This is an electronic reproduction of the official minutes of the committee. The official minutes are located and maintained in the office of the standing committee and this electronic version should not be deemed to be the official minutes. Any exhibits referenced in committee minutes can be reviewed by contacting the committee secretary or, following adjournment, the Legislative Reference Library. Minutes are posted upon committee approval.
RS20006 |
RS19960 |
House Health & Welfare 1-14, 2-24; |
RS20005 |
House Health & Welfare 1-14, 2-24; |
RS19964C2 |
House Health & Welfare 1-14, 2-24; |
RS19965C2 |
House Health & Welfare 1-14, 2-24, 3-2, 3-14, 3-16; |
RS20017 |
House Revenue & Taxation 1-17, 1-20; |
RS20019C1 |
House Revenue & Taxation 1-17, 1-20; |
RS20020C1 |
House Revenue & Taxation 1-17, 1-20; |
RS20025 |
RS20026 |
House Revenue & Taxation 1-17, 1-20; |
RS20027C1 |
House Revenue & Taxation 1-17, 1-24; |
RS20028C1 |
House Revenue & Taxation 1-17, 1-24; |
RS20047 |
House Revenue & Taxation 1-17, 1-24; |
RS20105C2 |
House State Affairs 1-18 |
RS20009 |
RS19926C1 |
House State Affairs 1-18 |
RS19981C1 |
House Transportation & Defense 1-18, 2-2; |
RS19972 |
RS20050C1 |
RS20008 |
RS20011 |
RS19944 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-19, 2-23; |
RS20034C1 |
RS19959C3 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-19, 2-23; |
RS19969 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-19, 2-23; |
RS19967 |
RS19966C1 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-19, 1-25; |
RS20048 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-19 |
RS20076 |
RS20144 |
RS19983C1 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-19, 2-23; |
RS20151 |
RS20127 |
House State Affairs 1-20; |
RS20171 |
RS19993 |
RS20033C2 |
House Education 1-24 |
RS20039C1 |
RS19929 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-24, 2-10; |
RS19930 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-24, 2-10; |
RS19927 |
House Environment, Energy, & Technology 1-24, 2-2; |
RS19996 |
House Environment, Energy, & Technology 1-24, 2-2; |
RS20046C2 |
House Environment, Energy, & Technology 1-24 |
RS19951 |
House Transportation & Defense 1-24, 2-8; |
RS19942 |
House Transportation & Defense 1-24 (typographical error in minutes refers to legislation as RS19442), 2-8; |
RS20111 |
House Transportation & Defense 1-24, 2-2; |
RS19956C1 |
House Health & Welfare 1-24, 2-16; |
RS19954 |
House Health & Welfare 1-24, 2-16; |
RS19938 |
House Health & Welfare 1-24, 2-16; |
RS19936C1 |
House Health & Welfare 1-24, 2-18; |
RS20181 |
House State Affairs 1-25 |
RS20010 |
RS19945 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-25, 2-15; |
RS19947 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-25, 2-15; |
RS19948 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-25, 2-15; |
RS20095 |
RS19950 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-25 (agenda only), 2-15; |
RS20049 |
House Revenue & Taxation 1-26 |
RS20053 |
RS20192C2 |
RS20187C1 |
RS20097 |
House Transportation & Defense 1-26, 2-2; |
RS19937 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-26, 2-8; |
RS19953 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-26, 2-8; |
RS19958 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-26, 2-8; |
RS19994C1 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-26, 2-8; |
RS20126C1 |
RS20183 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-27, 2-3; |
RS20182 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-27, 2-3; |
RS20003 |
House Business 1-27 |
RS19955 |
House Business 1-27, 2-3; |
RS19961 |
House Business 1-27, 2-3; |
RS19962 |
House Business 1-27, 2-3; |
RS19975 |
House Business 1-27 |
RS19978 |
House Business 1-27, 2-3; |
RS20007C1 |
House Business 1-27, 2-9, 3-17; |
RS19968 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-27, 2-9; |
RS19971 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-27 |
RS20156 |
RS19963 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-31, 2-15; |
RS19973 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-31, 2-15; |
RS20004 |
House Business 1-31, 2-21; |
RS19957 |
House Business 1-31, 2-21; |
RS19943 |
House Business 1-31, 2-21; |
RS20178 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-1, 2-17; |
RS19984 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-1, 2-21; |
RS20157C1 |
RS20163 |
RS20164 |
House State Affairs 2-2; |
RS19925 |
House State Affairs 2-2, 2-8; |
RS20162 |
House State Affairs 2-2, 2-8; |
RS20207 |
House Transportation & Defense 2-2, 2-16, 3-2; |
RS20208 |
House Transportation & Defense 2-2 |
RS20209 |
House Environment, Energy, & Technology 2-2, 2-8; |
RS19989C2 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-19, 2-1, 2-21; |
RS20234 |
House Local Government 2-2, 2-16; |
RS20270 |
RS20099C1 |
RS20149C1 |
House Local Government 2-2 |
