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View Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS - Providing legislative intent regarding reduced state revenues; reducing the appropriations to the various state agencies, institutions and entities for fiscal year 2003; directing a reduction in the transfer of funds to the Legislative Fund; and providing direction to the Board of Examiners in the event of a budget shortfall. 04/24 House intro - 1st rdg - to printing 04/25 Rpt prt - to 2nd rdg 04/28 2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg 05/01 Ret'd to Approp
|||| LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO |||| Fifty-seventh Legislature First Regular Session - 2003IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE BILL NO. 425 BY APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO APPROPRIATIONS; PROVIDING LEGISLATIVE INTENT; TO PROVIDE A REDUC- 3 TION IN THE APPROPRIATIONS TO THE VARIOUS STATE AGENCIES, INSTITUTIONS AND 4 ENTITIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003; PROVIDING THAT THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE OF 5 THE SENATE AND THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SHALL DIRECT 6 THE STATE CONTROLLER TO REDUCE THE FUNDS TRANSFER TO THE LEGISLATIVE FUND; 7 PROVIDING DIRECTION TO THE BOARD OF EXAMINERS IN THE EVENT OF A BUDGET 8 SHORTFALL; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. 9 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 10 SECTION 1. LEGISLATIVE INTENT. The January 2003 revised General Fund rev- 11 enue estimates indicate that sufficient revenues will not be available to meet 12 the fiscal year 2003 appropriations authorized by the Legislature. Section 11, 13 Article VII, of the Constitution of the State of Idaho provides that: "No 14 appropriation shall be made, nor any expenditure authorized by the legisla- 15 ture, whereby the expenditure of the state during any fiscal year shall exceed 16 the total tax then provided for by law, and applicable to such appropriation 17 or expenditure...". Therefore, the Legislature finds it necessary to reduce 18 agency appropriations to balance General Fund expenditures with anticipated 19 revenues for the current fiscal year. 20 SECTION 2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, 21 the appropriation of moneys made in the following sections of the following 22 chapters, Laws of 2002, is hereby reduced by the following amounts from the 23 General Fund for the period July 1, 2002, through June 30, 2003. Agencies and 24 institutions shall administer these reductions by program and by expense class 25 so as to minimize the impacts on essential services: 26 (1) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 271 27 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION 28 OFFICE OF THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION: $ 190,300 29 (2) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 177 30 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION 31 IDAHO STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY: $ 66,700 32 (3) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 206 33 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION 34 STATE LIBRARY BOARD: $ 64,400 35 (4) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 209 36 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION 37 IDAHO EDUCATIONAL PUBLIC BROADCASTING SYSTEM: $ 67,500 2 1 (5) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 338 2 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION/STATE DEPARTMENT OF 3 EDUCATION: $ 191,700 4 (6) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 195 5 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION 6 DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION: $ 133,700 7 (7) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 170 8 CATASTROPHIC HEALTH CARE COST FUND: $ 306,200 9 (8) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 319 10 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE 11 DIVISION OF FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES: $ 2,162,000 12 (9) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 320 13 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE 14 INDIRECT SUPPORT SERVICES AND THE INDEPENDENT 15 COMMISSIONS AND COUNCILS: $ 614,800 16 (10) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 321 17 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE 18 MEDICAL ASSISTANCE SERVICES: $ 2,680,800 19 (11) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 322 20 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE 21 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES: $ 106,900 22 (12) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 323 23 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE 24 DIVISION OF WELFARE: $ 1,173,600 25 (13) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 194 26 PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FUND: $ 342,300 27 (14) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 175 28 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION: $ 3,928,300 29 (15) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 249 30 SUPREME COURT: $ 899,100 31 (16) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 324 32 DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE CORRECTIONS: $ 1,147,800 33 (17) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 198 34 IDAHO STATE POLICE: $ 635,300 35 (18) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 164 36 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: $ 548,400 37 (19) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 165 38 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS: $ 166,800 3 1 (20) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 314 2 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION: $ 301,800 3 (21) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 168 4 DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES: $ 352,100 5 (22) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 270 6 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE: $ 205,500 7 (23) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 167 8 SOIL CONSERVATION COMMISSION: $ 140,700 9 (24) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 243 10 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE: $ 234,100 11 (25) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 66 12 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR: $ 19,100 13 (26) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 