2024 Occupational and Professional Licensure Review Committee

I.C. 67-9408 S 1084 (2021)

Charge: To undertake and complete a study of Occupational Licensing and Certification Laws and Rules in Idaho and to conduct Sunrise and Sunset reviews.

No meeting scheduled.

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Beginning January 1, 2021, any occupational group or other interested party proposing the regulation of an unregulated occupational group in the State of Idaho is required to undergo sunrise review by the Occupational and Professional Licensure Review Committee of the Idaho Legislature (“Sunrise Committee”).  The sunrise review process is required prior to the introduction of any legislation that would add a requirement that a person hold a license, certificate, registration, permit, or other authorization issued by a licensing authority to engage in a profession or occupation.

Sunrise review is a process that takes place before legislation is enacted.  An applicant who wants to regulate an occupation or profession must outline the potential impacts, costs, and benefits of that regulation.  Lawmakers review that information before recommending whether the legislation should proceed.

Although the sunrise review process is mandatory, a germane committee of the Legislature is not bound by the Sunrise Committee’s recommendation.  Thus, the legislation at issue would still go through the regular legislative process after sunrise review.

Idaho Sunrise Review Submission, Processing, and Consideration Timeline

The sunrise review process is as follows:

  • By May 1st, the applicant must complete and submit the Sunrise Review Application and may attach any other relevant information.  Completed applications must be submitted to the Legislative Services Office (LSO).
  • By August 1st, LSO will review the application materials and submit a report with factual analysis to the Sunrise Committee.  The report will verify the contents of the application and any other submitted information.  it will not contain a recommendation.  LSO will provide a copy of the report to the applicant and make it available to the public.
  • By October 1st, the Sunrise Committee will:
    • Review the application materials and report prepared by LSO; and 
    • Hold a meeting on the application.
  • By November 1st, the Sunrise Committee will issue a written recommendation as to whether a requested occupation or profession should be licensed in the manner set forth in the proponent’s application.
  • The Sunrise Committee’s recommendation will be delivered to the president pro tempore of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives for subsequent delivery to the appropriate germane committee chairpersons.

Questions or Inquires

Please address questions or inquires by email to SunRiseApplications@lso.idaho.gov.


Before starting the application process, be PREPARED.

All fields on this form are required and we ask that you give a thorough response to all questions, the form also allows relevant documents / information to be uploaded and the form must be completed in its entirety before submission.

Complete/Submit the Sunrise Review Application