This is an electronic reproduction of the official minutes of the committee. The official minutes are located and maintained in the office of the standing committee and this electronic version should not be deemed to be the official minutes. Any exhibits referenced in committee minutes can be reviewed by contacting the committee secretary or, following adjournment, the Legislative Reference Library. Minutes are posted upon committee approval.
RS19234 |
RS19129 |
House Revenue & Taxation 1-14; |
RS19143 |
House Revenue & Taxation 1-14, 1-19; |
RS19151 |
House Revenue & Taxation 1-14, 1-19, 1-20, 2-3; |
RS19142 |
(Replaced by H 436) |
RS19163C1 |
House Revenue & Taxation 1-18, 1-20; |
RS19166 |
House Revenue & Taxation 1-18, 1-20; |
RS19187 |
House Revenue & Taxation 1-18, 1-20; |
RS19212 |
RS19213 |
House Revenue & Taxation 1-18, 1-20, 2-12; |
RS19241 |
RS19112 |
RS19299 |
RS19295 |
RS19238 |
RS19150 |
House State Affairs 1-20 |
RS19375 |
RS19354 |
RS19194C1 |
RS19111 |
House Transportation 1-20, 1-26, 2-2, 2-10; |
RS19215 |
House Education 1-21 |
RS19216 |
RS19117 |
RS19318 |
RS19141 |
House State Affairs 1-21 |
RS19116 |
RS19145 |
RS19377 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19148 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-21, 3-9; |
RS19139 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-21, 2-9; |
RS19136 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-21, 2-9; |
RS19134 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-21, 2-9; |
RS19131 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-21, 2-9; |
RS19173 |
RS19155 |
RS19159C1 |
RS19119C1 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-25, 2-11; |
RS19374 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-25, 2-11; |
RS19387 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-25, 2-11; |
RS19407 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19193C1 |
House Judiciary & Rules 1-25 |
RS19235 |
RS19257 |
(Trailer is H 535) House Judiciary & Rules 1-25, 2-3; |
RS19258 |
House Judiciary & Rules 1-25, 2-3; |
RS19319 |
House Judiciary & Rules 1-25, 2-1; |
RS19114 |
RS19154C1 |
RS19165 |
RS19174C1 |
RS19181 |
RS19183 |
RS19196C2 |
RS19206C1 |
RS19412 |
(Trailer is H 657) |
RS19353C1 |
House State Affairs 1-26, 3-1; |
RS19337 |
House State Affairs 1-26 |
RS19292 |
House Revenue & Taxation 1-26, 2-3; |
RS19369 |
RS19323 |
RS19199 |
RS19416 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19417 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19418 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19381 |
RS19115 |
House Judiciary & Rules 1-27, 2-1; |
RS19202 |
House Judiciary & Rules 1-27, 2-1; |
RS19203 |
House Judiciary & Rules 1-27, |
RS19400 |
RS19207C1 |
RS19462 |
RS19122 |
RS19127 |
House Env/En/Tech 1-28, 2-2; |
RS19152 |
RS19170 |
House Env/En/Tech 1-28, 2-2; |
RS19109 |
RS19453C1 |
RS19429 |
RS19108C1 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-28, 2-8; |
RS19447 |
RS19303 |
RS19158C2 |
RS19169 |
RS19182 |
RS19308 |
RS19436 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-1, 2-11; |
RS19137 |
House Agricultural Affairs 2-2, 2-10; |
RS19178 |
House Agricultural Affairs 2-2, 2-10; |
RS19180 |
House Agricultural Affairs 2-2, 2-10; |
RS19188 |
House Agricultural Affairs 2-2, 2-10; |
RS19156 |
House Health & Welfare 2-2, 2-18; |
RS19162 |
House Health & Welfare 2-2, 2-18; |
RS19164 |
House Health & Welfare 2-2, 2-24; |
RS19394 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-3, 2-10; |
RS19393 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-3, 2-10; |
RS19113C1 |
RS19175C1 |
RS19186 |
RS19231 |
RS19411 |
RS19486 |
(Replaces H 427) |
RS19359C2 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-4 |
RS19118 |
House Health & Welfare 2-4, 2-22; |
RS19124 |
House Health & Welfare 2-4, 2-22; |
RS19135 |
House Health & Welfare 2-4, 2-22; |
RS19144 |
House Health & Welfare 2-4, 2-22; |
RS19189 |
House Health & Welfare 2-4, 2-16; |
RS19477 |
RS19396C1 |
RS19329 |
House Business 2-5 |
RS19454C1 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-8, 2-12; |
RS19427 |
RS19409C1 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-8, 2-16; |
RS19426 |
RS19368 |
RS19307C2 |
RS19350 |
House Health & Welfare 2-8, 2-16; |
RS19351 |
House Health & Welfare 2-8, 2-18; |
RS19401 |
RS19473C1 |
RS19402 |
House Judiciary & Rules 2-9, 2-15; |
RS19455 |
RS19483 |
RS19449C1 |
RS19185 |
RS19190 |
RS19192 |
RS19484 |
RS19226C1 |
House Business 2-9 |
RS19229 |
House Business 2-9 |
RS19133 |
House Commerce & HR 2-9, 2-23; |
RS19222 |
House Commerce & HR 2-9, 2-17; |
RS19149C1 |
House Commerce & HR 2-9, 2-17, 2-23; |
RS19501 |
House State Affairs 2-10 |
RS19525 |
House State Affairs 2-10 |
RS19532 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-10; |
RS19476 |
House Local Government 2-10, 2-18; |
RS19478 |
RS19479 |
House Local Government 2-10, 2-18; |
RS19153C1 |
House Health & Welfare 2-10, 2-24; |
RS19157C1 |
House Health & Welfare 2-10, 2-24; |
RS19177 |
House Health & Welfare 2-10, 2-24; |
RS19459 |
House State Affairs 2-11 |
RS19522C1 |
RS19256 |
RS19511 |
RS19552 |
(Replaced by H 687) |
RS19527 |
RS19140 |
RS19128 |
RS19464 |
RS19591 |
RS19596 |
RS19560 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-11, 2-23, 2-25; |
RS19556 |
RS19221 |
House State Affairs 1-19; |
RS19641 |
House Health & Welfare 2-12, 3-8; |
RS19566 |
RS19568C1 |
House Local Government 2-12 |
RS19184 |
House Health & Welfare 2-12, 2-26; |
RS19191 |
House Health & Welfare 2-12, 2-26; |
RS19223 |
House Health & Welfare 2-12 |
RS19475 |
RS19450C2 |
RS19551 |
RS19569 |
RS19634 |
RS19505 |
RS19513C1 |
RS19531 |
House Commerce & HR 2-15 |
RS19500 |
RS19360 |
RS19506 |
RS19509 |
RS19160 |
House Business 2-15 |
RS19232 |
RS19529 |
RS19539 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-15; |
