ H Approp H0444 Approp, Deaf & Blind School ............................ H Approp H0445 Approp, H&W, Family/Community Serv ..................... H Approp H0446 Approp, H&W Dept, Indirect Support ..................... H Approp H0447 Approp, H&W, Medical Assistance ........................ H Approp H0448 Approp, H&W, Public Health Services .................... H Approp H0449 Approp, H&W, Welfare Division .......................... H Approp H0450 Approp, Tax Commission ................................. H Approp H0451 Effective date, legislative acts ............................ LAW+ H0452 Contract/certn/no add'l sales tax ........................... LAW+ H0453 Income tax credit, capital investmt ......................... LAW+ H0454 Occupancy tax, "occupied" defined .......................... LAW+ H0455 Tax, cigarette, Indian reservations .................... H FAILED H0456 Approp, Public Schools/Teacher Div ......................... LAW+ H0457 Approp, Deaf & Blind School ................................. LAW+ H0458 DEQ, total maximum daily loads .............................. LAW+ H0459 Approp, Self-Governing Agencies ............................. LAW+ H0460 Approp, add'l, various agencies ............................. LAW+ H0461 Approp, Treasurer, silver medallion ......................... LAW+ H0462 Approp, employee benefits ................................... LAW+ H0463 Approp, Public Schools/Operations ........................... LAW+ H0464 Approp, Correction Dept ..................................... LAW+ H0465 General Fund, transfers to, FY2004 ..................... H Approp H0466 Approp/Public School/Childrens Prog .................... H Approp H0467 Approp, public schls/operatns/amens ........................ LAW+ H0468 General Fund, transfers to .................................. LAW+ H0469 Approp, Agricultural Research ............................... LAW+ H0470 Approp, Community Colleges .................................. LAW+ H0471 Approp, Colleges/Universities ............................... LAW+ H0472 Approp, Professionl-Technicl School ......................... LAW+ HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS HCR001 Energy issues, study .................................. H Res/Con HCR002 Governor, State of State Address ........................ ADOPTED+ HCR003 Governor, Budget Address ................................ ADOPTED+ HCR004 Print contract, legislative bills ....................... ADOPTED+ HCR005 Print contract, daily journals .......................... ADOPTED+ HCR006 Print contract, permanent journals ...................... ADOPTED+ HCR007 Print contract, Session Laws ............................ ADOPTED+ HCR008 Obesity Awareness Months ................................ ADOPTED+ HCR009 Energy issues, study .................................... ADOPTED+ HCR010 Iraq, weapons inspections, support ........................ H W/M HCR011 Tax matters, study .................................... H Rev/Tax HCR012 Outfitters/Guides rules, rejected ....................... ADOPTED+ HCR013a Disabled/service delivry/task force ................ S Health/Wel HCR014 "Buy Idaho" program, support ........................ H Com/HuRes HCR015 DEQ, air pollution rules, rejected .................... H Env Aff HCR016 DEQ, sewage disposal rules rejected ..................... ADOPTED+ HCR017 Drugs, unopened/unused, return .......................... ADOPTED+ HCR018 Parks/Recreatn Dept, rule rejected ...................... ADOPTED+ HCR019 Parks & Rec Dept rules/fees/approve ..................... ADOPTED+ HCR020 Judicial selection methods, study ......................... H Jud HCR021a Developmental disability, Medicaid ................. S Health/Wel HCR022 DEQ rules, undergrnd storage tanks ...................... ADOPTED+ HCR023 Christmas tree, U.S. Capitol ............................ ADOPTED+ HCR024a Truck routes, N. Idaho study ........................... S St Aff HCR025 Environmental Quality Dept, rules ....................... ADOPTED+ HCR026 Recycled oil, state agency use .......................... ADOPTED+ HCR027 Judicial elections, study .............................. S St Aff HCR028 Aging comm, rule rejected .......................... H Health/Wel HCR029 Disabled, service delivery system ....................... ADOPTED+ HCR030 Community college/univ, projects ........................ ADOPTED+ HCR031 Higher education study, supported ........................ S Educ HCR032 Budget Stabilizatn Fnd, no transfer .................... H Approp HCR033 Budget shortfall/FY2004/adjustments .................... S FAILED HOUSE JOINT MEMORIALS HJM001 Medicare, geographic disparity .......................... ADOPTED+ HJM002 Northwest Power Act, amen requested ..................... ADOPTED+ HJM003 Vancouver 2010 Olympic Bid, support ..................... ADOPTED+ HJM004 U.S. Court of Appeals, new circuit ...................... ADOPTED+ HJM005 Truck weights, Idaho hwys, control ..................... S Transp HJM006 United Nations, U.S. membership ........................ H Transp HJM007 State redistricting, by county ......................... H St Aff HJM008 Saddam Hussein, removal supported ....................... ADOPTED+ HJM009 U.N., U.S. dissolve membership ......................... H Transp HJM010 Backcountry airstrips/preserve .......................... ADOPTED+ HJM011 Veterans, health care ................................... ADOPTED+ HJM012 Healthy forest initiative supported ..................... ADOPTED+ HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTIONS HJR001 Treasurer, Bd of Land Comm ............................. H St Aff HJR002 Taxpayer's bill of rights ............................. H Rev/Tax HJR003 Judges/justices, selection ................................ H Jud HOUSE PROCLAMATIONS HOUSE RESOLUTIONS HR001 House attaches, compensation ............................ ADOPTED+ HR002 House rules, prefiled bills deleted ..................... ADOPTED+ HR003 Read across Idaho Day ................................... ADOPTED+ HR004 Operation Enduring Support .............................. ADOPTED+ REMEMBER: COMPLETE, UPDATED INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET * * * * * START SENATE * * * * * ( ) indicates previous days action (+) indicates ADOPTED or LAW


S1001 Death penalty, sentencing procedure ......................... LAW+ S1002a Sexual offender registratn/evaluatr ......................... LAW+ S1003 Juveniles, support, enforcement ........................... S Jud S1004 Felon, civil rights, code reference ......................... LAW+ S1005 Supreme Court reports, copies ............................... LAW+ S1006 Magistrat fees, certain deleted ............................. LAW+ S1007 Jurors, prospective, code reference ......................... LAW+ S1008 Bail, obsolete reference deleted ............................ LAW+ S1009 Candidate/measure, indepndnt expend ......................... LAW+ S1010a MV, financial responsibility ................................ LAW+ S1011 Motorcycle safety license plate ............................. LAW+ S1012 MV/safety restraint not used/pnlty ..................... S Transp S1013 Disabled veterans, no parks/rec fee ................... S Res/Env S1014 Approp, Veterans Serv, spend auth ........................... LAW+ S1015 Interstate Family Support Act/amens ....................... S Jud S1016 Child witness testimony ..................................... LAW+ S1017 MV, not insured, penalty .................................. S Jud S1018 MV, not insured, penalty .................................. S Jud S1019 Idaho state bar members, assessment ......................... LAW+ S1020 Alcoholic beverage control fnd/uses .................... S St Aff S1021 Property appraisal/tax purpose/time ................... S Loc Gov S1022 Approp, Lands Dept, add'l ................................... LAW+ S1023 East ID Techn College/name changed ....................... S Educ S1024 Approp, Agriculture Dept, add'l ........................... S Fin S1025 Approp, Agriculture Dept, add'l ............................. LAW+ S1026 Garnishment, legal notice form .............................. LAW+ S1027 Real estate brokers, duties/liablty ................. S Com/HuRes S1028 Court fees, General Fund/POST Fund .......................... LAW+ S1029 Volunteer liability, nonprofit orgs ......................... LAW+ S1030 Estates, spouse sole beneficiary ............................ LAW+ S1031 Nonprobate transfer/creditor claims ......................... LAW+ S1032 Nonprofit, sharehlder death ................................. LAW+ S1033 Estate, exempt property ..................................... LAW+ S1034 Minor/ward, temporary care .................................. LAW+ S1035 Water/Sewer dist comm, compensatn ........................... LAW+ S1036 Snowmobile registration, exclusions .................... S Transp S1037 Hwy Dist, dissolution .................................. S Transp S1038 Child under 6/car safety seat req'd .................... H Transp S1039 MV, windows unobstructed ............................... H Transp S1040 MV, license plate, white water ......................... S Transp S1041 MV dealer, licensure, exam .................................. LAW+ S1042 MV, dealer license plates, number ........................... LAW+ S1043 MV, release of liability .................................... LAW+ S1044 Driver licns/ID card, tax ID number .................... S Transp S1045 Parking spaces, disabled persons ....................... S Transp S1046 Beer/wine, sale, 18 or older, when ..................... S St Aff S1047 Real estate licensee, insurance/fee ......................... LAW+ S1048 Real estate/license/individual prim ......................... LAW+ S1049 Alcohol/drug-free workplace ......................... S Com/HuRes S1050 Death benefit/public safety officer ......................... LAW+ S1051a Insurance benefit/recreatn activity ......................... LAW+ S1052 MV license plate, Boy Scouts ................................ LAW+ S1053a Vehicles, combos, maximum length ............................ LAW+ S1054 Hwy dist, expenditures ...................................... LAW+ S1055 Hwy dist comm, powers/duties ................................ LAW+ S1056 Scaling Practices Bd, meetings .............................. LAW+ S1057 Geological survey advisory bd/membr ................... S Res/Env S1058 Water Resources, protest filed, fee ................... S Res/Env S1059 F&G Comm/Indian tribes, licenses ............................ LAW+ S1060a Notices/recrds, electronic transmsn ......................... LAW+ S1061 Electronic signature/filing, repeal ......................... LAW+ S1062a Prekindergarten, minimum age ............................. H Educ S1063 Schools, staff allowance, calcultn ....................... S Educ S1064 Driver licns, suspnd/revoke, notice ......................... LAW+ S1065 Heating/air conditng syst installer ................. S Com/HuRes S1066 Garnishments, service ....................................... LAW+ S1067 Tobacco permittees, inspect, minors ......................... LAW+ S1068 Dentistry Bd, exams ......................................... LAW+ S1069 Beer/wine, delivery, 18 or older ....................... H St Aff S1070 Public debts, collection agencies ..................... S Loc Gov S1071 Cities, internal accounting control ......................... LAW+ S1072 Child hlth insurance prog, outreach ................... S Finance S1073a Children, health insurance coverage ......................... LAW+ S1074 Health/safety, H&W Dept, enforce ............................ LAW+ S1075 Public health, isolation/quarantine ......................... LAW+ S1076 Child, mental health serv, examiner ................ S Health/Wel S1077 Polysomnography practice/registratn ................ S Health/Wel S1078 Parking spaces, disabled persons ............................ LAW+ S1079 Local Hwy Asst members, compensatn .......................... LAW+ S1080 "Killed in action" license plate ....................... S Transp S1081 Hwy district, dissolution .............................. H Transp S1082 License plate, white water rafting .......................... LAW+ S1083 PERSI/extraordinary gains/firefghtr ................. S Com/HuRes S1084a Education Bd, deferred compensation ......................... LAW+ S1085 Insurance company, investments .............................. LAW+ S1086 Prevailing wages/day's work ......................... S Com/HuRes S1087 Workers comp, disability, benefits .................. S Com/HuRes S1088 CAFOs, reports/animal counts ........................ S Agric Aff S1089 Cruelty to animals, penalty ............................ S FAILED S1090a Port dist, land-based ................................. H Rev/Tax S1091 Schools, instructional time .............................. S Educ S1092 Proprietary school, definition ........................... S Educ S1093 Domestic violnce/protectn/intrstate ......................... LAW+ S1094 Juveniles, custody, support ............................... H Jud S1095 Juveniles, status offenders ............................... H Jud S1096 Juveniles/custody review bd records ......................... LAW+ S1097 Real estate broker/property inspect ......................... LAW+ S1098 F&G license, SSN not displayed ........................ S Res/Env S1099 Water, illegal diversion .................................... LAW+ S1100 Water right/conservatn/not forfeit .......................... LAW+ S1101 Water right, digital boundary desc .......................... LAW+ S1102a Hospitals, records .......................................... LAW+ S1103 General fund surplus, transfers ........................... S Fin S1104 Public school, support unit, approp ...................... S Educ S1105 DEQ, rules, pollutant trading reqmt ................... S Res/Env S1106 Geological survey advisory bd/membr ......................... LAW+ S1107 Fire protectin dist, powers/duties .................... S Loc Gov S1108a Public debts, collection agencies ........................... LAW+ S1109 Land/private/recreation use/charge ........................ S Jud S1110 Political Cyberfraud Abatement Act ..................... H St Aff S1111 Modular bldg plant, supervisor ...................... S Com/HuRes S1112 Nationl Guard/state active duty/pay ......................... LAW+ S1113 Phone solicitation, no contact list .................... S St Aff S1114 Marriage, substitutes not recognzd ..................... S St Aff S1115a Child support arrearage/credit/when ......................... LAW+ S1116 Public utilities rate incr/hearings .................... S St Aff S1117 State employees, bonuses ............................... S St Aff S1118 Scholarships, success, created ......................... S St Aff S1119 Alcohol/drug-free workplace ................................. LAW+ S1120 Sanitary supervision, barber shops .......................... LAW+ S1121 Telecommunications line, destroy ............................ LAW+ S1122a Crime, accessory, defined ................................... LAW+ S1123 Regional public transportation auth ......................... LAW+ S1124 Crop residue burnng/Rathdrm Prairie ................. S Agric Aff S1125 Health care task force, annual rpts ....................... H W/M S1126 Certified shorthand rpt/othr states ....................... S Jud S1127 Insurance proceeds, exemptions .............................. LAW+ S1128 Child, mental health serv, examiner ......................... LAW+ S1129 School transp support program ............................ S Educ S1130a State employ bonus/cost-saving idea ......................... LAW+ S1131 Insurance, self-funded, no regstrtn ................. S Com/HuRes S1132 Hwy distribution acct, allocation ...................... S Transp S1133a Heating/air conditioning, installrs ......................... LAW+ S1134 Robert R. Lee Promise Scholarship ........................... LAW+ S1135 State bldgs, conform Bldg Code Act ..................... S St Aff S1136a Domestic relations, militia ................................. LAW+ S1137 Militia, civil relief act ................................... LAW+ S1138 Toughman fight match, prohibited .......................... S Jud S1139 JFAC, senator vacancy, appointment .......................... LAW+ S1140 Approp, Insurance Dept ...................................... LAW+ S1141 Approp, Lieutenant Governor ................................. LAW+ S1142 Approp, Finance Dept ........................................ LAW+ S1143 Approp, various agencies, reduced ........................ VETOED S1144 Approp, Comm on Aging .................................... VETOED S1145 Approp, Legislative Council ................................. LAW+ S1146 Approp, Endowment Fund Bd ................................... LAW+ S1147 Approp, Parks & Recreation Dept ............................. LAW+ S1148a Govt-owned insurers/control defined ......................... LAW+ S1149 Approp, Corrections Dept, reduced ........................... LAW+ S1150 Approp, Attorney General .................................... LAW+ S1151 Approp, Water Resources .................................. VETOED S1152 Approp, Soil Conservation Comm .............................. LAW+ S1153 Approp, Arts Comm ........................................... LAW+ S1154 Approp, Agriculture Dept ................................. VETOED S1155 Approp, Environmental Quality Dept .......................... LAW+ S1156 Approp, Secretary of State .................................. LAW+ S1157 Approp, Catastrophic Health Care ............................ LAW+ S1158 Approp, Financial Mngmt Division ............................ LAW+ S1159 Approp, Transportation Dept .............................. VETOED S1160 Murder/manslaughter, firearm rights ......................... LAW+ S1161 Approp, Building Safety Div ................................. LAW+ S1162 Budget limit, mosquito/pest control ................... S Loc Gov S1163 Employer of sex offender, liability ....................... S Jud S1164 Rules, agency, extended ..................................... LAW+ S1165 Polysomnography, license/permit ............................. LAW+ S1166 Approp, Education Dept, add'l ............................... LAW+ S1167 State bldgs, comply bldg codes .............................. LAW+ S1168 Approp, Veterans Services Div .......................... H Approp S1169 Charter school bd, membership ............................ H Educ S1170 Digital learning academy, fees .............................. LAW+ S1171 Port dist, disincorporation ................................. LAW+ S1172 Political contributns/session ........................ S 14th Ord S1173 School dist, bldg maintenance ............................ S Educ S1174 School dist, value index calculatn ....................... H Educ S1175 Student info, military recruiters ........................... LAW+ S1176 Voluntary Contribution Act/definitn ......................... LAW+ S1177 Public servants, gifts ................................. S St Aff S1178 Emergncy communication/service area ......................... LAW+ S1179 Teachers, political activities ......................... S St Aff S1180 Approp, Capitol Comm ........................................ LAW+ S1181 Approp, Veterans Services Div ............................... LAW+ S1182 Approp, Comm on Aging ....................................... LAW+ S1183 Approp, Fish & Game Dept .................................... LAW+ S1184 Approp, Military Division ................................... LAW+ S1185 Approp, Water Resources ..................................... LAW+ S1186 Approp, Transportation Dept ................................. LAW+ S1187 Approp, Administration Dept ................................. LAW+ S1188 Approp, Millennium Fund, use ................................ LAW+ S1189 Approp, Public Works Projects ............................... LAW+ S1190 Approp, Historical Society .................................. LAW+ S1191 Approp, State Library Bd .................................... LAW+ S1192 Approp, Appellate Public Defender ........................... LAW+ S1193 Simplified sales/use tax admin ........................ S Loc Gov S1194 Approp, various agencies, reduced ........................... LAW+ S1195 General Fund, transfers to, FY 2003 ......................... LAW+ S1196 Approp, public schools, facilities .......................... LAW+ S1197 Approp, Public School/Administratrs ......................... LAW+ S1198 Approp/Public School/Childrens Prog ......................... LAW+ S1199 Approp, bldg safety, add'l .................................. LAW+ S1200 Approp, Agriculture Dept .................................... LAW+ S1201 Approp, Tax Commission ...................................... LAW+ S1202 Approp, H&W, Medical Assistance ............................. LAW+ S1203 Approp, H&W, Welfare Division ............................... LAW+ S1204 Approp, H&W, Public Health Services ......................... LAW+ S1205 Approp, H&W Dept, Indirect Support .......................... LAW+ S1206 Approp, H&W, Family/Community Serv .......................... LAW+ SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS SCR101 Adelia Garro Simplot, honored ........................... ADOPTED+ SCR102 Sales tax & exemptions, study .......................... S St Aff SCR103 Natural resource issues, study .......................... ADOPTED+ SCR104 Local planning act, study ................................. H W/M SCR105 Public Transportation System, study ....................... H W/M SCR106 Education Bd, rules rejected ............................ ADOPTED+ SCR107 Aging comm rules, rejected ......................... H Health/Wel SCR108 H&W Dept, rules rejected ........................... H Health/Wel SCR109 Administrative rules, fees, apprvd ...................... ADOPTED+ SCR110 Administrative rules, temp, apprvd ...................... ADOPTED+ SCR111 Insurnce co, discriminatry treatmnt ................. S Com/HuRes SCR112 Children, unschooled, study comm ......................... S Educ SCR113 Day care, near state offices, study ................. S Com/HuRes SCR114 Economic developmnt incentive/study ....................... H W/M SCR115 Charter schools, study ................................... S Educ SCR116 Judicial elections, study ............................... ADOPTED+ SCR117 Budget Stabilizatn Fnd, no transfer ..................... ADOPTED+ SENATE JOINT MEMORIALS SJM101 Action for public land&educ/support ..................... ADOPTED+ SJM102 Death tax, repeal requested ............................. ADOPTED+ SJM103 Alternative minimum tax/repeal .......................... ADOPTED+ SJM104 Streamlined Sales/Use Tax Agreemnt ..................... H FAILED SENATE JOINT RESOLUTIONS SJR101 School dist, indebtedness, 60% vote .................... S FAILED SENATE PROCLAMATIONS SP101 L/Cpl Jacob Tucker, commended ......................... S ADOPTED+ SENATE RESOLUTIONS SR101 Senate, Pledge of Allegiance ............................ ADOPTED+ SR102 Senate attaches, compensation ........................... ADOPTED+ SR103 Read across Idaho Day ................................... ADOPTED+ SR104 Operation Enduring Support .............................. ADOPTED+ SR105 Albertson Foundation, appreciation ...................... ADOPTED+ SR106 Buddy Gil, owners/jockey, congrats ...................... ADOPTED+ REMEMBER: COMPLETE, UPDATED INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET

Legislative Topic Index

                          SUBJECT INDEX


  Approp = Appropriation            Assn = Association
  Bd = Board                        Com = Commission
  Comm = Committee                  Dept = Department
  DEQ = Department of Environmental Quality
  Dist = District                   F&G = Fish and Game
  H&W = Health and Welfare          PUC = Public Utilities Com
  PERSI = Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho
  UCC = Uniform Commercial Code

  Bingo funds, accounting requirements . . . . . . .H0387 - Ch.301
  City finances, internal accounting controls requiredS1071 - Ch.69
  Idaho Accountancy Act amended. . . . . . . . . . . .H0031 - Ch.14
  State controller, duties and definitions . . . . . . H0055 - Ch.4
  Bingo proceeds, records of withdrawals . . . . . . . . . . .H0042
  Legislative, approp, energy issues study comm. . . . . . . . H0002
  Liquor, distribution, police alcohol control fund. . . . .S1020
  Revenue sharing, continuous approp, amount . . . . . . . . .H0096
  School district building, certain sales tax proceeds . . . H0121
  2003 Economic Recovery and Stabilization, add. . .H0400 - Ch.318
  Administrative Procedure, amend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0290
  Agricultural Labor, repeal . . . . . . . . . . . .H0157 - Ch.109
  Child Protective, amend. . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0167 - Ch.279
  Constitutionally Based Educational Claims, amend .H0403 - Ch.339
  Domestic Violence Protection, foreign orders, amendS1093 - Ch.213
  Employer Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace, amend. . . . . .S1049
  Employer Alcohol/Drug-Free Workplace, amend. . . S1119 - Ch.233
  Health Insurance Access Card, add. . . . . . . . .H0376 - Ch.308
  Idaho Accountancy, amend . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0031 - Ch.14
  Idaho Beverage Container, add. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0197
  Idaho Electronic Signature & Filing, repeal. . . S1061 - Ch.156
  Idaho Judicial Independence, add . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0251
  Invasive Species, add. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0212
  Militia Civil Relief, add. . . . . . . . . . . . S1137 - Ch.251
  Natural Health Care, add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0239
  Naturopathic Physicians Licensing, add . . . . . . . . . . H0373
  Notice/Opportunity to Repair, add. . . . . . . . .H0133 - Ch.133
  Petroleum Clean Water Trust Fund, amend. . . . . . H0132 - Ch.96
  Political Cyberfraud Abatement, add. . . . . . . . . . . .S1110
  Public School/Higher Education Plant Facilities, add . . . H0121
  Real Estate Brokerage Representation, amend. . . . . . . .S1027
  Simplified Sales/Use Tax Administration, add . . . . . . .S1193
  Telephonic Reading, add. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0183
  Tobacco Master Settlement, Complementary, add. . . H0111 - Ch.33
  Uniform Athlete Agents, amend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0007