RS20083C1 |
RS20059 |
House Agricultural Affairs 2-2; |
RS20128 |
House Agricultural Affairs 2-2, 2-14; |
RS20253 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-3; |
RS20282 |
House Education 2-3 |
RS20284 |
House Education 2-3, 2-14 (agenda only), 2-16, 2-17; |
RS20233 |
House State Affairs 2-3; |
RS20206C1 |
RS20263 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-3 |
RS20221C1 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 2-3, 2-25; |
RS20215 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 2-3, 2-23; |
RS20084C1 |
House Local Government 2-2, 2-16; |
RS20273 |
RS20175 |
House Local Government 2-4, 2-10; |
RS20198 |
House Local Government 2-4; |
RS20191C2 |
RS20133 |
House Local Government 2-4, 2-24, 2-28; |
RS20184 |
House State Affairs 2-7 |
RS20315 |
(Replaces H 59) |
RS20249 |
RS20232C2 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 2-7, 2-15; |
RS20292 |
RS20078C2 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 2-7, 2-15; |
RS20219 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 2-7, 2-23; |
RS20306 |
House Education 2-8 |
RS20246 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-8, 2-10, 2-14; |
RS20296 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-8 |
RS20291C1 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-3, 2-8, 2-10; |
RS20110C3 |
House Transportation & Defense 2-8 |
RS20303 |
House State Affairs 2-9 |
RS20321 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 2-9, 2-23; |
RS19988C1 |
House Business 2-9, 2-23; |
RS20259 |
(Trailer is H 299) |
RS20304 |
House Business 2-9, 2-23; |
RS20310 |
House Business 2-9 |
RS20331 |
(Replaced by H 280) |
RS20060 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-9, 2-17; |
RS20096C2 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-9, 2-21; |
RS20271 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-9, 2-21; |
RS20272 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-9, 2-21; |
RS20305C1 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 2-7, 2-9 (typographical error in minutes refers to legislation as RS20312C1), 2-15; |
RS20312 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 2-9, 2-17; |
RS20267 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 2-9; |
RS20148C1 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-9, 2-15; |
RS20261C1 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-9, 2-17; |
RS20349 |
RS20351 |
House Transportation & Defense 2-10, 2-16; |
RS20193C1 |
RS20275 |
House Transportation & Defense 2-10, 2-22; |
RS20302 |
House Local Government 2-10, 2-22; |
RS20262C1 |
House Agricultural Affairs 2-10 |
RS20300 |
House Agricultural Affairs 2-10, 2-22; |
RS20277 |
House Agricultural Affairs 2-10, 2-28; |
RS20285 |
House Agricultural Affairs 2-10, 2-22; |
RS20340 |
House Environment, Energy, & Technology 2-10, 2-16; |
RS20217C1 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 2-7, 2-11, 2-23; |
RS20360 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-11; |
RS20353 |
RS19998 |
RS20022 |
RS19997 |
RS20258C1 |
House Transportation & Defense 2-14, 2-24; |
RS20394 |
RS20383 |
House Health & Welfare 2-14, 2-28; |
RS20378 |
House Health & Welfare 2-14; |
RS20202 |
House Health & Welfare 2-14, 2-22; |
RS20325C1 |
House Health & Welfare 2-14, 2-22; |
RS20384 |
House Agricultural Affairs 2-14, 2-22, 2-24, 3-2; |
RS20359 |
House Education 2-15, 2-22; |
RS20368 |
RS20223 |
House Business 2-15 |
RS20338 |
House Business 2-15 |
RS20411 |
RS20309 |
RS20422 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-16 |
RS20242 |
House State Affairs 2-16, 2-23; |
RS20237 |
House State Affairs 2-16, 2-23; |
RS20279 |
House State Affairs 2-17; |
RS20406 |
RS20299C2 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-17, 2-22; |
RS20419 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-17; |
RS20395 |
RS20412 |
House Business 2-17, 3-7; |
RS20420 |
House Health & Welfare 2-18, 2-24; |
RS20457 |
House State Affairs 2-21; |
RS19935 |
House State Affairs 2-21 |
RS20433 |
RS20438 |
House Ways & Means 2-21 |
RS20397 |
RS20428 |
House State Affairs 2-22 |
RS20473 |
(Replaces H 168) |
RS20365 |
House Education 2-22 |
RS20387 |
RS20211C2 |
RS20399 |
House State Affairs 2-23; |
RS20464 |
House State Affairs 2-23; |
RS20463 |
House State Affairs 2-23; |
RS20445 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-23 |
RS20176C1 |
RS20087C1 |
RS20481 |
RS20460 |
RS20290 |
RS19976 |
House State Affairs 2-24 |
RS20478 |
RS20452 |
RS20503 |
RS20469 |
House State Affairs 2-28; |
RS20423 |
House State Affairs 2-28; |
RS20468 |
House State Affairs 2-28 |
RS20332C1 |
House Ways & Means 2-28; |
RS20506 |
House Ways & Means 2-28; |
RS20510 |
House Ways & Means 2-28; |
RS20505 |
House State Affairs 3-1 |
RS20489C1 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-1, 3-3; |
RS20456C1 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-1, 3-3; |