RS19540 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-15, 2-25, 3-3; |
RS19541 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-15, 2-25; |
RS19542 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-15; |
RS19544 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-15, 2-25; |
RS19545 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-15; |
RS19451C1 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-15, 2-23; |
RS19331 |
RS19608 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-15 |
RS19208 |
RS19383C1 |
RS19276C1 |
RS19570 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-16, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 3-1, 3-11, 3-17 |
RS19325 |
RS19415C1 |
RS19440 |
RS19485 |
RS19487 |
RS19614C1 |
RS19604 |
RS19578 |
RS19549C1 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-17; |
RS19609 |
(Replaced by H 600) |
RS19631 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-17, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 3-1, 3-11; |
RS19272C2 |
RS19352 |
RS19370 |
RS19530 |
House Business 2-17 |
RS19554 |
House Business 2-17; |
RS19626 |
House Business 2-17 |
RS19645 |
House Business 2-17 |
RS19675 |
House Business 2-17; |
RS19654 |
RS19332 |
RS19518 |
House State Affairs 2-18, 3-2, 3-4; |
RS19267 |
RS19672 |
RS19611 |
House State Affairs 2-19 |
RS19849 |
House State Affairs 2-19; |
RS19676 |
House State Affairs 2-19 |
RS19225 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-22 |
RS19646 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-22, 2-26; |
RS19667 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-22, 2-26; |
RS19692 |
House State Affairs 2-24; |
RS19599 |
House State Affairs 2-24; |
RS19721 |
(Replaces H 577) |
RS19635 |
RS19679 |
RS19603 |
RS19661 |
House State Affairs 2-25; |
RS19632C1 |
House State Affairs 2-25; |
RS19671C1 |
House Ways & Means 2-25 |
RS19656 |
House Ways & Means 2-25; |
RS19716 |
House Ways & Means 2-25; |
RS19727 |
House Ways & Means 2-25; |
RS19707C2 |
House Ways & Means 2-25; |
RS19227C1 |
House State Affairs 2-26; |
RS19612 |
RS19605 |
House State Affairs 2-26; |
RS19633 |
RS19290C3 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-26, 3-18; |
RS19705 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-26, 3-3; |
RS19698C1 |
House State Affairs 2-26; |
RS19701C1 |
RS19693 |
RS19691 |
RS19742 |
(Replaced by H 681) |
RS19699 |
House Ways & Means 3-2 |
RS19757 |
House Ways & Means 3-2 |
RS19733 |
RS19734 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19751 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19677C2 |
House Education 3-3 |
RS19744 |
RS19741 |
RS19452C3 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-3, 3-8; |
RS19657 |
RS19723C1 |
RS19520C1 |
House State Affairs 3-4, 3-15; |
RS19660C1 |
RS19761 |
House State Affairs 3-4 |
RS19729C1 |
RS19219C1 |
RS19738 |
House Education 3-4 |
RS19746 |
House Education 3-4 |
RS19747 |
RS19748 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19768 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19725C1 |
RS19717 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-8; |
RS19648C1 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-8, 3-11; |
RS19658 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-8; |
RS19753 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-8; |
RS19750 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19749 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19715 |
RS19771C1 |
House Education 3-9 |
RS19787 |
(Trailer is H 673) |
RS19700 |
House Ways & Means 3-9; |
RS19766 |
House Ways & Means 3-9 |
RS19767 |
House Ways & Means 3-9 |
RS19774C1 |
House Ways & Means 3-9; |
RS19795 |
(Trailer to H 432) |
RS19233 |
RS19791 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19792 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19793 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19759 |
RS19808 |
House Education 3-11 |
RS19772C1 |
House State Affairs 3-11; |
RS19309C4 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-11, 3-15; |
RS19814 |
House Ways & Means 3-11 |
RS19819 |
House Ways & Means 3-11; |
RS19799 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19800 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19790C1 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19816 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19807C1 |
RS19809 |
(Trailer to H 652) |
RS19720 |
RS19832 |
House Ways & Means 3-15; |
RS19598C1 |
House State Affairs 3-15, 3-18, 3-22; |
RS19823 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19802 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19822 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19829 |
(Replaces H 485) |
RS19838 |
(Replaces H 621) |
RS19797 |
RS19839 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19815C1 |
House State Affairs 3-17 |
RS19842 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19828 |
RS19865 |
(Replaces H 524) |
RS19851 |
House Ways & Means 3-17; |
RS19861 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19864 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19850C1 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-17, 3-18; |
RS19848 |
RS19846 |
House State Affairs 3-18 |
RS19857 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19859 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19855 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19856 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19858 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19871C1 |
RS19873 |
House Education 3-19 |
RS19866 |
Senate Health & Welfare 3-26 (pm) |
RS19867 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19868 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19860 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19870 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19872C1 |
