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View Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS - PUBLIC SCHOOLS/OPERATIONS DIVISION - Provides amounts to be expended from various funds for the public schools; appropriates $289,771,300 for the Educational Support Program/Division of Operations for fiscal year 2004; provides for expenditures for certain technology, including the "Libraries Linking Idaho" Program; provides for expenditures relating to the Idaho Council for Technology in Learning; appropriates moneys for property tax replacement; amends and adds to existing law to create a Public Education Stabilization Fund and to provide for use of the moneys; to revise the local districts' contribution calculation; to provide for a maximum amount to be distributed for property tax relief; to revise reimbursement rates in the school transportation program; to provide that the July payment to school districts shall take into account certain adjustments; to provide that certain transfers shall not be considered in calculating adjustments when the total amount appropriated to the Public School Income Fund is not transferred; to provide for adjustment of the distribution to school districts from the Educational Support Program based upon the actual amount of discretionary funds per support unit; to provide that funds may be transferred from the Public Education Stabilization Fund; to provide an estimate of discretionary funds per support unit; to provide for a transfer of funds to the Public Education Stabilization Fund; and to provide for reimbursable transportation expenditures for fiscal year 2004 and 2005. 04/30 House intro - 1st rdg - to printing Rpt prt - to 2nd rdg Rls susp - PASSED - 39-31-0 AYES -- Barraclough(Schanz), Barrett, Bauer, Bedke, Bell, Black, Block, Bradford, Collins, Crow, Deal, Denney, Eberle, Ellsworth, Eskridge, Field(18), Field(23), Gagner, Garrett, Harwood, Kellogg, Lake, Langford, McGeachin, McKague, Moyle, Nielsen, Raybould, Ring, Roberts, Rydalch, Sali, Schaefer, Skippen, Stevenson, Tilman, Wills, Wood, Mr. Speaker NAYS -- Andersen(Guyon), Bieter, Boe, Bolz, Campbell, Cannon, Clark, Cuddy, Douglas, Edmunson, Henbest, Jaquet, Jones, Kulczyk, Langhorst, Martinez(Echohawk), Meyer, Miller, Mitchell, Naccarato, Ridinger, Ringo, Robison, Sayler, Shepherd(Buell), Shirley, Smith(30), Smith(24), Smylie, Snodgrass, Trail Absent and excused -- None Floor Sponsor - Bedke Title apvd - to Senate 05/01 Senate intro - 1st rdg - to Fin Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg 05/02 2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg Rls susp - PASSED - 21-14-0 AYES -- Bailey, Brandt, Bunderson, Burtenshaw, Cameron, Compton, Davis, Geddes, Goedde, Hill, Ingram, Keough, Little, Lodge, McKenzie, Noble, Pearce(Banner), Sorensen, Stegner, Sweet, Williams NAYS -- Andreason, Burkett, Calabretta, Darrington, Gannon, Kennedy, Malepeai, Marley, McWilliams, Noh, Richardson, Schroeder, Stennett, Werk Absent and excused -- None Floor Sponsor - Cameron Title apvd - to House 05/03 To enrol - Rpt enrol - Sp signed - Pres signed 05/05 To Governor 05/09 Governor signed Session Law Chapter 372 Effective: 05/09/03 Section 15; 07/01/03 All others
|||| LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO |||| Fifty-seventh Legislature First Regular Session - 2003IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE BILL NO. 463 BY APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO PROVISIONS GOVERNING DISTRIBUTION AND APPROPRIATION FOR PUBLIC 3 SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OPERATIONS; PROVIDING THE AMOUNT TO BE EXPENDED FROM 4 STATE SOURCES FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS DIVISION OF OPERATIONS; APPROPRIATING 5 GENERAL FUND MONEYS FOR TRANSFER TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOL INCOME FUND; APPRO- 6 PRIATING FUNDS TO THE EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PROGRAM/DIVISION OF OPERATIONS 7 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004; DIRECTING THAT $3,100,000 IN ONGOING EXPENDITURES 8 AND $5,000,000 IN ONE-TIME EXPENDITURES BE EXPENDED FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOL 9 TECHNOLOGY GRANT PROGRAM, AND DIRECTING THAT $300,000 BE TRANSFERRED TO 10 THE LIBRARY SERVICES IMPROVEMENT FUND; DIRECTING THAT NOT MORE THAN 11 $173,000 BE EXPENDED FOR IDAHO COUNCIL FOR TECHNOLOGY IN LEARNING 12 EXPENSES; APPROPRIATING THE AMOUNT OF GENERAL FUND MONEY NECESSARY AS 13 DETERMINED BY SECTION 33-1002D, IDAHO CODE, FOR PROPERTY TAX REPLACEMENT; 14 PROVIDING MONEYS FOR THE FINAL PHASE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ACHIEVEMENT 15 STANDARDS; AMENDING CHAPTER 9, TITLE 33, IDAHO CODE, BY THE ADDITION OF A 16 NEW SECTION 33-907, IDAHO CODE, TO CREATE THE PUBLIC EDUCATION STABILIZA- 17 TION FUND, TO PROVIDE MONEYS FOR THE FUND, TO PROVIDE FOR USES OF MONEYS 18 IN THE FUND AND TO PROVIDE FOR TRANSFER OF CERTAIN ACCUMULATED BALANCES; 19 AMENDING SECTION 33-1002, IDAHO CODE, TO REVISE THE LOCAL SCHOOL DIS- 20 TRICTS' CONTRIBUTION CALCULATION; AMENDING SECTION 33-1002D, IDAHO CODE, 21 TO PROVIDE FOR A MAXIMUM AMOUNT TO BE DISTRIBUTED FOR PROPERTY TAX RELIEF 22 AND TO PROVIDE FOR A PRO RATA DISTRIBUTION TO SCHOOL DISTRICTS; AMENDING 23 SECTION 33-1006, IDAHO CODE, TO PROVIDE THAT COSTS OF CERTAIN ADDITIONAL 24 FEATURES NOT PART OF A BASIC VEHICLE SHALL NOT BE REIMBURSED, TO DEFINE A 25 BASIC VEHICLE, TO MAKE TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS, TO LIMIT REIMBURSEMENT 26 RATES, TO PROVIDE FOR TIME LIMITATIONS AND REVIEW AND TO ALLOW SCHOOL DIS- 27 TRICTS TO APPLY FOR LOANS; AMENDING SECTION 33-1009, IDAHO CODE, TO PRO- 28 VIDE THAT THE JULY PAYMENT TO SCHOOL DISTRICTS SHALL TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE 29 ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 33-1018, IDAHO CODE, TO 30 PROVIDE THAT TRANSFERS INVOLVING THE PUBLIC EDUCATION STABILIZATION FUND 31 SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED IN CALCULATING ADJUSTMENTS WHEN THE TOTAL 32 AMOUNT APPROPRIATED TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOL INCOME FUND IS NOT TRANSFERRED 33 AND TO MAKE A TECHNICAL CORRECTION; AMENDING CHAPTER 10, TITLE 33, IDAHO 34 CODE, BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION 33-1018, IDAHO CODE, TO PROVIDE FOR 35 ADJUSTMENT OF THE DISTRIBUTION TO SCHOOL DISTRICTS FROM THE EDUCATIONAL 36 SUPPORT PROGRAM BASED ON THE ACTUAL AMOUNT OF DISCRETIONARY FUNDS PER 37 SUPPORT UNIT; AMENDING CHAPTER 10, TITLE 33, IDAHO CODE, BY THE ADDITION 38 OF A NEW SECTION 33-1018A, IDAHO CODE, TO PROVIDE THAT FUNDS MAY BE TRANS- 39 FERRED FROM THE PUBLIC EDUCATION STABILIZATION FUND BY THE BOARD OF EXAM- 40 INERS AND TO PROVIDE THAT FUNDS MAY BE APPROPRIATED TO OFFSET DECLINING 41 DISTRIBUTIONS FROM THE SCHOOL EARNINGS RESERVE