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View Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS - PUBLIC SCHOOLS - DIVISION OF TEACHERS - Appropriates $665,066,700 to the Public Schools, Division of Teachers, for fiscal year 2004; amends existing law to place a cap on the growth of the experience and education multiplier for instructional staff; provides moneys for unemployment insurance; provides moneys for the final phase of the implementation of achievement standards; distributes moneys for training for working with students with disabilities and gifted and talented students; and distributes moneys for master teacher award payments. 04/29 House intro - 1st rdg - to printing 04/30 Rpt prt - to 2nd rdg 05/01 Rls susp - PASSED - 39-31-0 AYES -- Barraclough(Schanz), Barrett, Bauer, Bedke, Bell, Black, Block, Bradford, Collins, Crow, Deal, Denney, Eberle, Ellsworth, Eskridge, Field(18), Field(23), Gagner, Garrett, Harwood, Kellogg, Kulczyk, Lake, Langford, McGeachin, McKague, Moyle, Nielsen, Raybould, Ring, Roberts, Rydalch, Sali, Schaefer, Skippen, Stevenson, Tilman, Wood, Mr. Speaker NAYS -- Andersen(Guyon), Bieter, Boe, Bolz, Campbell, Cannon, Clark, Cuddy, Douglas, Edmunson, Henbest, Jaquet, Jones, Langhorst, Martinez(Echohawk), Meyer, Miller, Mitchell, Naccarato, Ridinger, Ringo, Robison, Sayler, Shepherd(Buell), Shirley, Smith(30), Smith(24), Smylie, Snodgrass, Trail, Wills Absent and excused -- None Floor Sponsor - Bedke Title apvd - to Senate 05/02 Senate intro - 1st rdg - to Fin Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg Rls susp - PASSED - 18-17-0 AYES -- Bailey, Brandt, Burtenshaw, Cameron, Compton, Davis, Geddes, Hill, Ingram, Keough, Little, Lodge, McKenzie, Noble, Pearce(Banner), Richardson, Sweet, Williams NAYS -- Andreason, Bunderson, Burkett, Calabretta, Darrington, Gannon, Goedde, Kennedy, Malepeai, Marley, McWilliams, Noh, Schroeder, Sorensen, Stegner, Stennett, Werk Absent and excused -- None Floor Sponsor - McKenzie Title apvd - to House 05/03 To enrol - Rpt enrol - Sp signed - Pres signed 05/05 To Governor 05/09 Governor signed Session Law Chapter 371 Effective: 07/01/03
|||| LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO |||| Fifty-seventh Legislature First Regular Session - 2003IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE BILL NO. 456 BY APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS DIVISION OF TEACHERS FOR 3 FISCAL YEAR 2004; PROVIDING FOR EXPENDITURES FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS DIVI- 4 SION OF TEACHERS; APPROPRIATING GENERAL FUND MONEYS FOR TRANSFER TO THE 5 PUBLIC SCHOOL INCOME FUND; APPROPRIATING FUNDS TO THE EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT 6 PROGRAM/DIVISION OF TEACHERS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004; AMENDING SECTION 7 33-1004A, IDAHO CODE, TO PLACE A CAP ON THE GROWTH OF EXPERIENCE AND EDU- 8 CATION MULTIPLIER FOR INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF; PROVIDING MONEYS FOR THE UNEM- 9 PLOYMENT INSURANCE PROGRAM; DIRECTING THAT UP TO $654,000 BE DISTRIBUTED 10 FOR MASTER TEACHER AWARD PAYMENTS; PROVIDING MONEYS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION 11 OF THE FINAL PHASE OF ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS; PROVIDING DIRECTION REGARDING 12 THE EXPENDITURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF $1,000,000 FOR EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING 13 FOR WORKING WITH CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES; DIRECTING THAT $500,000 BE 14 ALLOCATED FOR TRAINING TO SERVE THE NEEDS OF GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS; 15 DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 16 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 17 SECTION 1. The following amounts shall be expended for the public schools 18 Division of Teachers for the period July 1, 2003, through June 30, 2004: 19 FROM: 20 General Fund $614,436,700 21 Federal Grant Fund 50,630,000 22 TOTAL $665,066,700 23 SECTION 2. There is hereby appropriated the following amount to be trans- 24 ferred to the Public School Income Fund for the period July 1, 2003, through 25 June 30, 2004: 26 FROM: 27 General Fund $614,436,700 28 SECTION 3. There is hereby appropriated to the Educational Support 29 Program/Division of Teachers, pursuant to law and the provisions of this act, 30 the following amounts to be expended from the listed funds for the period July 31 1, 2003, through June 30, 2004: 32 FROM: 33 Public School Income Fund $614,436,700 34 Federal Grant Fund 50,630,000 35 TOTAL $665,066,700 36 SECTION 4. That Section 33-1004A, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 37 amended to read as follows: 38 33-1004A. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION MULTIPLIER. Each instructional and 39 administrative staff position shall be assigned an appropriate multiplier 40 based upon the following table: 2 1 EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION 2 MA MA + 12 MA + 24 MA + 36 3 Years BA BA + 12 BA + 24 BA + 36 BA + 48 BA + 60 ES/DR 4 0 1.00000 1.03750 1.07640 1.11680 1.15870 1.20220 1.24730 5 1 1.03750 1.07640 1.11680 1.15870 1.20220 1.24730 1.29410 6 2 1.07640 1.11680 1.15870 1.20220 1.24730 1.29410 1.34260 7 3 1.11680 1.15870 1.20220 1.24730 1.29410 1.34260 1.39290 8 4 1.15870 1.20220 1.24730 1.29410 1.34260 1.39290 1.44510 9 5 1.20220 1.24730 1.29410 1.34260 1.39290 1.44510 1.49930 10 6 1.24730 1.29410 1.34260 1.39290 1.44510 1.49930 1.55550 11 7 1.29410 1.34260 1.39290 1.44510 1.49930 1.55550 1.61380 12 8 1.34260 1.39290 1.44510 1.49930 1.55550 1.61380 1.67430 13 9 1.39290 1.44510 1.49930 1.55550 1.61380 1.67430 1.73710 14 10 1.39290 1.49930 1.55550 1.61380 1.67430 1.73710 1.80220 15 11 1.39290 1.49930 1.55550 1.61380 1.73710 1.80220 1.86980 16 12 1.39290 1.49930 1.55550 1.61380 1.73710 1.86980 1.93990 17 13 or 18 more 1.39290 1.49930 1.55550 1.61380 1.73710 1.86980 2.01260 19 In determining the experience factor, the actual years of teaching or 20 administrative service in an accredited public school or in an accredited pri- 21 vate or parochial school shall be credited. 22 In determining the education factor, only credits earned after initial 23 certification, based upon a transcript on file with the teacher certification 24 office of the state department of education, earned at an institution of 25 higher education accredited by the state board of education or a regional 26 accrediting association, shall be allowed. Instructional staff whose initial 27 certificate is an occupational specialist certificate shall be treated as BA 28 degree prepared instructional staff. Credits earned by such occupational spe- 29 cialist instructional staff after initial certification shall be credited 30 toward the education factor. 31 In determining the statewide average multiplier for instructional staff, 32 no multiplier in excess of 1.58513 shall be used. If the actual statewide 33 average multiplier for instructional staff, as determined by this section, 34 exceeds 1.58513, then each school district's instructional staff multiplier 35 shall be multiplied by the result of 1.58513 divided by the actual statewide 36 average multiplier for instructional staff. 37 SECTION 5. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, the 38 amount necessary for the Unemployment Insurance Program shall be expended 39 according to Section 72-1349A, Idaho Code, for the period July 1, 2003, 40 through June 30, 2004. 41 SECTION 6. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, an amount 42 up to $654,000 shall be awarded to those instructional staff members who have 43 been recognized as master teachers by the National Board for Professional 44 Teaching Standards, according to the provisions of Section 33-1004E, Idaho 45 Code. 46 SECTION 7. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, $828,000 47 in General Fund moneys and $2,484,000 in federal grant funds shall be for the 48 third and final phase of the implementation of achievement standards estab- 49 lished under the provisions of the rules of the State Board of Education, 50 IDAPA 08.02.03. These funds shall be distributed according to formulas and 3 1 criteria established by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. It is legis- 2 lative intent that the State Department of Education and State Board of Educa- 3 tion seek any waivers that may be necessary to utilize the $2,484,000 in fed- 4 eral grant funds. 5 SECTION 8. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, 6 $1,000,000 shall be distributed for the following: 7 (1) Training of regular classroom teachers in working with children with 8 disabilities; 9 (2) Employing and training aides to assist regular classroom teachers in 10 working with children with disabilities; 11 (3) Employing substitute teachers whose employment allows regular class- 12 room teachers to be involved in college planning, parent contact, Individ- 13 ual Education Plan (IEP) development, curriculum and modification, or 14 other necessary activities directly related to meeting the needs of stu- 15 dents in regular education classrooms; 16 (4) Moneys in this section shall be distributed pro rata to the districts 17 as follows: fifty percent (50%) on the basis of the prior year's December 18 first child count and fifty percent (50%) on the basis of the prior year's 19 average daily attendance. 