House Ways & Means 3-22 |
RS19876 |
RS19827 |
House Ways & Means 3-22; |
RS19885 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-22 |
RS19881 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19869 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19890 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19893 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19900 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19903 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19902 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19897 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19694 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-22 |
RS19704C2 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-22 |
RS19875 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-22 |
RS19896 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19898 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19899 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19907 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19905 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19911 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19916 |
Senate Education 3-26 |
RS19918 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19904C2 |
RS19913 |
House Education 3-29 |
RS19262 |
RS19432 |
RS19482 |
RS19428 |
RS19264 |
House Health & Welfare 2-8, 2-18; |
RS19497 |
(Replaced by HCR 59) |
RS19366C1 |
House Agricultural Affairs 2-10, 2-18; |
RS19607 |
House State Affairs 2-15, 2-17, 2-18; |
RS19649 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-15 |
RS19639 |
RS19595 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-17; |
RS19503 |
RS19572 |
RS19636 |
RS19624 |
RS19618 |
RS19469 |
RS19719 |
RS19718 |
RS19726 |
RS19690 |
House Ways & Means 2-25; |
RS19724 |
(Replaced HCR 59) |
RS19689 |
RS19681 |
House State Affairs 3-2; |
RS19764 |
(Replaces HCR 40 and HCR 56) |
RS19755 |
RS19760 |
RS19781 |
House Ways & Means 3-9 |
RS19776 |
RS19833 |
(Replaces HCR 60) |
RS19446 |
House Resources & Conservation 2-1, 2-11; |
RS19457 |
RS19431 |
House Env/En/Tech 2-10, 2-16; |
RS19494C1 |
RS19706 |
RS19708 |
RS19253 |
House State Affairs 1-28 |
RS19555 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-11 |
RS19343 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-11; |
RS19507 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-11; |
RS19653 |
House Education 2-15 |
RS19670 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-16; |
RS19300 |
House State Affairs 2-3 |
RS19261 |
RS19204 |
RS19209 |
RS19210 |
Senate Commerce & HR 1-14 |
RS19211 |
RS19217C1 |
RS19224 |
RS19239 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-15, 1-27; |
RS19247 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-15, 1-27; |
RS19249 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-15, 1-27; |
RS19250 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-15, 1-27; |
RS19265 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-15, 1-27; |
RS19302C1 |
RS19328 |
RS19327 |
RS19339C1 |
RS19342 |
RS19340 |
RS19357 |
RS19197 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-20, 2-8; |
RS19220 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-20, 2-8; |
RS19282 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-20, 1-29; |
RS19372 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19365 |
RS19408 |
RS19391 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-27; |
RS19305 |
House Agricultural Affairs 2-4 |
RS19349 |
Senate State Affairs 2-26 |
RS19297C3 |
House State Affairs 2-24 |
RS19363 |
RS19334 |
RS19376 |
RS19361 |
RS19348 |
RS19322 |
RS19120C1 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-22 |
RS19121 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-22, 2-15; |
RS19123 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-22, 2-15; |
RS19125 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-22, 2-15; |
RS19126 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-22, 2-15; |
RS19285 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-22, 2-15; |
RS19313 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-25, 2-1; |
RS19335 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-25 |
RS19356 |
RS19304 |
RS19399 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-25 |
RS19423 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19422 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19419 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19315 |
RS19200 |
Senate Transportation 1-26, 2-2; |
RS19205 |
RS19294 |
Senate Transportation 1-26 |
RS19237C1 |
RS19443 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-25 |
RS19230 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-27, 2-4; |
RS19421 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19441 |
Senate State Affairs 1-29, 3-8; |
RS19338 |
RS19346 |
RS19388 |
RS19460 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19434 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-1, 2-8; |
RS19461C1 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-1 |
RS19179C2 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-1, 2-8; |
RS19496 |
Senate Transportation 2-2, 2-9, 3-9; |
RS19498 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-3, 2-24; |
RS19138C1 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-3, 2-8; |
RS19218 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-3, 2-8; |
RS19214 |
RS19424C1 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 2-4, 2-18; |
RS19435 |
RS19380 |
Senate Local Gov & Taxation 2-4 |
RS19425 |
Senate Local Gov & Taxation 2-4, 2-16; |
RS19470 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-4, 2-15; |
RS19491 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-4, 2-10; |
RS19492 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-4; |