FUND; EXPRESSING LEGISLA- 42 TIVE INTENT REGARDING THE ALLOCATION OF CERTAIN INVESTMENT GAINS AND 43 LOSSES; TO PROVIDE AN ESTIMATE OF DISCRETIONARY FUNDS PER SUPPORT UNIT; 44 TRANSFERRING MONEYS TO THE PUBLIC EDUCATION STABILIZATION FUND; PROVIDING 45 FOR REIMBURSABLE TRANSPORTATION EXPENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEARS 2004 AND 46 2005; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATES. 2 1 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 2 SECTION 1. The following amount shall be expended from state sources for 3 the Public Schools Division of Operations for the period July 1, 2003, through 4 June 30, 2004: 5 FROM: 6 General Fund $242,891,300 7 Public School Endowment Earnings Reserve Fund Transfer 37,750,000 8 Federal Mineral Royalties 1,500,000 9 Liquor Control Fund 1,200,000 10 Miscellaneous Receipts/Balances 1,250,000 11 Federal Grant Fund 5,180,000 12 TOTAL $289,771,300 13 SECTION 2. There is hereby appropriated the following amount to be trans- 14 ferred to the Public School Income Fund for the period July 1, 2003, through 15 June 30, 2004: 16 FROM: 17 General Fund $242,891,300 18 SECTION 3. There is hereby appropriated to the Educational Support 19 Program/Division of Operations, pursuant to law and the provisions of this 20 act, the following amounts to be expended from the listed funds for the period 21 July 1, 2003, through June 30, 2004: 22 FROM: 23 Public School Income Fund $284,591,300 24 Federal Grant Fund 5,180,000 25 TOTAL $289,771,300 26 SECTION 4. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, 27 $8,400,000 shall be expended by the Superintendent of Public Instruction as 28 follows: $3,100,000 for ongoing expenditures and $5,000,000 for one-time 29 expenditures for the Public School Technology Grant Program upon direction of 30 the Idaho Council for Technology in Learning, for software purchases, technol- 31 ogy equipment repairs and maintenance, and equipment necessary to administer 32 state-required assessments; and $300,000 to be transferred to the Library Ser- 33 vices Improvement Fund for the State Library's "Libraries Linking Idaho" 34 (LiLI) statewide database licensing project. 35 SECTION 5. Of the $8,400,000 referenced in Section 4 of this act, an 36 amount not to exceed $173,000 may be expended by the Superintendent of Public 37 Instruction for staff support and various expenses related to the Idaho Coun- 38 cil for Technology in Learning as approved by the State Board of Education. 39 SECTION 6. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, there is 40 hereby appropriated the amount necessary for property tax replacement, subject 41 to the limitations of law, to be expended according to Section 33-1002D, Idaho 42 Code, for the period July 1, 2003, through June 30, 2004. 43 SECTION 7. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, $33,700 44 in General Fund moneys and $101,000 in federal grant funds shall be for the 45 third and final phase of the implementation of achievement standards estab- 46 lished under the provisions of the rules of the State Board of Education, 47 IDAPA 08.02.03. These funds shall be distributed according to formulas and 48 criteria established by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. It is legis- 3 1 lative intent that the State Department of Education and State Board of Educa- 2 tion seek any waivers that may be necessary to utilize the $101,000 in federal 3 grant funds. 4 SECTION 8. That Chapter 9, Title 33, Idaho Code, be, and the same is 5 hereby amended by the addition thereto of a NEW SECTION, to be known and des- 6 ignated as Section 33-907, Idaho Code, and to read as follows: 7 33-907. PUBLIC EDUCATION STABILIZATION FUND. There is hereby created in 8 the state treasury a fund to be known as the public education stabilization 9 fund, which shall function as a fund detail of the public school income fund. 10 The fund shall consist of moneys transferred to the fund according to the pro- 11 visions of section 33-1018, Idaho Code, and any other moneys made available 12 through legislative transfers or appropriations. Moneys in the fund are hereby 13 continuously appropriated for the purposes stated in section 33-1018, Idaho 14 Code, and shall only be expended for the purposes stated in sections 33-1018 15 and 33-1018A, Idaho Code. Any accumulated balances in the fund that are in 16 excess of three percent (3%) of the current fiscal year's total general fund 17 appropriation for public school support shall be transferred to the bond levy 18 equalization fund. Interest earned from the investment of moneys in the fund 19 shall be credited to the public school income fund. 20 SECTION 9. That Section 33-1002, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 21 amended to read as follows: 22 33-1002. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PROGRAM. The educational support program is 23 calculated as follows: 24 1. State Educational Support Funds. Add the state appropriation, includ- 25 ing the moneys available in the public school income fund, together with all 26 miscellaneous revenues to determine the total state funds. 27 2. From the total state funds subtract the following amounts needed for 28 state support of special programs provided by a school district: 29 a. Pupil tuition-equivalency allowances as provided in section 33-1002B, 30 Idaho Code; 31 b. Transportation support program as provided in section 33-1006, Idaho 32 Code; 33 c. Feasibility studies allowance as provided in section 33-1007A, Idaho 34 Code; 35 d. The approved costs for border district allowance, provided in section 36 33-1403, Idaho Code, as determined by the state superintendent of public 37 instruction; 38 e. The approved costs for exceptional child approved contract allowance, 39 provided in subsection 2. of section 33-2004, Idaho Code, as determined by 40 the state superintendent of public instruction; 41 f. Certain expectant and delivered mothers allowance as provided in sec- 42 tion 33-2006, Idaho Code; 43 g. Salary-based apportionment calculated as provided in sections 33-1004 44 through 33-1004F, Idaho Code; 45 h. Unemployment insurance benefit payments according to the provisions of 46 section 72-1349A, Idaho Code; 47 i. For programs to provide basic curricula necessary to enable students 48 to enter academic or professional-technical postsecondary education pro- 49 grams, an allocation of $300 per support unit for the 1994-95 school year 50 only; 51 j. For provision of teacher supplies to facilitate classroom instruction, 4 1 an allocation of $200 per support unit for the 1994-95 school year only; 2 k. For expenditure as provided by the public school technology program, 3 $10,400,000 for the 1994-95 school year; 4 l. For additional school innovation pilot project grants based on recom- 5 mendations of the Idaho school reform committee, $2,000,000 for the 6 1994-95 school year; 7 m. For the support of provisions that provide a safe environment condu- 8 cive to student learning and maintain classroom discipline, an allocation 9 of $300 per support unit; and 10 n. Any additional amounts as required by statute to effect administrative 11 adjustments or as specifically required by the provisions of any bill of 12 appropriation; 13 to secure the state educational support funds. 