  Uniform Child Witness Testimony, add . . . . . . S1016 - Ch.152
  Uniform Gift to Minors, amend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0144
  Uniform Interstate Family Support, amend . . . . . . . . .S1015
  Voluntary Contributions, add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0316
  Voluntary Contributions, add . . . . . . . . . . . H0329 - Ch.97
  Voluntary Contributions, amend . . . . . . . . . S1176 - Ch.340
  Approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1187 - Ch.326
  Approp, Capitol Com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1180 - Ch.319
  Administrative rules, continue in force and effectS1164 - Ch.309
  Agency pending rules, effective dates. . . . . . . . . . . H0290
  Temporary rules, copy to Legislative Services DirectorH0086 - Ch.22
  Adult abuse, serious injury, notify law enforcement. . . . .H0052
  Approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1144 - (V)
  Approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1182 - Ch.321
  Rule re: program fees/client contributions rejected. . . SCR107
  Senior services program fees rule rejected . . . . . . . .HCR028
  4-H clubs, public agency, open meetings. . . . . . . . . . H0117
  Agricultural field burning, register, ten countiesH0391 - Ch.316
  Animal feeding operations, annual reports. . . . . . . . .S1088
  Animal Industries Div, disease control rules . . . H0127 - Ch.83
  Animal Industries, notice/approval, livestock diversion. . H0107
  Commodity dealer bonds, combined, amount, records. . . . . H0154
  Commodity dealer, bond alternative/amount, recordsH0307 - Ch.149
  Commodity indemnity fund, claim loss, deadline . .H0102 - Ch.131
  Confined animal operations siting, county regulationH0283 - Ch.297
  Crop burning violation, exclusive administrative remedy. . H0227
  Crop residue burning, DEQ opacity rules inapplicableH0228 - Ch.262
  Crop residue burning, restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . .S1124
  Deleterious exotic animals, regulation/prohibitionH0106 - Ch.105
  Dept, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0440
  Dept, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1154 - (V)
  Dept, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1200 - Ch.355
  Dept, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0420
  Dept, approp amended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1024
  Dept, approp, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1025 - Ch.17
  Dept, approp, Soil Conservation Com. . . . . . . S1152 - Ch.198
  Dept, civil penalties, cruelty to animals. . . . . . . . .S1089
  Dept, Idaho products, promotion and certification.H0298 - Ch.148
  Dept, licensing of fur farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0128
  Dept, marketing program, rule/fee authority. . . . . . . . H0159
  Dept, weighing/measuring license fees. . . . . . . . . . . H0440
  Domestic cervidae farms, permits, inspections, fees. . . . H0158
  Field burning violations, penalties, DEQ investigations. . H0364
  Field burning, annual reductions, tax credit . . . . . . . H0408
  Idaho Agricultural Labor Act repealed. . . . . . .H0157 - Ch.109
  Invasive Species Council, duties, plan . . . . . . . . . . H0212
  Inventory property, when taxable . . . . . . . . . . H0075 - Ch.8
  Land management practices, extend tax credit . . . . . . . .H0082
  Livestock slaughter, brucellosis, owner compensationH0108 - Ch.106
  Odors/smoke, trespass provisions inapplicable. . . . . . . H0226
  Potatoes for planting, seed lot certification. . .H0129 - Ch.108
  Research and Cooperative Extension, approp . . . .H0469 - Ch.365
  Research and Cooperative Extension, approp . . . . . . . . H0430
  Rural home site development, tax exemptions, conditions. . H0136
  Seed buyer bonds/substitutes, combined, amount . . . . . . H0155
  Seed buyer, bond alternatives, amount/records. . .H0309 - Ch.151
  State seed advisory bd, additional member. . . . .H0105 - Ch.121
  Warehouse, bond, alternatives, amount/records. . .H0308 - Ch.150
  Warehouseman bonds, amount, records confidentiality. . . . H0156
  Weighing/measuring license fees. . . . . . . . . S1200 - Ch.355
  Weighing/measuring license fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0420
  Aircraft, sales tax exemptions amended . . . . . . . H0077 - Ch.9
  Backcountry landing strips, support public access. .HJM010 - (A)
  Districts/services, budget increase, voter approval. . . . H0193
  Big game, private feeding, disease control rules . H0127 - Ch.83
  Brucellosis reactors, slaughter, owner compensationH0108 - Ch.106
  Cruelty to animals, Agriculture Dept civil penalties . . .S1089
  Deleterious exotic animals, regulation/prohibitionH0106 - Ch.105
  Domestic cervidae farms, permits, inspections, fees. . . . H0158
  Fur farming, Agriculture Dept licensing/regulation . . . . H0128
  Livestock diversion, prior notice, Animal Industries . . . H0107
  Racehorse Buddy Gil, congratulations/appreciation. .SR106 - (A)
  City annexation of adjacent territory, procedures. . . . . H0274
  Appellate Public Defender, approp. . . . . . . . S1192 - Ch.354
  Appellate Public Defender, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . H0442
  Property tax assessments, burden of proof. . . . .H0302 - Ch.266
  Punitive damages, bond/deposit waiver. . . . . . . H0092 - Ch.122
  Tax Appeals Bd, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0371 - Ch.275
  Administration Dept. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1187 - Ch.326
  Administration Dept, Idaho State Capitol Com . . S1180 - Ch.319
  Aging, Com on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1182 - Ch.321
  Aging, Com on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1144 - (V)
  Agriculture Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1200 - Ch.355
  Agriculture Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0440
  Agriculture Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1154 - (V)
  Agriculture Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0420
  Agriculture Dept, additional . . . . . . . . . . .S1025 - Ch.17
  Agriculture Dept, approp amended . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1024
  Agriculture Dept, Soil Conservation Com. . . . . S1152 - Ch.198
  Appellate Public Defender. . . . . . . . . . . . S1192 - Ch.354
  Appellate Public Defender. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0442
  Athletic Com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0350 - Ch.209
  Attorney General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1150 - Ch.191
  Attorney General, additional, Special Litigation Program . H0429
  Attorney General, Special Litigation Program . . .H0460 - Ch.348
  Blind and Visually Impaired, Com for . . . . . . .H0411 - Ch.332
  Blind and Visually Impaired, Com for . . . . . . . . H0332 - (V)
  Building Safety Div, HVAC Bd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0439
  Building Safety Division . . . . . . . . . . . . S1161 - Ch.212
  Catastrophic Health Care Cost Fund . . . . . . . S1157 - Ch.211
  Commerce Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0361 - Ch.229
  Controller, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0429
  Controller, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0460 - Ch.348
  Controller, State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0352 - Ch.194
  Correction Dept. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0464 - Ch.352
  Correction Dept, approp amended. . . . . . . . . S1149 - Ch.197
  Corrections Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0443
  Democracy Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0429
  Democracy Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0460 - Ch.348
  Education Bd, colleges and universities. . . . . .H0471 - Ch.367
  Education Bd, colleges and universities. . . . . . . . . . H0432
  Education Bd, community college support. . . . . .H0470 - Ch.366
  Education Bd, community college support. . . . . . . . . . H0431
  Education Bd, Historical Society . . . . . . . . S1190 - Ch.329
  Education Bd, Idaho School for Deaf and Blind. . . . . . . H0444
  Education Bd, Idaho School for Deaf and Blind. . .H0457 - Ch.346
  Education Bd, medical education programs . . . . .H0418 - Ch.336
  Education Bd, Office of. . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0353 - Ch.226
  Education Bd, Public Broadcasting System . . . . .H0422 - Ch.338
  Education Bd, special programs . . . . . . . . . .H0419 - Ch.337
  Education Bd, State Library Bd . . . . . . . . . S1191 - Ch.330
  Education Bd, Vocational Rehabilitation Div. . . .H0410 - Ch.331
  Education Bd, Vocational Rehabilitation Div, add'l .H0091 - Ch.24
  Education Bd, Vocational Rehabilitation Division . . H0344 - (V)
  Education Dept/Public Instruct. Superintndt., add'lS1166 - Ch.255
  Education Dept/Public Instruction Superintendent .H0370 - Ch.274
  Educational support program, support unit variability. . .S1104
  Endowment Fund Investment Bd . . . . . . . . . . .S1146 - Ch.173
  Environmental Quality Dept . . . . . . . . . . . S1155 - Ch.216
  Environmental Quality Dept, additions/reductions .H0460 - Ch.348
  Environmental Quality Dept, reductions/additions . . . . . H0429
  Finance Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1142 - Ch.171
  Financial Management Division. . . . . . . . . . S1158 - Ch.215
  Fish and Game Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1183 - Ch.322
  FY2003 appropriations reduced. . . . . . . . . . S1194 - Ch.361
  FY2003 appropriations reduced. . . . . . . . . . . .S1143 - (V)
  FY2003 appropriations reduced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0293
  FY2003 appropriations reduced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0425
  FY2004 appropriations, additional, employee benefits . . . H0426
  FY2004 appropriations, additional, employee benefitsH0462 - Ch.380
  FY2004 budget shortfall, agency reductions . . . . . . . .HCR033
  General Fund, approp from various funds. . . . . . . . . . H0465
  General Fund, approp from various funds. . . . . S1195 - Ch.341
  General Fund, approp from various funds. . . . . .H0468 - Ch.379
  General Fund, transfers from other funds . . . . . . . . . H0424
  General Fund, transfers from various funds . . . . . . . . H0433
  Governor, Office of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0360 - Ch.195
  Governor, Office of, Aging Com . . . . . . . . . . .S1144 - (V)
  Governor, Office of, Aging Com . . . . . . . . . S1182 - Ch.321
  Governor, Office of, Blind/Visually Impaired Com .H0411 - Ch.332
  Governor, Office of, Blind/Visually Impaired Com . . H0332 - (V)
  Governor, Office of, Com on the Arts . . . . . . S1153 - Ch.199
  Governor, Office of, Financial Management DivisionS1158 - Ch.215
  Governor, Office of, Human Resources Division. . .H0330 - Ch.175
  Governor, Office of, Human Rights Com. . . . . . .H0347 - Ch.208
  Governor, Office of, Idaho Women's Com . . . . . .H0341 - Ch.177
  Governor, Office of, Military Division . . . . . S1184 - Ch.323
  Governor, Office of, PERSI . . . . . . . . . . . .H0328 - Ch.174
  Governor, Office of, Species Conservation. . . . .H0343 - Ch.179
  Governor, Office of, State Liquor Dispensary . . .H0340 - Ch.176
  Guardian Ad Litem Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0413 - Ch.334
  H&W Dept, Family/Community Services. . . . . . . S1206 - Ch.360
  H&W Dept, Family/Community Services. . . . . . . . . . . . H0445
  H&W Dept, Indirect Support/Independent Com . . . S1205 - Ch.359
  H&W Dept, Indirect Support/Independent Councils. . . . . . H0446
  H&W Dept, Medical Assistance Services. . . . . . S1202 - Ch.356
  H&W Dept, Medical Assistance Services. . . . . . . . . . . H0447
  H&W Dept, Public Health Services . . . . . . . . S1204 - Ch.358
  H&W Dept, Public Health Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0448
  H&W Dept, Welfare Division . . . . . . . . . . . S1203 - Ch.357
  H&W Dept, Welfare Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0449
  Idaho State Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0377 - Ch.292
  Idaho State Police, additional . . . . . . . . . .H0414 - Ch.335
  Industrial Com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0348 - Ch.186
  Insurance Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1140 - Ch.169
  Juvenile Corrections Dept. . . . . . . . . . . . .H0412 - Ch.333
  Juvenile Corrections Dept, approp amended. . . . .H0384 - Ch.294
  Labor Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0349 - Ch.187
  Land Commissioners, Endowment Fund Investment Bd .S1146 - Ch.173
  Lands Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0354 - Ch.227
  Lands Dept, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1022 - Ch.12
  Lands Dept, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0460 - Ch.348
  Lands Dept, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0090 - Ch.23
  Lands Dept, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0429
  Legislative Account, energy study comm . . . . . . . . . . . H0002
  Legislative Council. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1145 - Ch.172
  Lieutenant Governor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1141 - Ch.170
  Liquor Dispensary, State . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0340 - Ch.176
  Lottery, State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0342 - Ch.178
  New programs, state mandates, local government . . . . . . H0280
  Parks and Recreation Dept. . . . . . . . . . . . S1147 - Ch.180
  Parks and Recreation Dept, additional. . . . . . .H0460 - Ch.348
  Parks and Recreation, additions/reductions . . . . . . . . H0429
  PERSI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0328 - Ch.174
  Professional-Technical Education Bd. . . . . . . . . . . . H0441
  Professional-Technical Education Bd. . . . . . . .H0472 - Ch.368
  Public Education Stabilization Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . H0436
  Public Health Trust Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0355 - Ch.228
  Public school discretionary funding variability. . . . . . H0436
  Public schools, children's programs division . . . . . . . H0466
  Public schools, children's programs division . . S1198 - Ch.376
  Public schools, children's programs division . . . . . . . H0437
  Public schools, educational support, administratorsS1197 - Ch.375
  Public schools, educational support, administrators. . . . H0434
  Public schools, educational support, operations. . . . . . H0436
  Public schools, facilities division. . . . . . . S1196 - Ch.374
  Public schools, operations . . . . . . . . . . . .H0463 - Ch.372
  Public schools, operations div, HB463 trailer. . .H0467 - Ch.373
  Public schools/educational support/teachers. . . .H0456 - Ch.371
  Public schools/educational support/teachers. . . . . . . . H0435
  Public Utilities Com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0345 - Ch.184
  Public Works Div, from Permanent Building Fund . S1189 - Ch.328
  Revenue & Taxation Dept, State Tax Com . . . . . S1201 - Ch.343
  Revenue & Taxation, Tax Appeals Bd, additional . .H0460 - Ch.348
  Revenue and Taxation Dept, State Tax Com . . . . . . . . . H0372
  Revenue and Taxation Dept, State Tax Com . . . . . . . . . H0450
  Revenue and Taxation Dept, Tax Appeals Bd. . . . .H0371 - Ch.275
  Revenue and Taxation, Tax Appeals Bd, additional . . . . . H0429
  School bond levy equalization fund . . . . . . . . . . . . H0438
  Secretary of State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1156 - Ch.192
  Self-Governing Agencies Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0409
  Self-Governing Agencies, Athletic Com. . . . . . .H0350 - Ch.209
  Self-Governing Agencies, boards. . . . . . . . . .H0459 - Ch.347
  Self-Governing Agencies, Building Safety Div, add'lS1199 - Ch.342
  Self-Governing Agencies, State Lottery . . . . . .H0342 - Ch.178
  Self-Governing Agencies, Veteran Services Div, amendS1014 - Ch.3
  Self-Governing Agencies, Veterans Services Div . . . . . .S1168
  Self-Governing Agencies, Veterans Services Div . S1181 - Ch.320
  Soil Conservation Com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1152 - Ch.198
  State budget, limit appropriations increases . . . . . . . HJR002
  State Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0352 - Ch.194
  State Controller, additional . . . . . . . . . . .H0460 - Ch.348
  State Controller, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0429
  State Library, LiLI database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0436
  State Library, LiLI database . . . . . . . . . . .H0463 - Ch.372
  Supreme Court. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0413 - Ch.334
  Tax Com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0372
  Tax Com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0450
  Transportation Dept. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1159 - (V)
  Transportation Dept. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1186 - Ch.325
  Treasurer, additional, commemorative medallions. .H0461 - Ch.370
  Treasurer, from Millennium Income Fund . . . . . S1188 - Ch.327
  Treasurer, State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0351 - Ch.193
  Treasurer, State, additional, commemorative medallions . . H0427
  Univ. of Idaho, Agricultural Research/Extension. .H0469 - Ch.365
  Univ. of Idaho, Agricultural Research/Extension. . . . . . H0430
  Veterans Services Div, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1168
  Veterans Services Div, approp amended. . . . . . . S1014 - Ch.3
  Vocational Rehabilitation Division, additional . . .H0091 - Ch.24
  Water Resources Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1185 - Ch.324
  Water Resources Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1151 - (V)
  Women's Com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0341 - Ch.177
  Examiners Bd, continuing education requirement . . H0032 - Ch.100
  Professional licenses, renewal and reinstatement . .H0033 - Ch.21
  Com, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1153 - Ch.199
  Com, within Office of the Governor . . . . . . . . .H0087 - Ch.18
  Live theater performances, alcohol, licensing. . .H0260 - Ch.111
  Business improvement, exemption, disclosure. . . .H0232 - Ch.204
  Charter school property, tax exempt, determinationH0255 - Ch.222
  County, budget certification, when due . . . . . . . H0075 - Ch.8
  Forest land owner fire assessment increase . . . . .H0046 - Ch.79
  Forest practices, owner assessment increased . . . .H0043 - Ch.78
  Property appraisals, county valuation schedule . . H0142 - Ch.34
  Property roll, third Monday of June. . . . . . . . . . . . H0148
  Property tax assessments, burden of proof. . . . .H0302 - Ch.266
  Property tax exemptions, seniors/disabled/veterans . . . . H0207
  Property, county valuation, 5-year appraisal cycle . . . .S1021
  Residential exemptions, cost-of-living increases . . . . . H0172
  Rural home site development, tax exemptions, conditions. . H0136
  Athlete agents, licensing requirements . . . . . . . . . . . H0007
  Athletic Com, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0350 - Ch.209
  Athletic trainers, licensing, qualifications . . . . . . . H0199
  Toughman fighting competitions prohibited. . . . . . . . .S1138
  U.S. Olympics, 2010, support Vancouver bid . . . . . HJM003 - (A)
  Approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1150 - Ch.191
  Approp, additional, Special Litigation Program . . . . . . H0429
  Approp, Special Litigation Program . . . . . . . .H0460 - Ch.348
  Ballot title preparation, yes/no effect. . . . . .H0291 - Ch.147
  Gaming equipment, warrantless seizure/destruction. . . . . .H0041
  No telephone solicitation list, home businesses. . . . . .S1113
  Tobacco delivery sales, requirements, enforcement.H0357 - Ch.273
  Tobacco product manufacturer, settlement complianceH0111 - Ch.33
  Appellate Public Defender, approp. . . . . . . . S1192 - Ch.354
  Appellate Public Defender, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . H0442
  Fee award, car insurance arbitration/judgment. . . . . . . H0180
  Idaho State Bar fees, client fund fees . . . . . S1019 - Ch.118
  County, budget certification, when due . . . . . . . H0075 - Ch.8
  State Controller, audits, Legislative Services . . . . . . .H0089
  College savings program, definitions amended . . . . H0068 - Ch.5
  College savings withdrawal, compute taxable income . H0069 - Ch.6
  Barber shop, H&W Dept jurisdiction removed . . . . .H0020 - Ch.71
  License exemptions and fees amended. . . . . . . . .H0022 - Ch.54
  Licensed school, $20,000 bond. . . . . . . . . . . .H0022 - Ch.54
  Professional licenses, renewal and reinstatement . .H0033 - Ch.21
  See also LIQUOR
  Beverage containers, recycling, deposit, redemption. . . . H0197
  Soft drinks tax imposed, stamps, crowns. . . . . . . . . . H0405
  State lottery purchases, open bids, responsible supplier . H0388
  State purchasing laws, State Lottery compliance. . . . . . H0296
  Blind and Visually Impaired Com, approp. . . . . .H0411 - Ch.332
  Blind and Visually Impaired Com, approp. . . . . . . H0332 - (V)
  Com, "functionally blind" person, definition . . . H0026 - Ch.127
  H&W rule re: aid to aged/blind/disabled rejected . . . . SCR108
  Idaho School for Deaf and Blind, approp. . . . . . . . . . H0444
  Idaho School for Deaf and Blind, approp. . . . . .H0457 - Ch.346
  Telephonic reading service, fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0183
  Dentistry, licensing exams, standardized testing S1068 - Ch.160
  Fire protection bd, commissioner compensation. . .H0195 - Ch.196
  Fire protection commissioners, duties/powers/vacancies . .S1107
  General/medical/regulatory, approp . . . . . . . .H0459 - Ch.347
  Heating/Ventilation/Air Conditioning Bd created. S1133 - Ch.276
  Idaho Heating/Ventilation/AC Bd created. . . . . . . . . .S1065
  Medicine, filling vacancies, six nominations . . . . . . . H0161
  Natural Health Care Bd established . . . . . . . . . . . . H0239
  Outfitter/Guide, disciplinary authority/jurisdictionH0295 - Ch.205
  Petroleum Clean Water Trust Fund, trustees . . . . H0132 - Ch.96
  Respiratory Care, polysomnography technologist . . . . . .S1077
  Scaling practices, 2 meetings per year . . . . . .S1056 - Ch.95
  Smoke Management Advisory Bd repealed. . . . . . .H0391 - Ch.316
  State seed advisory, additional member . . . . . .H0105 - Ch.121
  Water/sewer district, member compensation increaseS1035 - Ch.36
  Occupancy tax, definition, personal property . . .H0454 - Ch.364
  Operation of vessels near skiers/docks . . . . . .H0174 - Ch.232
  Bonded indebtedness, Permanent Building Fund, limit. H0397 - (V)
  Commodity dealer bonds, combined, amount, records. . . . . H0154
  Commodity dealer, bond alternative/amount, recordsH0307 - Ch.149
  Idaho Bond Bank Authority, purchase of notes . . . H0267 - Ch.93
  Irrigation dist. investments, local improvement bondsH0124 - Ch.82
  Licensed barber school, $20,000 bond . . . . . . . .H0022 - Ch.54
  School district, alternative value index calculation . . . H0311
  School district, credit enhancement, funds increasedH0322 - Ch.269
  School levy equalization support, qualifying bondsH0319 - Ch.268
  School levy equalization, eligible districts, reports. . . H0188
  School support, alternative value index calculation. . . .S1174
  Seed buyer bonds/substitutes, combined, amount . . . . . . H0155
  Seed buyer, bond alternatives, amount/records. . .H0309 - Ch.151
  Warehouse, bond alternative, amount, records . . .H0308 - Ch.150
  Warehouseman bonds, amount, records confidentiality. . . . H0156
  Ambulance district, increase, voter approval . . . . . . . H0193
  Budget Stabilization Fund, no general fund deposits. . . .HCR032
  City finances, internal accounting controls requiredS1071 - Ch.69
  Educational support program, support unit variability. . .S1104
  FY2004 budget shortfall, agency reductions . . . . . . . .HCR033
  FY2004, no transfers to Budget Stabilization Fund. SCR117 - (A)
  General Fund excess, distribution of proceeds. . . . . . .S1103
  General Fund, approp from various funds. . . . . . . . . . H0465
  General Fund, approp from various funds. . . . . S1195 - Ch.341
  General Fund, approp from various funds. . . . . .H0468 - Ch.379
  Governor's Budget address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . HCR003 - (A)
  Library districts consolidation, budget calculationH0140 - Ch.203
  Pest control/mosquito abatement, public hearings . . . . .S1162
  Regional public transportation, notice, where. . S1123 - Ch.210
  Revenue shortfall, Economic Recovery Reserve Fund.H0264 - Ch.362
  School administrative staff allowance, calculation . . . . H0287
  School classified staff allowance, multiplier increased. .S1063
  School district indebtedness, 60% voter approval . . . . SJR101
  School funds deficiency, reduce school year. . . . . . . .S1091
  State budget, limit expenditures, tax increases. . . . . . HJR002
  State/local tax/expenditure limitations. . . . . . . . . . H0280
  Financing agreements, college facility construction.HCR030 - (A)
  Powers/duties re: community college districts. . .H0396 - Ch.349
  State facilities, building codes, permitting/inspection. .S1135
  Approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1161 - Ch.212
  Approp, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1199 - Ch.342
  Approp, HVAC Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0439
  Heating/Ventilation/AC Bd, competency certificates . . . .S1065
  Heating/Ventilation/AC Bd, competency certificatesS1133 - Ch.276
  State agency, building code conformance/inspectionS1167 - Ch.256
  State facilities, building codes, permitting/inspection. .S1135
  Modular, installation of plumbing/heat/electricity . . . .S1111
  School equalization support, deferred maintenance fund . .S1173
  School facility, necessity levy, effect on lawsuitsH0403 - Ch.339
  School facility, unsafe conditions, expenditure lawsH0326 - Ch.270
  State agency, code conformance, inspections. . . S1167 - Ch.256
  State, code exemption, windows during repairs. . . . . . . H0100
  Franchise agreement, choice of law, venue. . . . .H0383 - Ch.378
  Franchise agreement, void choice of law provision. . . . . H0324
  Improvemen dist., assessments, exemption, disclosureH0232 - Ch.204
  Small businesses, health insurance access program.H0376 - Ch.308
  Annual reports, electronic filing/distribution . .H0314 - Ch.207
  Assumed business names, duration, filing fees. . .H0313 - Ch.223
  Electing small business trust, tax rules/rates . . .H0079 - Ch.10