RS20494 |
House State Affairs 3-2 |
RS20488C1 |
House State Affairs 2-28; |
RS20515 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-2, 3-7; |
RS20482C1 |
(Replaces H 1) |
RS20500 |
House Health & Welfare 3-2, 3-14, 3-16; |
RS20517C1 |
House Health & Welfare 3-2 |
RS20520 |
House Health & Welfare 3-2, 3-4, 3-8 (Joint meeting), 3-10, 3-14; |
RS20499 |
House State Affairs 3-3, 3-9, 3-10; |
RS20491 |
House State Affairs 3-3 |
RS20493C1 |
House State Affairs 3-3; |
RS20513 |
House State Affairs 3-3; |
RS20495 |
House State Affairs 3-3; |
RS20497 |
House State Affairs 3-3; |
RS20516 |
House Ways & Means 3-3; |
RS20533 |
House Ways & Means 3-3 |
RS20534 |
House Ways & Means 3-3; |
RS20535 |
House Ways & Means 3-3; |
RS20536 |
House Ways & Means 3-3; |
RS20524C1 |
RS20442C1 |
House State Affairs 3-7; |
RS20550 |
House State Affairs 3-7; |
RS20518C1 |
RS20529 |
RS20526 |
RS20569 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-8, 3-15; |
RS20553 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-8; |
RS20548 |
House State Affairs 3-8 |
RS20558 |
House State Affairs 3-14 |
RS20543C3 |
House State Affairs 3-7; |
RS20538 |
RS20561 |
RS20366C1 |
House Ways & Means 3-3 |
RS20386C3 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-9; |
RS20525 |
RS20564 |
RS20560C1 |
RS20559 |
RS20582 |
RS20581 |
RS20586 |
RS20545 |
House Ways & Means 3-10 |
RS20551 |
House Ways & Means 3-10; |
RS20557 |
RS20579 |
RS20578 |
RS20596 |
House Ways & Means 3-11; |
RS20565 |
(Replaced by H 295) |
RS20591 |
House Ways & Means 3-11; |
RS20592 |
House Ways & Means 3-11; |
RS20348 |
House State Affairs 3-11; |
RS20589 |
RS20555 |
RS20549 |
RS20554 |
RS20590 |
House Ways & Means 3-14; |
RS20593 |
House Ways & Means 3-14; |
RS20597 |
RS20601 |
House Ways & Means 3-14; |
RS20603 |
RS20613 |
RS20588C1 |
RS20598 |
RS20522 |
RS20441 |
RS20595 |
RS20572C2 |
(Replaces H 134) |
RS20594C1 |
(Replaced by H 302) |
RS20626 |
House Ways & Means 3-16 |
RS20625 |
(Replaced H 171) |
RS20607 |
RS20606 |
RS20611 |
RS20623 |
RS20632 |
RS20622 |
RS20618 |
RS20617 |
RS20631 |
RS20633 |
RS20634 |
RS20643C1 |
(Replaces H 261) |
RS20447 |
(Replaced by H 297) |
RS20637 |
(Replaces H 296) |
RS20608C1 |
House Ways & Means 3-21; |
RS20646 |
(Trailer to H 131) |
RS20654 |
House Ways & Means 3-21; |
RS20668 |
RS20638 |
(Replaces H 281) |
RS20615 |
RS20670 |
RS20667 |
RS20674 |
RS20652 |
House State Affairs 3-24; |
RS20443C2 |
RS20679 |
RS20680 |
RS20663 |
RS20675 |
House Ways & Means 3-25 |
RS20683 |
RS20661C1 |
RS20677 |
(Trailer to S 1108) |
RS20665C1 |
RS20707 |
House Ways & Means 3-28 |
RS20695C2 |
House Ways & Means 3-28; |
RS20602C1 |
House State Affairs 3-28 |
RS20700 |
RS20698 |
RS20704 |
RS20682 |
RS20715 |
RS20706 |
RS20693C1 |
RS20696 |
House Ways & Means 3-29 |
RS20708C2 |
RS20718 |
RS20719 |
RS20717 |
RS20709 |
House Education 3-30 |
RS20711 |
RS20712 |
RS20666C1 |
(Trailer to S 1108) |
RS20648C1 |
(Trailer to S 1110) |
RS20716 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-30; |
RS20727 |
RS20713 |
House Education 3-31 |
RS20710 |
RS20726 |
RS20740 |
RS20736C1 |
RS20734 |
RS20725C1 |
RS20733 |
RS20743 |
House Ways & Means 4-4; |
RS20744 |
House Ways & Means 4-5; |
RS20672C1 |
House Ways & Means 4-5 |
RS20746 |
House Ways & Means 4-6 |
RS20747C1 |
House State Affairs 4-6 |
RS20748 |
House Education 4-7 |
RS20749 |
House Ways & Means 4-7 |
RS20065 |
RS20103 |
House Education 1-17 |
RS20129 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-25; |
RS20229 |
House Environment, Energy, & Technology 2-2; |
RS20308C1 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 2-9, 2-25; |
RS20346C1 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 2-9; |
RS20294 |
RS20269 |
RS20372 |
RS20427 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-17; |
RS20426 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-17; |
RS20405 |
RS20409 |
RS20410 |
RS20374 |
House Ways & Means 2-21; |
RS20459 |
House Environment, Energy, & Technology 2-22; |
RS20401 |
House State Affairs 2-22 |
RS20454 |
RS20449 |
RS20444 |
House State Affairs 2-28, 3-8; |
RS20511 |
RS20512 |
House Ways & Means 3-3; |
RS20521 |
RS20379 |
RS20508C1 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-15; |
RS20656 |
House Ways & Means 3-21 |
RS20662 |
RS20699 |
House State Affairs 3-31 |
RS20195 |
RS20293C1 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-9, 2-15; |
RS20492 |
House State Affairs 2-28; |
RS20052 |
RS20260C1 |
RS20287 |
House State Affairs 2-14 |
RS20373 |
House State Affairs 2-15 |
RS20066 |
RS20297C1 |
House State Affairs 2-8 |
RS20100 |
Senate Transportation 2-15, 3-1; |
RS19985 |
RS19986 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-14, 1-26; |
RS19987 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-14, 1-26; |
RS20037 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-14 |