14 3. Local Districts' Contribution Calculation. Without including any 15 allowance as a credit for prepaid taxes as provided by section 63-1607, Idaho 16 Code, the local districts' contribution shall befour-tenthsthe amount appro- 17 priated pursuant to section 33-1002D, Idaho Code, plus three-tenths percent 18 (.43%) during fiscal year1994-952003-04 and each year thereafter, of the 19 total state adjusted market value for assessment purposes for the previous 20 year with such value being determined by the provisions of section 63-315, 21 Idaho Code, and four-tenths percent (.4%) during fiscal year 1994-95 and each 22 year thereafter, of the cooperative electrical associations' property values 23 that have been derived from the taxes paid in lieu of ad valorem taxes for the 24 previous year as provided in section 63-3502, Idaho Code. 25 4. Educational Support Program Distribution Funds. Add the local dis- 26 tricts' contribution, subsection 3. of this section, and the state educational 27 support program funds, subsection 1. of this section, together to secure the 28 total educational support program distribution funds. 29 5. Average Daily Attendance. The total state average daily attendance 30 shall be the sum of the average daily attendance of all of the school dis- 31 tricts of the state. The state board of education shall establish rules set- 32 ting forth the procedure to determine average daily attendance and the time 33 for, and method of, submission of such report. Average daily attendance calcu- 34 lation shall be carried out to the nearest hundredth. Computation of average 35 daily attendance shall also be governed by the provisions of section 33-1003A, 36 Idaho Code. 37 6. Support Units. The total state support units shall be determined by 38 using the tables set out hereafter called computation of kindergarten support 39 units, computation of elementary support units, computation of secondary sup- 40 port units, computation of exceptional education support units, and computa- 41 tion of alternative school secondary support units. The sum of all of the 42 total support units of all school districts of the state shall be the total 43 state support units. 44 COMPUTATION OF KINDERGARTEN SUPPORT UNITS 45 Average Daily 46 Attendance Attendance Divisor Units Allowed 47 41 or more .... 40....................... 1 or more as computed 48 31 - 40.99 ADA.... -....................... 1 49 26 - 30.99 ADA.... -....................... .85 50 21 - 25.99 ADA.... -....................... .75 51 16 - 20.99 ADA.... -....................... .6 52 8 - 15.99 ADA.... -....................... .5 53 1 - 7.99 ADA.... -....................... count as elementary 5 1 COMPUTATION OF ELEMENTARY SUPPORT UNITS 2 Average Daily 3 Attendance Attendance Divisor Minimum Units Allowed 4 300 or more ADA........................................ 15 5 ..23...grades 4,5 & 6.... 6 ..22...grades 1,2 & 3....1994-95 7 ..21...grades 1,2 & 3....1995-96 8 ..20...grades 1,2 & 3....1996-97 9 and each year thereafter. 10 160 to 299.99 ADA... 20..................... 8.4 11 110 to 159.99 ADA... 19..................... 6.8 12 71.1 to 109.99 ADA... 16..................... 4.7 13 51.7 to 71.0 ADA... 15..................... 4.0 14 33.6 to 51.6 ADA... 13..................... 2.8 15 16.6 to 33.5 ADA... 12..................... 1.4 16 1.0 to 16.5 ADA... n/a.................... 1.0 17 COMPUTATION OF SECONDARY SUPPORT UNITS 18 Average Daily 19 Attendance Attendance Divisor Minimum Units Allowed 20 750 or more .... 18.5..................... 47 21 400 - 749.99 ADA.... 16....................... 28 22 300 - 399.99 ADA.... 14.5..................... 22 23 200 - 299.99 ADA.... 13.5..................... 17 24 100 - 199.99 ADA.... 12....................... 9 25 99.99 or fewer Units allowed as follows: 26 Grades 7-12 ......................... 8 27 Grades 9-12 ......................... 6 28 Grades 7- 9 ......................... 1 per 14 ADA 29 Grades 7- 8 ......................... 1 per 16 ADA 30 COMPUTATION OF EXCEPTIONAL EDUCATION SUPPORT UNITS 31 Average Daily 32 Attendance Attendance Divisor Minimum Units Allowed 33 14 or more .... 14.5..................... 1 or more as computed 34 12 - 13.99.... -....................... 1 35 8 - 11.99.... -....................... .75 36 4 - 7.99.... -....................... .5 37 1 - 3.99.... -....................... .25 38 COMPUTATION OF ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL SECONDARY SUPPORT UNITS 39 Pupils in Attendance Attendance Divisor Minimum Units Allowed 40 12 or more.......... 12...................... 1 or more as computed 41 In applying these tables to any given separate attendance unit, no school 42 district shall receive less total money than it would receive if it had a 43 lesser average daily attendance in such separate attendance unit. In applying 44 the kindergarten table to a kindergarten program of less days than a full 45 school year, the support unit allowance shall be in ratio to the number of 46 days of a full school year. The tables for exceptional education and alterna- 47 tive school secondary support units shall be applicable only for programs 48 approved by the state department of education following rules established by 49 the state board of education. Moneys generated from computation of support 50 units for alternative schools shall be utilized for alternative school pro- 51 grams. School district administrative and facility costs may be included as 6 1 part of the alternative school expenditures. 2 7. State Distribution Factor per Support Unit. Divide educational support 3 program distribution funds, after subtracting the amounts necessary to pay the 4 obligations specified in subsection 2. of this section, by the total state 5 support units to secure the state distribution factor per support unit. 6 8. District Share of State Funds for Educational Support Program. Ascer- 7 tain a district's share of state funds for the educational support program as 8 follows: 9 a. District Contribution Calculation. Without including any allowance as 10 a credit for prepaid taxes, as provided in section 63-1607, Idaho Code, 11 the district contribution calculation shall be the rate determined under 12 subsection 3. of this section. 