20 These funds shall be used to supplement rather than supplant existing 21 efforts in the training of regular classroom teachers and the employment and 22 training of aides. The State Department of Education shall create a one (1) 23 page report to be provided to the Legislature showing current individual dis- 24 trict expenditures in this area, as well as a breakdown of how these appropri- 25 ated moneys were spent. These funds shall not be used in any calculation or 26 report to the federal government that obligates a future appropriation of this 27 amount or any other amount. 28 SECTION 9. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, $500,000 29 shall be distributed to train general education teachers, gifted/talented 30 (G/T) facilitators, administrators and/or parents to better meet the needs of 31 gifted/talented students. One-half (1/2) of these funds shall be allocated pro 32 rata based on each district's prior year total student enrollment compared to 33 the prior year total statewide enrollment. One-half (1/2) of these funds shall 34 be allocated based on the number of gifted/talented students identified and 35 served as indicated on the prior year's December first child count. The number 36 of gifted/talented students identified for purposes of this section shall not 37 exceed seven percent (7%) of the district's total student enrollment. No dis- 38 trict shall receive less than $500. Funds shall be distributed upon submission 39 and approval of an application submitted to the State Department of Education 40 demonstrating how in-service training will establish or improve identification 41 and service of gifted/talented students in the five (5) mandated talent areas. 42 The Superintendent of Public Instruction may reallocate any gifted/talented 43 funds that are left unrequested by school districts to all other school dis- 44 tricts that have requested gifted/talented funds, according to the distribu- 45 tion formula outlined in this section. 46 SECTION 10. An emergency existing therefor, which emergency is hereby 47 declared to exist, this act shall be in full force and effect on and after 48 July 1, 2003.
Reprint Reprint Reprint Reprint Reprint Reprint STATEMENT OF PURPOSE RS 13337 This is the Fiscal Year 2004 appropriation for the Division of Teachers portion of the Public Schools budget. The pieces of the Public Schools budget that are part of this division's appropriation include: 1.) The teachers' portion of the salary-based apportionment formula; 2.) State paid employee benefits for teachers, which include PERSI and FICA; 3.) The teachers' portion of the Early Retirement program; 4.) The Master Teacher Award program; 5.) The Least Restrictive Environment program, which provides money for training teachers on how to teach children with disabilities; 6.) The gifted and talented program, which provides money for training teachers on how to teach gifted and talented children; 7.) The teachers' portion of Achievement Standards implementation; and 8.) The teachers' portion of federal pass-through funding to local school districts. Non-Standard Adjustments include an upwards adjustment of $5,940,700 for the teachers' portion of the increase in the number of classroom units (or support units), a downward adjustment of $820,000 for the expected decrease in participation in the Early Retirement program, and an upwards adjustment of $110,500 for Master Teacher awards. This budget includes two funded items in the enhancement area. The first provides $3,312,000 for the third and final phase of Achievement Standards implementation. One-quarter of the money is from General Funds, while three- quarters comes from federal funds. The second enhancement reflects an earlier action of the Legislature, in which the federal funds that are passed through to local school districts will be housed in the public schools budget, rather than the state department of education. These dollars represent the portion of these funds that are allocated to teachers. This budget also includes one amendment to Idaho Code, which is in Section 4 of the bill. This is the amendment that caps the statewide average number for the experience and education index for teachers. The remaining language in the other sections of the bill is standard, and has been included routinely in the past. FISCAL IMPACT Contact Name: Jason Hancock Phone: 334-4739 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE H 456
Public Schools Budget
This is the FY 2004 appropriation
for the Division of Teachers portion of the Public Schools budget.
