July 06 Meeting:
- Idaho Behavioral Health Council, Sara Omundson, Admin Director of Idaho Courts; Dave Jeppesen, Director IDHW
- Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board Updates , Liz Coronado, Sr Policy Advisor, NW Portland Area Indian Health Board
- Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons Update, Tai Simpson, Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence
- Idaho State Police Forensic Services, Matthew Gamette, Laboratory System Director, ISP
- Office of Indian Education Update, Bob Sobotta, Chair of Idaho Indian Educ Comm; Johanna Jones, ISDE Office of Indian Educ
- National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program , Cecilia Awusie, ITD; Emily Her, OEMR
- Good Neighbor Authority Program
- Treating Tribes and Counties as Good Neighbors Act, Aaron Miles, Sr., Natural Resources Manager, Nez Perce Tribe