13 b. District Support Units. The number of support units for each school 14 district in the state shall be determined as follows: 15 (1) Divide the actual average daily attendance, excluding students 16 approved for inclusion in the exceptional child educational program, 17 for the administrative schools and each of the separate schools and 18 attendance units by the appropriate divisor from the tables of sup- 19 port units in this section, then add the quotients to obtain the 20 district's support units allowance for regular students, kindergarten 21 through grade 12 including alternative school secondary students. 22 Calculations in application of this subsection shall be carried out 23 to the nearest tenth. 24 (2) Divide the combined totals of the average daily attendance of 25 all preschool, handicapped, kindergarten, elementary, secondary and 26 juvenile detention center students approved for inclusion in the 27 exceptional child program of the district by the appropriate divisor 28 from the table for computation of exceptional education support units 29 to obtain the number of support units allowed for the district's 30 approved exceptional child program. Calculations for this subsection 31 shall be carried out to the nearest tenth when more than one (1) unit 32 is allowed. 33 (3) The total number of support units of the district shall be the 34 sum of the total support units for regular students, subsection 35 8.b.(1) of this section, and the support units allowance for the 36 approved exceptional child program, subsection 8.b.(2) of this sec- 37 tion. 38 c. Total District Allowance Educational Program. Multiply the district's 39 total number of support units, carried out to the nearest tenth, by the 40 state distribution factor per support unit and to this product add the 41 approved amount of programs of the district provided in subsection 2. of 42 this section to secure the district's total allowance for the educational 43 support program. 44 d. District Share. To secure the district's share of state apportionment, 45 subtract the amount of the local district contribution calculation, sub- 46 section 3. of this section, from the amount of the total district allow- 47 ance, subsection 8.c. of this section. 48 e. Adjustment of District Share. The contract salary of every noncertifi- 49 cated teacher shall be subtracted from the district's share as calculated 50 from the provisions of subsection 8.d. of this section. 51 SECTION 10. That Section 33-1002D, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 52 amended to read as follows: 53 33-1002D. PROPERTY TAX REPLACEMENT. The purpose of this section is to 7 1 replace a portion of the authorized school maintenance and operation property 2 tax levy with state sales tax receipts. As used in this section, the term 3 "property tax computation ratio" shall mean a ratio determined by dividing the 4 district's certified property tax maintenance and operation budget by the 5 actual or adjusted market value for assessment purposes as such values existed 6 on December 31 of the previous calendar year. 7 (1) (a) In the case of a school district that had a property tax computa- 8 tion ratio of not less than four-tenths of one percent (.4%) in tax year 9 1994, that school district shall receive from the appropriations made for 10 that purpose, an amount equal to the greater of the district's actual or 11 adjusted market value for assessment purposes as such valuation existed on 12 December 31 of the previous calendar year multiplied by one-tenth of one 13 percent (.1%). 14 (b) In the case of a school district that had a property tax computation 15 ratio of less than four-tenths of one percent (.4%) in tax year 1994, the 16 greater of the 1992, 1993 or 1994 property tax computation ratio less 17 three-tenths of one percent (.3%) shall be designated the district's base 18 multiplier. In no case shall the base multiplier be less than zero (0). 19 Four-tenths of one percent (.4%) less the greater of the district's 1992, 20 1993 or 1994 property tax computation ratio shall be designated the 21 district's adjustment factor. In no case shall the adjustment factor be 22 greater than one-tenth of one percent (.1%) or less than zero (0). Each 23 school district's actual multiplier shall be the base multiplier plus one- 24 fifth (1/5) of the adjustment factor in tax year 1995, the base multiplier 25 plus two-fifths (2/5) of the adjustment factor in tax year 1996, the base 26 multiplier plus three-fifths (3/5) of the adjustment factor in tax year 27 1997, the base multiplier plus four-fifths (4/5) of the adjustment factor 28 in tax year 1998, and the base multiplier plus the adjustment factor in 29 tax year 1999 and beyond. Each school district shall receive, from the 30 appropriations made for that purpose, an amount equal to the district's 31 actual or adjusted market value for assessment purposes as such valuation 32 existed on December 31 of the previous calendar year multiplied by the 33 district's actual multiplier. 34 (c) The preceding provisions of this subsection notwithstanding, appro- 35 priations from the state for the value of one-tenth of one percent (.1%) 36 of the greater of the district's actual or adjusted market value for 37 assessment purposes as such valuation existed on December 31 of the previ- 38 ous calendar year shall not exceed seventy-five million dollars 39 ($75,000,000) in any fiscal year. If the amount school districts would 40 otherwise be entitled to receive pursuant to the preceding provisions of 41 this subsection exceeds seventy-five million dollars ($75,000,000), then 42 each school district shall receive its pro rata share of seventy-five mil- 43 lion dollars ($75,000,000). 44 (2) (a) Participation in this property tax reduction program is voluntary 45 for a charter district. If a charter district participates, in addition to 46 the provisions of subsection (1) of this section it shall not have a prop- 47 erty tax computation ratio that is above three-tenths of one percent 48 (.3%) or the district's property tax computation ratio in tax year 1994, 49 less one-tenth of one percent (.1%), whichever is greater. 50 (b) If in any year the charter district's property tax computation ratio 51 used to calculate its maintenance and operation budget is increased above 52 the limit specified in this subsection the district shall not be eligible 53 for the distribution pursuant to subsection (1) of this section for that 54 year. 55 (3) Limitations imposed upon a school district's property tax computation 8 1 ratio under the provisions of this section do not apply to any levy approved 2 by electors of the school district as provided by law. 3 (4) Distributions calculated as provided in this section shall be made to 4 school districts of this state in two (2) equal installments on the due dates 5 as specified in section 63-903(1), Idaho Code, for the property taxes being 6 replaced. 