RS20077 |
Senate State Affairs 1-17, 1-26; |
RS20090 |
Senate State Affairs 1-17, 1-26, 1-31; |
RS20067 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-17, 2-2; |
RS20068 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-17, 2-2; |
RS20069 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-17, 2-2; |
RS20070 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-17, 2-2; |
RS20071 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-17, 2-2; |
RS20044 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-17 |
RS20073 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-17, 1-31; |
RS20093 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-17, 2-7 (Joint meeting), 3-9, 3-14; |
RS20094 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-17, 2-7 (Joint meeting), 3-9, 3-14; |
RS20092 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-18, 2-3; |
RS19934 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-18, 2-3; |
RS19990 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-18, 2-3; |
RS20000 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-18, 2-3; |
RS19924 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-18, 2-16; |
RS20079 |
RS20130 |
RS20137 |
House Transportation & Defense 2-28 |
RS20135 |
House Transportation & Defense 2-28 |
RS20055 |
RS20056 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-19 |
RS20058 |
RS19991 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-19, 1-31; |
RS20042 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-19, 1-31; |
RS19995 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-19, 1-31; |
RS20185 |
RS20146 |
RS20112 |
RS20113 |
RS20114 |
RS20115 |
RS20116 |
RS20117 |
RS20118 |
RS19932 |
RS20141 |
RS20150 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-24, 2-7; |
RS20153 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-24, 2-7; |
RS20154 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-24, 2-7; |
RS20196 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-24 |
RS20155 |
RS20147 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-24, 1-28; |
RS19941C1 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-25, 2-17; |
RS20107 |
Senate Transportation 1-25, 2-8; |
RS20158C1 |
Senate State Affairs 1-26 |
RS20177 |
Senate Local Government & Taxation 1-26, 2-1; |
RS20145 |
Senate Local Government & Taxation 1-26, 2-1; |
RS20063 |
RS19928 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 1-27, 2-8; |
RS20197C1 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-28, 2-7; |
RS20199 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-28, 2-7; |
RS20174 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-14; |
RS19974 |
Senate Transportation 1-27, 2-10; |
RS20160 |
Senate Transportation 1-27, 2-8; |
RS20161 |
Senate Transportation 1-27, 2-10; |
RS20166 |
Senate Transportation 1-27, 2-10; |
RS20214 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-31, 2-16; |
RS20225 |
RS19933C1 |
RS20212 |
RS20102C2 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-2, 3-9; |
RS20241 |
RS20254C1 |
RS20288 |
RS20314 |
RS20168C1 |
RS20216 |
Senate Transportation 2-8, 2-15; |
RS20213 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-8, 2-23; |
RS20143C1 |
Senate State Affairs 1-24, 2-9, 2-16; |
RS20002 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-8, 2-28; |
RS20276 |
Senate Resources & Environment 2-9, 2-16; |
RS20188 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-9 |
RS20280 |
Senate Local Government & Taxation 2-9, 2-15; |
RS20109 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-9, 2-17; |
RS20032 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-10, 2-17; |
RS20031 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-10, 2-17; |
RS19940 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-10, 2-17; |
RS20030 |
RS20357C1 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 2-10, 3-15, 3-31; |
RS20329 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 2-10 |
RS20268 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 2-10, 2-17; |
RS20369 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 2-10; |
RS20370 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 2-10; |
RS20236 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 2-10, 2-17; |
RS20307 |
Senate Transportation 2-10 |
RS20317 |
Senate Transportation 2-10 |
RS20320 |
RS20322 |
RS20318 |
Senate Transportation 2-10 |
RS20343 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-14, 2-21; |
RS20396 |
(Replaces S 1064) |
RS20021 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-14, 2-23; |
RS20334 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-14 |
RS19931 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-14, 3-1; |
RS19939 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-14, 3-1; |
RS20152C1 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-8, 2-14, 2-22; |