RS19474 |
RS19406 |
RS19367 |
RS19414 |
Senate Commerce & HR 2-4 |
RS19397 |
RS19490 |
Senate Resources & Environment 2-8, 2-15; |
RS19463 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-8, 2-17; |
RS19471 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-8, 2-17; |
RS19516 |
RS19288 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 2-9, 2-18; |
RS19466 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 2-9 |
RS19269 |
RS19228C2 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-1, 2-9, 2-23, 3-26 (am); |
RS19526 |
RS19533 |
RS19523C1 |
RS19448 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-10, 2-16; |
RS19442C1 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-10, 2-24; |
RS19537C1 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-10, 2-24, 3-24; |
RS19489C1 |
Senate Resources & Environment 2-10, 2-22; |
RS19512 |
RS19171 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 2-9, 2-11, 3-2; |
RS19517 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 2-11, 3-4; |
RS19524 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 2-11, 3-9; |
RS19585 |
Senate Commerce & HR 2-11, 2-18; |
RS19582 |
RS19587 |
RS19588 |
RS19589 |
RS19642 |
Senate Transportation 2-11, 2-25; |
RS19615 |
(Replaces S 1270) |
RS19627 |
RS19583 |
Senate Resources & Environment 2-12, 3-3; |
RS19629 |
Senate Resources & Environment 2-12 |
RS19625 |
RS19610 |
Senate Transportation 2-15 |
RS19630 |
RS19317C1 |
RS19623 |
Senate Transportation 2-15, 3-2, 3-4; |
RS19574 |
RS19298 |
RS19663 |
RS19488 |
RS19579 |
RS19651 |
RS19373 |
RS19613 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-15 |
RS19514 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-15, 2-22; |
RS19559 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-15, 2-24; |
RS19594 |
RS19590 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-17; |
RS19172C2 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-16, 2-24; |
RS19502 |
RS19573 |
RS19592 |
RS19655 |
RS19662 |
RS19665 |
Senate State Affairs 2-19 |
RS19535 |
Senate Local Gov & Taxation 2-16, 2-25; |
RS19600C1 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-19, 3-1, 3-3; |
RS19696 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-22, 3-8; |
RS19702 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-22, 3-8; |
RS19695 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 2-24, 3-10; |
RS19683 |
Senate State Affairs 3-1 |
RS19684 |
Senate State Affairs 3-1 |
RS19735 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19686 |
Senate Transportation 2-23, 3-4; |
RS19674 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 3-1, 3-10; |
RS19714 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-23, 3-8, 3-9, 3-10, 3-17; |
RS19737 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19736 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19730 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19732 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19731 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19711 |
RS19703 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 3-3, 3-10; |
RS19712C1 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 3-3, 3-8; |
RS19765 |
Senate State Affairs 3-5; |
RS19775 |
RS19777 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19758 |
Senate Commerce & HR 3-4; |
RS19783 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19784 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19785 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19782 |
RS19780 |
RS19811 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19824 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19804 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 3-11, 3-16; |
RS19789 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19831 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19796 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 3-15 |
RS19845 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19840 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19843 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19841 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19844 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19847 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19687C1 |
RS19826 |
Senate Education 3-15, 3-22; |
RS19862 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19863 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19874 |
RS19818 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19817 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19880 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19878 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19879 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19877 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19883 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19882 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19889 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19888 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19887 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19895 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19886 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19894 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19892 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19906 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19901 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19908 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19910 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19917 |
(Appropriation) |
RS19395 |
RS19404 |
RS19586 |
RS19553 |
Senate Resources & Environment 2-12 |
RS19403 |
Senate Health & Welfare 2-15 |
RS19664 |
Senate Resources & Environment 2-15, 2-22; |
RS19669 |
RS19668 |
RS19640 |
