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View Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact STATE AFFAIRS COMMUNITY COLLEGE/UNIVERSITIES - BUILDING PROJECTS - Stating findings of the Legislature and providing approval for certain state bodies and community college districts to enter into agreements with the Idaho State Building Authority to finance and develop or renovate specified facilities located throughout Idaho. 03/31 House intro - 1st rdg - to printing 04/01 Rpt prt - to St Aff 04/03 Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg 04/04 2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg 04/30 3rd rdg - ADOPTED - 48-22-0 AYES -- Andersen(Guyon), Bieter, Black, Block, Boe, Bolz, Bradford, Campbell, Cannon, Clark, Collins, Crow, Cuddy, Deal, Douglas, Eberle, Edmunson, Eskridge, Gagner, Garrett, Henbest, Jaquet, Jones, Kellogg, Lake, Langhorst, Martinez(Echohawk), Meyer, Miller, Mitchell, Naccarato, Ridinger, Ring, Ringo, Robison, Rydalch, Sayler, Shepherd(Buell), Shirley, Skippen, Smith(30), Smith(24), Smylie, Snodgrass, Tilman, Trail, Wills, Mr. Speaker NAYS -- Barraclough(Schanz), Barrett, Bauer, Bedke, Bell, Denney, Ellsworth, Field(18), Field(23), Harwood, Kulczyk, Langford, McGeachin, McKague, Moyle, Nielsen, Raybould, Roberts, Sali, Schaefer, Stevenson, Wood Absent and excused -- None Floor Sponsors - Deal, Meyer & Gagner Title apvd - to Senate 04/30 Senate intro - 1st rdg - to Fin 05/03 Rpt out - rec d/p - to 10th Ord 10th Ord - Rls susp - ADOPTED - 29-6-0 AYES -- Andreason, Bailey, Bunderson, Burkett, Calabretta, Cameron, Compton, Darrington, Davis, Gannon, Goedde, Hill, Ingram, Kennedy, Keough, Little, Lodge, Malepeai, Marley, McKenzie, McWilliams, Noble, Noh, Richardson, Schroeder, Sorensen, Stegner, Stennett, Werk NAYS -- Brandt, Burtenshaw, Geddes, Pearce(Banner), Sweet, Williams Absent and excused -- None Floor Sponsor - Stegner Title apvd - to House 05/03 To enrol - Rpt enrol - Sp signed - Pres signed 05/05 To Secretary of State
|||| LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO |||| Fifty-seventh Legislature First Regular Session - 2003IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 30 BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 1 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 2 STATING FINDINGS OF THE LEGISLATURE AND PROVIDING APPROVAL FOR CERTAIN STATE 3 BODIES AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICTS TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH THE 4 IDAHO STATE BUILDING AUTHORITY TO FINANCE AND DEVELOP OR RENOVATE SPECI- 5 FIED FACILITIES LOCATED THROUGHOUT IDAHO. 6 Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 7 WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Idaho has previously authorized 8 some level of funding for eight facilities projects located throughout Idaho; 9 and 10 WHEREAS, it was necessary to rescind the funding for these projects due to 11 the shortfall in General Fund revenues; and 12 WHEREAS, the Legislature recognizes the significant immediate economic 13 stimulus that would be provided by proceeding with construction on these proj- 14 ects; and 15 WHEREAS, the amounts of appropriated and available funds are not suffi- 16 cient to cover all of the anticipated costs associated with these facilities 17 in a timely manner; and 18 WHEREAS, North Idaho College in Coeur d'Alene is currently providing 19 health and nursing classes in old donated wooden buildings that will be 20 replaced by a new Allied Health, Nursing and Life Sciences Building; and 21 WHEREAS, the University of Idaho has been forced to close the classroom 22 center on its Moscow campus that houses 40% of the university's classroom 23 space and will renovate and convert it into a modern Teaching and Learning 24 Center; and 25 WHEREAS, Lewis-Clark State College in Lewiston currently uses a physical 26 education center that was constructed in 1937 for 368 students and will con- 27 struct a new physical education center with conference and meeting facilities; 28 and 29 WHEREAS, Boise State University now has 5,067 students enrolled at BSU 30 Canyon County, with the center filled to capacity, and will construct a new 31 academic building on the BSU West Campus in Nampa; and 32 WHEREAS, the Idaho State Police now provides training programs for the 33 Department of Correction and Department of Juvenile Corrections and will build 34 a training facility to house those programs in Meridian; and 35 WHEREAS, the College of Southern Idaho in Twin Falls requires classroom 36 and performance space for speech, music, forensics and the performing arts and 37 will build a Fine Arts Addition to house those programs; and 38 WHEREAS, Idaho State University will meet its growing requirement in Poca- 39 tello for additional classroom space, student