  Campaign contributions, over $200, reporting requirement . H0323
  Campaign finance, person includes governmental entities. . H0245
  Candidates, measures, prohibit public money expenditure. . H0196
  Declaration of candidacy, filing deadlines amended H0162 - Ch.48
  Independent candidates, candidacy filing period. .H0382 - Ch.293
  Independent expenditures, reporting requirements .S1009 - Ch.20
  Judicial campaign financing, legislative study comm. . . .HCR020
  Judicial candidates, alternative campaign financing. . . . H0251
  Lobbyist gifts, prohibit during legislative session. . . .S1172
  Magistrate judge, candidacy declaration deadline . H0164 - Ch.55
  Political websites, cybersquatting, deceitful practices. .S1110
  Death penalty prohibited, mentally retarded personH0171 - Ch.136
  Death penalty, special sentencing proceeding . . .S1001 - Ch.19
  Death row inmates, solitary confinement, visits. .H0218 - Ch.282
  Temporary suspension, Death Penalty Com created. . . . . . H0122
  Idaho State Capitol Com, approp. . . . . . . . . S1180 - Ch.319
  U.S., 2003 Christmas tree, community involvement . .HCR023 - (A)
  Crematorium laws, repeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0011 - Ch.218
  Veterans cemetery fund, commemorative medallions .H0415 - Ch.369
  Veterans Services Div, unclaimed remains, dispose. H0182 - Ch.53
  Veterans State Cemetery, interment fees. . . . . . H0181 - Ch.42
  Albertson Fndtn, education contributions, gratitude.SR105 - (A)
  Bingo funds, accounting requirements . . . . . . .H0387 - Ch.301
  Bingo games/raffles, when license required . . . .H0386 - Ch.313
  Bingo proceeds, records of withdrawals . . . . . . . . . . .H0042
  Bingo, reporting requirements, bingo paper trackingH0392 - Ch.314
  Boy scouts, special vehicle license plates . . . .S1052 - Ch.45
  Abuse, emergency removal, authorize medical treatment. . . H0240
  Amber alert, missing child, broadcaster immunity . H0247 - Ch.91
  Boy scouts, special vehicle license plates . . . .S1052 - Ch.45
  Car safety seat, children under 60 pounds. . . . . . . . .S1038
  Child support orders, credit against arrearages. S1115 - Ch.246
  Child witness testimony, alternative methods . . S1016 - Ch.152
  Children's Day, April 30, value children . . . . .H0259 - Ch.110
  Children's health insurance program, prenatal care . . . . H0201
  Children's health insurance, outreach, levels/limits . . .S1072
  Custody/visitation, effect of active military dutyS1136 - Ch.250
  Day care facilities, state employees, study committee. . SCR113
  Deceased, transfer of lifetime F&G licenses. . . . . . . . . H0005
  Disabled parents, role of equipment/services . . .H0167 - Ch.279
  Drivers under sixteen, accompanied after dark. . . H0103 - Ch.47
  Enticing children over Internet, penalties . . . . . . . . H0221
  Enticing children over Internet, penalties . . . .H0266 - Ch.145
  Estate homestead allowance, terms of will. . . . .S1033 - Ch.63
  Health insurance, access card program. . . . . . .H0376 - Ch.308
  Hunting licenses, youth small game/education, deleted. . . H0119
  Literacy, Read Across Idaho Day declared . . . . . . .HR003 - (A)
  Literacy, Read Across Idaho Day declared . . . . . .SR103 - (A)
  Medical support notice, order, enforcement . . . S1073 - Ch.304
  Mental health professionals, H&W examiners . . . S1128 - Ch.249
  Mother/infant, breastfeeding rights, any location. . . . . H0235
  Parental rights termination, prolonged inability .H0160 - Ch.260
  Parents' powers, delegation, expiration/revocationS1034 - Ch.64
  Paternity disestablishment proceeding, child support . . . H0417
  Prekindergarten, school age, 4 years . . . . . . . . . . .S1062
  Sudden infant deaths, autopsy, death certificate . . . . . H0200
  Support, interstate family support act amended . . . . . .S1015
  Unborn, health services, medical assistance payments . . . H0202
  Uniform Gift to Minors Act, applicable ages. . . . . . . . H0144
  Unschooled children, outreach, legislative study comm. . SCR112
  Annexation of adjacent territory, conditions, procedures . H0274
  City finances, internal accounting controls requiredS1071 - Ch.69
  Determination of hours of sale of liquor . . . . .H0333 - Ch.284
  Employees, travel allowance rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . H0120
  Idaho Bond Bank Authority, purchase of notes . . . H0267 - Ch.93
  Library districts consolidation, budget calculationH0140 - Ch.203
  Library districts, added territory, joining, contiguity. . H0141
  New programs, state mandates, costs. . . . . . . . . . . . H0280
  New/increased taxes, voter approval required . . . . . . . H0280
  Property development rights, contract terms, recordH0321 - Ch.224
  Public safety officer death benefits . . . . . . S1050 - Ch.238
  Regulatory taking analysis, owner rights, hearingsH0257 - Ch.142
  Search/rescue operations, command, jurisdiction. .H0113 - Ch.132
  Self-funded insurance plan, registration exemption . . . .S1131
  Smoking, public places defined, local restrictions . . . . H0356
  Speed limit alteration, Transportation Dept approval . . . H0114
  State agencies, building code conformance, noticeS1167 - Ch.256
  Urban Renewal operations, not unincorporated areasH0276 - Ch.146
  Voting process/handling, elections watchers/challengers. . H0234
  Waste tires, disposal, storage site permits. . . .H0198 - Ch.281
  Construction defect lawsuit, prelitigation notice.H0133 - Ch.133
  Punitive damages, appeal, bond/deposit waiver. . . H0092 - Ch.122
  Small lawsuit resolution act amended . . . . . . . .H0072 - Ch.29
  Tort recovery, maximum damages reduced . . . . . . H0092 - Ch.122
  Wage claim, employer retaliation, employee remedy. . . . . .H0027
  Lewd conduct convicts, no firearms rights. . . . S1004 - Ch.113
  Murder/manslaughter convicts, no firearms rights S1160 - Ch.253
  School employees, political activities, do's/don'ts. . . .S1179
  Building, exemption, windows during repairs. . . . . . . . H0100
  Building, state agencies, conformance, inspectionsS1167 - Ch.256
  Building, state facilities, permitting/inspections . . . .S1135
  Idaho, 2003 legislation, July 1st effective date .H0451 - Ch.344
  Idaho, code citation re: jurors corrected. . . . S1007 - Ch.116
  Idaho, Com member compensation, not PERSI salary . H0165 - Ch.56
  Idaho, correct citation re: corporate dissolution.S1032 - Ch.62
  Idaho, correct citation, nonprofit liability limitS1029 - Ch.59
  Idaho, probate/justices' courts, reference deletedS1008 - Ch.117
  4-H clubs, public agency, open meetings. . . . . . . . . . H0117
  Buildings/plant facilities, certain sales tax proceeds . . H0121
  College savings program, definitions amended . . . . H0068 - Ch.5
  College savings withdrawal, compute taxable income . H0069 - Ch.6
  Community college dist., Building Authority powersH0396 - Ch.349
  Community college support, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . H0431
  Deployed students, fee refunds, grades, transcripts. . . . H0153
  Eastern Idaho Technical College, rename. . . . . . . . . .S1023
  Education Bd, approp, colleges and universities. . . . . . H0432
  Education Bd, approp, colleges and universities. .H0471 - Ch.367
  Education Bd, approp, community college support. .H0470 - Ch.366
  Higher education system review, report findings. . . . . .HCR031
  Medical education programs, approp . . . . . . . .H0418 - Ch.336
  New facilities, Building Authority agreements. . . .HCR030 - (A)
  Promise Scholarship, rename for Robert R. Lee. . S1134 - Ch.214
  Proprietary school, exemption, religious organization. . .S1092
  Public School Holdback Protection Fund created . . . . . .S1103
  Student information disclosure, military recruitingS1175 - Ch.310
  Student loans, rural physician incentive fund. . .H0301 - Ch.283
  Students, effect of call to military service . . S1137 - Ch.251
  Success scholarship program, Idaho students. . . . . . . .S1118
  Univ. of Idaho, approp, Agricultural Research. . . . . . . H0430
  Univ. of Idaho, approp, Agricultural Research. . .H0469 - Ch.365
  Univ. of Idaho, approp, special programs . . . . .H0419 - Ch.337
  University of Idaho, geological survey, duties . . . . . .S1057
  Business improvement assessments, exempt/disclose.H0232 - Ch.204
  Dept, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0361 - Ch.229
  Idaho products, promotion and certification. . . .H0298 - Ch.148
  Land-based port districts authorized . . . . . . . . . . . H0401
  Land-based port districts authorized . . . . . . . . . . .S1090
  Port district disincorporation, procedure. . . . S1171 - Ch.353
  U.S. Olympics, 2010, support Vancouver bid . . . . . HJM003 - (A)
  White water rafting, special license plates. . . S1082 - Ch.242
  Credit/debit cards, payments to court. . . . . . .H0337 - Ch.287
  Federal consumer credit protection act, citation . .H0029 - Ch.74
  Financing statements, filing officer duties. . . .H0312 - Ch.206
  Idaho Bond Bank Authority, purchase of notes . . . H0267 - Ch.93
  Identity theft, payment card receipts. . . . . . .H0134 - Ch.134
  Payday loans, lender license, loan requirements. .H0206 - Ch.182
  Aging, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1144 - (V)
  Aging, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1182 - Ch.321
  Basin environmental improvement, member loyalties.H0149 - Ch.220
  Blind and Visually Impaired, approp. . . . . . . . . H0332 - (V)
  Blind and Visually Impaired, approp. . . . . . . .H0411 - Ch.332
  Blind, "functionally blind" person, definition . . H0026 - Ch.127
  Death Penalty Com created. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0122
  Human Rights, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0347 - Ch.208
  Idaho Code, member compensation, not PERSI salary. H0165 - Ch.56
  Idaho forest products, definitions, assessments. . H0035 - Ch.101
  Idaho State Capitol, approp. . . . . . . . . . . S1180 - Ch.319
  Idaho Women's, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0341 - Ch.177
  Industrial, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0348 - Ch.186
  Judicial Election Practices Com created. . . . . . . . . . H0251
  Pend Oreille/Priest Lake Com created . . . . . . .H0110 - Ch.231
  Professional standards, school boards assn nomineeH0263 - Ch.144
  Public Utilities Com, approp . . . . . . . . . . .H0345 - Ch.184
  Soil Conservation, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . S1152 - Ch.198
  Tax, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0450
  Tax, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0372
  Charter school laws, legislative study . . . . . . . . . SCR115
  Developmental disability, Medicaid waiver, task forceHCR029 - (A)
  Economic development incentives, legislative study . . . SCR114
  Energy related issues study comm, approp . . . . . . . . . . H0002
  Energy related issues, legislative study . . . . . . . . . HCR001
  Joint Finance-Appropriations Comm, filling vacancyS1139 - Ch.252
  Judicial campaign financing, legislative study . . . . . .HCR020
  Judicial elections, legislative study. . . . . . . SCR116 - (A)
  Judicial elections, legislative study. . . . . . . . . . .HCR027
  Local Planning Act modernization, legislative study. . . SCR104
  N. Idaho truck routes, legislative study . . . . . . . . .HCR024
  Natural water resources, issues, legislative study SCR103 - (A)
  Public transportation systems, legislative study . . . . SCR105
  Sales tax structure, legislative study . . . . . . . . . SCR102
  State employees, day care facilities study committee . . SCR113
  Tax structure, legislative study . . . . . . . . . . . . .HCR011
  Unschooled children, outreach, legislative study . . . . SCR112
  Waterways Improvement Advisory, award criteria . . . . . . H0210
  Commodity dealer bonds, combined, amount, records. . . . . H0154
  Commodity indemnity fund, claim loss, deadline . .H0102 - Ch.131
  Dealers, bond alternatives/amounts, records. . . .H0307 - Ch.149
  Seed buyer bond, alternatives, amount, records . .H0309 - Ch.151
  Warehouse bond, alternative, amount, records . . .H0308 - Ch.150
  Easements, limitation on landowner liability . . .H0273 - Ch.265
  Fish recovery programs, amend Northwest Power Act. . HJM002 - (A)
  Land management practices, extend tax credit . . . . . . . .H0082
  Natural water resource issues, legislative study commSCR103 - (A)
  Pend Oreille/Priest Lake Com created . . . . . . .H0110 - Ch.231
  Plant life species management, F&G Dept. . . . . . H0067 - Ch.129
  Recycled oil, encourage state agency use . . . . . .HCR026 - (A)
  Species Conservation Office, approp. . . . . . . .H0343 - Ch.179
  Water, no forfeiture of rights . . . . . . . . . S1100 - Ch.166
  Wolves, state conservation and management policy .H0294 - Ch.302
  Justices/judges, appointment to office . . . . . . . . . . HJR003
  Land Commissioners Bd, add State Treasurer . . . . . . . . HJR001
  School district indebtedness, 60% voter approval . . . . SJR101
  State budget, limit expenditures, tax increases. . . . . . HJR002
  College facilities, Building Authority agreements. .HCR030 - (A)
  Construction defect, requisite notice by homeownerH0133 - Ch.133
  Heating/ventilation/AC, competency certificates. S1133 - Ch.276
  Heating/Ventilation/AC, competency certificates. . . . . .S1065
  Modular buildings, plumbing/heat/electricity . . . . . . .S1111
  State facilities, building codes, permitting/inspection. .S1135
  Federal consumer credit protection act, citation . .H0029 - Ch.74
  Garnishment/execution notice form, correction. . .S1026 - Ch.44
  Identity theft, payment card receipts. . . . . . .H0134 - Ch.134
  No telephone solicitation list, home businesses. . . . . .S1113
  Payday loans, lender license, loan requirements. .H0206 - Ch.182
  Real estate brokerage, duties/liabilities amended. . . . .S1027
  Construction defect lawsuit, prelitigation notice.H0133 - Ch.133
  Heating/Ventilation/AC, competency certificates. . . . . .S1065
  Heating/Ventilation/AC, competency certificates. S1133 - Ch.276
  Modular buildings, plumbing/heat/electricity . . . . . . .S1111
  Additional 1% tax, exemption for existing contractsH0452 - Ch.381
  Commodity indemnity fund, claim loss, deadline . .H0102 - Ch.131
  Deferred annuities, nonforfeiture rate reduced . . H0176 - Ch.86
  Franchise agreement, choice of law, venue. . . . .H0383 - Ch.378
  Franchise agreement, void choice of law provision. . . . . H0324
  House/Senate daily journals, printing agreement. . . HCR005 - (A)
  House/Senate permanent journals, printing agreement. HCR006 - (A)
  Insurance, replacement coverage, free verificationH0365 - Ch.307
  Legislative bills, printing agreement. . . . . . . . HCR004 - (A)
  School district transportation, one-time renewal . . . . . H0184
  Session laws, printing contract. . . . . . . . . . . HCR007 - (A)
  Wine distributors, changes by vintners/successors. . . . . H0178
  Alcohol/drug-testing, public and private employersS1119 - Ch.233
  Buprenorphine & compounds, separate listings . . .H0237 - Ch.185
  Employee alcohol/drug test guidelines, all employers . . .S1049
  Forfeited property proceeds, drug court, police. . . . . . H0170
  Gamma hydroxybutyric acid & products, listings . .H0237 - Ch.185
  Medical provider, controlled substance abuse disclosure. . H0215
  Substance abuse evaluation waiver, drug cases. . .H0335 - Ch.285
  Approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0352 - Ch.194
  Approp, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0460 - Ch.348
  Approp, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0429
  Duties amended, definitions added. . . . . . . . . . H0055 - Ch.4
  Duties, audits, miscellaneous amendments . . . . . .H0089 - Ch.32
  Highway account funds distribution, local government . . .S1132
  Sudden infant deaths, autopsy, death certificate . . . . . H0200
  Annual reports, electronic filing/distribution . .H0314 - Ch.207
  Banking/trust, garnishment proceedings, service. S1066 - Ch.158
  Dissolution, code citation corrected . . . . . . .S1032 - Ch.62
  Nonprofit, liability limit, code citation correctionS1029 - Ch.59
  Nonprofit, powers, impose member fines/penalties . . . . . H0242
  Port district disincorporation, procedure, electionS1171 - Ch.353
  Stock, class limitation deleted. . . . . . . . . S1085 - Ch.163
  Death row inmates, solitary confinement, visits. .H0218 - Ch.282
  Dept, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0443
  Dept, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0464 - Ch.352
  Dept, approp amended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1149 - Ch.197
  Facility employee-prisoner, prohibited sexual contactH0115 - Ch.37
  Juvenile Corrections Dept, approp. . . . . . . . .H0412 - Ch.333
  Juvenile, Custody Review Bd, meetings/records. . S1096 - Ch.164
  Juvenile, delete procedures re: county probation . H0219 - Ch.35
  Juvenile, Dept, approp amended . . . . . . . . . .H0384 - Ch.294
  Juveniles, custody, monthly support calculation. . . . . .S1003
  Juveniles, parental support collection by state/county . .S1094
  Juveniles, sentencing, concurrent probation/commitment . . .H0051
  Juveniles, status offenders, placement pending hearing . .S1095
  Probation/parole supervisees, interstate transfer, feeH0050 - Ch.25
  Probation/parole supervision, monthly fee increasedH0071 - Ch.130
  Hair parlors/cosmetic dealers, no H&W jurisdiction .H0020 - Ch.71
  License exemptions amended . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0023 - Ch.49
  Professional licenses, renewal and reinstatement . .H0033 - Ch.21
  Developmental disability, Medicaid waiver, task forceHCR029 - (A)
  Idaho Invasive Species Council created . . . . . . . . . . H0212
  Local Highway Technical Assistance, compensation S1079 - Ch.241
  Natural Medicine Formulary Council established . . . . . . H0239
  License, nonissuance/nonrenewal, maximum intern fee.H0024 - Ch.50
  Licensing exemption, regular ministerial duties. . . . . . .H0010
  Licensing, definitions, continuing education . . . . . . . .H0016
  Professional licenses, renewal and reinstatement . .H0033 - Ch.21
  Psychosexual evaluator certification, sex offendersS1002 - Ch.235
  Animal feeding operations, annual reports. . . . . . . . .S1088
  Budget certification, when due . . . . . . . . . . . H0075 - Ch.8
  Commissioners' Bd, may set sheriff's fees. . . . . H0145 - Ch.39
  Confined animal operations siting, county regulationH0283 - Ch.297
  County sales tax, local option . . . . . . . . . .H0428 - Ch.363
  County sales tax, local option, any county . . . . . . . . H0406
  Dessert wines, retail sale, local option . . . . .H0246 - Ch.119
  Employees, travel allowance rates. . . . . . . . . . . . . H0120
  Enhanced consolidated emergency communication systemH0363 - Ch.290
  Enhanced consolidated emergency communications systems . . H0258
  Enhanced consolidated emergency communications, fee. . . . H0299
  Equalization Bd, assessment appeal deadline. . . . . . . . H0148
  Federal rights-of-way, county commissioner jurisdiction. . H0275
  Federal rights-of-way, exclusive county jurisdiction . . . H0375
  Federally-granted rights-of-way, county jurisdiction . . . H0152
  Highway account funds distribution, county totals. . . . .S1132
  Juvenile detention costs, collection by state/county . . .S1094
  Juvenile probation services, state procedures deletedH0219 - Ch.35
  Mosquito abatement districts, trustee elections/budgets. . H0112
  New programs, state mandates, costs. . . . . . . . . . . . H0280
  New/increased taxes, voter approval required . . . . . . . H0280
  Office vacancy, eligible nominees. . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0093
  Planning/Zoning Com members, term limits exception H0151 - Ch.84
  Prison incarceration costs, reimbursement to countyS1108 - Ch.245
  Prisoner/other debt, use of collection agencies. . . . . .S1070
  Property appraisals, county valuation schedule . . H0142 - Ch.34
  Property development rights, contract terms, recordH0321 - Ch.224
  Property tax exemptions, seniors/disabled/veterans . . . . H0207
  Property tax relief, disabled persons, definition. . . . . H0101
  Property valuation, 5-year appraisal cycle . . . . . . . .S1021
  Property, mineral rights, return to severed land . H0223 - Ch.58
  Public safety officer death benefits . . . . . . S1050 - Ch.238
  Recording fees, marriage license fees, increase. . . . . . H0131
  Regulatory taking analysis, owner rights, hearingsH0257 - Ch.142
  Residential exemptions, cost-of-living increases . . . . . H0172
  Resort county sales tax, local option. . . . . . . . . . . H0192
  School districts per county, by population . . . . . . . . H0286
  School trustees, employ/evaluate county superintendent . . H0285
  Search/rescue operations, authority, jurisdiction.H0113 - Ch.132
  Sheriff's Revolving Expense Fund, purposes . . . . H0146 - Ch.40
  Sheriff, disseminate registration, violent sex predatorH0003 - Ch.28
  Smoking, public places defined, local restrictions . . . . H0356
  Snowmobile registration, all-terrain vehicle exceptions. .S1036
  State agencies, building code conformance, noticeS1167 - Ch.256
  Urban Renewal operations, not unincorporated areasH0276 - Ch.146
  Voting process/handling, elections watchers/challengers. . H0234
  Waste tires, disposal, storage site permits. . . .H0198 - Ch.281
  Alcohol abuse evaluation, waiver by court. . . . .H0336 - Ch.286
  Appellate Public Defender, approp. . . . . . . . S1192 - Ch.354
  Appellate Public Defender, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . H0442
  Bail agent, regulation, licensing. . . . . . . . . H0062 - Ch.104
  Certified shorthand reporters, certify without exam. . . .S1126
  Certified shorthand reporters, maximum fees. . . . H0216 - Ch.88
  Certified shorthand reporters, renewal fee . . . . . . . . .H0034
  Child custody, effect of active military duty. . S1136 - Ch.250
  Child support orders, credit against arrearages. S1115 - Ch.246
  Child witness testimony, alternative methods . . S1016 - Ch.152
  Construction defect lawsuit, prelitigation notice.H0133 - Ch.133
  Death penalty prohibited, mentally retarded personH0171 - Ch.136
  Death penalty, special sentencing proceeding . . .S1001 - Ch.19
  Debts owed to, payment from tax refunds. . . . . .H0338 - Ch.288
  Domestic Violence Protection, foreign orders, validS1093 - Ch.213
  Drug cases, substance abuse evaluation, waiver . .H0335 - Ch.285
  Drug, receive proceeds from forfeited property . . . . . . H0170
  Drug/Family court services fund created. . . . . .H0369 - Ch.291
  F&G license revocation, list distribution deleted. .H0004 - Ch.200
  Filing fees, police officer training fund. . . . S1028 - Ch.237
  Franchise agreement, choice of law, venue. . . . .H0383 - Ch.378
  Franchise agreement, void choice of law provision. . . . . H0324
  Guardian Ad Litem Fund, approp . . . . . . . . . .H0413 - Ch.334
  Hearings, estates, appearance by surviving spouse.S1030 - Ch.60
  Idaho Reports, Supreme Court, volumes printed. . S1005 - Ch.114
  Indictment, set aside, immunity agreement deleted.H0220 - Ch.140
  Judicial candidates, alternative campaign financing. . . . H0251
  Judicial elections, legislative study comm . . . . . . . .HCR027
  Judicial elections, legislative study comm . . . . SCR116 - (A)
  Justices/judges, appointment to office . . . . . . . . . . HJR003
  Juvenile sentencing, concurrent probation/commitment . . . .H0051
  Juveniles, status offenders, placement pending hearing . .S1095
  Magistrate fees, felony preliminary examination. S1006 - Ch.115
  Magistrate judge, candidacy declaration deadline . H0164 - Ch.55
  New U.S. circuit court of appeals urged. . . . . . . HJM004 - (A)
  Parental rights termination, prolonged inability .H0160 - Ch.260
  Payments by credit/debit cards, rules. . . . . . .H0337 - Ch.287
  Probate/justices' courts, reference deleted. . . S1008 - Ch.117
  Prospective jurors, correction to code citation. S1007 - Ch.116
  Punitive damages, appeal, bond/deposit waiver. . . H0092 - Ch.122
  School facility, necessity levy, effect on lawsuitsH0403 - Ch.339
  Small lawsuit resolution act amended . . . . . . . .H0072 - Ch.29
  Sterilization petitions/results, keep statistics .H0385 - Ch.300
  Sterilization, petition/hearing/evaluation/recordsH0213 - Ch.189
  Supreme Court, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0413 - Ch.334
  Tort recovery, maximum damages reduced . . . . . . H0092 - Ch.122
  Accessory to felony, definition. . . . . . . . . S1122 - Ch.217
  Alcohol abuse evaluation, waiver by court. . . . .H0336 - Ch.286
  Amber alert, missing child, broadcaster immunity . H0247 - Ch.91
  Bail agent, regulation, licensing. . . . . . . . . H0062 - Ch.104
  Bail, reference to probate/justices' courts deletedS1008 - Ch.117
  Burglary convicts, provide DNA sample. . . . . . . . . . . .H0048
  Controlled substances, certain, under influence. .H0237 - Ch.185
  Death penalty prohibited, mentally retarded personH0171 - Ch.136
  Death penalty, special sentencing proceeding . . .S1001 - Ch.19
  Death penalty, temporary suspension, com created . . . . . H0122
  Disabled parking/plates, unlawful distribution, penalty. .S1045
  Ditches/canals, no recreational uses . . . . . . . . . . . H0125
  Drug cases, substance abuse evaluation, waiver . .H0335 - Ch.285
  Enticing children over Internet, penalties . . . .H0266 - Ch.145
  Enticing children over Internet, penalties . . . . . . . . H0221
  Fireworks sales to minors prohibited . . . . . . . . . . . .H0078
  Incest, maximum prison term increased. . . . . . .H0123 - Ch.202
  Indictment, set aside, immunity agreement deleted.H0220 - Ch.140
  Lewd conduct convicts, no firearms rights. . . . S1004 - Ch.113
  Magistrate fees, felony preliminary examination. S1006 - Ch.115
  Murder/manslaughter convicts, no firearms rights S1160 - Ch.253
  Prisoners & employees, prohibit sexual contact . . H0115 - Ch.37
  Rape, definition amended . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0169 - Ch.280
  Sex offender, employer duties and liability. . . . . . . .S1163
  Sex offenders, certified psychosexual evaluators S1002 - Ch.235
  Telecommunications destruction, misdemeanor. . . S1121 - Ch.247
  Toughman fighting competitions prohibited. . . . . . . . .S1138
  Video voyeurism, unlawful practices. . . . . . . . . . . . .H0047
  Violent sex predator, sheriff disseminate registrationH0003 - Ch.28
  Idaho School for Deaf and Blind, approp. . . . . . . . . . H0444
  Idaho School for Deaf and Blind, approp. . . . . .H0457 - Ch.346
  Crematorium laws repealed. . . . . . . . . . . . . H0011 - Ch.218