RS20062C2 |
(Trailer is S 1193) |
RS20327 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-14 |
RS20301 |
RS20377 |
RS20240 |
RS20413 |
(Trailers are H 315 and H 335) |
RS20414 |
Senate Education 2-14 |
RS20415 |
(Trailer is H 336) |
RS20424 |
RS20425 |
Senate Education 2-14 |
RS20417 |
Senate Education 2-17, 2-24, 3-1, 3-8, 3-22, 4-6; |
RS20328C2 |
Senate State Affairs 2-14, 2-16, 2-23; |
RS20403 |
RS20091 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-16, 2-23; |
RS20421 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-16; |
RS20418 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-16; |
RS20226 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-16 |
RS20400 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-16, 2-23; |
RS20407 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-16, 2-23; |
RS20330 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-16, 2-23; |
RS20434 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 2-15, 3-1; |
RS20248 |
Senate State Affairs 2-18 |
RS20286 |
RS20429C1 |
Senate State Affairs 2-18 |
RS20435 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 2-17, 3-1; |
RS20448 |
Senate State Affairs 2-21 |
RS20238 |
Senate State Affairs 2-21; |
RS20239 |
Senate State Affairs 2-21, 3-4, 3-7; |
RS20339 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-21 |
RS20342 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-21, 3-7; |
RS20455 |
RS20283 |
RS20477 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-23 |
RS20504 |
RS20472 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-23, 3-7; |
RS20471 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-23, 3-7; |
RS20140C1 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 3-1, 3-8; |
RS20527 |
RS20532 |
RS20519 |
RS20465 |
Senate State Affairs 3-4; |
RS20479 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 3-1, 3-17; |
RS20474 |
RS20453 |
Senate State Affairs 3-4; |
RS20431 |
Senate Education 3-2; |
RS20542 |
Senate State Affairs 3-4 |
RS20430 |
Senate Education 3-2, 3-10, 3-15; |
RS20540 |
RS20528 |
RS20530 |
RS20539 |
RS20546 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 3-7, 3-14, 3-16; |
RS20228C3 |
Senate State Affairs 3-9 |
RS20552 |
RS20562 |
RS20563 |
House Health & Welfare 3-22 |
RS20583 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 3-9; |
RS20573 |
RS20574 |
RS20576 |
RS20575 |
RS20587 |
RS20600 |
RS20404C1 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 3-10, 3-17; |
RS20604 |
RS20620 |
RS20605 |
RS20610 |
RS20621 |
RS20609 |
RS20619 |
RS20629 |
RS20628 |
RS20627 |
RS20635 |
RS20577C1 |
RS20567 |
Senate Transportation 3-15, 3-22; |
RS20642 |
RS20640 |
RS20644 |
RS20645 |
RS20650 |
(Trailer is H 345) |
RS20585 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 3-15, 3-24; |
RS20641 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 3-17, 3-24; |
RS20658 |
RS20653 |
RS20660 |
RS20671 |
RS20612 |
Senate State Affairs 3-23 |
RS20041C1 |
RS20673 |
(Trailer to S 1103) |
RS20684 |
Senate Health & Welfare 3-24, 3-28, 4-4; |
RS20681 |
RS20685 |
RS20692 |
Senate State Affairs 3-28; |
RS20705C1 |
Senate State Affairs 3-28, 3-30; |
RS20691 |
Senate State Affairs 3-28; |
RS20686 |
RS20694 |
RS20721 |
RS20714 |
RS20720 |
RS20722 |
RS20732 |
RS20730 |
RS20735 |
Senate State Affairs 4-1; |
RS20738 |
Senate State Affairs 4-4 |
RS20729 |
Senate State Affairs 4-4 |
RS20446 |
Senate State Affairs 4-7 |
RS20450 |
Senate State Affairs 4-7 |
RS20281 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 2-8, 3-8; |
RS20371 |
Senate State Affairs 2-14 |
RS20393 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 2-14; |
RS20295 |
RS20388 |
Senate State Affairs 2-16; |
RS20402 |
RS20458 |
RS20467 |
RS20655 |
Senate State Affairs 3-23; |
RS20323 |
Senate Resources & Environment 2-14, 2-16; |
RS20451 |
RS20179C1 |
Senate State Affairs 2-9 |
RS20326 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 2-10 |
RS20647 |
Senate State Affairs 3-18 |
RS20676 |
Senate State Affairs 3-25 |
RS20728 |
Senate State Affairs 4-1 |
RS20210 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-14 |
RS20547C1 |
Senate State Affairs 3-16 |
RS19946C1 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-18 |
RS19949 |
House Transportation & Defense 1-24 |
RS19977 |
House State Affairs 2-24 |
RS20018C1 |
House Business 2-3 |
RS20041 |
Senate State Affairs 1-24 |
RS20080 |
House State Affairs 2-3 |
RS20180 |
House State Affairs 1-25 |
RS20186 |
House State Affairs 1-31 |
RS20205 |
House State Affairs 2-23 |
RS20245 |
House State Affairs 2-23 |
RS20250 |
House Education 2-7 |
RS20264 |
House Transportation & Defense 2-14 |
RS20311 |
House Transportation & Defense 2-14 |
RS20381C1 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-11 |
RS20466 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 2-22 |
RS20490 |