7 (5) For purposes of section 33-1002, Idaho Code, moneys distributed pur- 8 suant to this section shall not be included in determining total state funds. 9 SECTION 11. That Section 33-1006, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 10 amended to read as follows: 11 33-1006. TRANSPORTATION SUPPORT PROGRAM. (1) The state board of educa- 12 tion shall determine what costs of transporting pupils, including maintenance, 13 operation and depreciation of basic vehicles, insurance, payments under con- 14 tract with other public transportation providers whose vehicles used to trans- 15 port pupils comply with federal transit administration regulations, "bus test- 16 ing," 49 C.F.R. part 665, and any revision thereto, as provided in subsection 17 (4.)(d) of this section, or other state department of education approved pri- 18 vate transportation providers, salaries of drivers, and any other costs, shall 19 be allowable in computing the transportation support program of school dis- 20 tricts. 21 (2) Any costs associated with the addition of vehicle features that are 22 not part of the basic vehicle shall not be allowable in computing the trans- 23 portation support program of school districts. A basic vehicle is hereby 24 defined as the cost of the vehicle without optional features, plus the addi- 25 tion of essential safety features and features necessary for the transporta- 26 tion of pupils with disabilities. 27 (3) Each school district shall maintain records and make reports as are 28 required for the purposes of this section. 29 (4) The transportation support program of a school district shall be 30 based upon the allowable costs of: 311.(a) Transporting public school pupils one and one-half (1 1/2) miles or 32 more to school; 332.(b) Transporting pupils less than one and one-half (1 1/2) miles as 34 provided in section 33-1501, Idaho Code, when approved by the state board 35 of education; 363.(c) The costs of payments when transportation is not furnished, as pro- 37 vided in section 33-1503, Idaho Code; 384.(d) The transportation program for grades six (6) through twelve (12), 39 upon the costs of payments pursuant to a contract with other public or 40 private transportation providers entered into as provided in section 41 33-1510, Idaho Code, if the school district establishes that the reim- 42 bursable costs of transportation under the contract are equal to or less 43 than the costs for school buses.; 445.(e) The costs of providing transportation to and from approved school 45 activities as may be approved by rules of the state board of education; 466.(f) The employer's share of contributions to the public employee 47 retirement system and to social security. 48 (5) The state's share of the transportation support program shall be 49 eighty-five percent (85%) of allowable transportation costs of the district 50forincurred during thenextimmediately preceding state fiscal year, pro- 51 vided the allowable costs do not exceed one hundred three percent (103%) of 52 the state average reimbursable cost per mile or the state average reimbursable 53 cost per student, whichever is more advantageous to the school district. If a 9 1 school district's costs exceed the one hundred three percent (103%) limit when 2 computed by the more advantageous of the two (2) methods, that school district 3 shall be reimbursed at eighty-five percent (85%) of the maximum limit for 4 whichever method is more favorable to the school district. A school district 5 may appeal the application of the one hundred three percent (103%) limit on 6 allowable costs to the state board of education, which may establish for that 7 district a new percentile limit for allowable costs compared to the state 8 average, which is higher than one hundred three percent (103%). In doing so, 9 the state board of education may set a new limit that is greater than one hun- 10 dred three percent (103%), but is less than the percentile limit requested by 11 the school district. Any costs above the new level established by the state 12 board of education shall not be reimbursed. Such a change shall only be 13 granted by the state board of education if the application can be justified 14 based on uniquely difficult geographic circumstances, or extraordinary one (1) 15 time circumstances outside the district's foresight and control. An applica- 16 tion granted based on extraordinary one (1) time circumstances shall be effec- 17 tive for one (1) year only. An application based on uniquely difficult geo- 18 graphic circumstances shall be reviewed by the state board of education for 19 continued validity at least every five (5) years. 20 (6) School districts that are unable to absorb the impact of the limita- 21 tion on reimbursable expenses, through either efficiencies or the utilization 22 of fund balances, may apply to the state board of education to receive a loan 23 of moneys, not to exceed the amount of state funds lost through the applica- 24 tion of the limitation on reimbursable expenses, from the public education 25 stabilization fund. Any school district receiving such a loan shall cause its 26 reimbursement of state transportation moneys to be reduced by a like amount in 27 the subsequent fiscal year, and the moneys so reduced shall be deposited in 28 the public education stabilization fund. 29 SECTION 12. That Section 33-1009, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 30 amended to read as follows: 31 33-1009. PAYMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC SCHOOL INCOME FUND. 32 1. a. Payments of the state general account appropriation for public 33 school support shall be made each year by the state board of education to 34 the public school districts of the state in five (5) payments. Payments to 35 the districts shall be made not later than the fifteenth day of August, 36 the first day of October, the fifteenth day of November, the fifteenth day 37 of February, and the fifteenth day of May each year. Each payment by the 38 state board of education shall be approximately twenty percent (20%) of 39 the total general account appropriation for the fiscal year. Amounts 40 apportioned due to a special transfer to the public school income fund to 41 restore or reduce a deficiency in the prior year's transfer pursuant to 42 subsection 4. of this section shall not be subject to this limitation. 