Senate Transportation 2-16, 2-23 (incorrectly labeled “SCR 201” on this date); |
RS19682 |
Senate Resources & Environment 2-22 |
RS19619 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 2-18 (incorrectly labeled “RS19618” on this date); |
RS19621 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 2-18; |
RS19837 |
Senate State Affairs 3-22 |
RS19836 |
Senate State Affairs 3-22 |
RS19915 |
RS19493 |
RS19616C1 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 2-15, 2-18; |
RS19678 |
RS19920 |
RS19770 |
RS19769 |
RS19637 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 2-11; |
RS19794C1 |
Senate State Affairs 3-12 |
RS19263 |
RS19379 |
RS 19130 |
House State Affairs 1-20 |
RS 19146 |
House Health & Welfare 2-4 |
RS 19283 |
House Transportation 2-16 |
RS 19284 |
House Transportation 2-16 |
RS 19358C2 |
House Revenue & Taxation 2-4 |
RS 19389C1 |
House Env/En/Tech 2-2 |
RS 19433 |
House Commerce & HR 2-11 |
RS 19438 |
RS 19445 |
House Business 2-17 |
RS 19458 |
House Agricultural Affairs 2-10 |
RS 19515C1 |
House Education 2-25 |
RS 19528C1 |
House Transportation 2-12 |
RS 19571C1 |
House Business 2-17 |
RS 19576C2 |
House State Affairs 3-9 |
RS 19597C2 |
House Revenue & Taxation 3-10 |
RS 19628C1 |
House State Affairs 2-22 |
RS 19673 |
House Education 3-1 |
RS 19786 |
Senate Education 3-10 |
Docket Number |
Committee and Date Discussed |
1-0101-0901 |
Senate Commerce & HR 1-19; |
2-0101-0902 |
2-0104-0901 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-20 (Rules Sub), 1-28; |
2-0104-0902 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-20 (Rules Sub), 1-28; |
2-0105-0901 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-20 (Rules Sub), 1-28; |
2-0214-0901 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-20 (Rules Sub), 1-28; |
2-0303-0901 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-20 (Rules Sub), 1-28; |
2-0413-0901 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-20 (Livestock Sub), 1-28, 2-8, 2-10; |
2-0413-0902 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-20 (Livestock Sub), 1-28, 2-8, 2-10; |
2-0414-0901 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-20 (Livestock Sub), 1-28; |
2-0431-0901 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-20 (Livestock Sub), 1-28; |
2-0501-0901 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-20 (Rules Sub), 1-28; |
2-0602-0901 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 1-19; |
2-0603-0901 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 1-19; |
2-0604-0901 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 1-19; |
2-0606-0501 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 1-19; |
2-0606-0901 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 1-19; |
2-0608-0901 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 1-19; |
2-0609-0901 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-20 (Crops Sub), 1-28; |
2-0610-0901 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 1-19; |
2-0612-0901 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 1-19; |
2-0617-0901 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 1-19; |
2-0622-0901 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 1-19; |
2-0633-0901 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-20 (Rules Sub), 1-28; |
2-0641-0901 |
Senate Agricultural Affairs 1-19; |
3-0101-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Bilbao Sub), 1-25; |
3-0101-0902 |
House State Affairs 1-18 (Bilbao Sub), 1-25; |
5-0101-0901 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-18, 1-20; |
6-0101-0901 |
House Judiciary & Rules 1-25 (Sub); |
7-0103-0901 |
7-0104-0901 |
7-0106-0901 |
7-0205-0901 |
Senate Commerce & HR 1-19, 2-4; House Business 1-21 (Palmer Sub), 2-11 |
7-0205-0902 |
Senate Commerce & HR 1-19; House Business 1-21 (Palmer Sub), 2-11 |
7-0205-0903 |
Senate Commerce & HR 1-19; House Business 1-21 (Palmer Sub), 2-11 |
7-0301-0901 |
7-0301-0902 |
Senate Commerce & HR 1-19; House Business 1-21 (Palmer Sub), 2-11 |
7-0301-0903 |
7-0303-0901 |
7-0311-0901 |
7-0311-0902 |
7-0312-0901 |
7-0402-0901 |
7-0501-0901 |
7-0601-0901 |
7-0701-0901 |
7-0701-0902 |
8-0104-0901 |
Senate Education 1-12; |
8-0111-0901 |
Senate Education 1-12, 1-14; |
8-0114-0901 |
Senate Education 1-12, 1-14; |
8-0202-0901 |
House Education 1-18 (Gibbs Sub), 1-20, 2-3; |
8-0202-0902 |
House Education 1-18 (Gibbs Sub), 1-20, 2-3; |
8-0202-0903 |
House Education 1-19 (Thayn Sub), 1-20, 2-3; |
8-0202-0904 |
House Education 1-18 (Gibbs Sub), 1-20, 2-3; |
8-0202-0905 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-20, 1-26; |
8-0202-0906 |
Senate Education 1-18; |
8-0202-0907 |
House Education 1-19 (Thayn Sub), 1-20, 2-3; |
8-0203-0902 |
House Education 1-18 (Gibbs Sub), 1-20, 2-3; |
8-0203-0903 |
House Education 1-18 (Gibbs Sub), 1-20, 2-3; |
8-0203-0905 |
House Education 1-18 (Gibbs Sub), 1-20, 2-3; |
8-0203-0906 |
House Education 1-18 (Gibbs Sub), 1-20, 2-3; |
8-0203-0907 |
House Education 1-18 (Gibbs Sub), 1-20, 2-3; |
8-0203-1001 |
Senate Education 1-12, 1-14; |
9-0130-0901 |
9-0130-0902 |
9-0135-0901 |
9-0135-0902 |
9-0301-0901 |
10-0101-0901 |
House Business 1-19 (Thompson Sub); |
10-0102-0901 |
House Business 1-19 (Thompson Sub); |
11-0401-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Bilbao Sub), 1-25; |
11-0404-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Bilbao Sub), 1-25; |
11-0404-0902 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Bilbao Sub), 1-25; |
11-0405-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Bilbao Sub), 1-25; |
11-0406-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Bilbao Sub), 1-25; |
11-0407-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Bilbao Sub), 1-25; |
11-0408-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Bilbao Sub), 1-25; |