  Estate and Transfer Tax repealed . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0250
  Estate, child's homestead allowance, terms of willS1033 - Ch.63
  Funeral directors, morticians, miscellaneous changesH0009 - Ch.257
  Heir, surviving spouse, appearance at court hearingS1030 - Ch.60
  Life insurance benefits, when paid, interest . . . H0175 - Ch.85
  Penalty prohibited, mentally retarded person . . .H0171 - Ch.136
  Penalty, special sentencing proceeding . . . . . .S1001 - Ch.19
  Penalty, temporary suspension, Death Penalty Com created . H0122
  Public safety officer death benefits . . . . . . S1050 - Ch.238
  Sudden infant deaths, autopsy, death certificate . . . . . H0200
  Tax, urge permanent repeal . . . . . . . . . . . . SJM102 - (A)
  Veterans Services Div, unclaimed remains disposal. H0182 - Ch.53
  Bad debt, sales tax credit, who/when . . . . . . . . . . . .H0088
  Collection agency license exemption, affiliates. .H0179 - Ch.112
  Creditor claims, insurance, multiple party accountsS1127 - Ch.248
  Debt owed to public, use of collection agencies. . . . . .S1070
  Debts to courts, payment from tax refunds. . . . .H0338 - Ch.288
  Financing statements, filing officer duties. . . .H0312 - Ch.206
  Garnishment proceedings, banking/trust corporationS1066 - Ch.158
  Garnishment, mail constituting personal service. S1066 - Ch.158
  Garnishment/execution notice form corrected. . . .S1026 - Ch.44
  Nonprobate transferees, liability to estate. . . .S1031 - Ch.61
  Prison incarceration costs, reimbursement to countyS1108 - Ch.245
  Property seizure, Tax Com, writ of possession. . . .H0076 - Ch.81
  Public debts, use of collection agency, fees . . S1108 - Ch.245
  Licensing exams, standardized/national testing . S1068 - Ch.160
  Medicaid, H&W Dept dental services rule rejected . SCR110 - (A)
  Unlawful practice, civil penalties, court costs. .H0238 - Ch.190
  "Functionally blind" person, definition. . . . . . H0026 - Ch.127
  Designated parking placard/plate, unauthorized saleS1078 - Ch.162
  Developmental disabilities, task force, Medicaid waiver. .HCR013
  Developmental disability, task force, Medicaid waiverHCR029 - (A)
  H&W rule re: aid to aged/blind/disabled rejected . . . . SCR108
  Medicaid utilization management program, disabled. . . . .HCR021
  Mentally retarded person, death penalty prohibitedH0171 - Ch.136
  Parental fitness, role of equipment/services . . .H0167 - Ch.279
  Parking, designated parking, license plates. . . . . . . .S1045
  Permanent disability, reduced worker's compensation. . . .S1087
  Property tax exemptions, qualifying disabled persons . . . H0207
  Property tax relief, definition of disabled person . . . . H0101
  Residential care facilities, licensing, ethics . . H0015 - Ch.201
  Sterilization petitions/results, keep statistics .H0385 - Ch.300
  Sterilization, petition/hearing/evaluation/recordsH0213 - Ch.189
  Telephonic reading service, fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0183
  Search/rescue operations, authority/jurisdiction .H0113 - Ch.132
  Big game, private feeding, disease control rules . H0127 - Ch.83
  Brucellosis, livestock slaughter, owner compensationH0108 - Ch.106
  H&W quarantine orders, judicial review . . . . . S1075 - Ch.240
  Potatoes for planting, seed lot certification. . .H0129 - Ch.108
  Ambulance, budget increase, voter approval . . . . . . . . H0193
  Business improvement, assessment, exempt/disclose.H0232 - Ch.204
  Community college, Building Authority powers/dutiesH0396 - Ch.349
  Fire commissioners, elections, conversion schedule H0233 - Ch.90
  Fire protection commissioners, duties/powers/vacancies . .S1107
  Ground Water, directors, water district proceedingsH0208 - Ch.137
  Highway commissioner ordinances, publication, summaries. . H0398
  Highway, commissioner elections, subdistrict basis . . . . .H0098
  Highway, commissioner salaries . . . . . . . . . .S1055 - Ch.68
  Highway, dissolution petition, number of signatures. . . .S1081
  Highway, dissolution, petition, eligible electors. . . . .S1037
  Highway, expenditures, not personal services . . .S1054 - Ch.67
  Highway, purchase/disposal of property . . . . . .S1055 - Ch.68
  Hospital, dissolution procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0407
  Irrigation, investments, local improvement bonds . H0124 - Ch.82
  Irrigation, proof of boundaries. . . . . . . . . S1101 - Ch.167
  Legislative, meeting, time and place designation . . . . . H0254
  Legislative, meeting, time and place designation . . . . . H0163
  Library, added territory, joining, contiguity. . . . . . . H0141
  Library, consolidation, budget calculation . . . .H0140 - Ch.203
  Library, consolidation, contiguous/noncontiguous . . . . . H0139
  Mosquito abatement, trustee elections/budgets. . . . . . . H0112
  Mosquito abatement, trustee elections/budgets/taxes. . . . H0222
  Pest control/mosquito abatement, public hearings . . . . .S1162
  Port districts, authorized, land-based . . . . . . . . . .S1090
  Port, authorized, land-based . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0401
  Port, disincorporation proceedings, election . . S1171 - Ch.353
  Soil conservation, policy and duties amended . . .H0109 - Ch.107
  Water/sewer, board member compensation increased .S1035 - Ch.36
  Water/sewer, board powers, snow removal. . . . . .H0339 - Ch.272
  Child custody, effect of active military duty. . S1136 - Ch.250
  Child support orders, credit against arrearages. S1115 - Ch.246
  Civil unions/domestic partnerships, not recognized . . . .S1114
  Community property, rents/issues/profits . . . . .H0214 - Ch.139
  Interstate family support act amended. . . . . . . . . . .S1015
  Parents' powers, delegation to another, expirationS1034 - Ch.64
  Paternity disestablishment proceeding, child support . . . H0417
  Protection orders, foreign, when valid . . . . . S1093 - Ch.213
  Conservation, limitation on landowner liability. .H0273 - Ch.265
  Federal rights-of-way, county commissioner jurisdiction. . H0275
  Federal rights-of-way, exclusive county jurisdiction . . . H0375
  Federally-granted rights-of-way, county jurisdiction . . . H0152
  Buy Idaho, support living wage jobs. . . . . . . . . . . .HCR014
  Economic development incentives, legislative study . . . SCR114
  Land-based port districts authorized . . . . . . . . . . . H0401
  Land-based port districts authorized . . . . . . . . . . .S1090
  U.S. Olympics, 2010, support Vancouver bid . . . . . HJM003 - (A)
  Administrative staff allowance; maximum multiplierS1197 - Ch.375
  Administrative staff allowance; maximum multiplier . . . . H0434
  Albertson Fndtn, education contributions, gratitude.SR105 - (A)
  Architects, continuing education, license requirementH0032 - Ch.100
  Bd, approp, add'l, Vocational Rehabilitation DivisionH0091 - Ch.24
  Bd, approp, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0353 - Ch.226
  Bd, approp, colleges and universities. . . . . . . . . . . H0432
  Bd, approp, colleges and universities. . . . . . .H0471 - Ch.367
  Bd, approp, community college support. . . . . . .H0470 - Ch.366
  Bd, approp, community college support. . . . . . . . . . . H0431
  Bd, approp, Historical Society . . . . . . . . . S1190 - Ch.329
  Bd, approp, Idaho School for Deaf and Blind. . . . . . . . H0444
  Bd, approp, medical education programs . . . . . .H0418 - Ch.336
  Bd, approp, Public Broadcasting System . . . . . .H0422 - Ch.338
  Bd, approp, special programs . . . . . . . . . . .H0419 - Ch.337
  Bd, approp, State Library Bd . . . . . . . . . . S1191 - Ch.330
  Bd, approp, Vocational Rehabilitation Div. . . . .H0410 - Ch.331
  Bd, approp, Vocational Rehabilitation Division . . . H0344 - (V)
  Bd, deferred compensation program authorized . . S1084 - Ch.305
  Bd, implement student information management systemH0367 - Ch.299
  Bd, pupil transportation support, vehicle features . . . . H0310
  Bd, repayment of teachers' student loans . . . . . . . . . H0190
  Bd, rules re: federally funded programs rejected . SCR106 - (A)
  Bd, school district payments, support unit adjustment. . . H0186
  Buildings/plant facilities, certain sales tax proceeds . . H0121
  Charter school laws, legislative study comm. . . . . . . SCR115
  Charter schools, miscellaneous changes . . . . . . . . . .S1169
  Chartering authority, petitions, appeals . . . . . . . . . H0346
  College savings program, definitions amended . . . . H0068 - Ch.5
  College savings withdrawal, compute taxable income . H0069 - Ch.6
  Dept, calculate school district alternative value index. . H0311
  Dept, school district value index calculation amended. . . H0189
  Dept, school support, alternative value index. . . . . . .S1174
  Dept/Public Instruction Superintendent, approp . .H0370 - Ch.274
  Dept/Public Instruction Superintndnt, approp, add'lS1166 - Ch.255
  Digital learning academy, student participation feeS1170 - Ch.306
  Early retirement incentive, no administrative staffS1197 - Ch.375
  Early retirement incentive, not administrative staff . . . H0434
  Eastern Idaho Technical College, rename. . . . . . . . . .S1023
  Educational support program, support unit variability. . .S1104
  Educational support, elementary/secondary calculation. . . H0304
  Educational/transportation support, calculation. .H0463 - Ch.372
  Educational/transportation support, calculation. . . . . . H0436
  Higher education system review, report findings. . . . . .HCR031
  House Bill 463, trailer bill . . . . . . . . . . .H0467 - Ch.373
  Instructional staff multiplier, maximum. . . . . .H0456 - Ch.371
  Instructional staff multiplier, maximum. . . . . . . . . . H0435
  Licensed barber school, $20,000 bond . . . . . . . .H0022 - Ch.54
  Prekindergarten, school age, 4 years . . . . . . . . . . .S1062
  Professional Standards Com, school bds assn nomineeH0263 - Ch.144
  Professional-Technical Education Bd, approp. . . . . . . . H0441
  Professional-Technical Education Bd, approp. . . .H0472 - Ch.368
  Promise Scholarship, rename for Robert R. Lee. . S1134 - Ch.214
  Proprietary school, exemption, religious organization. . .S1092
  Public Education Stabilization Fund created. . . .H0463 - Ch.372
  Public Education Stabilization Fund, approp. . . . . . . . H0436
  Public Education Stabilization Fund, approp amendedH0467 - Ch.373
  Public school discretionary funding variability. .H0463 - Ch.372
  Public school discretionary funding variability. . . . . . H0436
  Public School Holdback Protection Fund created . . . . . .S1103
  Public schools, approp, administrators . . . . . . . . . . H0434
  Public schools, approp, administrators . . . . . S1197 - Ch.375
  Public schools, approp, children's programs div. S1198 - Ch.376
  Public schools, approp, children's programs division . . . H0437
  Public schools, approp, children's programs division . . . H0466
  Public schools, approp, facilities division. . . S1196 - Ch.374
  Public schools, approp, operations . . . . . . . .H0463 - Ch.372
  Public schools, educational support, operations, approp. . H0436
  Public schools/educational support/teachers, approp. . . . H0435
  Public schools/educational support/teachers, appropH0456 - Ch.371
  Pupil transportation support program, maximum costs. . . .S1129
  Required academic instruction, Mondays-Thursdays . . . . . H0393
  School bond levy equalization fund, approp . . . . . . . . H0438
  School classified staff allowance, multiplier increased. .S1063
  School district property tax replacement calculationH0467 - Ch.373
  School levy equalization support, qualifying bondsH0319 - Ch.268
  School levy equalization, eligible districts, reports. . . H0188
  School year reduced, school fund deficiency. . . . . . . .S1091
  State guaranteed school support, timber land . . . . . . . .H0099
  Student loans, rural physician incentive fund. . .H0301 - Ch.283
  Students, effect of call to military service . . S1137 - Ch.251
  Students, military deployment, refunds, grades . . . . . . H0153
  Success scholarship program, Idaho students. . . . . . . .S1118
  Support program, teachers new to profession. . . . . . . . H0185
  Teacher evaluations, when due. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0185
  Teacher salary calculations, performance allowance comm. . H0359
  Teachers, early retirement incentives repealed . . . . . . H0187
  Teaching certificates, fees, schedule, purposes. .H0261 - Ch.143
  Transportation support program, basic vehicles only. . . . H0366
  Trustee powers, exclude certain school/library materials . H0288
  Univ. of Idaho, approp, Agricultural Research. . . . . . . H0430
  Univ. of Idaho, approp, Agricultural Research. . .H0469 - Ch.365
  Unschooled children, outreach, legislative study comm. . SCR112
  Vehicle dealers, licensing, continuing education .S1041 - Ch.98
  Ambulance district budget increase, voter approval . . . . H0193
  Annual political party conventions, when . . . . . H0268 - Ch.94
  Ballot titles, service, yes/no vote effect . . . .H0291 - Ch.147
  Campaign contributions, over $200, reporting requirement . H0323
  Campaign finance, "person" includes governmental entity. . H0245
  Challengers/watchers, voting process and handling. . . . . H0234
  Charter schools, miscellaneous changes . . . . . . . . . .S1169
  Contributions, political activity, amend definitionS1176 - Ch.340
  Fire commissioners, elections, conversion schedule H0233 - Ch.90
  Help America Vote act, miscellaneous changes requiredH0162 - Ch.48
  Highway district commissioners, subdistrict basis. . . . . .H0098
  Highway district, dissolution petition, eligible voters. .S1037
  Independent candidates, candidacy filing period. .H0382 - Ch.293
  Independent expenditures, reporting requirements .S1009 - Ch.20
  Judicial campaign financing, legislative study comm. . . .HCR020
  Judicial candidates, alternative campaign financing. . . . H0251
  Judicial elections, legislative study comm . . . . . . . .HCR027
  Judicial elections, legislative study comm . . . . SCR116 - (A)
  Justices/judges, appointment replaces election . . . . . . HJR003
  Labor organization political contributions, limits . . . . H0316
  Labor organization political contributions, limits H0329 - Ch.97
  Legislature/county office vacancy, eligible nominees . . . .H0093
  Magistrate judge, candidacy declaration deadline . H0164 - Ch.55
  Mosquito abatement districts, trustee elections/budgets. . H0112
  Political central committees, meeting designation. . . . . H0254
  Political central committees, meeting designation. . . . . H0163
  Political websites, cybersquatting, deceitful practices. .S1110
  Port district disincorporation, procedure. . . . S1171 - Ch.353
  Presidential candidates, certification deadline. . H0268 - Ch.94
  Primary ballot, printing, which political parties. . . . . H0254
  Primary ballot, printing, which political parties. . . . . H0163
  Public funds, political purposes, prohibited uses. . . . . H0315
  Public money prohibited, candidates, measures. . . . . . . H0196
  Recall, number of petition signatures. . . . . . . H0166 - Ch.57
  School district indebtedness, 60% voter approval . . . . SJR101
  School trustee zones, district at-large voting . . . . . . .H0095
  School trustees, election dates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0094
  Apprentice electricians, continuation training . .H0143 - Ch.135
  Consumer electricity, sales tax exemption repealed . . . . H0121
  Energy related issues study comm, approp . . . . . . . . . . H0002
  Energy related issues, legislative study comm. . . . . . . HCR001
  Modular buildings, plumbing/heat/electricity . . . . . . .S1111
  Enhanced consolidated emergency communication systemH0363 - Ch.290
  Enticing children over Internet, penalties . . . . . . . . H0221
  Enticing children over Internet, penalties . . . .H0266 - Ch.145
  Help America Vote, computerized voter registration H0162 - Ch.48
  Idaho Electronic Signature & Filing, repealed. . S1061 - Ch.156
  Internet/catalog sales, urge sales tax collection. . . . SJM104
  Legal notice, electronic transmittal, consent. . S1060 - Ch.155
  Political websites, cybersquatting, deceitful practices. .S1110
  Sec'ty of State, business reports, electronic formatH0314 - Ch.207
  Student information management, centralized systemH0367 - Ch.299
  Tax return, electronic filing, $2 credit repealed. H0130 - Ch.30
  Video voyeurism, unlawful practices. . . . . . . . . . . . .H0047
  Water rights, digital boundary, weight of evidenceS1101 - Ch.167
  Amber alert, missing child, broadcaster immunity . H0247 - Ch.91
  Closed areas, rescue response liability exceptions H0116 - Ch.38
  Emergency communications fee, HB 363 amended . . S1178 - Ch.311
  Enhanced consolidated emergency communication systemH0363 - Ch.290
  Enhanced consolidated emergency communications systems . . H0258
  Enhanced consolidated emergency communications, fee. . . . H0299
  Quarantine orders, H&W director, judicial review S1075 - Ch.240
  Search/rescue operations, authority/jurisdiction .H0113 - Ch.132
  Property owner rights, hearings, takings analysis.H0257 - Ch.142
  Regulatory taking analysis, public information . .H0256 - Ch.141
  Alcohol/drug-testing, applicable to all employersS1119 - Ch.233
  Buy Idaho, support living wage jobs. . . . . . . . . . . .HCR014
  Education Bd, employee deferred compensation . . S1084 - Ch.305
  Employee alcohol/drug test guidelines, all employers . . .S1049
  Employer of sex offender, duties and liability . . . . . .S1163
  Employer, income tax withholding, increase thresholdH0279 - Ch.296
  Employment security, taxable wage base, 2002-2004. . H0070 - Ch.2
  Government employee cost saving suggestions, bonusS1130 - Ch.168
  House of Representatives, employee compensation. . . .HR001 - (A)
  Idaho Agricultural Labor Act repealed. . . . . . .H0157 - Ch.109
  Insurance carriers, small employer & high risk . .H0306 - Ch.267
  Insurance Dept examiner employees nonclassified. . .H0030 - Ch.99
  Labor organization, political activity, amend HB329S1176 - Ch.340
  Labor organization, political contributions, restrictH0329 - Ch.97
  Labor organization, political contributions, restriction . H0316
  Local government employees, travel allowance rates . . . . H0120
  Medical support notice, order, enforcement . . . S1073 - Ch.304
  New employee, tax credit, definitions, liability . .H0079 - Ch.10
  PERSI, extraordinary gains, firefighter retirement fund. .S1083
  Professional employers, benefit/welfare plans. . . . . . . H0168
  Professional employers, government clients . . . . . . . . H0168
  Public safety officer death benefits . . . . . . S1050 - Ch.238
  Public school employees, National Guard duty . . . . . . . H0244
  Public works, Idaho residents, hours and wages . . . . . .S1086
  School district employees, political activities. . . . . .S1179
  School district, employee health benefits, reports . . . . H0243
  School employment offers, contracts in other districts . . H0300
  School trustee - education organization negotiations . . . H0325
  Senate employee compensation . . . . . . . . . . . .SR102 - (A)
  State employee health benefits, approp . . . . . . . . . . H0426
  State employee, aggregate bonus maximum, records . . . . .S1117
  State employees, day care facilities study committee . . SCR113
  State health benefit cost increase, approp . . . .H0462 - Ch.380
  State teachers' assn meetings, make up teacher time. . . . H0262
  Teacher evaluations, when due. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0185
  Teacher, early retirement incentives, persons ineligible . H0320
  Wage claim, employer retaliation, employee remedy. . . . . .H0027
  Taxable wage base, 2002-2004 . . . . . . . . . . . . H0070 - Ch.2
  Capitol Endowment Income, approp to General Fund . . . . . H0465
  Capitol Endowment Income, approp to General Fund .H0468 - Ch.379
  Capitol Endowment Income, deposit, General Fund. . . . . . H0433
  Endowment Fund Investment Bd, approp . . . . . . .S1146 - Ch.173
  Lands, commercial leases, parcels added. . . . . . . . . . .H0045
  Public school permanent endowment, enhance credit.H0322 - Ch.269
  State lands, long-term leases, 3 parcels added . . H0083 - Ch.234
  Energy related issues study comm, approp . . . . . . . . . . H0002
  Energy related issues, legislative study comm. . . . HCR009 - (A)
  Energy related issues, legislative study comm. . . . . . . HCR001
  Examination/licensing requirements amended . . . . .H0053 - Ch.15
  Amusement devices, annual permit fees increased. . . . . . H0379
  Live theater performances, alcohol, licensing. . .H0260 - Ch.111
  Recreation activities, health insurance exclusionsS1051 - Ch.303
  Toughman fighting competitions prohibited. . . . . . . . .S1138
  White water rafting, special license plates. . . S1082 - Ch.242
  Agricultural field burning, register, ten countiesH0391 - Ch.316
  Basin environmental improvement com, fiduciary dutyH0149 - Ch.220
  Confined animal operations siting, county regulationH0283 - Ch.297
  Crop burning violation, exclusive administrative remedy. . H0227
  Crop residue burning, DEQ opacity rules inapplicableH0228 - Ch.262
  Crop residue burning, restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . .S1124
  Deposit beverage containers, fees, recycling . . . . . . . H0197
  DEQ penalties, field burning violations. . . . . . . . . . H0364
  DEQ rules, pollutant trading requirements. . . . . . . . .S1105
  DEQ, air pollution control rules rejected. . . . . .HCR025 - (A)
  DEQ, air pollution control rules rejected. . . . . . . . .HCR015
  DEQ, approp, additions/reductions. . . . . . . . .H0460 - Ch.348
  DEQ, approp, reductions/additions. . . . . . . . . . . . . H0429
  DEQ, authorization, compliance agreement schedulesH0394 - Ch.317
  DEQ, certain administrative rules rejected . . . . .HCR022 - (A)
  DEQ, individual/subsurface sewage rules rejected . .HCR016 - (A)
  DEQ, proposed rules, information required. . . . .H0150 - Ch.259
  Environmental Quality Dept, approp . . . . . . . S1155 - Ch.216
  Field burning, annual reductions, tax credit . . . . . . . H0408
  Fish recovery programs, amend Northwest Power Act. . HJM002 - (A)
  Natural water resource issues, legislative study commSCR103 - (A)
  Pend Oreille/Priest Lake Com created . . . . . . . . . . . H0110
  Petroleum Clean Water Trust Fund, administration . H0132 - Ch.96
  Smoking, public places defined, local restrictions . . . . H0356
  Smoking, where prohibited, buildings/offices . . . . . . . H0292
  Waste tires, disposal, storage site permits. . . .H0198 - Ch.281
  Water quality, maximum daily loads, public input .H0458 - Ch.351
  Creditor claims, insurance, multiple party accountsS1127 - Ch.248
  Estate and Transfer Tax repealed . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0250
  Heir, surviving spouse, appearance at court hearingS1030 - Ch.60
  Homestead allowance, children, terms of will . . .S1033 - Ch.63
  Life insurance benefits, when paid, interest . . . H0175 - Ch.85
  Nonprobate transferees, liability to estate. . . .S1031 - Ch.61
  Unclaimed property, time period, redetermination . .H0080 - Ch.11
  Legislative session duration, no lobbyist contributions. .S1172
  Political websites, cybersquatting, deceitful practices. .S1110
  Public funds, political purposes, prohibited uses. . . . . H0315
  Public servants, gifts allowed, event attendance . . . . .S1177
  Simplot, Adelia Garro, commend Basque advocate . . SCR101 - (A)
  Child witness testimony, alternative methods . . S1016 - Ch.152
  DNA sample, provided by burglary convicts. . . . . . . . . .H0048
  Outfitters & Guides Bd, subpoena powers. . . . . . . . . . .H0037
  State surplus property disposal, internal policies .H0013 - Ch.31
  Agriculture Dept, marketing program, rules, fees . . . . . H0159
  Agriculture Dept, weighing/measuring license fees. . . . . H0420
  Agriculture Dept, weighing/measuring license fees. . . . . H0440
  Agriculture, weighing/measuring license fees . . S1200 - Ch.355
  Amusement devices, annual permit fees increased. . . . . . H0379
  Assumed business names, duration, filing fees. . .H0313 - Ch.223
  Attorney's fees, car insurance arbitration/judgment. . . . H0180
  Certified shorthand reporters, maximum fees. . . . H0216 - Ch.88
  Certified shorthand reporters, renewal fee . . . . . . . . .H0034
  Chiropractic license, exam fees amended. . . . . . H0017 - Ch.277
  Counselor intern registration, maximum intern fee. .H0024 - Ch.50
  County recording & marriage license fee increase . . . . . H0131
  Court, distribution, police officer training fundS1028 - Ch.237
  Digital learning academy, student fees . . . . . S1170 - Ch.306
  Domestic cervidae farms, permits, inspections, fees. . . . H0158
  Emergency communications fee, HB 363 amended . . S1178 - Ch.311
  Emergency communications, enhanced consolidated systems. . H0258
  Emergency communications, enhanced system. . . . .H0363 - Ch.290
  Enhanced consolidated emergency communications, fee. . . . H0299
  Forest land owner fire assessment increase . . . . .H0046 - Ch.79
  Forest practices, owner assessment increase. . . . .H0043 - Ch.78
  Idaho State Bar fees, client fund fees . . . . . S1019 - Ch.118
  Liquor surcharge, proceeds to Drug/Family courts .H0369 - Ch.291
  Magistrate fees, felony preliminary examination. S1006 - Ch.115
  Medicine Bd/Pharmacy Bd, fee rules rejected. . . . SCR109 - (A)
  Outfitters/Guides Bd, establish special fees/creditsH0036 - Ch.75
  Overweight loads, temporary registration, fees amended . . H0282
  Parks and Recreation, fee waiver, disabled veterans. . . .S1013
  Podiatry, licensing exam fees. . . . . . . . . . . .H0021 - Ch.72
  Prison incarceration costs, reimbursement to countyS1108 - Ch.245
  Probation/parole supervisees, interstate transfer, feeH0050 - Ch.25
  Probation/parole supervision, monthly fee increasedH0071 - Ch.130
  PUC, intervention costs award, amount/utilities. . H0147 - Ch.41
  Real estate license, nonrefundable . . . . . . . .S1047 - Ch.65
  Sheriff, when set by county commissioner resolutionH0145 - Ch.39
  Teaching certificates, fees, schedule, purposes. .H0261 - Ch.143
  Vehicle license plates, special, applicable fees .S1011 - Ch.43
  Veterans State Cemetery, interment fees. . . . . . H0181 - Ch.42
  Water Resources Dept, increase protest filing fee. . . . .S1058
  Dept, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1142 - Ch.171
  Dept, director, mortgage banker/broker licensing . .H0028 - Ch.73
  Financial Management Division, approp. . . . . . S1158 - Ch.215
  Joint Finance-Appropriations Comm, filling vacancyS1139 - Ch.252