House State Affairs 3-1 |
RS20498C1 |
House State Affairs 3-10 |
RS20614 |
Senate State Affairs 3-18 |
RS20739 |
Senate State Affairs 4-4 |
02-0104-1001 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-18 (Andrus Sub), 1-20; |
02-0214-1001 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-18 (Patrick Sub), 1-20; |
02-0408-1001 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-18 (Andrus Sub), 1-20; |
02-0409-1001 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 1-18, 1-20; |
02-0410-1001 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 1-18; |
02-0411-1001 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 1-18; |
02-0413-1001 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-18 (Andrus Sub), 1-20; |
02-0419-1001 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-18 (Andrus Sub), 1-20, 1-26, 2-8; |
02-0421-1002 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-18 (Andrus Sub), 1-20; |
02-0429-1001 |
02-0602-1001 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-18 (Patrick Sub), 1-20; |
02-0610-0901 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-18 (Patrick Sub), 1-20; |
02-0612-1001 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-18 (Patrick Sub), 1-20; |
02-0616-1001 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-18 (Patrick Sub), 1-20; |
02-0633-1001 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-18 (Patrick Sub), 1-20; |
02-0641-1001 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-18 (Patrick Sub), 1-20; |
03-0101-1001 |
Senate State Affairs 1-14; |
04-1101-1001 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-17 (Jaquet Sub), 1-25; |
05-0101-1001 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-13 (Killen Sub), 1-25; |
05-0105-1001 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-25; |
06-0101-1001 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-13 (Killen Sub), 1-19 (Killen Sub), 1-25; |
07-0103-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-18; |
07-0104-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-18; |
07-0107-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-18; |
07-0205-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-18; |
07-0301-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-18; |
07-0301-1002 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-18; |
07-0311-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-18; |
07-0402-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-18; |
07-0701-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-18; |
08-0111-1001 |
Senate Education 1-11; |
08-0202-1002 |
Senate Education 1-11; |
08-0202-1003 |
Senate Education 1-11, 1-13; |
08-0202-1004 |
Senate Education 1-13; |
08-0203-1001 |
Senate Education 1-13; |
08-0203-1002 |
Senate Education 1-13; |
08-0203-1003 |
Senate Education 1-13, 1-24; |
08-0203-1004 |
Senate Education 1-13; |
09-0104-1001 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-17 (Hartgen Sub), 1-31; |
09-0106-1001 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-17 (Hartgen Sub), 1-31; |
09-0130-1001 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-17 (Hartgen Sub), 1-31; |
09-0135-1001 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-17 (Hartgen Sub), 1-31; |
10-0101-1001 |
10-0102-1001 |
11-0301-1001 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-18 (Bolz Sub), 1-25; |
11-0501-0902 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-18 (Bolz Sub), 1-25; |
11-1001-1001 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-18 (Bolz Sub), 1-25; |
11-1101-1001 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-18 (Bolz Sub); |
11-1101-1002 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-18 (Bolz Sub), 1-25; |
11-1102-1001 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-18 (Bolz Sub), 1-25; |
11-1103-1001 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-18 (Bolz Sub), 1-25; |
11-1104-1001 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-18 (Bolz Sub), 1-25; |
11-1105-1001 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-18 (Bolz Sub), 1-25; |
11-1106-1001 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-18 (Bolz Sub), 1-25; |
13-0102-1001 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-13 (Wood(27) Sub); |
13-0104-1001 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-13 (Wood(27) Sub); |
13-0104-1002 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-13 (Wood(27) Sub); |
13-0106-1001 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-13 (Wood(27) Sub); |
13-0108-1001 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-13 (Wood(27) Sub); |
13-0109-1001 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-13 (Wood(27) Sub), 1-31; |
13-0109-1002 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-13 (Wood(27) Sub); |
13-0110-1001 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-13 (Wood(27) Sub); |