11-0409-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Bilbao Sub), 1-25; |
11-0410-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Bilbao Sub), 1-25; |
11-0411-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Bilbao Sub), 1-25; |
11-0414-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Bilbao Sub), 1-25; |
11-0415-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Bilbao Sub), 1-25; |
11-0501-0902 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-15, 1-18; |
11-0701-0901 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-15, 1-18; |
11-1101-0901 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-15, 1-18; |
11-1101-0902 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-15, 1-18, 2-1; |
11-1104-0901 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-15, 1-18; |
11-1301-0901 |
12-0110-0901 |
13-0101-0901 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-19 (Sub); |
13-0103-0901 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-19 (Sub), 1-21 (Fish & Game Sub), 2-1; |
13-0104-0901 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-19 (Sub); |
13-0104-0902 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-19 (Sub); |
13-0106-0901 |
House Resources & Conservation 1-19 (Sub); |
13-0108-0901 |
13-0108-0902 |
13-0109-0901 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-13, 1-25; |
13-0110-0901 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-13, 1-25; |
13-0111-0901 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-13, 1-25, 2-8; |
13-0114-0901 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-13, 1-25; |
13-0114-0902 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-13, 1-25; |
13-0115-0901 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-13, 1-25; |
13-0116-0901 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-13, 1-25; |
13-0117-0901 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-13, 1-25; |
15-1302-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Luker Sub), 1-19 (Sub), 1-25, 1-27; |
16-0202-0902 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-18, 1-27; |
16-0203-0901 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-18; |
16-0210-0901 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-18; |
16-0212-0901 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-18; |
16-0225-0901 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-18; |
16-0225-0902 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-18; |
16-0301-0901 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (McGeachin Sub), 1-20 (McGeachin Sub); |
16-0304-0902 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (McGeachin Sub), 1-28 (Sub), 1-29, 2-2; |
16-0304-0903 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (McGeachin Sub); |
16-0304-0904 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (McGeachin Sub); |
16-0305-0902 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-21; |
16-0305-0903 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18, 1-20, 1-22; |
16-0305-0904 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-21; |
16-0306-0901 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-18; |
16-0308-0901 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-18; |
16-0309-0804 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Nielsen Sub); |
16-0309-0901 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Nielsen Sub); |
16-0309-0902 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Nielsen Sub); |
16-0309-0903 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Nielsen Sub); |
16-0309-0904 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Nielsen Sub); |
16-0310-0902 |
16-0310-0903 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18, 1-18 (Nielsen Sub); |
16-0310-0904 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Nielsen Sub); |
16-0310-0905 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18, 1-20; |
16-0310-0906 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Nielsen Sub); |
16-0313-0901 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Nielsen Sub); |
16-0318-0901 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-21; |
16-0322-0901 |
16-0404-0901 |
16-0410-0902 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-18; |
16-0411-0901 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-20; |
16-0414-0901 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-18; |
16-0416-0901 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-18; |
16-0506-0901 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-18; |
16-0601-0901 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-20; |
16-0602-0901 |
16-0603-0901 |
16-0603-0902 |
16-0701-0901 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-20; |
16-0720-0901 |
16-0737-0901 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-20; |
16-0739-0801 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-20; |
16-0750-0902 |
17-0203-0901 |
House Commerce & HR 2-3 |
17-0208-0902 |
17-0208-0903 |
17-0601-0901 |
17-0602-0901 |
17-0603-0901 |
17-0604-0901 |
17-0605-0901 |
17-0801-0901 |
17-0802-0901 |
17-0803-0901 |
17-0805-0901 |
17-0808-0901 |
17-0809-0901 |
17-0810-0901 |
17-0816-0901 |
18-0105-0901 |
18-0113-0901 |
18-0144-0901 |
18-0144-0902 |
18-0153-0901 |
House Business 1-19 (Jarvis Sub), 2-11; |
18-0154-0901 |
18-0155-0901 |
19-0101-0901 |
20-0101-0901 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-13, 1-27; |
20-0304-0901 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-13, 1-27, 2-1; |
20-0314-0901 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-13, 2-3 (Joint Meeting); |
20-0317-0901 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-13, 1-27, 2-1; |
21-0101-0901 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-20, 1-25; |
21-0103-0901 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-20, 1-25; |