  Payday loans, lender license, loan requirements. .H0206 - Ch.182
  Civil penalties, before Outfitters/Guides Bd . . . . . . . .H0039
  Court, payment by credit/debit cards . . . . . . .H0337 - Ch.287
  Nonprofit corporation powers, impose member fees . . . . . H0242
  Seat belts, failure to wear, any vehicle occupant. . . . .S1012
  District authority, rescue operations. . . . . . .H0113 - Ch.132
  Fire commissioners, elections, conversion schedule H0233 - Ch.90
  Fire protection bd, commissioner compensation. . .H0195 - Ch.196
  Fire protection commissioners, duties/powers/vacancies . .S1107
  Firefighter retirement fund, PERSI extraordinary gains . .S1083
  Forest/Range Fire Protection Program, approp . . . .H0090 - Ch.23
  Forestry act violations, prosecution . . . . . . . .H0085 - Ch.27
  Public safety officer death benefits . . . . . . S1050 - Ch.238
  Sales to minors prohibited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0078
  Big game, private feeding, disease control rules . H0127 - Ch.83
  Com, acquire property, county approval, when . . . . . . . H0252
  Com, reciprocal license agreements, Indian tribesS1059 - Ch.154
  Deleterious exotic animals, regulation/prohibitionH0106 - Ch.105
  Department benefit permit, no fee. . . . . . . . . . H0006 - Ch.13
  Dept, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1183 - Ch.322
  Dept, duties, manage plant life species. . . . . . H0067 - Ch.129
  F&G laws, enforcement by Idaho State Police. . . . . . . . H0277
  Felony, unlawful killing, moose excepted . . . . . . . . . H0278
  Grazing wildlife/bear/lion, damage control/compensation. . H0209
  Hunting licenses, youth small game/education, deleted. . . H0119
  License revocation, identifying list, no distributionH0004 - Ch.200
  Licensee identification, no social security number . . . .S1098
  Rule authority, lifetime license, deceased child . . . . . . H0005
  Secondary Depredation Fund, transfers to General Fund. . . H0424
  Wildlife depredation, disposal, protect lives/property . . H0381
  Wolves, state conservation and management policy .H0294 - Ch.302
  Establishment, rule enforcement, correct code citesS1074 - Ch.161
  Obesity awareness, urge educational programs . . . . HCR008 - (A)
  2003 U.S. Capitol Christmas tree, community activitiesHCR023 - (A)
  Forest practices, owner assessment increased . . . .H0043 - Ch.78
  Forest products com, definitions, assessments. . . H0035 - Ch.101
  Forestry act violations, prosecution . . . . . . . .H0085 - Ch.27
  Healthy Forests Initiative, support. . . . . . . . .HJM012 - (A)
  Land owner fire assessment increase. . . . . . . . .H0046 - Ch.79
  Scaling practices bd, 2 meetings per year. . . . .S1056 - Ch.95
  Petroleum Clean Water Trust Fund, administration . H0132 - Ch.96
  Alcoholic beverage control fund created. . . . . . . . . .S1020
  Big Game Depredation, Expendable/Nonexpendable . . . . . . H0209
  Budget Stabilization, approp funds to General Fund . . . . H0424
  Budget Stabilization, approp to General Fund . . S1195 - Ch.341
  Budget Stabilization, maximum transfers. . . . . . . . . . H0280
  Budget Stabilization, no FY2004 deposits . . . . . SCR117 - (A)
  Budget Stabilization, no FY2004 general fund deposits. . .HCR032
  Capitol Endowment Income, approp to General Fund .H0468 - Ch.379
  Capitol Endowment Income, approp to General Fund . . . . . H0465
  Capitol Endowment Income, deposit, General Fund. . . . . . H0433
  Catastrophic Health Care Cost Fund, approp . . . S1157 - Ch.211
  Commodity indemnity, claim loss, certain contractsH0102 - Ch.131
  County property tax relief fund, resort counties . . . . . H0192
  Democracy, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0460 - Ch.348
  Drug Court/Family Court Services, created. . . . .H0369 - Ch.291
  Economic Recovery Reserve Fund created . . . . . .H0264 - Ch.362
  Educational support, elementary/secondary calculation. . . H0304
  Endowment, transfers to various funds. . . . . . .S1146 - Ch.173
  Escrow, nonparticipating tobacco manufacturers . .H0358 - Ch.289
  F&G Depredation, approp funds to General Fund. . . . . . . H0424
  Firefighters' retirement, PERSI extraordinary gains. . . .S1083
  General, excess funds distribution . . . . . . . . . . . .S1103
  Guardian ad Litem Fund, approp . . . . . . . . . .H0413 - Ch.334
  Highway account funds distribution, local government . . .S1132
  Idaho Millennium Income, funds distribution revised. .H0001 - Ch.1
  Idaho Millennium, approp to General Fund . . . . S1195 - Ch.341
  Invasive Species Council Fund established. . . . . . . . . H0212
  Land bank fund, hold proceeds for five years . . .H0305 - Ch.230
  Loan repayment funds, Water Resources Bd . . . . . .H0056 - Ch.80
  Master Settlement Agreement, deposit, General Fund . . . . H0433
  Millennium Income, approp to various programs. . S1188 - Ch.327
  Millennium, transfers to other funds . . . . . . . . . . . H0424
  Multistate Tax Compact, approp to General Fund . .H0468 - Ch.379
  Multistate Tax Compact, approp to General Fund . . . . . . H0465
  Multistate Tax Compact, deposit, General Fund. . . . . . . H0433
  Optometry bd fund, now occupational licenses fund. . . . . .H0018
  Pend Oreille/Priest Lake Com Fund created. . . . .H0110 - Ch.231
  Permanent Building, approp funds to General Fund . . . . . H0424
  Permanent Building, approp to General Fund . . . S1195 - Ch.341
  Permanent Building, approp to Public Works Div . S1189 - Ch.328
  Permanent Building, no additional bonded indebtednessH0397 - (V)
  Petroleum Clean Water Trust, administration. . . . H0132 - Ch.96
  Police officer training, portion of court fees . S1028 - Ch.237
  Public Education Stabilization Fund created. . . .H0463 - Ch.372
  Public Education Stabilization Fund, approp. . . . . . . . H0436
  Public Health Trust Fund, approp . . . . . . . . .H0355 - Ch.228
  Public School Holdback Protection Fund created . . . . . .S1103
  Public school permanent endowment, enhance credit.H0322 - Ch.269
  Public School Stabilization Fund created . . . . . . . . . H0186
  Public, political purposes, prohibited/permitted uses. . . H0315
  Retained Risk, approp funds to General Fund. . . . . . . . H0424
  Retained Risk, approp to General Fund. . . . . . S1195 - Ch.341
  Rural physician incentive fund, student loans. . .H0301 - Ch.283
  School bond levy equalization fund, approp . . . . . . . . H0438
  School district deferred maintenance funds created . . . .S1173
  School income, deficiency, reduce school year. . . . . . .S1091
  Sheriff's Revolving Expense Fund, purposes . . . . H0146 - Ch.40
  State bar, client assistance fund fee doubled. . S1019 - Ch.118
  State Waterways Improvement, grants, award criteria. . . . H0210
  Success Scholarship Fund created, lottery proceeds . . . .S1118
  Telephonic Reader Service Fund established . . . . . . . . H0183
  Tobacco Agreement, payment to General Fund . . . . . . . . H0424
  Tobacco Settlement, approp to General Fund . . . S1195 - Ch.341
  Tobacco Settlement, approp to General Fund . . . . . . . . H0465
  Veterans Cemetery Maintenance, interment fees. . . H0181 - Ch.42
  Veterans Cemetery Maintenance, medallions. . . . .H0415 - Ch.369
  Weights and Measures Inspection Fund created . . S1200 - Ch.355
  Weights and Measures Inspection Fund created . . . . . . . H0420
  Funeral directors, morticians, miscellaneous changes . . . . H0009
  Home director licenses, renewal and reinstatement. .H0033 - Ch.21
  See also RACING
  Bingo funds, accounting requirements . . . . . . .H0387 - Ch.301
  Bingo games/raffles, when license required . . . .H0386 - Ch.313
  Bingo proceeds, records of withdrawals . . . . . . . . . . .H0042
  Bingo, reporting requirements, bingo paper trackingH0392 - Ch.314
  Gaming equipment, warrantless seizure/destruction. . . . . .H0041
  Horse races, advance deposit wagering, rules . . . . . . . H0224
  Races, advance deposit wagering, when lawful . . .H0374 - Ch.312
  State lottery purchases, open bids, responsible supplier . H0388
  Geological survey, state geologist, duties . . . . . . . .S1057
  Idaho geological survey, members, meetings, reportsS1106 - Ch.46
  Campaign contributions, over $200, reporting requirement . H0323
  Contributions, political activity, amend definitionS1176 - Ch.340
  Gift to Minors Act, applicable age definitions . . . . . . H0144
  Pharmaceutical marketers, report gifts, exceptions . . . . H0289
  Political contributions, labor organization, limits. . . . H0316
  Political contributions, labor organization, limitsH0329 - Ch.97
  Public servants, gifts allowed, event attendance . . . . .S1177
  State officers/candidates, prohibit during session . . . .S1172
  Agencies, FY2003 appropriations reduced. . . . . S1194 - Ch.361
  Agency pending rules, effective dates. . . . . . . . . . . H0290
  Agency reductions, FY2004 budget shortfall . . . . . . . .HCR033
  Alcohol/drug-testing, applicable to all employersS1119 - Ch.233
  Arts Com, now under governor's office. . . . . . . .H0087 - Ch.18
  Buildings, code exemption, windows during repairs. . . . . H0100
  Education Bd, employee deferred compensation . . S1084 - Ch.305
  Employees, cost saving suggestions, bonus, maximumS1130 - Ch.168
  Entities, "person" for campaign finance purposes . . . . . H0245
  Government clients, professional employer situation. . . . H0168
  Government-owned insurers, which are authorized. S1148 - Ch.377
  Idaho Electronic Signature & Filing, repealed. . S1061 - Ch.156
  Insurance Dept and government entities, share recordsH0058 - Ch.102
  Insurance Dept examiner employees nonclassified. . .H0030 - Ch.99
  Legislature/county office vacancy, eligible nominees . . . .H0093
  Local government employees, travel allowance rates . . . . H0120
  Parks and Recreation Dept, citation jurisdiction . H0066 - Ch.128
  Public agency, includes certain 4-H clubs. . . . . . . . . H0117
  Public debts, use of collection agency, fees . . S1108 - Ch.245
  Public funds, political purposes, prohibited uses. . . . . H0315
  Public money expenditure prohibited, candidates/measures . H0196
  Public servants, gifts allowed, event attendance . . . . .S1177
  Recycled oil, encourage state agency use . . . . . .HCR026 - (A)
  Regulatory taking analysis, owner rights, hearingsH0257 - Ch.142
  Regulatory taking analysis, public information . .H0256 - Ch.141
  Self-funded insurance plans, registration exemptions . . .S1131
  State controller, duties and definitions . . . . . . H0055 - Ch.4
  State employee health benefits, approp . . . . . . . . . . H0426
  State employee health benefits, approp . . . . . .H0462 - Ch.380
  State employee, aggregate bonus maximum, records . . . . .S1117
  State employees, day care facilities study committee . . SCR113
  State facilities, building codes, permitting/inspection. .S1135
  State geologist/survey, duties, members. . . . . . . . . .S1057
  State legislative redistricting, amend U.S. Constitution . HJM007
  State purchasing preference, recycled motor oil. . . . . . H0118
  State surplus property disposal, internal policies .H0013 - Ch.31
  Unauthorized insurers, government-owned, affiliates. . . . H0334
  Budget address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HCR003 - (A)
  Lieutenant, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1141 - Ch.170
  Office of, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0360 - Ch.195
  Office of, approp, Blind/Visually Impaired Com . . . H0332 - (V)
  Office of, approp, Blind/Visually Impaired Com . .H0411 - Ch.332
  Office of, approp, Com on Aging. . . . . . . . . S1182 - Ch.321
  Office of, approp, Com on Aging. . . . . . . . . . .S1144 - (V)
  Office of, approp, Com on the Arts . . . . . . . S1153 - Ch.199
  Office of, approp, Financial Management Division S1158 - Ch.215
  Office of, approp, Human Resources Division. . . .H0330 - Ch.175
  Office of, approp, Human Rights Com. . . . . . . .H0347 - Ch.208
  Office of, approp, Idaho Women's Com . . . . . . .H0341 - Ch.177
  Office of, approp, Military Division . . . . . . S1184 - Ch.323
  Office of, approp, PERSI . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0328 - Ch.174
  Office of, approp, Species Conservation Office . .H0343 - Ch.179
  Office of, approp, State Liquor Dispensary . . . .H0340 - Ch.176
  Office of, maintain Arts Com . . . . . . . . . . . .H0087 - Ch.18
  State of the State address . . . . . . . . . . . . . HCR002 - (A)
  Guardian Ad Litem Fund, approp . . . . . . . . . .H0413 - Ch.334
  Minors' care, delegation to another, expiration. .S1034 - Ch.64
  Uniform Gift to Minors Act, applicable ages. . . . . . . . H0144
  Care Task Force, annual reports required . . . . . . . . .S1125
  Catastrophic Health Care Cost Fund, approp . . . S1157 - Ch.211
  Child's, medical support notice/order/enforcementS1073 - Ch.304
  Children's health insurance program, prenatal care . . . . H0201
  Children's health insurance, outreach, levels/limits . . .S1072
  Children's health insurance, unborn children/prenatal. . . H0202
  Crop residue burning, restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . .S1124
  Insurance carrier reports, school districts. . . . . . . . H0243
  Insurance carriers, small employer & high risk . .H0306 - Ch.267
  Insurance program, children & small businesses . .H0376 - Ch.308
  Insurance, exclusions, recreational activities . S1051 - Ch.303
  Insurance, tax deduction, credit policy excluded . .H0079 - Ch.10
  Mother/infant, breastfeeding rights, any location. . . . . H0235
  Natural health care practitioners, registration. . . . . . H0239
  Obesity awareness, urge educational programs . . . . HCR008 - (A)
  Polysomnography-related respiratory care, licensesS1165 - Ch.254
  Potatoes for planting, seed lot certification. . .H0129 - Ch.108
  Primary/preventive care, indigent patients, grants . . . . H0281
  Public Health Trust Fund, approp . . . . . . . . .H0355 - Ch.228
  Public, H&W Dept, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0448
  Smoking prohibitions, qualifying buildings/offices . . . . H0292
  Smoking, public places defined, local restrictions . . . . H0356
  State employee benefit cost increase, approp . . .H0462 - Ch.380
  State employee health benefits, approp . . . . . . . . . . H0426
  Vaccinations, health risk disclosures, rights. . . . . . . H0368
  Veterans, prompt health care services needed . . . .HJM011 - (A)
  Assisted living facility rules, unused medication. .HCR017 - (A)
  Barber shop/hair parlor/cosmetics, no jurisdiction .H0020 - Ch.71
  Barbers/hairdressers/public baths, no inspection S1120 - Ch.181
  Child abuse, emergency removal, medical treatment. . . . . H0240
  Dept rule re: aid to aged/blind/disabled rejected. . . . SCR108
  Dept, approp, Family/Community Services. . . . . S1206 - Ch.360
  Dept, approp, Family/Community Services. . . . . . . . . . H0445
  Dept, approp, Indirect Support/Independent Com . S1205 - Ch.359
  Dept, approp, Indirect Support/Independent Councils. . . . H0446
  Dept, approp, Medical Assistance Services. . . . . . . . . H0447
  Dept, approp, Medical Assistance Services. . . . S1202 - Ch.356
  Dept, approp, Public Health Services . . . . . . . . . . . H0448
  Dept, approp, Public Health Services . . . . . . S1204 - Ch.358
  Dept, approp, Welfare Division . . . . . . . . . S1203 - Ch.357
  Dept, approp, Welfare Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0449
  Dept, children's health insurance, outreach, limits. . . .S1072
  Dept, evaluation comm, sterilization procedures. .H0213 - Ch.189
  Dept, examiners, mental health professionals . . S1128 - Ch.249
  Dept, grants, free clinics for indigent patients . . . . . H0281
  Dept, health insurance, children & small businessesH0376 - Ch.308
  Dept, medical/dental assistance rules rejected . . SCR110 - (A)
  Dept, registration, cigarette sales, shipping. . . . . . . H0297
  Dept, vaccinations, health risk disclosures, rights. . . . H0368
  Developmental disability, Medicaid waiver, task forceHCR029 - (A)
  Director, quarantine orders, judicial review . . S1075 - Ch.240
  Food establishment rules, correct citations. . . S1074 - Ch.161
  Medicaid utilization management program, disabled. . . . .HCR021
  Medicaid waiver, developmental disabilities task force . .HCR013
  Medicaid, drug coverage, conditions, denial, appeals . . . H0241
  Medical support notice, order, enforcement . . . S1073 - Ch.304
  Parental fitness, role of disability equipment . .H0167 - Ch.279
  Qualifications, designated examiner, mental illness. . . .S1076
  State suicide prevention plan, tobacco tax proceeds. . . . H0362
  Tobacco delivery sales, requirements, permits. . .H0357 - Ch.273
  Tobacco, enforcement inspections, minors' help . S1067 - Ch.159
  Dealer licenses, renewal and reinstatement . . . . .H0033 - Ch.21
  Heating materials, sales tax exemption repealed. . . . . . H0265
  Heating/Ventilation/AC, competency certificates. S1133 - Ch.276
  Heating/Ventilation/AC, competency certificates. . . . . .S1065
  Distribution acct, local government, distribute funds. . .S1132
  District commissioners, subdistrict elections. . . . . . . .H0098
  District dissolution petition, number of signatures. . . .S1081
  District ordinances, adoption, publication, summaries. . . H0398
  District, dissolution petition, eligible electors. . . . .S1037
  District, expenditure, personal services . . . . .S1054 - Ch.67
  District, purchase/disposal of property. . . . . .S1055 - Ch.68
  Districts, commissioner salaries . . . . . . . . .S1055 - Ch.68
  Farm tractor trailers, size, speed . . . . . . . . H0138 - Ch.52
  Federal rights-of-way, county commissioner jurisdiction. . H0275
  Federal rights-of-way, exclusive county jurisdiction . . . H0375
  Federally-granted rights-of-way, county jurisdiction . . . H0152
  Interstate freight transportation, Idaho determination . . HJM005
  Local Highway Technical Assistance, compensation S1079 - Ch.241
  Multistate Highway Transportation Agreement amended. . . . H0104
  N. Idaho truck routes, legislative study comm. . . . . . .HCR024
  Oversize vehicles/loads, fees, pilot project routesH0395 - Ch.315
  Overweight loads, special permits, certain routes. . . . . H0282
  Overweight loads, temporary registration, fees amended . . H0282
  Public, gravel/rock trucks, cover loads. . . . . . . . . . H0230
  Studded tires, when permitted, stud sizes. . . . .H0231 - Ch.124
  Vehicle length, up to 115 feet, when permitted . S1053 - Ch.239
  Zoning application, public school, impact on roadsH0229 - Ch.123
  Approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1190 - Ch.329
  Construction defect, requisite notice by homeownerH0133 - Ch.133
  Manufactured/mobile, park, subdivision/sale of lots. . . . H0177
  Manufactured/mobile/floating, real estate licenseesS1047 - Ch.65
  Occupancy tax, definition, personal property . . .H0454 - Ch.364
  Occupancy tax, definition, personal property . . .H0454 - Ch.364
  Property tax exemption, residency requirement. . . . . . . H0249
  Residential mortgage practices, apply to realtors.H0248 - Ch.221
  Rural home site development, tax exemptions, conditions. . H0136
  Tax exemption, annual cost-of-living increase. . . . . . . H0172
  Tax exemptions, additional, seniors/disabled/veterans. . . H0207
  Civil unions/domestic partnerships, not recognized . . . .S1114
  Districts, dissolution procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . H0407
  Peer review records, disclosure, notice. . . . . S1102 - Ch.244
  Smoking prohibitions, qualifying locations . . . . . . . . H0292
  Daily journals, printing agreement . . . . . . . . . HCR005 - (A)
  Employees, compensation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HR001 - (A)
  Joint session, Governor's Budget address . . . . . . HCR003 - (A)
  Joint session, Governor's State of the State address HCR002 - (A)
  Legislative bills, printing agreement. . . . . . . . HCR004 - (A)
  Permanent journals, printing agreement . . . . . . . HCR006 - (A)
  Rule 24 amended, delete prefiling of bills . . . . . .HR002 - (A)
  Com, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0347 - Ch.208
  Code citations, technical corrections. . . . . . . .H0054 - Ch.16
  Approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0348 - Ch.186
  Ballot titles, service by fax, yes/no vote effect.H0291 - Ch.147
  Barbers/hairdressers/public baths,no inspection. S1120 - Ch.181
  Bail agent, regulation, licensing. . . . . . . . . H0062 - Ch.104
  Car, settlement offer, deadline, attorney's fees . . . . . H0180
  Carrier requirements, small employer & high risk .H0306 - Ch.267
  Child, medical support notice, order, enforcement. . . . .S1073
  Children's health insurance program, prenatal care . . . . H0201
  Children's health insurance, outreach, levels/limits . . .S1072
  Deferred annuities, nonforfeiture rate reduced . . H0176 - Ch.86
  Dept director, confidential records, when shared . H0058 - Ch.102
  Dept, agency rules, violation, penalty . . . . . . . . . . .H0061
  Dept, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1140 - Ch.169
  Examiners, Insurance Dept employees, nonclassified .H0030 - Ch.99
  Government-owned insurers, which are authorized. S1148 - Ch.377
  Health services, unborn children/prenatal care . . . . . . H0202
  Health, carrier reports, school districts. . . . . . . . . H0243
  Health, pilot program, children & small businessesH0376 - Ch.308
  Health, prohibited exclusion, recreational acts. S1051 - Ch.303
  Health, tax deduction, credit policy excluded. . . .H0079 - Ch.10
  Insurer, asset valuation and investment provisions H0059 - Ch.219
  Insurer, corporate stock classes . . . . . . . . S1085 - Ch.163
  Insurers, permitted investments, limitations . . S1085 - Ch.163
  Life, benefits payment, when, interest rate. . . . H0175 - Ch.85
  Motor vehicle, no liability insurance, penalties . . . . .S1017
  Motor vehicle, proof, persons required, verify . S1010 - Ch.236
  Motor vehicles, no liability insurance, penalties. . . . .S1018
  Mutual insurance co./subsidiary, tax implications.H0327 - Ch.271
  Non-Idaho companies, reaffirm retaliatory provisions . . SCR111
  Premium rate change, Insurance Dept approval . . . . . . . H0380
  Proceeds, creditor claims, multiple party accountsS1127 - Ch.248
  Real estate licensee, errors/omissions, certify. .S1047 - Ch.65
  Replacement contracts, free benefit verification .H0365 - Ch.307
  Self-funded plan, registration exempt, local government. .S1131
  State employee benefit cost increase, approp . . .H0462 - Ch.380
  Stock insurers, director and stockholder roles . S1085 - Ch.163
  Stock/mutual insurers, miscellaneous amendments. . H0060 - Ch.103
  Unauthorized insurers, government-owned, affiliates. . . . H0334
  American Sovereignty Restoration, leave United Nations . . HJM006
  Iraq, encourage action through United Nations. . . . . . .HCR010
  Operation Enduring Support, local task forces. . . .SR104 - (A)
  Operation Enduring Support, local task forces. . . . .HR004 - (A)
  Saddam Hussein, support removal from power . . . . . HJM008 - (A)
  Simplot, Adelia Garro, commend Basque advocate . . SCR101 - (A)
  U.S. Olympics, 2010, support Vancouver bid . . . . . HJM003 - (A)
  United Nations, support U.S. withdrawal. . . . . . . . . . HJM009
  Broadband equipment tax credit, transfer to others H0225 - Ch.89
  Broadband equipment/incentive, taxpayer earns credit . . . .H0081
  Capital, alternative property tax exemption. . . .H0453 - Ch.345
  Capital, personal property tax exemption . . . . . . . . . H0317
  Insurers, asset valuation and investment provisionsH0059 - Ch.219
  Irrigation district, local improvement bonds/warrantsH0124 - Ch.82
  District investments, local improvement bonds. . . H0124 - Ch.82
  Districts, proof of boundaries . . . . . . . . . S1101 - Ch.167
  Ditches/canals, no recreational uses, not navigable. . . . H0125
  Illegal water diversion, desist orders, penaltiesS1099 - Ch.165
  See also COURTS
  Judicial campaign financing, legislative study comm. . . .HCR020
  Judicial candidates, alternative campaign financing. . . . H0251
  Judicial elections, legislative study comm . . . . SCR116 - (A)
  Judicial elections, legislative study comm . . . . . . . .HCR027
  Justices/judges, appointment to office . . . . . . . . . . HJR003
  Magistrate fees, felony preliminary examination. S1006 - Ch.115
  Magistrate, candidacy declaration, filing deadline H0164 - Ch.55
  Death penalty, special sentencing proceeding . . .S1001 - Ch.19
  Prospective jurors, code citation corrected. . . S1007 - Ch.116
  Beer/wine, sales by 18-year-olds . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1069
  Cigarette sales, shipping, customer age verification . . . H0297
  Corrections custody, monthly support, calculation. . . . .S1003
  Corrections Dept, approp amended . . . . . . . . .H0384 - Ch.294
  Corrections, county probation, procedures deleted. H0219 - Ch.35
  Corrections, Custody Review Bd, meetings/records S1096 - Ch.164
  Corrections, sentencing, concurrent probation/commitment . .H0051
  Detention costs, support collection by state/county. . . .S1094
  Drivers under sixteen, accompanied after dark. . . H0103 - Ch.47
  Fireworks sales to minors prohibited . . . . . . . . . . . .H0078
  Hunting licenses, youth small game/education, deleted. . . H0119
  Juvenile Corrections Dept, approp. . . . . . . . .H0412 - Ch.333
  Persons under 21 years, alcohol, live theater. . .H0260 - Ch.111
  Status offenders, custody, placement pending hearing . . .S1095
  Tobacco, enforcement inspections, minors' help . S1067 - Ch.159
  Uniform Gift to Minors Act, applicable ages. . . . . . . . H0144
  Dept, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0349 - Ch.187
  Dept, determination of standard prevailing county wages. .S1086
  Idaho Agricultural Labor Act repealed. . . . . . .H0157 - Ch.109
  Organization, political activity, amend definitionS1176 - Ch.340
  Organization, political contributions, restrictions. . . . H0316
  Organization, political contributions, restrictionsH0329 - Ch.97
  Public works, Idaho residents, hours and wages . . . . . .S1086
  School trustee - education organization negotiations . . . H0325
  Wage claim, employer retaliation, employee remedy. . . . . .H0027
  City annexation of adjacent territory, procedures. . . . . H0274
  Confined animal operations siting, county regulationH0283 - Ch.297
  Local Planning Act, modernize, legislative study comm. . SCR104
  Manufactured home parks, subdivision/sale of lots. . . . . H0177
  Permit application, public school, impact on roadsH0229 - Ch.123
  Property development rights, contract terms, recordH0321 - Ch.224