13-0116-1001 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-13 (Wood(27) Sub); |
13-0116-1002 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-13 (Wood(27) Sub); |
13-0117-1001 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-13 (Wood(27) Sub); |
15-0401-1001 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-19 (Hartgen Sub), 1-31; |
15-0401-1002 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-19 (Hartgen Sub), 1-31; |
16-0202-1001 |
16-0203-0901 |
16-0206-1001 |
16-0206-1002 |
16-0208-1001 |
16-0211-1001 |
16-0213-1001 |
16-0213-1002 |
16-0215-1001 |
16-0301-1001 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-17 (Thayn Sub), 1-31; |
16-0301-1002 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-17 (Thayn Sub), 1-31; |
16-0301-1003 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-17 (Thayn Sub), 1-31; |
16-0303-1001 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-17 (Thayn Sub), 1-31; |
16-0304-1002 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-13, 1-17; |
16-0304-1003 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-17 (Thayn Sub), 1-31; |
16-0304-1004 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-18; |
16-0305-0904 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-19 (Thayn Sub), 1-31; |
16-0305-1001 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-19; |
16-0305-1002 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-19; |
16-0305-1003 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-18; |
16-0308-1001 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-19; |
16-0308-1002 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-18; |
16-0309-1001 |
16-0309-1002 |
16-0309-1003 |
16-0309-1004 |
16-0309-1005 |
16-0310-0902 |
16-0310-1001 |
16-0310-1002 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-31, 2-3, 3-1; |
16-0310-1003 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-3, 3-1; |
16-0310-1004 |
16-0310-1005 |
16-0310-1006 |
16-0310-1007 |
16-0310-1101 |
16-0310-1102 |
16-0313-1002 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-31, 2-3; |
16-0319-1001 |
16-0321-1001 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-31, 2-3; |
16-0324-1001 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-25; |
16-0411-1001 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-31, 2-1, 2-3; |
16-0411-1101 |
16-0504-1001 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-25, 2-8; |
16-0506-1001 |
House Health & Welfare 1-20; |
16-0506-1002 |
House Health & Welfare 1-20, 2-18; |
16-0601-1001 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-25 (Thayn Sub), 1-31; |
16-0602-1001 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-19 (Thayn Sub), 1-25; |
16-0602-1002 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-19 (Thayn Sub), 1-25; |
16-0602-1003 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-19 (Thayn Sub), 1-25; |
16-0612-1001 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-19; |
16-0612-1002 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-19; |
16-0612-1003 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-18; |
16-0737-1001 |
16-0750-1001 |
17-0203-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-25; |
17-0205-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-25; |
17-0208-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-25; |
17-0208-1002 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-25; |
17-0209-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-25; |
17-0210-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-25; |
17-0211-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-25; |
17-0501-1001 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-17 (Jaquet Sub), 1-25; |
18-0104-1001 |
House Business 1-25 (Guthrie Sub); |
18-0105-0901 |
House Business 1-25 (Guthrie Sub); |
18-0147-1001 |
House Business 1-25 (Guthrie Sub); |
18-0150-1001 |
House Business 1-25 (Guthrie Sub), 1-31 (Guthrie Sub); |
18-0153-1001 |
House Business 1-25 (Guthrie Sub); |
18-0166-1001 |
House Business 1-25 (Guthrie Sub); |
18-0177-1001 |
House Business 1-25 (Guthrie Sub); |
18-0179-1001 |
House Business 1-25 (Guthrie Sub); |
19-0101-1001 |
20-0211-1001 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-17 (Shepherd Sub); |
20-0214-1001 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-17 (Shepherd Sub), 1-31; |
20-0304-1001 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-17 (Shepherd Sub); |
23-0101-1001 |
23-0101-1002 |
24-0101-0902 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-20; |
24-0201-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-20; |
24-0201-1002 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-20; |
24-0301-1001 |
24-0601-1001 |
24-0801-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-20; |
24-0901-1001 |
24-1301-1001 |