43 b. Payments of moneys, other than the state general account appropria- 44 tion, that accrue to the public school income fund shall be made by the 45 state board of education to the school districts of the state on the fif- 46 teenth day of November, February, May and July each year. The total amount 47 of such payments shall be determined by the state department of education 48 and shall not exceed the amount of moneys available and on deposit in the 49 public school income fund at the time such payment is made. 50 c. Amounts apportioned due to a special transfer to the public school 51 income fund to restore or reduce a deficiency in the prior year's transfer 52 pursuant to subsection 4. of this section shall not be subject to the lim- 53 itation imposed by paragraphs a. and b. 10 1 2. Payments made to the school districts in August, October and November 2 are advance payments for the current year and will be based upon payments from 3 the public school income fund for the preceding school year. Each school dis- 4 trict shall receive its proportionate share of the advance payments in the 5 same ratio that its total payment for the preceding year was to the total pay- 6 ments to all school districts for the preceding year. 7 3. No later than the fifteenth day of February in each year, the state 8 department of education shall compute the state distribution factor based on 9 the total average daily attendance through the first Friday in November. The 10 factor will be used in payments of state funds in February and May. Attendance 11 shall be reported in a format and at a time specified by the state department 12 of education. 13 As of the thirtieth day of June of each year the state department of edu- 14 cation shall determine final payments to be made on July fifteenth next suc- 15 ceeding to the several school districts from the public school income fund for 16 the school year ended June 30. The July payments shall take into consider- 17 ation: 18 a. the average daily attendance of the several school districts for the 19 twenty-eight (28) best weeks of the school year completed not later than 20 the thirtieth of June, 21 b. all funds available in the public school income fund for the fiscal 22 year ending on the thirtieth of June, 23 c. all payments distributed for the current fiscal year to the several 24 school districts, 25 d. the adjustment based on the actual amount of discretionary funds per 26 support unit required by the provisions of section 33-1018, Idaho Code, 27 e. payments made or due for the transportation support program and the 28 exceptional education support program. The state department of education 29 shall apportion and direct the payment to the several school districts the 30 moneys in the public school income fund in each year, taking into account 31 the advance made under subsection 2. of this section, in such amounts as 32 will provide in full for each district its support program, and not more 33 than therefor required, and no school district shall receive less than 34 fifty dollars ($50.00). 35 4. If the full amount appropriated to the public school income fund from 36 the general account by the legislature is not transferred to the public school 37 income fund by the end of the fiscal year, the deficiency resulting therefrom 38 shall either be restored or reduced through a special transfer from the gen- 39 eral account in the first sixty (60) days of the following fiscal year, or 40 shall be calculated in computing district levies, and any additional levy 41 shall be certified by the state superintendent of public instruction to the 42 board of county commissioners and added to the district's maintenance and 43 operation levy. If the deficiency is restored or reduced by special transfer, 44 the amount so transferred shall be in addition to the amount appropriated to 45 be transferred in such following fiscal year, and shall be apportioned to each 46 school district in the same amount as each would have received had the trans- 47 fer been made in the year the deficiency occurred. The state department of 48 education shall distribute to the school district the full amount of the spe- 49 cial transfer as soon as practical after such transfer is made. In making the 50 levy computations required by this subsection the state department of educa- 51 tion shall take into account and consider the full amount of money receipted 52 into the public school income fund from all sources for the given fiscal year. 53 Deficits in the transfer of the appropriated amount of general account revenue 54 to the public school income fund shall be reduced by the amount, if any, that 55 the total amount receipted from other sources into the public school income 11 1 fund exceeds the official estimated amount from those sources. The official 2 estimate of receipts from other sources shall be the total amount stated by 3 the legislature in the appropriation bill. The provisions of this subsection 4 shall not apply to any transfers to or from the public education stabilization 5 fund. 6 5. Any apportionments in any year, made to any school district, which may 7 within the succeeding three (3) year period be found to have been in error 8 either of computation or transmittal, may be corrected during the three (3) 9 year period by reduction of apportionments to any school district to which 10 over-apportionments may have been made or received, and corresponding 11 additions to apportionments to any school district to which under- 12 apportionments may have been made or received. 13 SECTION 13. That Chapter 10, Title 33, Idaho Code, be, and the same is 14 hereby amended by the addition thereto of a NEW SECTION, to be known and des- 15 ignated as Section 33-1018, Idaho Code, and to read as follows: 16 33-1018. PUBLIC SCHOOL DISCRETIONARY FUNDING VARIABILITY. The legislature 17 shall annually state in the appropriation for the educational support 18 program/division of operations the estimate of the total discretionary funding 19 provided per support unit. The department of education shall, before the end 20 of each fiscal year, calculate the actual discretionary funding available per 21 support unit. 22 (1) If the total estimated discretionary funding per support unit stated 23 in the appropriation for the educational support program/division of opera- 24 tions is lower than the actual discretionary funding available per support 25 unit, then the state controller shall multiply the difference by the number of 26 actual support units, and transfer the result from the public school income 27 fund to the public education stabilization fund and the final distributions to 28 school districts from the department of education shall be reduced by a like 29 amount. 30 (2) If the total estimated discretionary funding per support unit stated 31 in the appropriation for the educational support program/division of opera- 32 tions is greater than the actual discretionary funding available per support 33 unit, then the state controller shall multiply the difference by the number of 34 actual support units, and transfer the result from the public education stabi- 35 lization fund to the public school income fund. This transfer shall be limited 36 to moneys available in the public education stabilization fund. Moneys trans- 37 ferred from the public education stabilization fund to the public school 38 income fund under the provisions of this section are hereby continuously 39 appropriated for the educational support program/division of operations. 