21-0104-0901 |
Senate Judiciary & Rules 1-20, 1-25; |
22-0101-0901 |
House Health & Welfare 1-20 (Nielsen Sub); |
23-0101-0901 |
House Health & Welfare 1-20 (Nielsen Sub); |
24-0101-0901 |
House Business 1-19 (Thompson Sub); |
24-0101-0902 |
House Business 1-19 (Thompson Sub); |
24-0301-0901 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Shepherd Sub); |
24-0401-0901 |
House Business 1-19 (Thompson Sub); |
24-0501-0901 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-25; |
24-0601-0901 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Shepherd Sub); |
24-0701-0801 |
House Business 1-19 (Thompson Sub); |
24-0701-0901 |
House Business 1-19 (Thompson Sub); |
24-0801-0901 |
House Business 1-19 (Thompson Sub); |
24-1001-0901 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Shepherd Sub); |
24-1101-0901 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Shepherd Sub); |
24-1201-0901 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Shepherd Sub); |
24-1201-0902 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Shepherd Sub); |
24-1501-0901 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Shepherd Sub); |
24-1601-0901 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Shepherd Sub); |
24-1701-0901 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Shepherd Sub); |
24-1801-0901 |
House Business 1-19 (Thompson Sub), 2-11; |
24-1901-0901 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Shepherd Sub); |
24-2201-0901 |
House Business 1-19 (Thompson Sub); |
24-2301-0901 |
House Health & Welfare 1-18 (Shepherd Sub); |
24-2501-0901 |
House Business 1-19 (Thompson Sub); |
24-2601-0901 |
25-0101-0901 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-13, 2-1; |
26-0120-0901 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-13, 1-27; |
26-0131-0901 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-13, 1-27; |
26-0134-0901 |
Senate Resources & Environment 1-13, 1-27; |
27-0101-0901 |
House Health & Welfare 1-20 (Shepherd Sub); |
27-0101-0902 |
27-0101-0903 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-27; |
27-0101-0904 |
27-0101-0905 |
House Health & Welfare 1-20 (Shepherd Sub); |
27-0101-0906 |
House Health & Welfare 1-20 (Shepherd Sub); |
27-0101-0907 |
House Health & Welfare 1-20 (Shepherd Sub); |
27-0101-0908 |
House Health & Welfare 1-20 (Shepherd Sub); |
28-0201-0901 |
28-0203-0901 |
28-0203-0902 |
House Commerce & HR 1-25 |
28-0203-0903 |
Senate Commerce & HR 1-19 |
30-0101-0901 |
House Education 1-18 (Thayn Sub), 1-20, 2-3; |
30-0101-0902 |
House Education 1-18 (Thayn Sub), 1-20, 2-3; |
31-1101-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-19 (Sub), 1-25, 1-27; |
31-2101-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-19 (Sub), 1-25; |
31-2102-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-19 (Sub), 1-25; |
31-4101-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-19 (Sub), 1-25; |
31-4102-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-19 (Sub), 1-25; |
31-4201-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-19 (Sub), 1-25; |
32-0101-0901 |
Senate Education 1-12, 1-14; |
33-0101-0901 |
House Business 1-19 (Thompson Sub); |
33-0101-0902 |
House Business 1-19 (Thompson Sub); |
33-0102-0901 |
House Business 1-19 (Thompson Sub); |
33-0103-0901 |
House Business 1-19 (Thompson Sub); |
35-0101-0901 |
Senate Local Gov & Taxation 1-13, 1-19, 1-27; |
35-0102-0901 |
Senate Local Gov & Taxation 1-13, 1-20, 1-27, 2-2; |
35-0103-0902 |
Senate Local Gov & Taxation 1-13, 1-27; |
35-0103-0903 |
Senate Local Gov & Taxation 1-13, 1-27; |
35-0105-0901 |
35-0105-0902 |
35-0109-0901 |
Senate Local Gov & Taxation 1-13, 1-20, 1-27; |
35-0112-0901 |
Senate Local Gov & Taxation 1-13, 1-20, 1-27; |
35-0201-0901 |
Senate Local Gov & Taxation 1-13, 1-19, 1-27; |
35-0201-0902 |
Senate Local Gov & Taxation 1-13, 1-19, 1-27; |
38-0301-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Luker Sub), 1-25; |
38-0404-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Luker Sub), 1-25; |
38-0404-0902 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Luker Sub), 1-25; |
39-0222-0901 |
39-0241-0901 |
39-0260-0901 |
Senate Transportation 1-19, 1-21, 2-16, 2-23 (incorrectly labeled “Docket 09-2602-0101” on this date); |
39-0312-0901 |
39-0316-0901 |
39-0317-0901 |
39-0318-0901 |
39-0322-1001 |
39-0341-0901 |
39-0405-0901 |
Senate Transportation 1-19 (incorrectly labeled “39-0341-0901” on this date); |
40-0101-0901 |
House State Affairs 1-13, 1-18 (Luker Sub), 1-25; |
41-0402-0901 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-27 |
41-0403-0901 |
Senate Health & Welfare 1-27 |
46-0101-0901 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-20 (Livestock Sub), 1-28; |
47-0101-0901 |
House Education 1-19 (Thayn Sub), 1-20, 2-3; |
48-0101-0901 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-20 (Crops Sub), 1-28; |
48-0101-0902 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-20 (Crops Sub), 1-28; |
51-0101-0901 |
House Agricultural Affairs 1-20 (Livestock Sub), 1-28; |
58-0101-0702 |
House Env/En/Tech 1-13 (Sub), 1-26; |
58-0101-0901 |
House Env/En/Tech 1-13 (Sub), 1-26; |
58-0101-0902 |
House Env/En/Tech 1-13 (Sub), 1-26; |
58-0101-0903 |
House Env/En/Tech 1-13 (Sub), 1-26; |
58-0102-0801 |
House Env/En/Tech 1-20 (Sub), 1-28; |
58-0105-0901 |
58-0116-0802 |
House Env/En/Tech 1-20 (Sub), 1-28; |
58-0120-0901 |
59-0103-0901 |
59-0105-0901 |
59-0106-0901 |
59-0106-0902 |
Agency |
Appointee |
Committee and Date |
Adjutant General |
Gary Sayler |
Aeronautics Advisory Board |
Chip Kemper |
Rodger Sorenson |
Bingo Raffle Advisory Board |
Rayelle Anderson |
Roy Decker |
Blind Commission |
Kent Ireton |
Building Authority |
Harold Davis |
John Ewing |
Charter School Commission |
Nick Hallet |
Correction Board |