  Property owner rights, hearings, takings analysis.H0257 - Ch.142
  State lands, long-term leases, 3 parcels added . . H0083 - Ch.234
  Manufactured home parks, subdivision/sale of lots. . . . . H0177
  Closed areas, rescue response liability exceptions H0116 - Ch.38
  Com, approp, Endowment Fund Investment Bd. . . . .S1146 - Ch.173
  County property, mineral rights, return to land. . H0223 - Ch.58
  Dept, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0354 - Ch.227
  Dept, approp, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1022 - Ch.12
  Dept, approp, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0460 - Ch.348
  Dept, approp, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0429
  Dept, approp, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0090 - Ch.23
  Director, discretion, prosecute forestry act violationH0085 - Ch.27
  Endowment, commercial leases, parcels added. . . . . . . . .H0045
  F&G Com, acquire property, county approval, when . . . . . H0252
  Federal rights-of-way, county commissioner jurisdiction. . H0275
  Federal rights-of-way, exclusive county jurisdiction . . . H0375
  Federal, impact on school funds, support compensationSJM101 - (A)
  Federally-granted rights-of-way, county jurisdiction . . . H0152
  Forest practices, owner assessment increased . . . .H0043 - Ch.78
  Forest, owner fire assessment increase . . . . . . .H0046 - Ch.79
  Land bank fund, hold proceeds for five years . . .H0305 - Ch.230
  Land Commissioners Bd, add State Treasurer . . . . . . . . HJR001
  Land management practices, extend tax credit . . . . . . . .H0082
  Landowner liability limitation, "charge" defined . . . . .S1109
  Landowner liability limits, conservation easementsH0273 - Ch.265
  Soil conservation districts, policy/duties amendedH0109 - Ch.107
  State, commercial lease term exception . . . . . . H0044 - Ch.295
  State, long-term leases, 3 parcels added . . . . . H0083 - Ch.234
  Timber, replacement value, school support calculation. . . .H0099
  Bd, powers/duties, licensing, seals. . . . . . . .H0331 - Ch.225
  Board powers, licensing, exemptions, violations, seals . . . H0008
  Professional licenses, renewal and reinstatement . .H0033 - Ch.21
  Amber alert, missing child, broadcaster immunity . H0247 - Ch.91
  Fish/Game law enforcement by Idaho State Police. . . . . . H0277
  Idaho State Police, approp . . . . . . . . . . . .H0377 - Ch.292
  Idaho State Police, approp, additional . . . . . .H0414 - Ch.335
  Commercial, endowment lands, parcels added . . . . . . . . .H0045
  Commercial, state land lease term exception. . . . H0044 - Ch.295
  Long-term, state lands, 3 parcels added. . . . . . H0083 - Ch.234
  Vehicle rental adjustment clause, effect on interest . . . H0137
  Approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1145 - Ch.172
  Legislative Services Director, copy of temporary ruleH0086 - Ch.22
  Legislative Services, audit duty, formerly ControllerH0089 - Ch.32
  2003 legislation, July 1st effective date. . . . .H0451 - Ch.344
  Gifts to public servants, event attendance . . . . . . . .S1177
  House Rule 24, delete prefiling of bills . . . . . . .HR002 - (A)
  House/Senate daily journals, printing agreement. . . HCR005 - (A)
  House/Senate permanent journals, printing agreement. HCR006 - (A)
  House/Senate vacancy, eligible nominees. . . . . . . . . . .H0093
  Joint Finance-Appropriations Comm, filling vacancyS1139 - Ch.252
  Joint session, Governor's Budget address . . . . . . HCR003 - (A)
  Joint session, Governor's State of the State address HCR002 - (A)
  Legislative bills, printing agreement. . . . . . . . HCR004 - (A)
  Legislative Health Care Task Force, annual reports . . . .S1125
  Legislative session duration, no lobbyist contributions. .S1172
  Session laws, printing contract. . . . . . . . . . . HCR007 - (A)
  State legislative redistricting, amend U.S. Constitution . HJM007
  Amber alert, missing child, broadcaster immunity . H0247 - Ch.91
  Closed areas, rescue response liability exceptions H0116 - Ch.38
  Construction defect lawsuit, prelitigation notice.H0133 - Ch.133
  Landowner liability limitation, "charge" defined . . . . .S1109
  Landowner liability limits, conservation easementsH0273 - Ch.265
  Nonprobate transferees, liability to estate. . . .S1031 - Ch.61
  Nonprofit corporation, liability limit, code cite.S1029 - Ch.59
  Physicians, disciplinary grounds, malpractice. . . . . . . H0416
  Real estate broker, independent inspection, no dutyS1097 - Ch.243
  Real estate brokerage, duties/liabilities amended. . . . .S1027
  School violence, report threats, limited liabilityH0269 - Ch.263
  Sex offender, employer duties and liability. . . . . . . .S1163
  Tort recovery, maximum damages reduced . . . . . . H0092 - Ch.122
  Vehicle insurance proof, persons required, verifyS1010 - Ch.236
  Vehicle insurance, failure to have, penalties. . . . . . .S1017
  Vehicle insurance, failure to have, penalties. . . . . . .S1018
  Vehicle, release statement, false information. . S1043 - Ch.153
  Districts, added territory, joining, contiguity. . . . . . H0141
  Library districts consolidation, budget calculationH0140 - Ch.203
  Library districts consolidation, contiguous property . . . H0139
  School library materials, exclusion by trustees. . . . . . H0288
  Smoking prohibitions, qualifying locations . . . . . . . . H0292
  State Library Bd, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . S1191 - Ch.330
  State, LiLI database, approp . . . . . . . . . . .H0463 - Ch.372
  State, LiLI database, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0436
  State, provide access, telephonic reading service. . . . . H0183
  Acupuncture, licensing/certification requirements. . . . . .H0014
  Agriculture Dept, weighing/measuring license fees. . . . . H0420
  Agriculture Dept, weighing/measuring license feesS1200 - Ch.355
  Agriculture Dept, weighing/measuring, license fees . . . . H0440
  Architect, continuing education, license requirementH0032 - Ch.100
  Athlete agents, licensing requirements . . . . . . . . . . . H0007
  Athletic trainers, licensing, qualifications . . .H0199 - Ch.261
  Bail agent, regulation, licensing. . . . . . . . . H0062 - Ch.104
  Barber school, $20,000 bond. . . . . . . . . . . . .H0022 - Ch.54
  Barber, exemptions and fees amended. . . . . . . . .H0022 - Ch.54
  Beer/wine, sales by 18-year-olds . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1069
  Bingo games/raffles, when license required . . . .H0386 - Ch.313
  Certified shorthand reporters, certify without exam. . . .S1126
  Certified shorthand reporters, maximum fees. . . . H0216 - Ch.88
  Certified shorthand reporters, renewal fee . . . . . . . . .H0034
  Chiropractic license, exam fees amended. . . . . . . . . . .H0017
  Collection agency license exemption, affiliates. .H0179 - Ch.112
  Cosmetology, exemptions amended. . . . . . . . . . .H0023 - Ch.49
  Counseling, definitions, exemptions, education . . . . . . .H0016
  Counseling, exemption, regular ministerial duties. . . . . .H0010
  Counselors, nonissuance/nonrenewal, maximum intern feeH0024 - Ch.50
  Dental, licensing exams, standardized testing. . S1068 - Ch.160
  Domestic cervidae farms, permits, inspections, fees. . . . H0158
  Driver's license, IRS tax identification number. . . . . .S1044
  Driver's, vehicle titles, notice, first class mailS1064 - Ch.157
  Drivers under sixteen, accompanied after dark. . . H0103 - Ch.47
  Engineers/land surveyors, requirements amended . . .H0053 - Ch.15
  F&G, no display of social security number. . . . . . . . .S1098
  F&G, reciprocal license agreements, Indian tribesS1059 - Ch.154
  F&G, revocation, identifying list distribution deletedH0004 - Ch.200
  F&G, rules, transfer lifetime license, deceased child. . . . H0005
  Foreign educated nurses, licensure requirements. . . . . . H0236
  Funeral directors, morticians, miscellaneous changesH0009 - Ch.257
  Fur farming, Agriculture Dept licensing/regulation . . . . H0128
  Heating/ventilation/AC, competency certificates. S1133 - Ch.276
  Heating/Ventilation/AC, competency certificates. . . . . .S1065
  Hunting, youth small game/education, deleted . . . . . . . H0119
  Idaho Accountancy Act, licensing requirements. . . .H0031 - Ch.14
  Idaho State Bar fees, client fund fees . . . . . S1019 - Ch.118
  Landscape architects, exemptions, violations . . . . . . . . H0008
  Landscape architects, requirements amended . . . .H0331 - Ch.225
  Licensed nurses, exclusive use, nurse titles . . .H0203 - Ch.188
  Liquor, application, live theater performances . .H0260 - Ch.111
  Liquor, restaurant definition amended. . . . . . . . . . . .H0049
  Medical license applicants, fingerprint check. . . H0012 - Ch.126
  Natural health care practitioners, registration. . . . . . H0239
  Naturopathic physicians, licensing requirements. . . . . . H0373
  Nursing home administrator, out-of-state, endorsementH0025 - Ch.51
  Optometry fund, now occupational licenses fund . . . . . . .H0018
  Outfitters/Guides Bd, establish special fees/creditsH0036 - Ch.75
  Outfitters/Guides, administrative penalties, authority . . H0173
  Outfitters/Guides, applicant investigations, decisionH0040 - Ch.77
  Outfitters/Guides, license term, multiple years. . .H0038 - Ch.76
  Payday loans, lender license, loan requirements. .H0206 - Ch.182
  Podiatry, licensing exam fees. . . . . . . . . . . .H0021 - Ch.72
  Polysomnography technologists, qualifications, permits . .S1077
  Polysomnography-related respiratory care, licensesS1165 - Ch.254
  Professional licenses, renewal and reinstatement . .H0033 - Ch.21
  Psychologist, applicants, grammar and fee changes. H0019 - Ch.120
  Real estate, convicted felons, exemption review. .S1048 - Ch.66
  Real estate, license requirements amended. . . . .S1047 - Ch.65
  Realtors, subject to residential mortgage practicesH0248 - Ch.221
  Residential care facilities administrators . . . . H0015 - Ch.201
  Teaching certificates, fees, schedule, purposes. .H0261 - Ch.143
  Vehicle dealers, licensing, continuing education .S1041 - Ch.98
  Approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1141 - Ch.170
  Account, distribution, police alcohol control fund . . . .S1020
  Alcohol abuse evaluation, waiver by court. . . . .H0336 - Ch.286
  Alcohol/drug test guidelines, all employers. . . . . . . .S1049
  Alcohol/drug-testing, public and private employersS1119 - Ch.233
  Beer/wine, sales by 18-year-olds . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1069
  Beer/wine, sellers, over age 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1046
  Beer/wine, tax increase, funds distribution. . . . . . . . H0402
  Dessert wines, retail sale, local option . . . . .H0246 - Ch.119
  Dispensary, State, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . .H0340 - Ch.176
  Hours of sale, determination by city . . . . . . .H0333 - Ch.284
  License application, live theater, underage personsH0260 - Ch.111
  Licenses, restaurant definition amended. . . . . . . . . . .H0049
  Sales tax proceeds, deposit to General Account . . . . . . H0423
  Surcharge reduced, proceeds to Drug/Family courts.H0369 - Ch.291
  Wine distributors, changes by vintners/successors. . . . . H0178
  Read Across Idaho Day declared . . . . . . . . . . . .HR003 - (A)
  Read Across Idaho Day declared . . . . . . . . . . .SR103 - (A)
  Construction defect, requisite notice by homeownerH0133 - Ch.133
  School facility, necessity levy, effect on lawsuitsH0403 - Ch.339
  Animal feeding operations, annual reports. . . . . . . . .S1088
  Brucellosis reactors, slaughter, owner compensationH0108 - Ch.106
  Confined animal operations siting, county regulationH0283 - Ch.297
  Diversion, prior notice/approval, Animal Industries. . . . H0107
  Idaho Bond Bank Authority, purchase of notes . . . H0267 - Ch.93
  Mortgage banker/broker licensing, federal laws . . .H0028 - Ch.73
  Payday, lender license and loan requirements . . .H0206 - Ch.182
  Repayment funds, Water Resources Bd. . . . . . . . .H0056 - Ch.80
  Residential mortgage practices, apply to realtors.H0248 - Ch.221
  Student loans, rural physician incentive fund. . .H0301 - Ch.283
  Teachers' student loans, repayment by Education Bd . . . . H0190
  Labor organization political contributions, limits H0329 - Ch.97
  Labor organization, political activity, amend HB329S1176 - Ch.340
  Legislative session, no political contributions. . . . . .S1172
  Scaling practices bd, 2 meetings per year. . . . .S1056 - Ch.95
  Approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0342 - Ch.178
  Bingo, reporting requirements, bingo paper trackingH0392 - Ch.314
  Gaming equipment, warrantless seizure/destruction. . . . . .H0041
  Procurement, open bidding, responsible suppliers . . . . . H0388
  State purchasing laws, State Lottery compliance. . . . . . H0296
  Small lawsuit resolution act amended . . . . . . . .H0072 - Ch.29
  Acupuncture licenses, reinstatement and renewal. . .H0033 - Ch.21
  Acupuncture, licensing/certification requirements. . . . . .H0014
  Assistance Services, H&W Dept, approp. . . . . . . . . . . H0447
  Child, medical support notice, order, enforcementS1073 - Ch.304
  Chiropractic licenses, reinstatement and renewal . .H0033 - Ch.21
  Chiropractic licensing exemptions, fees amended. . H0017 - Ch.277
  Disabled, Medicaid utilization management program. . . . .HCR021
  Medical education programs, approp . . . . . . . .H0418 - Ch.336
  Medicine Bd, athletic trainer licensing. . . . . .H0199 - Ch.261
  Medicine Bd, disciplinary grounds, legal assistance. . . . H0416
  Medicine Bd, filling vacancies, six nominations. . . . . . H0161
  Medicine Bd, license applicant, fingerprint check. H0012 - Ch.126
  Medicine Bd, notice, physician professional reviewS1102 - Ch.244
  Medicine Bd, physician assistant fee rules rejectedSCR109 - (A)
  Natural health care practitioners, registration. . . . . . H0239
  Naturopathic physicians, licensing requirements. . . . . . H0373
  Optometry bd fund, now occupational licenses fund. . . . . .H0018
  Optometry licenses, reinstatement and renewal. . . .H0033 - Ch.21
  Podiatrist licenses, reinstatement and renewal . . .H0033 - Ch.21
  Podiatry, licensing exam fees. . . . . . . . . . . .H0021 - Ch.72
  Polysomnography technologists, qualifications, permits . .S1077
  Polysomnography-related respiratory care, licensesS1165 - Ch.254
  Primary/preventive care, indigent patients, grants . . . . H0281
  Prospective employee, disclose substance abuse . . . . . . H0215
  Sterilization petitions/results, keep statistics .H0385 - Ch.300
  Sterilization, persons incapable of consent, hearingH0213 - Ch.189
  Student loans, rural physician incentive fund. . .H0301 - Ch.283
  Vaccinations, health risk disclosures, rights. . . . . . . H0368
  Veterans, prompt health care services needed . . . .HJM011 - (A)
  Juvenile Corrections, custody review records . . S1096 - Ch.164
  Public agency, includes certain 4-H clubs. . . . . . . . . H0117
  PUC, utility rate increases, prior public hearing. . . . .S1116
  Alternative Minimum Tax, urge repeal . . . . . . . SJM103 - (A)
  American Sovereignty Restoration, leave United Nations . . HJM006
  Backcountry landing strips, support public access. .HJM010 - (A)
  Death tax, urge permanent repeal . . . . . . . . . SJM102 - (A)
  Federal lands, school fund impact, compensation. . SJM101 - (A)
  Fish recovery programs, amend Northwest Power Act. . HJM002 - (A)
  Healthy Forests Initiative, support. . . . . . . . .HJM012 - (A)
  Internet/catalog sales, urge sales tax collection. . . . SJM104
  Interstate freight transportation, Idaho determination . . HJM005
  Medicare, physician reimbursement, geographic disparityHJM001 - (A)
  New U.S. circuit court of appeals urged. . . . . . . HJM004 - (A)
  Saddam Hussein, support removal from power . . . . . HJM008 - (A)
  State legislative redistricting, amend U.S. Constitution . HJM007
  U.S. Olympics, 2010, support Vancouver bid . . . . . HJM003 - (A)
  United Nations, support U.S. withdrawal. . . . . . . . . . HJM009
  Veterans, provide prompt health care services. . . .HJM011 - (A)
  Designated examiner, qualifications set by H&W Dept. . . .S1076
  Professionals, H&W Dept designated examiners . . S1128 - Ch.249
  Active duty, effect on child custody/visitation. S1136 - Ch.250
  Deployed students, fee refunds, grades, transcripts. . . . H0153
  Disabled veterans, Parks & Recreation fee waiver . . . . .S1013
  Division, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1184 - Ch.323
  Iraq, encourage action through United Nations. . . . . . .HCR010
  Jacob Tucker, U.S. Marines, commend service. . . . . . . .SP101
  License plates, special, killed in action. . . . . . . . .S1080
  National Guard members, civil relief act . . . . S1137 - Ch.251
  National Guard reservists, public school employees . . . . H0244
  National Guard, alternate pay, cooperative agreementS1112 - Ch.70
  Operation Enduring Support, local task forces. . . .SR104 - (A)
  Operation Enduring Support, local task forces. . . . .HR004 - (A)
  Saddam Hussein, support removal from power . . . . . HJM008 - (A)
  Student information disclosure, military recruitingS1175 - Ch.310
  Student information, disclose to military recruiters . . . H0272
  United Nations, support U.S. withdrawal. . . . . . . . . . HJM009
  Veterans Services Div, unclaimed remains disposal. H0182 - Ch.53
  Veterans State Cemetery, interment fees. . . . . . H0181 - Ch.42
  Veterans, personal records/forms, not public . . . .H0084 - Ch.26
  Veterans, prompt health care services needed . . . .HJM011 - (A)
  County property, mineral rights, return to land. . H0223 - Ch.58
  Commemorative silver medallions, not legal tender.H0415 - Ch.369
  Banker/broker licensing, regulation, federal laws. .H0028 - Ch.73
  Insurers, director and stockholder roles . . . . S1085 - Ch.163
  Residential mortgage practices, apply to realtors.H0248 - Ch.221
  Funeral directors, morticians, miscellaneous changesH0009 - Ch.257
  Professional licenses, renewal and reinstatement . .H0033 - Ch.21
  Abandoned, police list, tow truck rotation . . . . . . . . H0205
  All-terrain vehicles, definition amended . . . . . . . . . .H0063
  All-terrain vehicles, definition amended . . . . . H0204 - Ch.87
  Child safety seat, children under 60 pounds. . . . . . . .S1038
  Dealer license plates, maximum per dealer. . . . S1042 - Ch.125
  Dealers, license prerequisite, continuing educationS1041 - Ch.98
  Disabled parking placard/plate, unauthorized saleS1078 - Ch.162
  Disabled, designated parking/license plates. . . . . . . .S1045
  Driver's license, IRS tax identification number. . . . . .S1044
  Drivers under sixteen, accompanied after dark. . . H0103 - Ch.47
  Farm tractor trailers, size, speed . . . . . . . . H0138 - Ch.52
  Gravel/rock trucks, cover loads on highways. . . . . . . . H0230
  Insurance, settlement offers, deadline, attorney's fees. . H0180
  International plan, annual registration period . . . H0077 - Ch.9
  Kilometer odometer, branded certificate of title . . . . . .H0097
  Liability insurance, failure to have, penalties. . . . . .S1017
  Liability insurance, failure to have, penalties. . . . . .S1018
  License plates, special, applicable fees . . . . .S1011 - Ch.43
  License plates, special, Idaho boy scouts. . . . .S1052 - Ch.45
  License plates, special, killed in action. . . . . . . . .S1080
  License plates, special, motorcycle safety . . . .S1011 - Ch.43
  License plates, special, white water . . . . . . . . . . .S1040
  License plates, special, white water rafting . . S1082 - Ch.242
  Occupancy tax, definition, personal property . . .H0454 - Ch.364
  Oversize vehicles/loads, fees, pilot project routesH0395 - Ch.315
  Overweight loads, special permits, certain routes. . . . . H0282
  Overweight loads, temporary registration, fees amended . . H0282
  Proof of insurance, persons required, verificationS1010 - Ch.236
  Recycled motor oil, state purchasing preference. . . . . . H0118
  Release of liability statement, false informationS1043 - Ch.153
  School district vehicles, basic/optional features. . . . . H0310
  School transportation support, basic vehicles only . . . . H0366
  Seat belt use, all vehicle occupants, citations. .H0303 - Ch.183
  Seat belts required, all occupants . . . . . . . . . . . .S1012
  Security interest, terminal rental adjustment clause . . . H0137
  Snowmobile registration, all terrain vehicle exceptions. .S1036
  Snowmobiles, identification, nonresident requirementsH0064 - Ch.258
  Speed limits, local alteration, state approval . . . . . . H0114
  Studded tires, when permitted, stud sizes. . . . .H0231 - Ch.124
  Vehicle length, up to 115 feet, when permitted . S1053 - Ch.239
  Vehicles/driver's license notices, first class mailS1064 - Ch.157
  Waste tires, disposal, storage site permits. . . .H0198 - Ch.281
  Windows, front sides, no obstructions. . . . . . . . . . .S1039
  License plates, special, motorcycle safety . . . .S1011 - Ch.43
  Multistate Highway Transportation Agreement amended. . . . H0104
  Simplified Sales/Use Tax Administration Act. . . . . . . .S1193
  Basque, commend work of Adelia Garro Simplot . . . SCR101 - (A)
  Cigarettes, tax, precollection from wholesaler . . . . . . H0135
  Peyote use, "reservation" defined. . . . . . . . . . . . . H0191
  Sales on reservation, sales tax exemption repealed . . . . H0191
  Tobacco sales, tax precollection, deductions . . . . . . . H0455
  Tribes, reciprocal license agreements, F&G Com . S1059 - Ch.154
  Public/private nuisance, statutorily-authorized action . . H0217
  Foreign educated nurses, licensure requirements. . . . . . H0236
  Nurse titles, exclusive use, licensed nurses . . .H0203 - Ch.188
  Prospective employee, disclose substance abuse . . . . . . H0215
  Administrator license, out-of-state, endorsement . .H0025 - Ch.51
  Administrator licenses, renewal and reinstatement. .H0033 - Ch.21
  Occupational licenses fund, Optometry bd fees. . . . . . . .H0018
  Professional licenses, renewal and reinstatement . .H0033 - Ch.21
  Bd, disciplinary authority and jurisdiction. . . .H0295 - Ch.205
  Bd, license applicant investigations, final decisionsH0040 - Ch.77
  Bd, prosecutions before self, administrative penalties . . H0173
  Bd, subpoena/injunctive relief powers. . . . . . . . . . . .H0037
  Civil penalties, prosecute before Bd . . . . . . . . . . . .H0039
  License term, multiple years . . . . . . . . . . . .H0038 - Ch.76
  Licensing bd, establish special fees/credits . . . .H0036 - Ch.75
  Licensing, first aid cards, rules rejected . . . . .HCR012 - (A)
  Murder/manslaughter convicts, no firearms rights S1160 - Ch.253
  Probation/parole supervisees, interstate transfer, feeH0050 - Ch.25
  Probation/parole supervision, monthly fee increasedH0071 - Ch.130
  Active military duty, effect on child custody. . S1136 - Ch.250
  Breastfeeding rights, any location . . . . . . . . . . . . H0235
  Child literacy, Read Across Idaho Day declared . . .SR103 - (A)
  Child literacy, Read Across Idaho Day declared . . . .HR003 - (A)
  Child support orders, credit against arrearages. S1115 - Ch.246
  Day care facilities, state employees, study committee. . SCR113
  Interstate family support act amended. . . . . . . . . . .S1015
  Juvenile corrections custody, support calculation. . . . .S1003
  Minors' care, delegation to another, expiration. .S1034 - Ch.64
  Parental fitness, role of equipment/services . . .H0167 - Ch.279
  Parental rights termination, prolonged inability .H0160 - Ch.260
  Paternity disestablishment proceeding, child support . . . H0417
  All-terrain vehicles, definition amended . . . . . H0204 - Ch.87
  All-terrain vehicles, definition amended . . . . . . . . . .H0063
  Bd, waiver of fees for disabled veterans . . . . . . . . .S1013
  Dept, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1147 - Ch.180
  Dept, approp, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0460 - Ch.348
  Dept, approp, additions/reductions . . . . . . . . . . . . H0429
  Dept, certain camping rules rejected . . . . . . . .HCR018 - (A)
  Dept, citation authority, jurisdiction . . . . . . H0066 - Ch.128
  Dept, fee rules approved . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HCR019 - (A)
  Dept, law/rule violations, infraction, penalties . H0253 - Ch.92
  Ditches/canals, no recreational uses . . . . . . . . . . . H0125
  Idaho state parks/recreational trailway list revisedH0065 - Ch.278
  Landowner liability limitation, "charge" defined . . . . .S1109
  License plates, special, white water . . . . . . . . . . .S1040
  License plates, special, white water rafting . . S1082 - Ch.242
  Plant life management, transfer to F&G Dept. . . . H0067 - Ch.129
  Recreational acts, health insurance, exclusions. S1051 - Ch.303
  Snowmobile registration, all terrain vehicle exceptions. .S1036
  Snowmobiles, identification, nonresident requirementsH0064 - Ch.258
  Waterways Improvement Fund grants, award criteria. . . . . H0210
  Credit/debit cards, payments to court. . . . . . .H0337 - Ch.287
  Payment card receipts, identity theft. . . . . . .H0134 - Ch.134
  Payment from tax refunds, debts to courts. . . . .H0338 - Ch.288
  Mosquito abatement districts, elections/budgets/taxes. . . H0222
  Mosquito abatement districts, trustee elections/budgets. . H0112
  Pest control/mosquito abatement, public hearings . . . . .S1162
  Bd, prescription drug fee rules rejected . . . . . SCR109 - (A)
  Bd, unused medication, assisted living facilities. .HCR017 - (A)
  Pharmaceutical marketers, report gifts, exceptions . . . . H0289
  Medical license applicants, fingerprint check. . . H0012 - Ch.126
  Medicare, physician reimbursement, geographic disparityHJM001 - (A)
  Medicine Bd, disciplinary grounds, legal assistance. . . . H0416
  Naturopathic physicians, licensing requirements. . . . . . H0373
  Peer review records, disclosure, notice. . . . . S1102 - Ch.244
  Prospective employee, disclose substance abuse . . . . . . H0215
  Rural physician incentive fund, student loans. . .H0301 - Ch.283
  City annexation of adjacent territory, procedures. . . . . H0274
  Com members, term limits exception . . . . . . . . H0151 - Ch.84
  Confined animal operations siting, county regulationH0283 - Ch.297
  Emergency/interim ordinance, time periods. . . . .H0257 - Ch.142
  Local Planning Act, modernize, legislative study comm. . SCR104
  Manufactured home parks, subdivision/sale of lots. . . . . H0177
  Permit application, public school, impact on roadsH0229 - Ch.123
  Property development rights, contract terms, recordH0321 - Ch.224
  Property owner rights, hearings, takings analysis.H0257 - Ch.142