40 SECTION 14. That Chapter 10, Title 33, Idaho Code, be, and the same is 41 hereby amended by the addition thereto of a NEW SECTION, to be known and des- 42 ignated as Section 33-1018A, Idaho Code, and to read as follows: 43 33-1018A. OTHER USES OF PUBLIC EDUCATION STABILIZATION FUND. (1) If, in 44 any fiscal year, general fund revenues are inadequate to sustain general fund 45 appropriations made for that year by the legislature, then the board of exam- 46 iners may transfer moneys from the public education stabilization fund to the 47 general fund. The maximum amount that may be transferred by the board in any 48 fiscal year shall be determined by dividing the total of all general fund 49 appropriations for the educational support program by the total of all general 50 fund appropriations, and multiplying the result by the amount of the shortfall 51 in general fund revenues. 12 1 (2) The governor may recommend, and the legislature may authorize, the 2 appropriation of moneys from the public education stabilization fund to offset 3 declining distributions from the public school earnings reserve fund to the 4 public school income fund. 5 SECTION 15. It was and remains the intent of the Legislature that the 6 provisions of Chapter 254, Laws of 2001, be applied to the allocation of 7 investment gains and losses between Earnings Reserve Funds and Permanent 8 Endowment Funds during the period July 1, 2000, through June 30, 2001. Any 9 reallocations made necessary by the application of these provisions shall be 10 completed by no later than July 1, 2003. 11 SECTION 16. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 33-1018, Idaho Code, it 12 is estimated that the appropriation of state funds to the Educational Support 13 Program/Division of Operations will result in total discretionary funds of 14 $24,447 per support unit. 15 SECTION 17. The State Controller shall transfer $9,785,000 from the Pub- 16 lic School Income Fund to the Public Education Stabilization Fund. 17 SECTION 18. The provisions of Section 33-1006, Idaho Code, notwithstand- 18 ing, for the period July 1, 2003, through June 30, 2004, only, the limitation 19 on allowable school district transportation costs as compared to the statewide 20 average cost per mile, or the statewide average cost per student, whichever is 21 more beneficial to the school district, shall be one hundred ten percent 22 (110%), rather than the one hundred three percent (103%) stated in Section 23 33-1006, Idaho Code. The provisions of Section 33-1006, Idaho Code, notwith- 24 standing, for the period July 1, 2004, through June 30, 2005, only, the limi- 25 tation on allowable school district transportation costs as compared to the 26 statewide average cost per mile, or the statewide average cost per student, 27 whichever is more beneficial to the school district, shall be one hundred five 28 percent (105%), rather than the one hundred three percent (103%) stated in 29 Section 33-1006, Idaho Code. 30 SECTION 19. An emergency existing therefor, which emergency is hereby 31 declared to exist, Section 15 of this act shall be in full force and effect on 32 and after passage and approval; the remaining provisions of this act shall be 33 in full force and effect on and after July 1, 2003.
REPRINT REPRINT REPRINT REPRINT REPRINT REPRINT STATEMENT OF PURPOSE RS 13336C1 This is the Fiscal Year 2004 appropriation for the Division of Operations portion of the Public Schools budget. The pieces of the Public Schools budget that are part of this division's appropriation include: 1.) Property Tax Replacement funds; 2.) Pupil transportation cost reimbursements to school districts; 3.) The "Flooring" program for school districts, which guarantees each school district at least 90% of what they got from the state, on an equalized basis, for the previous year; 4.) The classified staff portion of the salary-based apportionment formula; 5.) State paid employee benefits for classified staff, which include PERSI and FICA; 6.) Technology funding; 7.) The portion of Achievement Standards implementation that is spent by the state department of education to provide centralized training opportunities; 8.) The operations portion of federal pass-through funding to local school districts; and 9.) Discretionary funds for school districts. Non-Standard Adjustments include an upwards adjustment of $1,026,400 for the classified staff portion of the increase in the number of classroom units (or support units), an upwards adjustment of $4,087,000 for Property Tax Replacement, and a net upward adjustment of $808,500 in Transportation costs, after the implementation of reforms. This budget does not include money for an endowment fund shift. This budget includes five funded items in the enhancement area. The first provides $10,164,000 for discretionary funds. It is the addition of these funds, in conjunction with all the other statutory changes, that allows enough money to flow through to the bottom line in this budget to keep the total discretionary funds per support unit, or classroom unit, at the same $24,447 per unit that school districts are receiving this year. The second provides $134,700 for the third and final phase of Achievement Standards implementation. One-quarter of the money is from General Funds, while three-quarters comes from federal funds. The third enhancement provides $5,000,000 in one-time funding for Technology. When added to the $3.4 million already in the base portion of this budget for Technology, it would provide $8.4 million for Technology. The fourth enhancement reflects an earlier action of the Legislature, in which the federal funds that are passed through to local school districts will be housed in the public schools budget, rather than the state department of education. These dollars represent the portion of these funds that are allocated to school district operations costs. The fifth enhancement provides approximately $9.8 million for the initial funding of a new fund, called the Public Education Stabilization Fund. Money can be distributed from the fund in four different ways: The first way is that the Board of Examiners can tap this fund for the public schools proportional share of a General Fund shortfall. This will help prevent from happening what happened last year, when public schools were forced to absorb a mid-year budget reduction. This will allow the public schools portion of the shortfall to be taken from this fund, and not their operating budgets, which have already been set. The second way money can come out of this fund is in the