24-1301-1002 |
24-1401-1001 |
24-2201-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-20; |
24-2501-1001 |
Senate Commerce & Human Resources 1-20, 2-1; |
24-2601-1001 |
26-0120-1001 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-19, 1-28; |
26-0134-1001 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-19, 1-28; |
27-0101-1001 |
27-0101-1002 |
27-0101-1003 |
27-0101-1004 |
30-0101-1101 |
Senate Education 1-13; |
31-0101-1001 |
Senate State Affairs 1-19; |
31-1101-1001 |
Senate State Affairs 1-19; |
31-7103-1001 |
Senate State Affairs 1-19; |
32-0101-1001 |
Senate State Affairs 1-14; |
34-0101-1001 |
House State Affairs 1-17 (Simpson Sub), 1-25; |
34-0102-1001 |
House State Affairs 1-17 (Simpson Sub), 1-25; |
34-0103-1001 |
House State Affairs 1-17 (Simpson Sub), 1-25; |
34-0104-1001 |
House State Affairs 1-17 (Simpson Sub), 1-25; |
34-0501-1001 |
House State Affairs 1-17 (Simpson Sub), 1-25; |
34-0502-1001 |
House State Affairs 1-17 (Simpson Sub), 1-25; |
34-0504-1001 |
House State Affairs 1-17 (Simpson Sub), 1-25; |
35-0101-1002 |
Senate Local Government & Taxation 1-11, 1-18; |
35-0101-1003 |
Senate Local Government & Taxation 1-11, 1-18; |
35-0102-1001 |
Senate Local Government & Taxation 1-11, 1-19; |
35-0102-1002 |
Senate Local Government & Taxation 1-11, 1-19; |
35-0103-1003 |
Senate Local Government & Taxation 1-11, 1-19; |
35-0105-1001 |
Senate Transportation 1-13; |
35-0105-1003 |
Senate Transportation 1-13; |
35-0201-1001 |
Senate Local Government & Taxation 1-11, 1-18; |
37-0203-1001 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-19 (Raybould Sub); |
37-0310-1001 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-19 (Raybould Sub); |
38-0501-1001 |
Senate State Affairs 1-14; |
39-0322-1001 |
Senate Transportation 1-13; |
41-0301-1001 |
44-0101-1001 |
Senate State Affairs 1-14; |
46-0101-1001 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-18 (Andrus Sub), 1-20; |
49-0101-1001 |
House Judiciary, Rules, & Administration 1-17 (Jaquet Sub), 1-19 (Jaquet Sub), 1-25; |
58-0101-0904 |
House Environment, Energy, & Technology 1-18 (Harwood Sub), 2-2; |
58-0101-1002 |
House Environment, Energy, & Technology 1-18 (Harwood Sub), 2-2; |
58-0102-1001 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-19, 1-28, 3-7; |
58-0105-1001 |
House Environment, Energy, & Technology 1-20 (Harwood Sub), 2-2; |
58-0108-1001 |
House Environment, Energy, & Technology 1-24 (Harwood Sub), 2-2; |
58-0117-1001 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-19, 1-28; |
58-0120-0901 |
House Environment, Energy, & Technology 1-26 (Harwood Sub), 2-2; |
58-0123-0901 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-19, 1-28; |
59-0102-1001 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-19 (Hartgen Sub), 1-31; |
59-0103-1001 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-19 (Hartgen Sub), 1-31; |
59-0104-1001 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-19 (Hartgen Sub), 1-31; |
59-0105-1001 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-19 (Hartgen Sub), 1-31; |
59-0106-1001 |
House Commerce & Human Resources 1-19 (Hartgen Sub), 1-31; |
60-0504-1001 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 1-18; |
Agency |
Appointee |
Committee and Date |
Administration Dept; Director |
Teresa Luna |
Aeronautics Advisory Board |
Daniel Scott |
Agriculture Dept; Director |
Celia R. Gould |
Appellate Public Defender |
Molly J. Huskey |
Judiciary & Rules 3-28 |
Bingo-Raffle Advisory Board |
Wendy W.C. Diessner |
Dennis P. Duehren |
Blind and Visually Impaired, Commission for the |
Travis J. Beck |
Building Authority |
Shelly Jo Enderud |
Bud Tracy |
Commerce Dept; Director |
Don Dietrich |
Correction, State Board of |
Robin Jane Sandy |
Judiciary & Rules 3-28 |
Endowment Fund Investment Board |
Max C. Black |
M. Dean Buffington |
Charles L. Winder |
Environmental Quality Dept; Director |
Toni Hardesty |
Environmental Quality, Board of |
Kermit Kiebert |
John McCreedy |
Finance Dept; Director |
Gavin Gee |
Fish and Game Commission |
Robert “Bob” C. Barowsky |
Randall C. Budge |
Hazardous Waste Facility Panel |
Suzanne Budge |
Jay F. Kunze |
Mark P. VonLindern |
Health and Welfare, State Board of |
James Vincent Giuffre |
Darrell Kerby |
Richard T. Roberge |
Stephen Weeg |
Human Resources, Division; Admin. |
Vicki Tokita |
Human Rights Commission |
Megan Ronk |
Brian Scigliano |
Estella O. Zamora |
Industrial Commission |
R. D. Maynard |
Insurance Fund Board |
Max Black |
John Goedde |
Rod Higgins |
Juvenile Corrections; Director |
Sharon Harrigfeld |
Labor Dept; Director |
Roger B. Madsen |
Lake Pend Oreille Basin Commission |
Craig Hill |
Lottery Commission |
David Keyes |
Outfitters and Guides Licensing Board |
C. Wayne Hunsucker |
Tom Long |
PERSI Board |
Jeff Cilek |
Pardons and Parole Commission |
Olivia Craven |