Howard Van Tassel |
Education Board |
Emma Atchley |
Rod Lewis |
Education 3-22 |
Endowment Fund Investment Board |
Tom Kealy |
Susan Simmons |
Richelle Sugiyama |
Energy Resources Authority |
Charles Hedemark |
Health and Welfare Board |
Tammy Perkins |
Human Rights Commission |
Bob Bolinder |
Joe McNeal |
Andrea Wassner |
Judicial Council |
J. Philip Reberger |
Steven Tuft |
Juvenile Corrections, Director |
Sharon Harrigfeld |
Fish and Game Commission |
Tony McDermott |
Lake Pend Oreille Commission |
Marc Brinkmeyer |
Ford Elsaesser |
Resources & Environment 3-22 |
Linda Mitchell |
Liquor Division |
Dyke Nally |
Lottery Commission |
Lydia Justice-Edwards |
Northwest Power and Conservation Council |
Bill Booth |
Pardons and Parole Commission |
Anna Jane Dressen |
Mike Mathews |
Parks and Recreation Board |
Jean McDevitt |
Personnel Commission |
John Cowden |
Joy Fisher |
Sexual Offender Classification Board |
Thomas Hearn |
Gary Horton |
Soil Conservation Commission |
Richard Bronson |
Tax Appeals, Board |
Lyle Cobbs |
Tax Commission |
David Langhorst |
Transportation Board |
Jan Vasser |
1-14 Presentation: Pacific Northwest Economic Region
1-18 Presentation: Agricultural Economy
1-20 Administrative Rules Subcommittee
Rules Review: Dept of Agriculture
1-20 Crops/Plants Subcommittee
Rules Review:
Dept of Agriculture
Grape Growers and Wine Producers Commission
1-20 Livestock Rules Subcommittee
Rules Review:
Dept of Agriculture
Board of Veterinary Medicine
Beef Council
1-28 Rules Review: Subcommittee Reports
1-26 Presentations:
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Parma Experimental Station
2-4 Presentations:
Livestock Industry
USDA/FSA Programs for Farmers
Immigration Issues
2-8 Presentation: Soil Conservation Districts
Rules Review: Dept of Agriculture
2-16 Presentations:
Dairy Industry Update
National Center for Livestock and Environmental Studies
2-18 Presentation: Wheat Commission
2-22 Presentation: Beef Council
2-24 Presentations:
Range Management
Barley Commission
3-2 Presentation: Potato Commission
3-4 Presentation: International Trade Offices
3-8 Presentation: Grain Producers Association
3-10 Presentations:
Apple Commission
Cherry Commission
3-16 Presentations:
Association of Soil Conservation Districts
Mint Commission
Hemp Research Project
3-18 Presentation: Grape Growers and Wine Producers Commission
3-22 Presentations:
Alfalfa and Clover Seed Commission
Sheep Commission
Oilseed Commission
Agriculture in the Classroom
Mint Commission
3-24 Presentation: Right to Farm Act
1-19 Jarvis Subcommittee
Rules Review: Dept of Insurance
1-19 Thompson Subcommittee
Rules Review:
Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors
Real Estate Commission
Board of Accountancy
Bureau of Occupational Licensing
1-21 Palmer Subcommittee
Rules Review: Division of Building Safety
2-1 Presentation: Fraud Prevention
2-5 Presentation: Governor’s Business Summit Report
2-11 Rules Review: Subcommittee Reports
3-25 Presentation: Entrepreneur Finance Act
1-19 Rules Review: PERSI
1-21 Rules Review: Dept of Labor
1-25 Rules Review: Dept of Commerce
1-27 Rules Review: Industrial Commission
2-1 Rules Review: Industrial Commission
2-3 Presentation: F-35
Rules Review: Industrial Commission
2-9 Rules Review: Industrial Commission
3-1 Presentation: International Trade Offices
3-11 Presentation: Controller’s Office
1-13 Joint Meeting with Senate Education
Presentation:Race to the Top, Federal Grant
1-18 Gibbs Subcommittee
Rules Review:Dept of Education
1-18 Thayn Subcommittee
Rules Review:
Board of Education
Commission for Libraries
1-19 Gibbs Subcommittee
Rules Review:Endowment Fund Investment Board
1-19 Thayn Subcommittee
Rules Review:
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Dept of Education
1-20 Rules Review:Subcommittee Reports
1-25 Joint Meeting with Senate Education
Presentations:Professional Technical Education
1-26 Presentation:Lewis and Clark State College
1-27 Presentation:University Student Body Presidents
1-28 Presentations:
North Idaho College
College of Southern Idaho
“Idaho Goes”
2-1 Presentations:
Board of Education
Online Learning
2-2 Presentations:
Idaho State University
Professional-Technical Education
2-3 Rules Review:
Dept of Education
Board of Education
Commission for Libraries
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Endowment Fund Investment Board
2-4 Joint Meeting with Senate Education
FY 2011 Budget
Idaho Education Network
2-8 Presentations:
University of Idaho
Idaho Digital Learning Academy
2-9 Presentations:
Dept of Correction
College of Western Idaho
2-10 Presentations:
Center for Advanced Energy Studies
Math Initiative
Apangea Learning
2-16 Presentations:
Association for the Education of Young People
Education Budget Discussion
2-17 Presentation: Education Budget Discussion
2-19 Presentation: School Boards Association
2-22 Joint Meeting with Senate Education
Presentation: Music Educators Association
2-23 Presentation: Historical Society
2-24 Presentation: Apangea
3-1 Presentation: Virtual Academy
3-3 Presentation: Apangea
3-8 Presentation: Historical Society
3-10 Presentation: Commission for Libraries
3-15 Presentation: North Idaho Discovery Center
3-16 Presentation: Boise State University
3-17 Presentation: Science and Mathematics Teacher Imperative
3-22 Presentation: Suicide Prevention Council
1-13 Subcommittee
Rules Review: Air Quality
1-14 Presentation:P acific Northwest Economic Region, Oil Sands
1-20 Presentation: Geothermal Issues
1-20 Subcommittee
Rules Review: Water Quality
1-26 Rules Review: Air Quality
1-26 Subcommittee
Rules Review: Board of Drinking Water and Wastewater Professionals
1-28 Rules Review: Water Quality
2-18 Presentation: Energy Efficiency
2-22 Presentation: U.S. Ecology Corporation
2-24 Presentation: Electrical Transmission Lines