event of declining endowment distributions. If endowment distributions to schools decline, and we expect they will, at least in the near term, the Governor can recommend, and the Legislature can appropriate, money from this fund to cover the amount of the shortfall. The third way money can come out of the fund is if we underestimate the cost of statutory rollup costs. The greatest unknown in this area is typically our estimate of the growth in classroom units (or support units). We are currently estimating that there will be more enrollment next year than we have this year, mostly due to growth in areas such as Meridian and Nampa, and that growth will result in 125 new classroom units. But if the estimate is wrong, and there are 150 new units, then the funding provided in this budget would be insufficient to distribute the promised $24,447 in discretionary funds per classroom unit out to the districts. Under this circumstance, the state department of education could draw the amount of money necessary out of this fund to provide the $24,447 per classroom unit that the Legislature promised, and school districts set their budget based on. The reverse of this is also true, of course, and if there is an overestimate of the growth of classroom units, and not as much money as was projected is needed to provide $24,447 per classroom unit, the savings, commonly referred to as "Angel Money", is deposited in this education stabilization fund. This budget also includes seven sections that add to or amend Idaho Code. Sections 8, 12, 13, and 14 deal with the Public Education Stabilization Fund, which is outlined above. As for the other three, sections 9 and 10 deal with the capping of Property Tax Replacement at $75 million. This will not affect the FY04 budget, where Property Tax Replacement will cost us about $73 million. It will likely reach that cap, however, in FY05. The last amendment is in section 11, which deals with the Transportation program. These amendments state that the state will only reimburse for a Basic Bus, plus the addition of essential safety features and features necessary for the transportation of students with disabilities. The amendments also include a provision that the state will only reimburse costs up to 103% of the statewide average, either per student or per mile, whichever measurement works out better for the district. Section 18, however, allows the cap to operate at the 110% level for FY 2004, and the 105% level for FY 2005. Districts that are over this cap will have the opportunity, if they can make their case to the state board of education that they have to deal with difficult geographic factors, or one-time circumstances beyond their control, they can be granted an exemption from the application of this provision. In addition, districts that are unable to cope with the financial consequences of the application of this law, either through becoming more efficient or utilizing fund balances, which creates cash flow problems for them - can apply to the state board of education for a no interest loan from the Public Education Stabilization Fund, to be paid back from their Transportation reimbursement in the following year. Other, non-codified sections in this bill includes section 17, which transfers funds to the Public Education Stabilization Fund. Section 15 states the intent of the Legislature that the Endowment Fund Investment Board follow the law passed in 2001 dealing with the allocation of investment gains and losses, and correcting the FY 2001 allocation. This will alleviate some of the state's current cash flow problems in the endowments. Section 16 states the amount of discretionary funding that is being provided per support unit, as per the requirements of the Public Education Stabilization Fund language in this bill. Contact Name: Jason Hancock Phone: 334-4739 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE H 463STATEMENT OF PURPOSE STATEMENT OF PURPOSE
Public Schools Budget Breakout
This is the FY 2004 appropriation for the Division of Operations portion of the Public Schools budget.
FY 2003 Approp. |
FY 2004 $943 Budget |
Div. of Operations |
I. |
A. |
Sources of Funds |
1. |
General Fund |
$920,000,000 |
$943,000,800 |
$243,341,300 |
percent change: |
1.1% |
2.5% |
2. |
Dedicated Funds |
$65,513,000 |
$55,650,000 |
$41,700,000 |
percent change: |
1.1% |
-15.1% |
3. |
Federal Funds |
$0 |
$153,980,000 |
$5,180,000 |
percent change: |
- |
- |
4. |
$985,513,000 |
$1,152,630,800 |
$290,221,300 |
percent change*: |
1.1% |
17.0% |
II. |
A. |
Statutory Requirements |
1. |
Property Tax Replacement |
$68,935,700 |
$73,022,700 |
$73,022,700 |
2. |
Transportation |
$57,654,500 |
$58,463,000 |
$58,463,000 |
3. |
Border Contracts |
$1,000,000 |
$800,000 |
$0 |
4. |
Exceptional Contracts/Tuition Equivalents |
$3,500,000 |
$4,000,000 |
$0 |
5. |
Floor |
$1,300,000 |
$1,300,000 |
$1,300,000 |
6. |
Program Adjustments |
$300,000 |
$300,000 |
$0 |
7. |
Salary-based Apportionment |
$660,086,500 |
$666,616,200 |
$89,159,000 |
8. |
Teacher Incentive Award |
$560,000 |
$654,000 |
$0 |
9. |
State Paid Employee Benefits |
$116,084,600 |
$117,238,500 |
$15,531,500 |
10. |
Early Retirement Program |
$5,500,000 |
$4,500,000 |
$0 |
11. |
Bond Levy Equalization |
$0 |
$825,000 |
$0 |
12. |
Idaho Safe & Drug-Free Schools |
$4,700,000 |
$4,700,000 |
$0 |
13. |
Sub-total -- Statutory Requirements |
$919,621,300 |
$931,729,400 |
$236,786,200 |
B. |
Other Program Distributions |
1. |
Technology Grants |
$8,400,000 |
$8,400,000 |
$8,400,000 |
2. |
Idaho Reading Initiative |
$3,300,000 |
$3,300,000 |
$0 |
3. |
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) |
$4,475,000 |
$4,475,000 |
$0 |
4. |
Least Restrictive Environment (teacher trainin |
$1,000,000 |
$1,000,000 |
$0 |
5. |
Gifted & Talented |
$500,000 |
$500,000 |
$0 |
6. |
Achievement Standards Implementation |
$4,000,000 |
$4,000,000 |
$134,700 |
7. |
Beginning Teacher Support Program |
$2,000,000 |
$0 |
$0 |
8. |
Idaho Digital Learning Academy |
$0 |
$450,000 |
$0 |
9. |
Classroom Supplies |
$2,000,000 |
$0 |
$0 |
10. |
School Facilities Funding (Lottery) |
$0 |
$8,425,000 |
$0 |
11. |
Federal Funds for Local School Districts |
$0 |
$150,980,000 |
$5,079,000 |
12. |
Sub-total -- Other Program Distributions |
$25,675,000 |
$179,980,000 |
$12,513,700 |
$945,296,300 |
$1,111,709,400 |
$249,299,900 |
III. |
$0 |
$9,785,000 |
$9,785,000 |
IV. |
$40,216,700 |
$28,896,400 |
$28,896,400 |
V. |
12,545 |
12,670 |
12,670 |
VI. |
$3,206 |
$2,281 |
$2,281 |
VII. |
$21,241 |
$22,166 |
$22,166 |
$24,447 |
$24,447 |
$24,447 |
* Overall percent change would be 1.3% without the transfer of federal pass-through funds to this budget, and 0.4% without the addition of Lottery funds.
Contact: Jason Hancock
Legislative Services Office
Budget and Policy Analysis
Telephone: 334-3531