  Plant life species management, F&G Dept. . . . . . H0067 - Ch.129
  Modular buildings, plumbing/heat/electricity . . . . . . .S1111
  Abandoned vehicles, tow trucks, rotation list. . . . . . . H0205
  Alcoholic beverage control fund created. . . . . . . . . .S1020
  Approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0377 - Ch.292
  Approp, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0414 - Ch.335
  Fish/Game law enforcement responsibility . . . . . . . . . H0277
  Forfeited property proceeds, share with drug courts. . . . H0170
  Gaming equipment, warrantless seizure/destruction. . . . . .H0041
  Police officer training fund, court fees . . . . S1028 - Ch.237
  Public safety officer death benefits . . . . . . S1050 - Ch.238
  Agricultural field burning, register, ten countiesH0391 - Ch.316
  Agricultural odors/smoke, trespass law inapplicable. . . . H0226
  Air, DEQ control rules rejected. . . . . . . . . . . . . .HCR015
  Crop residue burning, DEQ opacity rules inapplicableH0228 - Ch.262
  DEQ air pollution control rules rejected . . . . . .HCR025 - (A)
  DEQ rules, pollutant trading requirements. . . . . . . . .S1105
  Field burning violations, exclusive remedy . . . . . . . . H0227
  Field burning violations, penalties, DEQ investigations. . H0364
  Field burning, annual reductions, tax credit . . . . . . . H0408
  Medicaid, drug coverage, conditions, denial, appeals . . . H0241
  Pharmaceutical marketers, report gifts, exceptions . . . . H0289
  Pharmacy Bd prescription drug fee rules rejected . SCR109 - (A)
  Unused medication return, assisted living facilitiesHCR017 - (A)
  Daily journals, printing agreement . . . . . . . . . HCR005 - (A)
  House/Senate permanent journals, printing agreement. HCR006 - (A)
  Legislative bills, printing agreement. . . . . . . . HCR004 - (A)
  Session laws, printing contract. . . . . . . . . . . HCR007 - (A)
  Death penalty, 2-year suspension, study. . . . . . . . . . H0122
  Death row inmates, solitary confinement, visits. .H0218 - Ch.282
  Felons, real estate license, exemption review. . .S1048 - Ch.66
  Incarceration cost reimbursement, county claims. . . . . .S1070
  Lewd conduct convicts, no firearms rights. . . . S1004 - Ch.113
  Murder/manslaughter convicts, no firearms rights S1160 - Ch.253
  Prison incarceration costs, reimbursement to countyS1108 - Ch.245
  Prisoner-facility employee, prohibited sexual contactH0115 - Ch.37
  Probation/parole supervisees, interstate transfer, feeH0050 - Ch.25
  Probation/parole supervision, monthly fee increasedH0071 - Ch.130
  Sex offenders, certified psychosexual evaluators S1002 - Ch.235
  F&G license, no display of social security number. . . . .S1098
  Identity theft, payment card receipts. . . . . . .H0134 - Ch.134
  Physicians, peer review records, when disclosed. . . . . .S1102
  Student information disclosure, military recruitingS1175 - Ch.310
  Student information, disclose to military recruiters . . . H0272
  Video voyeurism, unlawful practices. . . . . . . . . . . . .H0047
  Jacob Tucker, U.S. Marines, commend service. . . . . . . .SP101
  Bd, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0472 - Ch.368
  Bd, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0441
  Athletic trainers, licensing, qualifications . . .H0199 - Ch.261
  Barbers/hairdressers/public baths, no inspection S1120 - Ch.181
  Certified shorthand reporters, certify without exam. . . .S1126
  Certified shorthand reporters, maximum fees. . . . H0216 - Ch.88
  Certified shorthand reporters, renewal fee . . . . . . . . .H0034
  Engineers/land surveyors, amend license requirementsH0053 - Ch.15
  Heating/Ventilation/AC, competency certificates. . . . . .S1065
  Heating/Ventilation/AC, competency certificates. S1133 - Ch.276
  Landscape architects, licensing requirements, sealsH0331 - Ch.225
  Naturopathic physicians, licensing requirements. . . . . . H0373
  Polysomnography technologists, qualifications, permits . .S1077
  Polysomnography-related respiratory care, licensesS1165 - Ch.254
  Professional licenses, renewal and reinstatement . .H0033 - Ch.21
  Realtors, subject to residential mortgage practicesH0248 - Ch.221
  Vehicle dealers, licensing, continuing education .S1041 - Ch.98
  Abandoned vehicles, tow trucks, police rotation list . . . H0205
  Certain, acquired after 9/10/2001, disallow depreciation . H0194
  Charter school, tax exempt, purposes, determinationH0255 - Ch.222
  Closed areas, rescue response liability exceptions H0116 - Ch.38
  Community property, rents/issues/profits . . . . .H0214 - Ch.139
  Construction defect lawsuit, prelitigation notice.H0133 - Ch.133
  County assessment, third Monday of June. . . . . . . . . . H0148
  County, mineral rights, return to severed land . . H0223 - Ch.58
  Depreciation, capital gains/losses, adjusted basisH0390 - Ch.350
  Federal rights-of-way, county commissioner jurisdiction. . H0275
  Federal rights-of-way, exclusive county jurisdiction . . . H0375
  Forest land owner fire assessment increase . . . . .H0046 - Ch.79
  Forfeited, proceeds distribution, drug courts, police. . . H0170
  Garnishment/execution notice form corrected. . . .S1026 - Ch.44
  Highway districts, purchase/disposal of property .S1055 - Ch.68
  Insurance rate change, Insurance Dept approval . . . . . . H0380
  Landowner liability limits, conservation easementsH0273 - Ch.265
  Manufactured home parks, subdivision, sale of lots . . . . H0177
  Occupancy tax, definition, personal property . . .H0454 - Ch.364
  Owner rights, regulatory taking analysis . . . . .H0256 - Ch.141
  Property development rights, contract terms, recordH0321 - Ch.224
  Property owner rights, hearings, takings analysis.H0257 - Ch.142
  Protect property/lives, wildlife depredation . . . . . . . H0381
  Real property appraisals, county valuation scheduleH0142 - Ch.34
  Real, county valuation, 5-year appraisal cycle . . . . . .S1021
  Real, endowment lands, commercially leasable parcels . . . .H0045
  Real, forest practices, owner assessment increased .H0043 - Ch.78
  Real, home tax exemptions, cost-of-living increase . . . . H0172
  Rural home site development, tax exemptions, conditions. . H0136
  School trustees, $25,000+ property purchases, bidsH0270 - Ch.264
  Seizure, Tax Com, unpaid taxes, writ of possession .H0076 - Ch.81
  State land, commercial lease term, exception . . . H0044 - Ch.295
  State surplus, disposal, internal policies . . . . .H0013 - Ch.31
  Tax exemption, capital investment alternative. . .H0453 - Ch.345
  Tax exemption, capital investment credit alternativeH0453 - Ch.345
  Taxable/exempt property amended. . . . . . . . . . . H0075 - Ch.8
  Trespass provisions inapplicable, agric. odors/smoke . . . H0226
  Unclaimed, claim time period, redetermination. . . .H0080 - Ch.11
  Vehicle rental adjustment clause, effect on interest . . . H0137
  Psychosexual evaluator certification, sex offendersS1002 - Ch.235
  License applicants, grammar and fee changes. . . . H0019 - Ch.120
  Professional licenses, renewal and reinstatement . .H0033 - Ch.21
  Psychosexual evaluator certification, sex offendersS1002 - Ch.235
  Children's health insurance program, prenatal care . . . . H0201
  Children's health insurance, outreach, levels/limits . . .S1072
  Developmental disabilities, task force, Medicaid waiver. .HCR013
  Indigent patients, primary/preventive health care grants . H0281
  Medicaid utilization management program, disabled. . . . .HCR021
  Medicaid waiver, developmental disabilities task forceHCR029 - (A)
  Medicaid waiver, developmental disabilities task force . .HCR013
  Medicaid, drug coverage, conditions, denial, appeals . . . H0241
  Medicaid, H&W Dept dental services rule rejected . SCR110 - (A)
  Medical Assistance, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0447
  Medical payments, prenatal care, unborn child services . . H0202
  Medicare, physician reimbursement, geographic disparityHJM001 - (A)
  Idaho Educational Public Broadcasting, approp. . .H0422 - Ch.338
  Division, approp from Permanent Building Fund. . S1189 - Ch.328
  Employment of Idaho residents, standard wages. . . . . . .S1086
  Highway commissioner ordinances, publication, summaries. . H0398
  Idaho Reports, Supreme Court, volumes printed. . S1005 - Ch.114
  Sheriff, disseminate registration, violent sex predatorH0003 - Ch.28
  Highway districts, purchase/disposal of property .S1055 - Ch.68
  Idaho Bond Bank Authority, purchase of notes . . . H0267 - Ch.93
  Land bank fund purchases, proceeds, five years . .H0305 - Ch.230
  Recycled oil, encourage state agency use . . . . . .HCR026 - (A)
  School district vehicles, basic/optional features. . . . . H0310
  School trustees, $25,000+ property purchases, bidsH0270 - Ch.264
  State lottery, open bidding, responsible suppliers . . . . H0388
  State purchasing laws, State Lottery compliance. . . . . . H0296
  State purchasing preference, recycled motor oil. . . . . . H0118
  Advance deposit wagering, when lawful. . . . . . .H0374 - Ch.312
  Horse, advance deposit wagering, rules . . . . . . . . . . H0224
  Racehorse Buddy Gil, congratulations/appreciation. .SR106 - (A)
  Appraiser licenses, renewal and reinstatement. . . .H0033 - Ch.21
  Brokerage, duties/liabilities to clients amended . . . . .S1027
  Brokers, inspection/verification, no duty. . . . S1097 - Ch.243
  License requirements, felons, exemption review . .S1048 - Ch.66
  License requirements, miscellaneous amendments . .S1047 - Ch.65
  Mortgage banker/broker licensing, federal laws . . .H0028 - Ch.73
  Realtors, subject to residential mortgage practicesH0248 - Ch.221
  State legislative redistricting, amend U.S. Constitution . HJM007
  Commodity dealer, reports protected, production records. . H0154
  Commodity dealers, production records, confidentialH0307 - Ch.149
  County recording fees increased. . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0131
  DEQ, proposed rules, information required. . . . .H0150 - Ch.259
  Insurance Dept director, sharing of information. . H0058 - Ch.102
  Juvenile Corrections, custody review records . . S1096 - Ch.164
  Legal notice, electronic transmittal, consent. . S1060 - Ch.155
  Physicians, peer review records, when disclosed. S1102 - Ch.244
  Seed buyer, copies by Agriculture Dept . . . . . .H0309 - Ch.151
  State employee, aggregate bonus maximum, records . . . . .S1117
  Sterilization petitions/results, keep statistics .H0385 - Ch.300
  Student information disclosure, military recruitingS1175 - Ch.310
  Student information management, centralized systemH0367 - Ch.299
  Student information, disclose to military recruiters . . . H0272
  Veterans' personal/military forms, not public recordsH0084 - Ch.26
  Warehouseman, confidential reports, Agriculture Dept . . . H0156
  Warehousemen, production records, confidentiality.H0308 - Ch.150
  Deposit beverage containers, fees, recycling . . . . . . . H0197
  Recycled motor oil, state purchasing preference. . . . . . H0118
  Recycled oil, encourage state agency use . . . . . .HCR026 - (A)
  Counseling license exemption, regular ministerial duties . .H0010
  Proprietary school, exemption, religious organization. . .S1092
  Administrator license, renewal and reinstatement . .H0033 - Ch.21
  Administrators, licensing, ethics, violations. . . H0015 - Ch.201
  Albertson Fndtn, education contributions, gratitude.SR105 - (A)
  House of Representatives, employee compensation. . . .HR001 - (A)
  House Rule 24, delete prefiling of bills . . . . . . .HR002 - (A)
  Operation Enduring Support, local task forces. . . .SR104 - (A)
  Operation Enduring Support, local task forces. . . . .HR004 - (A)
  Racehorse Buddy Gil, congratulations/appreciation. .SR106 - (A)
  Read Across Idaho Day declared . . . . . . . . . . . .HR003 - (A)
  Read Across Idaho Day declared . . . . . . . . . . .SR103 - (A)
  Senate employee compensation . . . . . . . . . . . .SR102 - (A)
  Senate rules, pledge of allegiance . . . . . . . . .SR101 - (A)
  2003 U.S. Capitol Christmas tree, community activitiesHCR023 - (A)
  Agency fee rules approved, exceptions. . . . . . . SCR109 - (A)
  Agency rules approved, exception . . . . . . . . . SCR110 - (A)
  Aging Com rule re: program fees rejected . . . . . . . . .HCR028
  Budget Stabilization Fund, no general fund deposits. . . .HCR032
  Buy Idaho, support living wage jobs. . . . . . . . . . . .HCR014
  Charter school laws, legislative study comm. . . . . . . SCR115
  College facilities, Building Authority agreements. .HCR030 - (A)
  Com on Aging, certain rule rejected. . . . . . . . . . . SCR107
  Day care facilities, state employees, study committee. . SCR113
  DEQ rule re: air pollution control rejected. . . . . . . .HCR015
  DEQ rules re: air pollution control rejected . . . .HCR025 - (A)
  DEQ rules re: individual/subsurface sewage rejected.HCR016 - (A)
  DEQ, certain rules rejected. . . . . . . . . . . . .HCR022 - (A)
  Developmental disability, task force, Medicaid waiverHCR029 - (A)
  Developmental disability, task force, Medicaid waiver. . .HCR013
  Economic development incentives, legis. study comm . . . SCR114
  Education Bd rules re: federal programs rejected . SCR106 - (A)
  Energy related issues, legislative study comm. . . . HCR009 - (A)
  Energy related issues, legislative study comm. . . . . . . HCR001
  FY2004 budget shortfall, agency reductions . . . . . . . .HCR033
  FY2004, no transfers to Budget Stabilization Fund. SCR117 - (A)
  Governor's Budget Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . HCR003 - (A)
  Governor's State of the State address. . . . . . . . HCR002 - (A)
  H&W rule re: aid to aged/blind/disabled rejected . . . . SCR108
  Higher education system review, report findings. . . . . .HCR031
  House/Senate daily journals, printing agreement. . . HCR005 - (A)
  House/Senate permanent journals, printing agreement. HCR006 - (A)
  Insurance, retaliatory provisions, foreign companies . . SCR111
  Iraq, encourage action through United Nations. . . . . . .HCR010
  Judicial campaign financing, legislative study comm. . . .HCR020
  Judicial elections, legislative study comm . . . . . . . .HCR027
  Judicial elections, legislative study comm . . . . SCR116 - (A)
  Legislative bills, printing agreement. . . . . . . . HCR004 - (A)
  Local Planning Act, modernize, legislative study comm. . SCR104
  Medicaid utilization management program, disabled. . . . .HCR021
  N. Idaho truck routes, legislative study comm. . . . . . .HCR024
  Natural water resource issues, legislative study commSCR103 - (A)
  Obesity awareness, urge educational programs . . . . HCR008 - (A)
  Outfitters/Guides, certain rules rejected. . . . . .HCR012 - (A)
  Parks/Recreation Dept, fee rules approved. . . . . .HCR019 - (A)
  Parks/Recreation, certain camping rules rejected . .HCR018 - (A)
  Public transportation systems, legislative study comm. . SCR105
  Recycled oil, encourage state agency use . . . . . .HCR026 - (A)
  Sales tax structure, legislative study comm. . . . . . . SCR102
  Session laws, printing contract. . . . . . . . . . . HCR007 - (A)
  Simplot, Adelia Garro, commend Basque advocate . . SCR101 - (A)
  Tax structure, legislative study comm. . . . . . . . . . .HCR011
  Unschooled children, outreach, legislative study comm. . SCR112
  Justices/judges, appointment to office . . . . . . . . . . HJR003
  Land Commissioners Bd, add State Treasurer . . . . . . . . HJR001
  School district indebtedness, 60% voter approval . . . . SJR101
  State budget, limit expenditures, tax increases. . . . . . HJR002
  See also FOOD
  Smoking prohibitions, qualifying locations . . . . . . . . H0292
  Education Bd, employee deferred compensation . . S1084 - Ch.305
  Idaho Code Com compensation, not PERSI salary. . . H0165 - Ch.56
  PERSI, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0328 - Ch.174
  PERSI, extraordinary gains, firefighter retirement fund. .S1083
  School administrative staff, no early retirement . . . . . H0434
  School administrative staff, no early retirement S1197 - Ch.375
  Teacher, early retirement incentives, persons ineligible . H0320
  Teachers, early retirement incentives repealed . . . . . . H0187
  Teachers, early retirement incentives, reduction . . . . . H0318
  White water rafting, special license plates. . . S1082 - Ch.242
  White water, special license plates. . . . . . . . . . . .S1040
  Administrative pending rules, effective dates. . . . . . . H0290
  Administrative rules approved, exception . . . . . SCR110 - (A)
  Administrative rules approved, exceptions. . . . . SCR109 - (A)
  Administrative rules, continue in force and effectS1164 - Ch.309
  Administrative, copy to Legislative Services . . . .H0086 - Ch.22
  Aging Com rule re: program fees rejected . . . . . . . . .HCR028
  Agriculture Dept, marketing program, fees. . . . . . . . . H0159
  Com on Aging, certain rule rejected. . . . . . . . . . . SCR107
  Crop residue burning, DEQ opacity rules inapplicableH0228 - Ch.262
  DEQ rules, pollutant trading requirements. . . . . . . . .S1105
  DEQ, air pollution control rules rejected. . . . . . . . .HCR015
  DEQ, air pollution control rules rejected. . . . . .HCR025 - (A)
  DEQ, certain administrative rules rejected . . . . .HCR022 - (A)
  DEQ, individual/subsurface sewage rules rejected . .HCR016 - (A)
  DEQ, proposed rules, information required. . . . .H0150 - Ch.259
  Education Bd rules re: federal programs rejected . SCR106 - (A)
  H&W rule re: aid to aged/blind/disabled rejected . . . . SCR108
  House Rule 24, delete prefiling of bills . . . . . . .HR002 - (A)
  Insurance Dept, violations, penalties. . . . . . . . . . . .H0061
  Outfitters/Guides, certain rules rejected. . . . . .HCR012 - (A)
  Parks/Recreation Dept, fee rules approved. . . . . .HCR019 - (A)
  Parks/Recreation, certain camping rules rejected . .HCR018 - (A)
  Senate, pledge of allegiance . . . . . . . . . . . .SR101 - (A)
  Water quality, total maximum daily loads, not rulesH0458 - Ch.351
  Child safety seat, children under 60 pounds. . . . . . . .S1038
  Quarantine orders, H&W director, judicial review S1075 - Ch.240
  Safe school facility levy, requirements, procedure . . . . H0389
  School facility, necessity levy, effect on lawsuitsH0403 - Ch.339
  School facility, unsafe conditions, expenditure lawsH0326 - Ch.270
  Seat belt use, all vehicle occupants, citations. .H0303 - Ch.183
  Seat belts required, all vehicle occupants . . . . . . . .S1012
  Agriculture Dept, marketing program, rules, fees . . . . . H0159
  Aircraft, sales tax exemptions amended . . . . . . . H0077 - Ch.9
  Bad debt, sales tax credit, who/when . . . . . . . . . . . .H0088
  Beer/wine, sales by 18-year-olds . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1069
  Beer/wine, sellers, over age 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1046
  Beverage containers, recycling, deposit, redemption. . . . H0197
  Cigarettes, shipping, registration, customer age . . . . . H0297
  Cigarettes, tax, precollection from wholesaler . . . . . . H0135
  County sales tax, local option . . . . . . . . . .H0428 - Ch.363
  County sales tax, local option, any county . . . . . . . . H0406
  Dessert wines, retail sale, local option . . . . .H0246 - Ch.119
  Franchise agreement, choice of law, venue. . . . .H0383 - Ch.378
  Idaho products, promotion and certification. . . .H0298 - Ch.148
  Indian reservation, sales tax exemption repealed . . . . . H0191
  Internet/catalog sales, urge sales tax collection. . . . SJM104
  Liquor, hours of sale, determination by city . . .H0333 - Ch.284
  No telephone solicitation list, home businesses. . . . . .S1113
  Payment card receipts, identity theft. . . . . . .H0134 - Ch.134
  Pharmaceutical marketers, report gifts, exceptions . . . . H0289
  Property development rights, contract terms, recordH0321 - Ch.224
  Real estate licensee/broker requirements amended .S1047 - Ch.65
  Seller permits, denial, sales tax violations . . . . H0077 - Ch.9
  Soft drinks tax imposed, stamps, crowns. . . . . . . . . . H0405
  Tax increase, exemption for existing contracts . .H0452 - Ch.381
  Tax rate increased to 6.5%, funds distribution . . . . . . H0379
  Tobacco, delivery, requirements/permits/enforcementH0357 - Ch.273
  Unstamped cigarettes, unlawful shipments, penalties. . . . H0421
  Vehicle dealer license plates, maximum per dealerS1042 - Ch.125
  Vehicle rental adjustment clause, effect . . . . . . . . . H0137
  Vehicle, false liability release statement . . . S1043 - Ch.153
  Wine distributors, changes by vintners/successors. . . . . H0178
  Idaho Promise, rename for Robert R. Lee. . . . . S1134 - Ch.214
  Success scholarship program, Idaho students. . . . . . . .S1118
  Administrative staff allowance, calculation. . . . . . . . H0287
  Administrative staff allowance; maximum multiplier . . . . H0434
  Administrative staff allowance; maximum multiplierS1197 - Ch.375
  Bond credit enhancement program, funds increased .H0322 - Ch.269
  Bond levy equalization fund, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . H0438
  Bond levy equalization support, qualifying bonds .H0319 - Ch.268
  Bond levy equalization, eligible districts, reports. . . . H0188
  Budget certification, when due, emergency fund levy. H0075 - Ch.8
  Building equalization, deferred maintenance fund . . . . .S1173
  Buildings/plant facilities, certain sales tax proceeds . . H0121
  Charter school laws, legislative study comm. . . . . . . SCR115
  Charter school property, tax exempt, determinationH0255 - Ch.222
  Charter, miscellaneous amendments. . . . . . . . . . . . . H0271
  Charter, miscellaneous changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1169
  Chartering authority, petitions, appeals . . . . . . . . . H0346
  Classified staff allowance, multiplier increased . . . . .S1063
  Digital learning academy, student fees . . . . . S1170 - Ch.306
  Early retirement incentive, no administrative staff. . . . H0434
  Early retirement incentive, no administrative staffS1197 - Ch.375
  Early retirement incentive, persons not eligible . . . . . H0320
  Educational support program, support unit variability. . .S1104
  Educational support, elementary/secondary calculation. . . H0304
  Educational/transportation support, calculation. . . . . . H0436
  Educational/transportation support, calculation. .H0463 - Ch.372
  Employee/retiree health benefits, reports. . . . . . . . . H0243
  Employees, permitted/prohibited political activities . . .S1179
  Employment offers, signed contracts in other districts . . H0300
  House Bill 463, trailer bill . . . . . . . . . . .H0467 - Ch.373
  Idaho School for Deaf and Blind, approp. . . . . . . . . . H0444
  Idaho School for Deaf and Blind, approp. . . . . .H0457 - Ch.346
  Instructional staff multiplier, maximum. . . . . .H0456 - Ch.371
  Instructional staff multiplier, maximum. . . . . . . . . . H0435
  Negotiations, optional, local educational organization . . H0325
  Obesity awareness, urge educational programs . . . . HCR008 - (A)
  Prekindergarten, school age, 4 years . . . . . . . . . . .S1062
  Proprietary school, exemption, religious organization. . .S1092
  Public Education Stabilization Fund created. . . .H0463 - Ch.372
  Public Education Stabilization Fund, approp. . . . . . . . H0436
  Public Education Stabilization Fund, approp amendedH0467 - Ch.373
  Public school approp, actual support unit adjustment . . . H0186
  Public school discretionary funding variability. .H0463 - Ch.372
  Public school discretionary funding variability. . . . . . H0436
  Public school employees, National Guard duty . . . . . . . H0244
  Public School Holdback Protection Fund created . . . . . .S1103
  Public schools, approp, administrators . . . . . . . . . . H0434
  Public schools, approp, administrators . . . . . S1197 - Ch.375
  Public schools, approp, children's programs div. S1198 - Ch.376
  Public schools, approp, children's programs division . . . H0466
  Public schools, approp, children's programs division . . . H0437
  Public schools, approp, facilities division. . . S1196 - Ch.374
  Public schools, approp, operations . . . . . . . .H0463 - Ch.372
  Public schools, educational support, operations, approp. . H0436
  Public schools/educational support/teachers, approp. . . . H0435
  Public schools/educational support/teachers, appropH0456 - Ch.371
  Pupil transportation support program, basic vehicles . . . H0310
  Pupil transportation support program, maximum costs. . . .S1129
  Required academic instruction, Mondays-Thursdays . . . . . H0393
  Safe school facility levy, requirements, procedure . . . . H0389
  Sales tax distribution formula revised . . . . . . . . . . H0126
  School district indebtedness, 60% voter approval . . . . SJR101
  School district property tax replacement calculationH0467 - Ch.373
  School districts per county, by population . . . . . . . . H0286
  School facility, necessity levy, effect on lawsuitsH0403 - Ch.339
  School facility, unsafe conditions, expenditure lawsH0326 - Ch.270
  School funds, federal lands, want compensation . . SJM101 - (A)
  School support, alternative value index calculation. . . .S1174
  School support, alternative value index calculation. . . . H0311
  School trustees, employ/evaluate county superintendent . . H0285
  School year reduced, school fund deficiency. . . . . . . .S1091
  Smoking prohibitions, qualifying locations . . . . . . . . H0292
  State guaranteed school support, timber land . . . . . . . .H0099
  State teachers' assn meetings, make up teacher time. . . . H0262
  Student information disclosure, military recruitingS1175 - Ch.310
  Student information management, centralized systemH0367 - Ch.299
  Student information, disclose to military recruiters . . . H0272
  Support program, teachers new to profession. . . . . . . . H0185
  Teacher evaluations, when due. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0185
  Teacher salary calculations, performance allowance comm. . H0359
  Teachers, early retirement incentives repealed . . . . . . H0187
  Teachers, early retirement incentives, reduction . . . . . H0318
  Threats of violence, reports, limits on liability.H0269 - Ch.263
  Transportation service contracts, one-time renewal . . . . H0184
  Transportation support program, basic vehicles only. . . . H0366
  Trustee powers, exclude certain school/library materials . H0288
  Trustee zones, district at-large voting. . . . . . . . . . .H0095
  Trustees, $25,000+ property purchases, bids. . . .H0270 - Ch.264
  Trustees, election dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0094
  Unschooled children, outreach, legislative study comm. . SCR112