services and student housing by 40 using student fees to construct the student services and housing portions of a 41 multiuse facility and funds authorized under this resolution to build a new 42 classroom facility; and 43 WHEREAS, Eastern Idaho Technical College wishes to help meet the need for 44 trained health care professionals in the Idaho Falls area, and a new health 2 1 care education building will be constructed in accordance with policies of the 2 State Board of Education; and 3 WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the state and its community college 4 districts for the State Building Authority to finance and provide new facili- 5 ties for the use of each of the described state bodies and community college 6 districts; 7 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the members of the First Regular Session 8 of the Fifty-seventh Idaho Legislature, the House of Representatives and the 9 Senate concurring therein, that the Legislature hereby authorizes and provides 10 approval for the Department of Administration and each of the following state 11 bodies and community college districts to enter into agreements with the Idaho 12 State Building Authority, under such terms and conditions as may be reasonable 13 and necessary, to provide for the financing and development of the following 14 described facilities for their respective use: 15 STATE BODY/DISTRICT FACILITY LOCATION 16 North Idaho College Allied Health, Nursing Coeur d'Alene 17 & Life Science Bldg. 18 University of Idaho Teaching & Learning Moscow 19 Center 20 Lewis-Clark State Campus Activity Center Lewiston 21 College 22 Boise State West Campus Academic Nampa 23 University Building 24 Idaho State Police Training Facility Meridian 25 College of Southern Fine Arts Addition Twin Falls 26 Idaho 27 Idaho State Classroom & Multiuse Pocatello 28 University Facility 29 Eastern Idaho Health Care Education Idaho Falls 30 Technical College Building 31 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution constitutes authorization to 32 enter into agreements required by the provisions of Section 67-6410, Idaho 33 Code, and with respect to facilities provided to the State Board of Education 34 and Board of Regents of the University of Idaho this resolution constitutes 35 the approval required by the provisions of Section 33-3805A, Idaho Code.
REPRINT REPRINT REPRINT REPRINT REPRINT REPRINT STATEMENT OF PURPOSE RS13246 This resolution will authorize and provides approval for the Department of Administration and the state bodies and community college districts listed in this resolution to enter into agreements with the Idaho State Building Authority to provide for the financing and development of the facilities described in this resolution. The authorization in this concurrent resolution for projects for College of Southern Idaho and North Idaho College shall take effect upon the enactment of legislation that empowers community college districts to enter into agreements with the State Building Authority. FISCAL IMPACT Each of the amounts listed below are the estimated project costs (not including financing costs) to be paid from the Idaho State Building Authority bonds. Project Project Funds LCSC classroom and campus activity center $10,868,000 CSI fine arts addition $5,402,000 UI teaching & learning center $11,729,000 BSU west campus bldg $8,655,000 ISU classroom bldg $12,177,000 NIC nursing/life science bldg $10,994,000 ISP training academy $2,286,000 EITC health education bldg $6,360,000 TOTAL $68,471,000 Annual rent for the projects to be paid to the State Building Authority from dedicated funds appropriated annually from the Permanent Building Fund will be between $5.25 and $5.75 million per year for twenty years. Facility occupancy costs may come from the General Fund appropriations. These costs are provided on a quarterly basis, beginning with the quarter in which the facility is first occupied. There is no fiscal impact to the General Fund in FY04 for occupancy costs. In subsequent years, occupancy costs for the college and university projects are estimated to be: FY05 $583,750 FY06 $939,750 FY07 $872,100 Contact Name: Rep. Bill Deal Rep. Wayne Meyer Rep. Lee Gagner Co Sponsors: Rep. Kathy Skippen Rep. Janet Miller Rep. Bob Ring Rep. Kathy Garrett Rep. Rich Wills Rep. John Campbell Rep. Mack Shirley Rep. Clete Edmunson Rep. Max Black Rep. Darrell Bolz Rep. Mark Snodgrass Rep. Steve Smylie Rep. Ann Rydalch Rep. David Langhorst Phone: 208/332-1000 Sponsor: Sen. Bart Davis Sen. Joe Stegner Sen. Sheila Sorensen Co-Sponsors: Sen. Patti Ann Lodge Sen. Cecil Ingram Sen. Gary Schroeder Sen. John Andreason Sen. Hal Bunderson Sen. Richard Compton Sen. John Goedde Phone: 208/332-1000 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE Bill No. HCR30