203 14 SELF-GOVERNING AGENCIES 15 (a) BOARD OF EXAMINERS: $ 1,000 16 (b) COMMISSION ON HISPANIC AFFAIRS: 3,800 17 TOTAL $ 4,800 18 (27) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 169 19 OFFICE OF STATE APPELLATE PUBLIC DEFENDER: $ 44,200 20 (28) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 239 21 DIVISION OF VETERANS SERVICES: $ 72,300 22 (29) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 199 23 DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION: $ 108,800 24 (30) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 229 25 ATTORNEY GENERAL: $ 493,900 26 (31) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 336 27 STATE CONTROLLER: $ 193,900 28 (32) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 315 29 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 30 COMMISSION ON AGING: $ 162,100 31 (33) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 193 32 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 33 COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED: $ 46,700 34 (34) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 248 35 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 36 DIVISION OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: $ 73,400 37 (35) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 65 38 EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 39 GOVERNOR'S OFFICE ADMINISTRATION: $ 52,500 4 1 (36) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 246 2 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 3 MILITARY DIVISION: $ 169,900 4 (37) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 325 5 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 6 OFFICE OF SPECIES CONSERVATION: $ 19,700 7 (38) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 251 8 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 9 IDAHO WOMEN'S COMMISSION: $ 1,400 10 (39) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 316 11 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL: $ 155,900 12 (40) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 67 13 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: $ 4,200 14 (41) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 210 15 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND TAXATION 16 BOARD OF TAX APPEALS: $ 6,200 17 (42) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 211 18 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND TAXATION 19 STATE TAX COMMISSION: $ 842,900 20 (43) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 241 21 SECRETARY OF STATE 22 COMMISSION ON THE ARTS: $ 31,000 23 (44) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 247 24 SECRETARY OF STATE: $ 81,300 25 (45) SECTION 1, CHAPTER 196 26 STATE TREASURER: $ 43,600 27 GRAND TOTAL $19,288,600 28 SECTION 3. On or before June 1, 2003, the President Pro Tempore of the 29 Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall direct the State 30 Controller to reduce by $188,300 the amount transferred from the General Fund 31 to the Legislative Fund pursuant to Section 67-451(2), Idaho Code, for the 32 period July 1, 2002, through June 30, 2003. 33 SECTION 4. The Legislature finds that the current economic situation fac- 34 ing the state of Idaho may require additional reductions to state expenditure 35 levels beyond those reductions contained in this act. The likelihood of these 36 budgetary actions requires that certain prudent and responsible steps be fol- 37 lowed in order to ensure a balanced budget for the current fiscal year. 38 If, after the First Regular Session of the Fifty-seventh Idaho Legislature 39 has adjourned sine die, and subsequently, state revenues do not appear ade- 40 quate to support state expenditures through the balance of the fiscal year, 41 the Board of Examiners shall, as provided by Section 67-3512, Idaho Code, 42 reduce legislative appropriations to agencies and institutions for the current 43 fiscal year by amounts necessary to balance the budget. 5 1 If, any payments or obligations from fiscal year 2003 are carried over 2 into fiscal year 2004 beyond the normal encumbrance process authorized by Sec- 3 tion 67-3521, Idaho Code, then the Board of Examiners shall reduce the fiscal 4 year 2004 appropriations for those agencies and institutions in the same 5 amount as their fiscal year 2003 payments or obligations carried into fiscal 6 year 2004. 7 Any fiscal year 2003 or fiscal year 2004 reduction in the legislative 8 appropriation that is authorized by the Board of Examiners for public schools, 9 pursuant to the provisions of this section, shall be exempt from the provi- 10 sions of Section 33-1009 4., Idaho Code. 11 SECTION 5. An emergency existing therefor, which emergency is hereby 12 declared to exist, this act shall be in full force and effect on and after its 13 passage and approval.
Statement of Purpose |
RS13180C1 |
This bill reduces the Fiscal Year 2003 General Fund Appropriations for state agencies by $19,476,900. It reflects a reduction of 3.5% for state agencies including the Legislature, Judiciary and statewide elected officials, 1.9% for the Department of Health and Welfare, 2.6% for the State Library, and no reduction for public schools and higher education for an overall reduction of 1%. This is essentially the Executive Order calling for expenditure holdbacks that has been in effect since September.
Section 4 of this bill likely will not be necessary, but simply restates the need for the Board of Examiners to reduce appropriations if April, May or June revenues come up short of projections. Further, if any FY 2003 spending obligations are simply carried over into FY 2004 at year’s end, then the Board of Examiners also will reduce the FY 2004 appropriation a like amount for any agency or institution that carries over bills or payments. The provisions of section 4 also exempt any action by the Board of Examiners from the code section dealing with the property tax trigger for public schools.
Fiscal Note |
General Fund Negative Supplemental
By FY 2003 General Fund Percent Change
Functional Area Approp Reduction
Education $1,263,957,400 ($714,300) (.1%)
Health and Human Services 378,174,700 (7,386,600) (2.0%)
Public Safety 188,871,000 (6,610,500) (3.5%)
Natural Resources 39,118,500 (1,369,100) (3.5%)
Economic Development 20,589,900 (720,700) (3.5%)
General Government 77,183,900 (2,675,700) (3.5%)
Statewide Total $1,967,895,400 ($19,476,900) (1.0%)
Contact: Representative Bell
Legislative Information Center 332-1000
Statement of Purpose/Fiscal Note | Bill No. H425 |