  Value index calculation amended. . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0189
  Zoning application, public school, impact on roadsH0229 - Ch.123
  Closed areas, rescue response liability exceptions H0116 - Ch.38
  Operations/resources, command authority/jurisdictionH0113 - Ch.132
  Approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1156 - Ch.192
  Approp, Democracy Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0460 - Ch.348
  Arts Com, now under Office of the Governor . . . . .H0087 - Ch.18
  Assumed business names, duration, filing fees. . .H0313 - Ch.223
  Ballot title, service, yes/no vote effect. . . . .H0291 - Ch.147
  Business reports, electronic filing/distribution .H0314 - Ch.207
  Campaign, independent expenditure, reporting . . .S1009 - Ch.20
  Democracy Fund, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0429
  Financing statements, filing officer duties. . . .H0312 - Ch.206
  Help America Vote act, miscellaneous changes requiredH0162 - Ch.48
  Pharmaceutical marketers, report gifts, exceptions . . . . H0289
  Presidential candidates, certification deadline. . H0268 - Ch.94
  Architectural Examiners Bd, continuing education . H0032 - Ch.100
  Dept, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0409
  Dept, approp amended, Veterans Services Division . S1014 - Ch.3
  Dept, approp, additional, Building Safety Div. . . . . . . H0439
  Dept, approp, additional, Building Safety Div. . S1199 - Ch.342
  Dept, approp, Athletic Com . . . . . . . . . . . .H0350 - Ch.209
  Dept, approp, Building Safety Division . . . . . S1161 - Ch.212
  Dept, approp, general/medical/regulatory bds . . .H0459 - Ch.347
  Dept, approp, Idaho State Lottery. . . . . . . . .H0342 - Ch.178
  Dept, approp, Veterans Services Division . . . . S1181 - Ch.320
  Dept, approp, Veterans Services Division . . . . . . . . .S1168
  Medicine Bd, filling vacancies, six nominations. . . . . . H0161
  Natural Health Care Bd established . . . . . . . . . . . . H0239
  Daily journals, printing agreement . . . . . . . . . HCR005 - (A)
  Employee compensation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SR102 - (A)
  Joint session, Governor's Budget address . . . . . . HCR003 - (A)
  Joint session, Governor's State of the State address HCR002 - (A)
  Legislative bills, printing agreement. . . . . . . . HCR004 - (A)
  Permanent journals, printing agreement . . . . . . . HCR006 - (A)
  President Pro Tem, fill JFAC vacancies . . . . . S1139 - Ch.252
  Rules, pledge of allegiance. . . . . . . . . . . . .SR101 - (A)
  Adult abuse, serious injury, notify law enforcement. . . . .H0052
  Assisted living facility rules, unused medication. .HCR017 - (A)
  Com on Aging rule re: program fees rejected. . . . . . . .HCR028
  Com on Aging, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1144 - (V)
  Com on Aging, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1182 - Ch.321
  Com on Aging, certain rule rejected. . . . . . . . . . . SCR107
  H&W rule re: aid to aged/blind/disabled rejected . . . . SCR108
  Permanent disability, reduced worker's compensation. . . .S1087
  Property tax exemptions, certain qualifying seniors. . . . H0207
  Alcohol abuse evaluation, waiver by court. . . . .H0336 - Ch.286
  Death penalty prohibited, mentally retarded personH0171 - Ch.136
  Death penalty, special sentencing proceeding . . .S1001 - Ch.19
  Drug cases, substance abuse evaluation waiver. . .H0335 - Ch.285
  Incest, maximum prison term increased. . . . . . .H0123 - Ch.202
  Juveniles, probation concurrent with commitment. . . . . . .H0051
  DEQ, individual/subsurface sewage rules rejected . .HCR016 - (A)
  Districts, board powers, snow removal. . . . . . .H0339 - Ch.272
  Water/sewer, board member compensation increased .S1035 - Ch.36
  County registration, violent sex predator, disseminateH0003 - Ch.28
  Fees, when set by county commissioners' resolution H0145 - Ch.39
  Garnishment proceedings, banking/trust corporationS1066 - Ch.158
  Garnishment, mail constituting personal service. S1066 - Ch.158
  Garnishment/execution notice form corrected. . . .S1026 - Ch.44
  Public safety officer death benefits . . . . . . S1050 - Ch.238
  Revolving Expense Fund, purposes . . . . . . . . . H0146 - Ch.40
  Search/rescue operations, authority/jurisdiction .H0113 - Ch.132
  Professional licenses, renewal and reinstatement . .H0033 - Ch.21
  Psychosexual evaluator certification, sex offendersS1002 - Ch.235
  Conservation Com, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . S1152 - Ch.198
  Conservation districts, policy and duties amended.H0109 - Ch.107
  Alteration by local authorities, state approval. . . . . . H0114
  Vessel operations, near skiers/docks . . . . . . .H0174 - Ch.232
  College savings program, definitions amended . . . . H0068 - Ch.5
  National Guard, effect of active duty. . . . . . S1137 - Ch.251
  Prekindergarten, school age, 4 years . . . . . . . . . . .S1062
  Promise Scholarship, rename for Robert R. Lee. . S1134 - Ch.214
  Student information disclosure, military recruitingS1175 - Ch.310
  Student information management, centralized systemH0367 - Ch.299
  Student information, disclose to military recruiters . . . H0272
  Student loans, rural physician incentive fund. . .H0301 - Ch.283
  Success scholarship program, Idaho students. . . . . . . .S1118
  Teachers' student loans, repayment by Education Bd . . . . H0190
  Charter school laws, legislative comm. . . . . . . . . . SCR115
  Death penalty, study com created . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0122
  Economic development incentives, legislative comm. . . . SCR114
  Energy related issues study comm, approp . . . . . . . . . . H0002
  Energy related issues, legislative comm. . . . . . . . . . HCR001
  Health Care Task Force, annual reports . . . . . . . . . .S1125
  Judicial campaign financing, legislative comm. . . . . . .HCR020
  Judicial elections, legislative comm . . . . . . . . . . .HCR027
  Judicial elections, legislative comm . . . . . . . SCR116 - (A)
  Local Planning Act modernization, legislative comm . . . SCR104
  N. Idaho truck routes, legislative comm. . . . . . . . . .HCR024
  Natural water resources, issues, legislative comm. SCR103 - (A)
  Public transportation systems, legislative comm. . . . . SCR105
  Sales tax structure, legislative comm. . . . . . . . . . SCR102
  State employees, day care facilities study committee . . SCR113
  Tax structure, legislative comm. . . . . . . . . . . . . .HCR011
  Unschooled children, outreach, legislative comm. . . . . SCR112
  Alcohol abuse evaluation, waiver by court. . . . .H0336 - Ch.286
  Alcohol/drug test guidelines, all employers. . . . . . . .S1049
  Alcohol/drug-testing, public and private employersS1119 - Ch.233
  Medical provider, controlled substance abuse disclosure. . H0215
  Substance abuse evaluation waiver, drug cases. . .H0335 - Ch.285
  State suicide prevention plan, tobacco tax proceeds. . . . H0362
  Video voyeurism, unlawful practices. . . . . . . . . . . . .H0047
  Appeals Bd, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0371 - Ch.275
  Appeals Bd, approp, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0429
  Com, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1201 - Ch.343
  Com, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0450
  Com, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0372
  Com, property claims, time period, redetermination .H0080 - Ch.11
  Com, property seizure, writ of possession. . . . . .H0076 - Ch.81
  Com, summons, service, unattested copy . . . . . . .H0079 - Ch.10
  Com, taxpayer refund set-off, court debts. . . . .H0338 - Ch.288
  Death tax, urge permanent repeal . . . . . . . . . SJM102 - (A)
  Estate and Transfer Tax repealed . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0250
  Idaho forest products, definitions, assessments. . H0035 - Ch.101
  Tax Appeals Bd, approp, additional . . . . . . . .H0460 - Ch.348
  Tax return, electronic filing, $2 credit repealed. H0130 - Ch.30
  Tax/expenditure limitations, state/local levels. . . . . . H0280
  Taxpayer's Bill of Rights, tax increase restrictions . . . HJR002
  Alternative Minimum Tax, urge repeal . . . . . . . SJM103 - (A)
  Credit, agricultural field burning abstention. . . . . . . H0408
  Credit, broadband equipment, transfer to intermediaryH0225 - Ch.89
  Credit, capital investment, alternative exemption.H0453 - Ch.345
  Credit, capital investments, alternative tax exemption . . H0317
  Credit, investments, taxpayer must earn credit . . . . . . .H0081
  Credit, land practices, extend tax credit. . . . . . . . . .H0082
  Credit, new employee, requirements, tax liability. .H0079 - Ch.10
  Deduction, health insurance, credit policy excluded.H0079 - Ch.10
  Depreciable property, capital gain/loss, basis . .H0390 - Ch.350
  Electing small business trust, tax rules/rates . . .H0079 - Ch.10
  Estimated tax payments, persons, when due. . . . . . . . . H0399
  Mutual insurance company dividends, taxability . .H0327 - Ch.271
  Property depreciation, special allowance not allowed . . . H0194
  Tax structure, legislative study comm. . . . . . . . . . .HCR011
  Taxable income computation, college savings withdrawalH0069 - Ch.6
  Teacher classroom expenses, tax deduction not allowed. . . H0194
  Withholding, employer, threshold increased . . . .H0279 - Ch.296
  Budget certification, when due . . . . . . . . . . . H0075 - Ch.8
  Business improvement assessments, exempt/disclose.H0232 - Ch.204
  County property roll, third Monday of June . . . . . . . . H0148
  Exemption, capital investment credit alternative .H0453 - Ch.345
  Exemption, charter school purposes, determine valueH0255 - Ch.222
  Exemption, personal property, capital investments. . . . . H0317
  Exemption, residential improvements, residency required. . H0249
  Exemption, rural home site development, conditions . . . . H0136
  Mosquito abatement districts, annual levy. . . . . . . . . H0222
  Occupancy tax, definition, personal property . . .H0454 - Ch.364
  Property appraisals, county valuation schedule . . H0142 - Ch.34
  Property valuation, 5-year appraisal cycle . . . . . . . .S1021
  Relief, disabled persons, definition . . . . . . . . . . . H0101
  Residential exemptions, cost-of-living increases . . . . . H0172
  Safe school facility levy, requirements, procedure . . . . H0389
  School facility, necessity levy, effect on lawsuitsH0403 - Ch.339
  School levy equalization, eligible districts, reports. . . H0188
  Tax exemptions, additional, seniors/disabled/veterans. . . H0207
  Tax structure, legislative study comm. . . . . . . . . . .HCR011
  Taxable/exempt property amended. . . . . . . . . . . H0075 - Ch.8
  Timber, replacement value, school support calculation. . . .H0099
  Valuation appeal, burden of proof. . . . . . . . .H0302 - Ch.266
  Aircraft, exemptions amended . . . . . . . . . . . . H0077 - Ch.9
  All-terrain vehicles, definition amended . . . . . . . . . .H0063
  All-terrain vehicles, definition amended . . . . . H0204 - Ch.87
  Bad debt, credit, who/when entitled. . . . . . . . . . . . .H0088
  Beer/wine, rate increased, funds distribution. . . . . . . H0402
  Cigarettes, floor stocks tax imposed . . . . . . .H0264 - Ch.362
  Cigarettes, rate increase, 2003-2004 . . . . . . . . . . . H0404
  Cigarettes, rate increase, floor stocks tax. . . . . . . . H0378
  Cigarettes, tax increased, funds distribution. . .H0264 - Ch.362
  Cigarettes, tax, precollection from wholesaler . . . . . . H0135
  County sales tax, local option . . . . . . . . . .H0428 - Ch.363
  County sales tax, local option, any county . . . . . . . . H0406
  Exemption repealed, heating materials. . . . . . . . . . . H0265
  Exemption repealed, heating/water/electricity/gas. . . . . H0121
  Exemption repealed, sales on Indian reservation. . . . . . H0191
  Exemption, commemorative silver medallions . . . .H0415 - Ch.369
  Internet/catalog sales, urge sales tax collection. . . . SJM104
  Liquor, tax proceeds, deposit to General Account . . . . . H0423
  Motor vehicles, annual registration period . . . . . H0077 - Ch.9
  Rate increase, exemption for existing contracts. .H0452 - Ch.381
  Rate increased to 6%, 2 years, funds distribution.H0400 - Ch.318
  Rate increased to 6.5%, funds distribution . . . . . . . . H0379
  Resort county sales tax, local option. . . . . . . . . . . H0192
  Revenue sharing acct, continuous approp, amount. . . . . . .H0096
  Sales tax structure, legislative study comm. . . . . . . SCR102
  School district distribution formula revised . . . . . . . H0126
  Seller permit, denial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0077 - Ch.9
  Simplified Sales/Use Tax Administration Act. . . . . . . .S1193
  Soft drinks tax imposed, stamps, crowns. . . . . . . . . . H0405
  Tax structure, legislative study comm. . . . . . . . . . .HCR011
  Taxpayer payment responsibility, personal liability. H0074 - Ch.7
  Tobacco products, tax rate increased . . . . . . . . . . . .H0073
  Tobacco stamps, brand families, certify/report . . H0111 - Ch.33
  Tobacco tax proceeds, state suicide prevention plan. . . . H0362
  Tobacco, precollection, Indian customer deductions . . . . H0455
  Unstamped cigarettes, unlawful shipments, penalties. . . . H0421
  Certificates, fees, schedules, purposes. . . . . .H0261 - Ch.143
  Early retirement incentive, persons not eligible . . . . . H0320
  Early retirement incentives repealed . . . . . . . . . . . H0187
  Early retirement incentives, reduction . . . . . . . . . . H0318
  Political activities, rights and prohibitions. . . . . . .S1179
  Professional Standards Com, school bds assn nomineeH0263 - Ch.144
  Required academic instruction, Mondays-Thursdays . . . . . H0393
  School employment offers, contracts in other districts . . H0300
  Staff position multiplier, maximum . . . . . . . .H0456 - Ch.371
  Staff position multiplier, maximum . . . . . . . . . . . . H0435
  State teachers' assn meetings, make up teacher time. . . . H0262
  Support program, teachers new to profession. . . . . . . . H0185
  Teacher classroom expenses, tax deduction not allowed. . . H0194
  Teacher evaluations, when due. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0185
  Teacher salary calculations, performance allowance comm. . H0359
  Teachers Division, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0435
  Teachers Division, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . .H0456 - Ch.371
  Teachers' student loans, repayment by Education Bd . . . . H0190
  Amber alert, missing child, broadcaster immunity . H0247 - Ch.91
  Broadband equipment tax credit, earning taxpayer . . . . . .H0081
  Broadband equipment tax credit, transfer to others H0225 - Ch.89
  Emergency communications fee, HB 363 amended . . S1178 - Ch.311
  Enhanced consolidated emergency communication systemH0363 - Ch.290
  Enhanced consolidated emergency communications systems . . H0258
  Enhanced consolidated emergency communications, fee. . . . H0299
  Line/instrument destruction, misdemeanor offense S1121 - Ch.247
  No telephone solicitation list, home businesses. . . . . .S1113
  Idaho Educational Public Broadcasting, approp. . .H0422 - Ch.338
  Planning/Zoning Com members, term limits exception H0151 - Ch.84
  Waste tires, disposal, storage site permits. . . .H0198 - Ch.281
  Cigarette sales, shipping, customer age verification . . . H0297
  Cigarettes, floor stocks tax imposed . . . . . . .H0264 - Ch.362
  Cigarettes, tax increase, 2003-2004. . . . . . . . . . . . H0404
  Cigarettes, tax increase, floor stocks tax . . . . . . . . H0378
  Cigarettes, tax increased, funds distribution. . .H0264 - Ch.362
  Cigarettes, tax, precollection from wholesaler . . . . . . H0135
  Delivery sales, requirements, permits, enforcementH0357 - Ch.273
  Permittees, enforcement inspections, minors' helpS1067 - Ch.159
  Product manufacturer, brand family certification . H0111 - Ch.33
  Product manufacturer, nonparticipating, escrow fundsH0358 - Ch.289
  Products, sales tax increased. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0073
  Settlement Agreement, payment to General Fund. . . . . . . H0424
  Settlement payments, approp to General Fund. . . S1195 - Ch.341
  Smoking prohibitions, qualifying buildings/offices . . . . H0292
  Smoking, public places defined, local restrictions . . . . H0356
  Tax, precollection, deductions for Indian customers. . . . H0455
  Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement Complementary ActH0111 - Ch.33
  Tobacco tax proceeds, state suicide prevention plan. . . . H0362
  Unstamped cigarettes, penalties, unlawful shipments. . . . H0421
  Limit on damages recovery reduced. . . . . . . . . H0092 - Ch.122
  Public/private nuisance, statutorily-authorized action . . H0217
  School violence, report threats, limited liabilityH0269 - Ch.263
  All-terrain vehicles, definition amended . . . . . H0204 - Ch.87
  Backcountry landing strips, support public access. .HJM010 - (A)
  Child safety seat, children under 60 pounds. . . . . . . .S1038
  Dealer license plates, maximum per dealer. . . . S1042 - Ch.125
  Dept, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1159 - (V)
  Dept, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1186 - Ch.325
  Dept, approval required, local speed limit alterations . . H0114
  Dept, director authority, lost aircraft search . .H0113 - Ch.132
  Disabled parking placard/plate, unauthorized saleS1078 - Ch.162
  Disabled, designated parking/license plates. . . . . . . .S1045
  Driver's license, IRS tax identification number. . . . . .S1044
  Drivers under sixteen, accompanied after dark. . . H0103 - Ch.47
  Farm tractor trailers, size, speed . . . . . . . . H0138 - Ch.52
  Gravel/rock trucks, cover loads on highways. . . . . . . . H0230
  Interstate freight transportation, Idaho determination . . HJM005
  License plates, special, Idaho boy scouts. . . . .S1052 - Ch.45
  License plates, special, killed in action. . . . . . . . .S1080
  License plates, special, white water . . . . . . . . . . .S1040
  License plates, special, white water rafting . . S1082 - Ch.242
  Local Highway Technical Assistance, compensation S1079 - Ch.241
  Multistate Highway Transportation Agreement amended. . . . H0104
  N. Idaho truck routes, legislative study comm. . . . . . .HCR024
  Oversize vehicles/loads, fees, pilot project routesH0395 - Ch.315
  Overweight loads, special permits, certain routes. . . . . H0282
  Overweight loads, temporary registration, fees amended . . H0282
  Public transportation systems, legislative study comm. . SCR105
  Pupil transportation support program, basic vehicles . . . H0310
  Pupil transportation support program, maximum costs. . . .S1129
  Regional public authority, budget hearing notice S1123 - Ch.210
  School district service contracts, one-time renewal. . . . H0184
  School transportation support, allowable costs . . . . . . H0436
  School transportation support, allowable costs . .H0463 - Ch.372
  School transportation support, basic vehicles only . . . . H0366
  Seat belt use, all vehicle occupants, citations. .H0303 - Ch.183
  Snowmobiles, identification, nonresident requirementsH0064 - Ch.258
  Studded tires, when permitted, stud sizes. . . . .H0231 - Ch.124
  Vehicle length, up to 115 feet, when permitted . S1053 - Ch.239
  Vehicle odometer, kilometers, branded title certificate. . .H0097
  Vehicle plates, special, motorcycle safety . . . .S1011 - Ch.43
  Vehicle windows, front sides, no obstructions. . . . . . .S1039
  Vehicles/driver's license, first class mail noticeS1064 - Ch.157
  Vessel operations, near skiers/docks . . . . . . .H0174 - Ch.232
  Zoning application, public school, impact on roadsH0229 - Ch.123
  Approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0351 - Ch.193
  Approp, additional, commemorative medallions . . .H0461 - Ch.370
  Approp, additional, commemorative medallions . . . . . . . H0427
  Approp, from Millennium Income Fund. . . . . . . S1188 - Ch.327
  Commemorative silver medallions, issuance, sale. .H0415 - Ch.369
  Idaho Millennium Income Fund, distribution revised . .H0001 - Ch.1
  Land Commissioners Bd, add State Treasurer . . . . . . . . HJR001
  Uniform Gift to Minors Act, applicable ages. . . . . . . . H0144
  Building code, exemption, windows during repairs . . . . . H0100
  Child Witness Testimony, Alternative Methods . . S1016 - Ch.152
  Domestic Violence Protection, foreign orders, validS1093 - Ch.213
  Gift to Minors Act, applicable age definitions . . . . . . H0144
  Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, amend . . . . . . .S1015
  Operation areas, excludes unincorporated areas . .H0276 - Ch.146
  Heating/water/electricity/gas, tax exemption repealed. . . H0121
  Public Utilities Com, approp . . . . . . . . . . .H0345 - Ch.184
  PUC, intervention costs award, amount/utilities. . H0147 - Ch.41
  Rate increases, public hearing prior to recommendation . .S1116
  Cemetery Maintenance fund, commemorative medallionsH0415 - Ch.369
  Disabled, Parks & Recreation fee waiver. . . . . . . . . .S1013
  Health care services, prompt/timely care needed. . .HJM011 - (A)
  License plates, special, killed in action. . . . . . . . .S1080
  Military records/forms, not public records . . . . .H0084 - Ch.26
  Property tax exemptions, certain qualifying veterans . . . H0207
  Services Div, state cemetery, interment fees . . . H0181 - Ch.42
  Services Div, unclaimed remains disposition. . . . H0182 - Ch.53
  Services Division, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1168
  Services Division, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . S1181 - Ch.320
  Services Division, approp amended. . . . . . . . . S1014 - Ch.3
  Div, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0410 - Ch.331
  Division, approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H0344 - (V)
  Division, approp, additional . . . . . . . . . . . .H0091 - Ch.24
  Ambulance district budget increase, voter approval . . . . H0193
  Ballot title, service, yes/no vote effect. . . . .H0291 - Ch.147
  Dist. proceedings, Ground Water district directorsH0208 - Ch.137
  Help America Vote act, miscellaneous changes requiredH0162 - Ch.48
  Highway district dissolution petition, signatures. . . . .S1081
  Highway district, dissolution petition, eligible voters. .S1037
  Independent candidates, candidacy filing period. .H0382 - Ch.293
  Port district disincorporation, procedure. . . . S1171 - Ch.353
  Public funds, political purposes, prohibited uses. . . . . H0315
  Recall election, number of petition signatures . . H0166 - Ch.57
  School district indebtedness, 60% voter approval . . . . SJR101
  School trustee zones, district at-large voting . . . . . . .H0095
  School trustees, election dates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H0094
  Voting process/handling, elections watchers/challengers. . H0234
  Employment security, taxable wage base, 2002-2004. . H0070 - Ch.2
  Fire protection bd, commissioner compensation. . .H0195 - Ch.196
  Government employee cost saving suggestions, bonusS1130 - Ch.168
  Highway district commissioners, compensation . . .S1055 - Ch.68
  House of Representatives, employee compensation. . . .HR001 - (A)
  Idaho Code Com compensation, not PERSI salary. . . H0165 - Ch.56
  Medicare, physician reimbursement, geographic disparityHJM001 - (A)
  National Guard, alternate pay, cooperative agreementS1112 - Ch.70
  Public works, standard prevailing county wages . . . . . .S1086
  Senate employee compensation . . . . . . . . . . . .SR102 - (A)
  State employee, aggregate bonus maximum, records . . . . .S1117
  Teacher salary calculations, performance allowance comm. . H0359
  Wage claim, employer retaliation, employee remedy. . . . . .H0027
  Water/sewer dist., bd member compensation increaseS1035 - Ch.36
  Bonds, combined, amount, forms, records confidentiality. . H0156
  Commodity dealer, bond alternative/amount, recordsH0307 - Ch.149
  Commodity indemnity fund, claim loss, deadline . .H0102 - Ch.131
  Seed buyer, bond alternatives, amount/records. . .H0309 - Ch.151
  Warehouse, bond, alternatives, amount/records. . .H0308 - Ch.150
  Waste tires, disposal, storage site permits. . . . . . . . H0198
  Conservation practice, no forfeiture of rights . S1100 - Ch.166
  DEQ rules, pollutant trading requirements. . . . . . . . .S1105
  DEQ, certain administrative rules rejected . . . . .HCR022 - (A)
  Dist. proceedings, Ground Water district directorsH0208 - Ch.137
  Districts, board powers, snow removal. . . . . . .H0339 - Ch.272
  Ditches/canals, no recreational uses, not navigable. . . . H0125
  Illegal diversion/use, desist orders, penalties. S1099 - Ch.165
  Natural water resource issues, legislative study commSCR103 - (A)
  Pend Oreille/Priest Lake Com created . . . . . . .H0110 - Ch.231
  Quality, maximum daily loads, public input . . . .H0458 - Ch.351
  Rights, local public interest factor . . . . . . .H0284 - Ch.298
  Waterways Improvement Fund grants, award criteria. . . . . H0210
  Agency findings, local public interest factor. . .H0284 - Ch.298
  Approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S1151 - (V)
  Approp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1185 - Ch.324
  Bd authority, deposit/pledge loan repayments . . . .H0056 - Ch.80
  Digital boundary descriptions, weight of evidenceS1101 - Ch.167
  Director actions, appeals, notice, judicial reviewH0211 - Ch.138
  Hearings before director, requirements, remedies . . . . . .H0057
  Illegal water diversion, desist orders, penaltiesS1099 - Ch.165
  Protest/intervene request, filing fee increased. . . . . .S1058
  No firearms rights, lewd conduct convicts. . . . S1004 - Ch.113
  No firearms rights, murder/manslaughter convicts S1160 - Ch.253
  Backcountry landing strips, support public access. .HJM010 - (A)
  Big game, private feeding, disease control rules . H0127 - Ch.83
  Deleterious exotic animals, regulation/prohibitionH0106 - Ch.105
  Felony, unlawful killing, moose excepted . . . . . . . . . H0278
  Fish recovery programs, amend Northwest Power Act. . HJM002 - (A)
  Grazing wildlife/bear/lion, damage control/compensation. . H0209
  Wildlife depredation, disposal, protect lives/property . . H0381
  Wolves, state conservation and management policy .H0294 - Ch.302
  Idaho Women's Com, approp. . . . . . . . . . . . .H0341 - Ch.177
  Pregnant, health services assistance, prenatal care. . . . H0202
  Pregnant, prenatal care, health insurance program. . . . . H0201
  Alcohol/drug-testing, public employer premiums . S1119 - Ch.233
  Permanent disability income benefits, reductions . . . . .S1087