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View Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact STATE AFFAIRS TELEPHONIC READING ACT - Adds to existing law to provide for the adoption of the "Telephonic Reading Act"; to provide duties of the State Library Board; to provide a telephonic reader service for blind, visually impaired and other disabled citizens; and to create the Telephonic Reader Service Fund with a user surcharge on telephone service. 02/06 House intro - 1st rdg - to printing 02/07 Rpt prt - to St Aff
|||| LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO |||| Fifty-seventh Legislature First Regular Session - 2003IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE BILL NO. 183 BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO ADOPTION OF THE TELEPHONIC READING ACT; AMENDING TITLE 56, IDAHO 3 CODE, BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW CHAPTER 12, TITLE 56, IDAHO CODE, TO PRO- 4 VIDE A SHORT TITLE, TO STATE LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS, TO DEFINE TERMS, TO 5 PROVIDE DUTIES OF THE STATE LIBRARY BOARD, TO CREATE THE TELEPHONIC READER 6 SERVICE FUND AND TO ESTABLISH A USER SURCHARGE. 7 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 8 SECTION 1. That Title 56, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby amended 9 by the addition thereto of a NEW CHAPTER, to be known and designated as Chap- 10 ter 12, Title 56, Idaho Code, and to read as follows: 11 CHAPTER 12 12 TELEPHONIC READING ACT 13 56-1201. SHORT TITLE. This chapter may be known and cited as the 14 "Telephonic Reading Act." 15 56-1202. LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS. The legislature hereby finds and declares 16 that: 17 (1) Thousands of Idahoans have disabilities, including blindness or 18 visual impairment, that prevent them from using conventional print material. 19 (2) Conventional agencies and nonprofit organizations provide specialized 20 materials, including books and magazines prepared in Braille, audio and large 21 print formats. 22 (3) The technology transcription methods and means of distribution used 23 for these materials are labor intensive and cannot support rapid dissemination 24 to individuals in rural and urban areas throughout the state. 25 (4) A lack of direct and prompt access to information included in news- 26 papers, magazines, schedules, newsletters, announcements and other time- 27 sensitive materials limits educational opportunities, literacy, and full par- 28 ticipation in society by blind and visually impaired persons. 29 (5) The creation and storage of information by computers result in elec- 30 tronic files used for publishing and distribution. 31 (6) The use of high speed computer and telecommunications technology com- 32 bined with customized software provides a practical and cost-effective means 33 to convert electronic text information, including daily newspapers, into syn- 34 thetic speech suitable for statewide distribution by telephone. 35 (7) Recent reduction in interstate telephone rates, particularly for high 36 volume service makes statewide telephonic distribution of electronic text 37 based information to eligible users both efficient and cost-effective for the 38 state. 39 (8) Federal funds are available to support statewide toll-free access to 40 daily newspapers and other timely information of local, state and national 41 interest through a system known as NEWSLINE, providing an efficient and 2 1 cost-effective means of reader registration, content acquisition and inter- 2 state telecommunications support. 3 (9) Telephonic distribution of time-sensitive information, including 4 information contained in daily newspapers, will enhance the state's current 5 efforts to meet the needs of blind, visually impaired, and disabled citizens 6 for access to information that is otherwise available in print, thereby reduc- 7 ing isolation and supporting full integration and equal access for such indi- 8 viduals. 9 56-1203. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter: 10 (1) "Blind, visually impaired and other disabled persons" means those 11 individuals who are eligible for library loan services as set forth in 36 CFR 12 701.10(b). 13 (2) "Qualified entity" means a nonprofit organization or agency, instru- 14 mentality or political subdivision of the state that: 15 (a) Operates a nationally available, multistate service center to provide 16 audio reproduction of daily newspapers and other timely information by 17 using high speed computer technology for centralized acquisition, process- 18 ing and dissemination of content; 19 (b) Provides a means of program administration and reader registration on 20 the internet. 21 (3) "Telephonic reading service" means audio information provided by 22 telephone through a nationally available, multistate service center to regis- 23 tered readers in all parts of the state including the interstate acquisition 24 and distribution of daily newspapers and other information. 25 56-1204. DUTIES OF THE STATE LIBRARY BOARD. The state library board shall 26 provide access to a telephonic reading service for blind, visually impaired 27 and other disabled citizens and shall secure access to low cost interstate and 28 intrastate rates for telecommunications. 29 The telephonic reading service shall be planned for continuation from year 30 to year and administered through a contract or agreement with a qualified 31 entity. 32 56-1205. TELEPHONIC READER SERVICE FUND. There is hereby established in 33 the state treasury the telephonic reader service fund (TRSF) for the purpose 34 of providing access to a telephonic reading service as provided in this chap- 35 ter. There shall be deposited in the TRSF the revenues derived from a state- 36 wide user surcharge on all local telephone service. The surcharge shall not 37 exceed two cents (2) per line charge, the actual amount to be determined by 38 the state library board. The funds in the TRSF shall, to the extent appropri- 39 ated, be expended for the purposes of this chapter. All interest earned shall 40 be used for the telephonic reading service. 41 Providers of local telephone service shall remit the surcharge revenue on 42 a quarterly basis. The surcharge set forth in this section shall be collected 43 by all telephone corporations, including telephone corporations subject to the 44 provisions of this chapter and mutual nonprofit and cooperative telephone cor- 45 porations providing the service upon which the surcharge is levied.
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE RS12692 The purpose of this legislation is to create a telephonic reading service for the blind which will provide accessibility to newspapers and other printed materials for the blind and other physically disabled individuals who cannot read print. Text is translated from a computer feed into high quality synthetic speech and can be accessed by touch-tone telephone. The telephonic reading service shall be administered by the Idaho State Library and shall be accessible at no cost through touch- tone telephone to qualified legally blind and physically disabled readers. The Idaho Falls Post Register and the Idaho Statesman are 2 of more than 180 newspapers which will be accessible on the telephonic reading service. Other materials of special interest to the blind and physically disabled can be placed on the service at the discretion of the Idaho State Library. This service shall be funded by imposing a surcharge of twenty- four cents (24›)per year [two cents (2›) per month] on local phone lines. FISCAL IMPACT There will be no fiscal impact on the general fund of the State of Idaho. Approximately ninety-six thousand dollars ($96,000) will be raised by means of a surcharge on local phone lines throughout the State. The cost of the basic telephonic reading service is forty thousand dollars ($40,000) per year. Approximate cost of phone service for users of the telephonic reading service is ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per year. Additional set-up for new newspapers will be approximately fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) per year. Administration costs are approximately thirty-one thousand dollars ($31,000) per year. This will be covered by the surcharge on local phone lines. Contact Name: Mr. Larry Streeter Phone: 208/332-6914 Name: Ms. Ramona Walhof Phone: 208/343-1377 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE H 183