FY 2003 Approp. |
FY 2004 $943 Budget |
Div. of Teachers |
I. |
A. |
Sources of Funds |
1. |
General Fund |
$920,000,000 |
$943,000,800 |
$614,436,700 |
percent change: |
1.1% |
2.5% |
2. |
Dedicated Funds |
$65,513,000 |
$55,650,000 |
$0 |
percent change: |
1.1% |
-15.1% |
3. |
Federal Funds |
$0 |
$153,980,000 |
$50,630,000 |
percent change: |
– |
– |
4. |
$985,513,000 |
$1,152,630,800 |
$665,066,700 |
percent change*: |
1.1% |
17.0% |
II. |
A. |
Statutory Requirements |
1. |
Property Tax Replacement |
$68,935,700 |
$73,022,700 |
$0 |
2. |
Transportation |
$57,654,500 |
$58,463,000 |
$0 |
3. |
Border Contracts |
$1,000,000 |
$800,000 |
$0 |
4. |
Exceptional Contracts/Tuition Equivalents |
$3,500,000 |
$4,000,000 |
$0 |
5. |
Floor |
$1,300,000 |
$1,300,000 |
$0 |
6. |
Program Adjustments |
$300,000 |
$300,000 |
$0 |
7. |
Salary-based Apportionment |
$660,086,500 |
$666,616,200 |
$516,650,300 |
8. |
Teacher Incentive Award |
$560,000 |
$654,000 |
$654,000 |
9. |
State Paid Employee Benefits |
$116,084,600 |
$117,238,500 |
$91,114,400 |
10. |
Early Retirement Program |
$5,500,000 |
$4,500,000 |
$3,690,000 |
11. |
Bond Levy Equalization |
$0 |
$825,000 |
$0 |
12. |
Idaho Safe & Drug-Free Schools |
$4,700,000 |
$4,700,000 |
$0 |
13. |
Sub-total — Statutory Requirements |
$919,621,300 |
$931,729,400 |
$612,108,700 |
B. |
Other Program Distributions |
1. |
Technology Grants |
$8,400,000 |
$8,400,000 |
$0 |
2. |
Idaho Reading Initiative |
$3,300,000 |
$3,300,000 |
$0 |
3. |
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) |
$4,475,000 |
$4,475,000 |
$0 |
4. |
Least Restrictive Environment (teacher |
$1,000,000 |
$1,000,000 |
$1,000,000 |
5. |
Gifted & Talented |
$500,000 |
$500,000 |
$500,000 |
6. |
Achievement Standards Implementation |
$4,000,000 |
$4,000,000 |
$3,312,000 |
7. |
Beginning Teacher Support Program |
$2,000,000 |
$0 |
$0 |
8. |
Idaho Digital Learning Academy |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
9. |
Classroom Supplies |
$2,000,000 |
$0 |
$0 |
10. |
School Facilities Funding (Lottery) |
$0 |
$8,425,000 |
$0 |
11. |
Federal Funds for Local School Districts |
$0 |
$150,980,000 |
$48,146,000 |
12. |
Sub-total — Other Program Distributions |
$25,675,000 |
$179,980,000 |
$52,958,000 |
$945,296,300 |
$1,111,709,400 |
$665,066,700 |
III. |
$0 |
$9,785,000 |
IV. |
$40,216,700 |
$28,896,400 |
V. |
12,545 |
12,670 |
VI. |
$3,206 |
$2,281 |
VII. |
$21,241 |
$22,166 |
$24,447 |
$24,447 |
* Overall percent change would be
1.3% without the transfer of federal pass-through funds to this budget, and 0.4%
without the addition of Lottery funds.
Jason Hancock
Services Office
and Policy Analysis